Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 31 - No Rest For The Wicked II

They walked through the city, realising how big it actually was, some demon told them a direction for a weapon shop which turned out to be a desolate alleyway, no way they were going to step in there.

They kept walking for about five hours, looking at shops of all kinds, mostly entertainment… entertainment for demons, this seemed to be some kind of district that wasn't as 'sweet' as the one they had been before.

The atrocities happening inside they didn't want to even imagine.

Eventually, they didn't reach a weapon shop but instead an exchange shop.

"Should we change some more money?" Fayette stared at the shop, maybe the weapons would be more expensive than what they had in their pockets? Or bathrobes…

"We don't need to, but I want to test something."

They entered the shop.

Inside there was a Demon waiting at the counter and there were all kinds of artefacts that looked magical and exotic.

Vera and Fayette stared at all of them with curiousness, there were exotic stones and diamonds.

"What can I do for you, Honourable Ant~?"

The Demon on the other side of the counter a green-skinned demon with two big horns, flashed a smile, just from his looks alone, Valentine could tell he's a Demon Soldier.

Ignoring the demon's comment he took out a beast core.

"I want to exchange this stone." He said nonchalantly, taking out the stone he got from a massive wolf in that forest.

The demon took it and inspected it with interest, "Hmmm… Onyx Grade Beast Soul… Not very valuable… how much do you want for it?~"

'So you won't tell me a price straight away, bastard... everyone in this place is fucking sick...' they can learn so much from someone, just by knowing the price estimations they give to anything...

If you give a price too low or too big, that can determine your experience and knowledge.

Thankfully, he had some experience.

The Demon spoke with wickedness and Valentine couldn't help but roll his eyes, 'Is there any demon in this world that's not a crook?'

They wouldn't be demons…

He received 50.000 from Lucretia, so…

"How about 70.000 Amethyst Coins?" He began his experiment.

He wanted to see how much this demon would try to rip him off for something he already knew the price of.

"So cheap? Thanks for the bargain ant, deal~" The Blue Skinned smiled like he just stole the candy from a little kid, presented a pouch of coins and took the stone, no return!





Is anything she said even real!?

Clearly, she doesn't lack money, what's the need to scam some poor bastards!?

For several minutes, Valentine could do nothing but look like a stupid idiot, the girls ignored this and proved several collars and diamonds on themselves happily.

"Can I do anything else for you?" The green-skinned demon wished he could get many more of those stones at such a price while analysing the person in front of him deeper.

As he had been requested to.


Within the centre of Mahogany Devilish City, there was a gigantic castle.

The castle where the lord of this city lived, a place where not even demons could casually enter.

Unlike most mansions of this world's royal demons, this one was rather lacklustre.

No burning humans wailing their lungs out, no torture devices that resembled the inquisition, filled with blood and victims, no females tied to tables like pigs ready to be slaughtered... no suffering.

This was just a simple office filled with gold and a gigantic frame of a beautiful painted woman sitting right in front of the golden desk, on top of the chimney.


The golden door opened and in came a purple-skinned demon, a 'demon soldier'.

He regarded the rather handsome demon in front of him, a dark-skinned demon with regal clothes and two long horns, he wrote something on a paper with red ink, lifting his hand, he nimbly indicated the demon to speak what he needed or wanted.

"Marques Warcroft, we have news... it seems like a protector has arrived in the city." The demon shivered slightly at the mention of a 'protector'.


"..." Marques Warcroft stopped his movements.

"Are you sure of this?"

"... No, my marques... actually, they behave like protectors but we haven't seen their badges... or their skills... but they shine like the sun amidst their streets and it seems as if they don't hold the city without any regard."

"Do you recognise them from the list?" the demon moved his gaze to the newcomer, his eyes were deep red and slit.

"No, they're not protectors from this circle... but it's confusing, our human agents report that they can understand their words, which means... that they're from this circle..." The man continued his report, every word he said left the man in even more bewilderemnt.

"So you're saying... that you interrupted me because of some presumptive protectors that you haven't yet confirmed? is that it?" His words sounded calm, but his demeanour... it was as if he was about to explode!




"Get lost before I kill you! BASTARD!"


That's a wall the demon needed to close the door with a headstart, lest his head explodes there and then.


The demon sighed and released his pen, angry that his special daily 'session' had been interrupted.

"... Sandmortelle."


"My Marques..." A green-skinned demon appeared in what resembled a hologram but made of green flames, his two horns shone in green light as he regarded the person to the front.

The demon marques he had been serving for millenniums, even dozens of thousands of years.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know... I haven't seen them... it seems they're not far away from my shop."

"Do you think they're protectors belonging to Sinclair?"

"They would be registered... Tasha and Sanson aren't in this city if I recall correctly, if they were, we would have known...

"Any other Marques?"

"They're not registered my Marques..."

"How can they so casually stroll around my city as if this is some kind of place for holiday!?" Marques Warcroft yelled and refrained himself from smashing this table into dust, not this table...

"But.. It's a place for holiday..." The demon answered nonchalantly.


"..." He didn't know what to say anymore.

"I want you to investigate them... there are only two possibilities, they either come from the 'test' or they're undercover protectors... protectors that aren't yet in my list."

"... It's impossible, there hasn't been anyone from the test for a hundred thousand years... and back then, the city was extremely less 'safe' than now, the reaper wouldn't send anyone here."

