Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 9 Netherworld Sutra

"There is no water in the well, so we have to go up to carry water for drinking water, washing clothes, and watering the garden. The steps are high and slippery, making it extremely difficult to walk."

Mingyue pouted, her tone dissatisfied, and she peeked at Qin Sang with her little eyes.

Qin Sang noticed Mingyue's little thoughts and smiled slightly, "From now on, junior brother, you will be responsible for washing and cooking, and leave these rough jobs to senior brother."


Mingyue jumped up and clapped her hands happily, "That will have to wait until senior brother's leg injury heals."

Children are indeed easy to bribe, and Mingyue immediately became close to Qin Sang.

Qin Sang looked around, pointed to the last row of houses, and said, "Can I choose a room here?"

He has a secret that cannot be known to others, and he wants to stay away from Jixin Taoist to avoid being discovered.

"Of course," Mingyue said, "Master was just asking me to clean up all these rooms. People used to borrow houses in the mountains to live in, and then they moved away one after another. Now more and more victims are coming from the north, and Master said the weather is getting worse. Come to Yuehan, take out your house, take in some homeless people, and help them survive the cold winter. Some temples on the mountain have already started to do this. Master said that we do not demand merit, but we must do good deeds."

Qin Sang chose the house in the northeast corner. It was dusty and tangled with cobwebs.

In fact, there are three rooms connected together, separated by bamboo walls in the middle. There are old bamboo beds in both rooms. The one Qin Sang chose was the one on the far side. The setting sun just happened to shine in, and through the window, there was a faint shadow. You can see a section of the river from the mountains, and the scenery is very beautiful.

The meal consisted of green vegetables, pickles and steamed buns. After eating and drinking the herbs Mingyue helped him boil, the two of them went up to clean the room together. The bamboo bed was also replaced with new bamboo and the bedding was laid out. It was already late at night when they were busy.

There was no clock, and Qin Sang didn't know what time it was. He kept yawning when he saw the bright moon, urging him to go back and rest.

Mingyue finally had someone to talk to, and reluctantly said, "Brother, I'll boil a pot of water so you can take a bath."

Qin Sang punched Fuhu Changquan, washed up, and listened carefully for a while. Taoist Ji Xin and Mingyue had already fallen asleep. Then he carefully closed the door and window, and took out the few things on his body to check under a ray of moonlight. .

He sat cross-legged on the bed, with money bags, colorful brocade bags, parchment, wooden swords, Yama flags and books lined up.

The brocade bag and sheepskin really didn't have any reputation, so I had to put them aside for now.

Picking up the ebony sword with one hand, Qin Sang frowned. He really couldn't figure out how this small wooden sword turned into a flying sword.

Want some blood?

This idea has been lingering in Qin Sang's mind for a long time. He immediately cut a cut on his finger with a bamboo piece and a drop of blood dripped on the ebony sword.

Ignoring the pain in his fingers, Qin Sang looked at the ebony sword expectantly and saw blood dripping on it, then sliding down the glorious sword body.

Qin Sang watched helplessly as blood dropped to the ground and fainted.

Qin Sang was unwilling to give in. He touched the Yama Banner and repeated his old tricks. In the end, he even tried the brocade bag and the sheepskin, but no one had any reaction.

Qin Sang cursed secretly and picked up the book.

"The Netherworld Sutra" has three big characters at the top of the book. It has more than a dozen thin pages. Every sentence is difficult to understand, and there are many words in it that I don't recognize. Qin Sang turned to the end and found that there was an article "Yam Luo Banner" on the last two pages, and the content was also incomprehensible.

At least this book is related to Yama Banner.

The man in black used the Yama Banner to die with the boy. It must be an artifact of the Immortal Family!

Thinking that this book was most likely a scripture for cultivating immortals, Qin Sang's heart suddenly became hot, but he also realized that even if it was really a method of cultivation, he had to understand it, otherwise if he went crazy, he would die without knowing how. .

