Assassin Farmer

: 155 Knights of the King

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"Would you really not take the soldiers?" Lou Yan swayed to Liang En to carry out the palace, so that he could reconfirm the palace door.

"How big do you think that the city of Luoluo? With the team to go where there are extra places to place them." Liang Enzhan rolled his eyes and jumped out of the palace waiting for his horse.

"There are not many people in the knights?" Lou Lou raised his good-looking lips and asked. He admits that he is jealous. Before the eyes of this unconscionable man, he spread the pressure of the court to him. He went to the house with a knight.

"No more can compare with your strength. Besides, is the master of the state of the country forgetting? Fanluo County and Dahui have no distinction between the superior and the subordinate. That is to say," Liang En has a hard time, extremely provocative Raise a smile that makes the building extremely unsightly. "There is only the county king of Xiaoluoluo County. Every year, I have to raise a lot of tributes into Dahui. Of course, I have to save silver."

"Less to come" Lou Xiaotian turned a blind eye and said with no anger: "The assets of Jing Wangfu are not counted. You have been robbing the silver two years, and I believe that you can buy the entire Dahui Palace."

"How can the brothers be so degraded? I am so sad. Without the support of the brothers, there would be no knights today. However, it is too much to say that they are robbery around. I have been in the private house for a year. I don’t know how much money is there."

"I have done it, don't mention the knight, I am annoyed when I mention it. Remember what you promised me, sign the Blood Covenant Peace Covenant as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will control you in the south or in the west. I will be your military book."

"Reassure, the contract has been completed, just wait for the 'Guangxi Building' to pass to you." Liang Enzhao looked up and saw that the sun was already westward, quickly turned the horse's head and waved to the building: "It's not too early, talk again Going on, I want to sleep in the evening. I have time to be a guest in the lower county."

Lou Lou stood outside the palace gate, watching one person and one horse gradually drifting away, until they could not see each other's figure, only then sighed and turned back to the palace, and slowly walked to the hall of the council.

The emperor was in critical condition, and the five-year-old emperor was successfully boarded under the joint support of him and Liang Enzhe. He was the supervising country. These news spread to the inside and outside of the palace, and even more to the inside and outside of Dahui, he knows how outsiders will comment on them, especially commenting on him.

However, only he and Enza know why, why, in the midst of the chaos of the emperor, assisting the Nine Emperors to the top. Only because of the many emperors, only the nine emperors are the only blood of his late sister. The palace rumored that his sister-in-law died because of the lack of blood after the birth of the nine emperors. However, the fact that he knows is that Li Wenxiu Xinna’s pet is alive and dead.

He didn't want to take away the world of Li's family, but he didn't want the young nephew to be crowded out by other half-brothers. Therefore, the heroes of Liang Enzhan threatened the emperor. If he disagreed with his proposal, he would step into the palace and slash the other sons of Li. The Dahui Royal Family also has to turn the sky.

Fortunately, Li Wenxiu has a lot of life, but the Queen has only two princesses. Therefore, there is no such thing as a successor to the scorpion. Thus, the five-year-old nine emperor succumbed to the emperor, and was crowned a big man with the assistance of the state.

The end of the Fengqing era has ended, and the new year is the first year.


When the sunset was overgrown with the moonlight town, one person came to the fore.

"Master, you have finally come, wait for us to suffer." A Tsing Yi man, who is about 20 years old, respectfully came forward, took the reins of Bai Junjun’s hand, took the horse, and complained to go to the Yuekui Inn. go with.

"My son, I have to explain it to you. It’s been a good time to get here before the sun sets." Liang En smirked at the corner of his mouth, and his head swept his eyes and looked at the breeze. "How? Promise and give you anger." Already?"

"He dares," the breeze shook his head and replied. "It’s no way. I don’t know who’s the black hand, and the face is brought to the knight.”

"Hey, you don't know his temper. After so many years, he will be affected by him. Go, I will treat you tonight, everyone, though."

"Hey, such a small inn, except the white cut beef is the cold dried silk. Did you care about the main son? Deliberately pick a guest here? How can I stop the emperor and ask everyone?"

"Now, no more than the original, your master, I have no money. Go back and feed the people of the county, how can you save?"

"I know that you are deceiving... The building supervisor said, the master asked the old emperor to rob tens of thousands of gold and raise a small county dish..."

Liang Enzai heard the words and was amazed at the foot. "Is this all known to you? No wonder you are not willing to disperse. You insist on following me to Fanluo County. You can find it in your conscience. I didn't expect it to be directed at the master." The gold comes? Tell you that Fanluo County is my site. There are so many masters there, you should be careful..."

