Assassin Farmer

: 156 have a lover to become a genus

Charge section (12 points)

156 has a **** final success (on)

If the 22-year-old Fanghua is in the 21st century, she believes that she is still a strong rose with a branch, but in this woman's one-sixteen-seventh, it means that the marriage is about to go downhill, and it is not necessary. Others reminded that she also knew that she had passed the overnight chrysanthemum flower, and the dying leaves were ruined.

Fortunately, the career she chose made her think so much. Doctors, whether it is in a backward civilization or a great career in the advanced future, it is enough for her to be busy and faint, and there is no time to hurt the spring and fall.


Su Shui took down the carriage and looked up at the flat amount engraved with the book "Qing Yang Medical Museum". The lips were light.

"Let's go, Xinzhi, I hope that the net is not very busy."

It’s a shock to see that the doctor’s body is awkward. I like it. It’s been almost two years since I went to the medical center. I didn’t have time to go back to see my wife. Just thinking about whether the Mid-Autumn Festival will go back, the lady will appear in front of her eyes.

"Long time no see, Qing Qing, still used to the work of the medical hall?". Su Shuiqi smiled and touched the head of the little girl.

"Habit, although busy, but very fulfilling. Just... just Qingqing can't see his wife and Liang Shu." Qing Qing said with a red eye. She was the shackle of Liang He’s returning to the “Guan Garden” from the street three years ago. A poor man who was planted and blamed for being abandoned by the house and left homeless. Fortunately, he met Liang Shu, fortunately. The wife was compassionate, left her, and arranged for her to work in the hospital.

"A fool, if you are tired, you will sue a fake to the curator. If you go back to 'Heyuan', we won't be fine." Su Shui-yu knows that she remembered the past and gently stroked her head. "Qing Qing, you Can you know that Lujia is gone?" A month ago, Lujia sold all the shop houses to the aunts. Nowadays, the house has been repainted and refurbished, and it has become the base camp of Fengyao Pavilion.

"I heard that. It’s really a big man who has bad feelings and bad news. When the time has not arrived, this sentence is not wrong at all." Qing Qing nodded heavily and said with indignation.

Su Shuiqi shook his head in a smile, and Xiaotoutou was the victim of Lujia. She had no right to set a sharp comment on Xiaotoutou. "Is it very busy?" She doesn't want to run away.

"Today is okay. There are two maternity women who need to check the fetal position. If the lady is in a hurry, Qing Qing will talk to them."

"No, I am not in a hurry, wait for them to check and then find her." It is not a matter of words and words, so that patients are not always good. Moreover, she still needs to practice in the bottom of my heart.


"The next one." Yang Jingzhi twisted his eyebrows and tried to ease the acidity between the eyebrows.

"It's me." Su Shuiqi smiled and pushed the door in, slowly walked to the wooden chair in front of Yang Jing's body and sat down.

Yang Jingzhi's eyebrows stared at her. "Where are you uncomfortable?" Wouldn't it be that Lin Shizhen's ligation failed? Su Shuiyu is pregnant again?

"Where do you want to go." Su Shuiqi smiled and gave her a look. "I can't come to you without being uncomfortable?"

"I really can't figure it out." Yang Jingzhi saw her without any discomfort, relieved her breath, grinned, and sorted out her medical records today.

"When are you still trying to escape?" Su Shuiqi sighed and asked helplessly.

"Where I have escaped." Yang Jingzhi's dead duck mouth is hard.

"After returning from him, you will not see him. As long as there is an occasion where he appears, you are deliberately busy not having time to participate... Why is this?"

Such close observations naturally did not miss the flaws on the net face. Su Shuiyan could not help but shake his head. Obviously care about each other, why are you so pressing yourself?

Yang Jingzhi knows the "he" in her mouth and who she is referring to. She admitted that she was indeed escaping. He didn’t say a few months ago, she slammed her down to the emperor. I was so angry that I had never forgotten about him for a few months, and I was worried about his safety all the time. But he is good, and once again appeared in the city of Fanluo, oh no, since then he is the county king of Fanluo County, to lead the young and handsome county king of the county to reform a lot, and what is it? However, he was the object of loneliness when he was free.

"Net, you know that I am in this world, except for aunts, I am closest to you. If you have anything to say to me, if... If you really have no feelings for him, don't want to have anything to do with him. In a word, I went back to him and let him die." Su Shui said, looking at her firmly, as long as she admits that she does not have feelings for the guy, she does not want to have him again. Anything, the otter will really go to him to tell him truthfully. But why, she died in pain, did not want to admit, and did not want to let go.