The prerequisite for reading is to recognize the characters. It seems that you really need to calm down and study the scriptures at Qingyang Temple for a while.

This Taoist temple in the mountain is very quiet, and there is food and drink. It doesn't hurt to stay. I also need to sort out my chaotic thoughts.

Although he inherited Qin Sanwa's memory, Qin Sang did not have such unforgettable feelings for Qin Sanwa's relatives, and now Qin's father and mother must have thought that he had died in the hands of bandits.

It’s okay if I don’t see you. I’ll make up for it when I have the opportunity in the future.

He didn't want to go back to Wangjia Village. Even if he didn't seek immortality, he didn't want to be trapped in that place and live a mediocre life.

If he hadn't witnessed the flying sword with his own eyes, Qin Sang would have been the same as in his previous life. All he wanted was money, sex, power and fame. He would have worked hard on the boat and would not have gotten off the boat so easily.

Bai Jianglan said that gods are hard to find, but this "Netherworld Sutra" gave Qin Sang hope. Maybe he really has a chance...

His thoughts were confused. He didn't know when he fell asleep. He had no dreams all night. The next day, Qin Sang was woken up by the sound of birds, and it was already bright.

Qin Sang got up in a hurry, packed up, and went down with a cane. As soon as he arrived at the back door of Qingyang Hall, he heard the sound of chanting sutras and the sound of wooden fish coming from inside.

I walked in cautiously and saw Taoist Ji Xin and Mingyue doing morning prayers in front of the incense table. Three people seeking medical treatment had come to the hall, as well as a layman, who was chanting sutras with Taoist Ji Xin.

Qin Sang didn't dare to disturb him, but Mingyue glanced sideways at him, winked at him, and motioned for him to go ahead.

Qin Sang understood and nodded to the man seeking medical treatment. He walked to the woodshed in the courtyard and saw a bowl of mixed porridge left for him on the stove, which was still warm.

After washing my face, I ate the porridge and my busy day began.

With Qin Sang's help, the pressure on Taoist Ji Xin, master and disciple, was suddenly reduced a lot.

Qin Sang didn't know any medical skills, so he sat behind the desk and helped record and grind the herbs.

The expert is capable of diagnosis, prescribing, drawing talismans, interpreting fortunes, fortune-telling, chanting sutras and praying for blessings. He can be described as an all-rounder.

Mingyue was very busy receiving patients and pilgrims, boiling water, getting medicine, and cooking.

Unknowingly, it was getting dark, and the last patient was sent away. The bright moon bolted the door of the Taoist temple, and the three masters and apprentices divided their labors to clean the messy hall.

"Today is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year," the old Taoist took the almanac and looked at it for a long time, then flipped through a few pages of the account book and said, "I will go down the mountain tomorrow. There are two small rituals to be done. You guys stay and look after the Taoist temple."

Saying that, Taoist Ji Xin stood up and rummaged through the medicine cabinet, "On the ninth day of the lunar month and the tenth day of the lunar month, Pindao will go to Huanghuang Mountain to collect medicine. If there are patients who come up to the mountain with minor illnesses and see them under the bright moon, if they are not sure, let them wait until the 11th day of the lunar month. Come again. Let’s go cook and have dinner after dinner.”

"Yes, Master."

Qin Sang followed Mingyue out and saw some disappointment on Mingyue's face. After asking, she found out that Jixin Taoist went to the mountains every month to collect medicine. The Huanghuang Mountain we went to this time was deep in the mountains. The mountains were steep and there were many rare herbs growing there.

In addition to treating illnesses and rescuing people, on every auspicious day of the zodiac, every household would invite Jixin Taoist priests to come down the mountain to perform rituals.

This business can make money, but it cannot compete with the monks and Taoist priests in front of it. Generally, when performing rituals, Jixin Taoist priests will go down the mountain with Mingyue to gain insights.

Qin Sang knew that Taoist Ji Xin still didn't trust him.

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