"Oh... lie ghosts, everyone knows that the city of Luoluo is a place where birds don't pull, hey, it's no different from Yuekui Town? Master, don't think that the breeze hasn't crossed the river for many years, I don't know if the southern city is What a look..."

"Oh... breeze, let's make a bet. If you go to Fanluo County, you still think so, count the master and I lose."

"No problem, gambling?"

"Bet your family's promise."

"The Promise can't bet."

"Bet the Promise to give me a life."

"This... no problem. If you win, don't let the promise go on."

"That's good." He didn't intend to continue to let the subordinates in the knights sell his life. Next, we must vigorously reform the Fanluo County. He wants them to sell labor instead of...

And a poor man, between the words and the words, was betrayed by the man he shared with the bed and his unscrupulous master.


"The big houses are all packed up. I heard that the big brother will arrive in the city with twenty people. The mother will be slower, saying that she has not visited Dahui before. Now she has a leisure time. The other famous cities in Dahui are willing to give up. Maybe you have to go to Mid-Autumn Festival at home. But this Mid-Autumn Festival can be lively.” Su Shuiyan raised the news he just received, and smiled softly at Lin Shi.

"Yeah. Yeah. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, we didn't have much time to accompany them." Lin Siyu washed her hands, took her into her arms, and smelled the fragrant smell of her hair.

"Yeah. It should be slower this year. How do I feel that I have lived so fast in the past few years? After a project is completed, a few months have passed." Su Shuiyan relied on his strength all over him. On the body, squint and enjoy the rare leisure time in the afternoon.

A while ago, it wasn’t that he was busy looking around for the place where Feng Yaoge was located. It was the day when she saw the silk weaving workshop on Xiufeng every day. It was really hard to meet both of them during the day.

"Not necessarily." Lin Siyu leaned her head on her shoulder, and held her behind, leaning against the soft chair. "Your brother intends to open all the wasteland on both sides of the official road. This project is not small." ”

"Yeah, I forgot this. I also intend to move the pickle workshop to the official road. I will build more of it, not only the pickles, the sauce, but also the various sauces. It is called 'Huanyuan' Sauce Workshop. As for the silk weaving workshop, once the mass production is completed, the workshop under Xiufeng is not big enough, let alone a large number of spinning workers, it is convenient to be on the official side..." She licked her fingers and counted the things that were going to be busy. After a while, I found that it still took a few years to fully settle down.

Lin Si couldn't help but smile. She looked at his moment and looked at his moment. She stole a scent on her cheek. "Don't push yourself too tight."

"It’s the big brother’s decree is too tight, as if we are all idle.” Su Shuiyan couldn’t help but grin, but Lin Shi smacked her cherry red lips. “Don’t be too tired, I will Distressed."

"You too. This time, I went out early and went out late, and I was thin." She picked up his dark, angular face and whispered distressedly.

"Nothing." He tightened her and picked her up and went to the bedroom.

These tiredness are nothing to him. It’s a lot easier than the dark days before leaving the killer.

"Is the new location of Fengyao Pavilion selected?". It is not easy to find a ready-made venue that can accommodate hundreds of people. The biggest city in the town of Fanlu is the city's main government, the second largest is the former richest Lujia. It won't be...

"Look for it. Just wait for the company to come over."

"where is it?"

"Take you a day to see." He avoided answering. After putting her on the big bed, she rolled over and pressed her: "I don't want to take a nap and do something else..."

Hey, who said she didn't want to take a nap. It wasn't just asking him a few questions before he took a nap. He was taken to his stomach. On this day's noon, the two of them hugged almost to the evening.

The next day, under her reminder, she went to the city to welcome the county's Wang Liang En, while letting him go to the new site of the Fengyao Pavilion.

Sure enough, she did not expect that the garden of Lujia was bought by Lin Sizhen. As for where Lu Jia moved, it is not known. I only know that Huakang has lost all the shops of Lujia’s subordinates and left the complex. Luo County.

Those shops are all broken shops waiting to close their doors. Together with the house, they only sold a total of three hundred and two silver.

Since then, Lujia, the richest man in the famous Wangcheng Luocheng, has exhausted the generation of Huakang.

The original value of the industry that has not been eaten and worn for a few years is only worth three hundred and two.

唉Su Shuiyu leaned on the door of the house and could not help but sigh.

"Go, your eldest brother has arrived." Lin Siyu came out from inside, pulled up Sushui and went to the city government.

Wang Liang, a county with twenty-eight knights, dressed in white, riding on the high head, immediately, in the cheers of the city people, slowly arrived at the territory where he will use life management, protection and development. —Luo Luo County.

"I am your county king. I will spend a lifetime with you here in the future. Without eight years of restrictions, there is no imperial constraint. As long as it is beneficial to Fanluo County, you can lead you to create..."

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