"Oh..." Seeing the net buried his face between his hands, the painful look, Su Shui-yu knows that her heart is not as decisive as it is on the surface.

"So, I spontaneously think that you really care about him, then why should you refuse him?" Su Shuiqi gently stroked the head of the net, seemingly complaining to himself: "In fact, I have long been I want to talk to you about the old story, and the three little boys brewed cherry wine can already go out of the altar. But you don't know how busy I am during this time, not only to take care of the silk weaving workshop, but also to decorate the new house for the big brother, he is good, I spent the whole day in the county palace, and discussed with his cadre of the new district planning of Fanluo County. I gave it to me for the decoration of the Luoshui Courtyard. It took me a month to get it. Jiji held a wedding banquet, but the two parties were good, don’t care, I really owe it to someone..."

“What a happy house? What a wedding party?” Yang Jingzhi caught these words and interrupted Su Shui’s complaints.

"Hey? You don't know? Big Brother said that he is going to get married soon, let me clean up his house as soon as possible, and the main house is asking for a new decoration. I thought you knew, I thought you were not happy that he didn't sincerely show you Asked to marry, only to be awkward and refuse to see him." Su Shuiqi looked at her in surprise.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me." Yang Jingzhi's white cheeks showed her inner shock. He wants to get married, the bride is not himself. Ha... It’s so funny, what kind of self-punishment is this exile?

"Yeah, it will be the big brother, he wants to give you a surprise, so I haven't told you yet?" Su Shuiyan lowered his head and thought about it. "I am going to find a big brother to ask, rest assured, I must let him give you an explanation." After that, she stepped out of the clinic in three steps and in two steps.

Leave a pale face of Yang Jingzhi. Account for? no need. To give a surprise, it is time to find yourself in the time of his trip to Fanluo County. It’s impossible to go through a full month, and you need to know through the caliber of others. Liang En Zai, count you 狠

"Madam? Go back so soon? Is the lunch not used in the medical center? The curator did not make an appointment for the patient." Qing Qing saw Su Shuiqi bowed his head and walked out of the clinic. Called in a hurry.

Su Shuitou did not raise his hand and waved his hand to Qingqing, indicating that she had left, stepped out of the hospital hall, and stepped on the waiting carriage, only to look up and laugh.

"Hahaha, God doesn't know how to lie to people with no expression. It's so painful, I can't help myself. Xinzhi, first go back to the county palace, telling the big brother, his cooperation is successfully completed."


It is only six days from the Mid-Autumn Festival. It will soon be full of fat and lack of moon, and slowly rise to the sky.

The night is deep, but she has no sleepiness.

Sitting around the knees in front of the bedroom, staring at the moon in a daze. In the daytime, I can forget the silhouette of my heart by busy, but when I enter the night, I become crazy and fall in love with her, so she can't catch it.

Damn he has to get married, and he still wants him to do what he wants. Let him know that without him, he still has a good life.

Through the faint moonlight, she looks down at her palm, and she is never superstitious, and she is also focused on finding out which is the marriage line. Half a sigh, a low sigh from her heart to the lips, she found that she had been sitting here in the middle of the night.

Thinking of a few months ago, he would break into her mortuary and wait for her to spend the night. Sometimes she is entangled in her request, sometimes just holding her to sleep quietly.

She did not care about her own female body, who was broken by him two years ago. From the 21st century, she will not be more timid than Jiang Yingyun. Then, she is now stunned, hurting the spring and sadness, not resting in the middle of the night, what is sad here?

Once again, I sighed and sighed and got up and walked back to the room. The hand holding the doorknob paused and finally understood the pain of the heart. It was the woman who was about to be greeted by him.嫉妒 She can have that thick and healthy chest for a lifetime...

The candle swaying at the table was blown out, and the moonlight sprinkled through the window groped and came to the bed. Just kicked off the shoes, took off his robe, and was embraced by a familiar and warm chest.

She was stiff and wanted to break free.

"Don't move, let me hug you." Liang Enza took a deep breath and locked her whole person into her arms.

"Let me go" What is he? Obviously, I am getting married, and I have to touch my bed. He is struggling when he is what Yang Jingzhi hates.

"I am sorry..." His low voice was in her ear. "I don't know if I will tell you this, it will make you so sad. I thought..."

"Why? I am not sad at all. You are not me, you are not married, have nothing to do with me." She tried to hold back the dampness in her eyes, for fear of being careless, and the hardened atrium was taken by him. break in.

"How can it be irrelevant, I want to get married, but you can't escape the relationship." He hugged her to smash the pushed arm, pressed her kicking feet under x, and rubbed her red lips. Send the last few words into her lips. "I want to marry you, cherish. No one, only you."

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