"... I know, which means that they're more than likely undercover protectors, until their skills are verified, we can't make assumptions. Investigate them and report to me. If they're from the pro-violence faction or related to Sinclair or any of his bunch... I want you to not leave a trace, understood?" He ordered with unprecedented wickedness, he wouldn't tolerate a single uncontrollable factor.

"Understood." The green-skinned demon disappeared amidst a cluster of green flames, leaving a marques that sighed with exasperation.

He forgot about all these matters, took his paper, took his ink and continued to write, his 'special' session.


The Green skinned demon regarded the thinking Valentine with deep eyes while he gave the two ladies to the side a sidelong gaze as they tested the jewellery.

'They're weird... this boy... he doesn't know the value of those cores, but those girls, their attitudes are indeed those of protectors... should I test them right here?'

Meanwhile, Valentine almost scratched his chin into oblivion.

What else could he do here? His purpose of coming here was to experiment with the difference in rates of exchange between every shop, but everything just went to waste thanks to Lucretia…

"Are you an information broker?" This would also be of interest to him.

"Oh… I'm afraid my services in that regard are not available to humans~" The Demon giggled like a maniac as if he already knew the predicament he's in!

Valentine stared briefly at his two companions and leaned on the counter, approaching the devil in front of him who raised his eyebrows.

"And… Is there any way to make an exception?"

"…" The Demon stared at Valentine's silver eyes with his slitted purple shining ones and huffed some smoke out of his nostrils.

Sandmortelle immediately produced the most wicked of gazes as if he's about to catch a bear in his trap.

"Let's see… You came out from the main trial ground with flying colours… Your soul is naturally quite precious, many of this city's warlords already placed their eyes on the three of you~"

"I don't know what test you're talking about… I had mine long ago." Valentine clenched his hand… Hard, but his face was expressionless.

He feared this if Lucretia knew of them from the very beginning… Who else knew? Thankfully, he could assume she's the only one that is aware of his and his Fayette's soul stage.

If he gives the expression of inexperience that's going to immediately give others the conclusion that they're new here, and hence... their souls are valuable.

That can't be allowed to happen, so he could only carry on this lie as much as possible, if it fell on top of his shoulders eventually, so be it, he only hopes by then they will be away from this city.

The situation was turning frightening by the second, living in a city with 'no-violence' didn't seem like much of an assurance anymore and only he seemed to be the only one aware of the implications on the big scale.

He gave Fayette and Vera a furtive glance, they seemed happy… But Fayette's eyes touched his several times.

She knows…

"You don't know, huh? Fair enough, then… Tell me your name first and we will start from there~" The Demon took out something that looked like a cube, and placed his hand above it.

A pink smoke permeated from the cube and covered the demon's hand if it could be called that, it was more than a claw…

"Give me your palm…"

"What is this?" He furrowed his brows.

"Is there something wrong, Vale?" Fayette but her lips and asked, moving her gaze away from a collar.

"Nothing… everything's alright." He lied.

"You have never used it or seen it? It's a lie detector… I'd not be a renowned information broker if I were to hear lies from my sources~" The demon placed his arm above Valentine's palm and his tattoo shone with a pink light.

Valentine could only hope this demon is at least honest in this aspect.

"What is your name?~" The Demon's eyes shone with a smile!

"Magnus-! AHHHH!!!!"


Valentine felt like a million volts of current gritted through his whole body!


The two girls felt like their hearts stopped right at that moment!

The two ran who Valentine who twisted in the ground in infinite pain!

"STOP! STOP IT!" Fayette's eyes were bloodshot!

She draw out her knife and pointed it at the demon!

The bastard simply smirked. "Lower your weapon girl, violence is prohibited here…"


Valentine was suffering so much he didn't even utter a groan, his eyes had gone white and saliva scurried out of his mouth.

Vera cried and held him in her arms until finally, he stopped shaking!

"Me? You should be blaming him for being a liar~ We're doing a rightful exchange." The Demon hunched back on an antique seat and shrugged his shoulders.

"S-Stop Faye…" Valentine stuttered, never in his life had he felt so much pain… It felt like his soul got attacked directly, but his body.

"Valentine, let's leave!" She didn't want to remain here!

"I'm afraid your boyfriend here has to stay until I finish with him~"



Fayette stared at Valentine's eyes, he was glaring at her!

She bit her lips and retreated pulling the exasperated Vera with her.

"Faye! W-We have to-!" Vera tried to intercede in this madness but all she received was Fayette's shaking head.

"H-How long…?" That's the only thing could only ask.

"Ten minutes, this is an invaluable item you know? This is how it's going to be… You're going to answer me everything you want to know for the next ten minutes and in exchange, I'll answer your questions for ten minutes… What say you?~ Don't tell me I'm not being fair."

"… You will answer the truth?"

"Yes, I would always lie. But as a demon, I'll never go back on a deal… For the next ten minutes, you will answer my questions, and afterwards, for the next ten minutes, I'll answer yours truthfully~"

"You won't use one of these, huh?" Valentine pointed at the cube.

"No need… My reputation precedes me unlike you a nasty and dirty human like you." He answered as if it's the most natural thing in the world.

As if demons are the noblest of beings... the joke.

"Let's not waste time, tell me your name."

"Valentine Wagner."

Nothing happened.

"Good, theirs?"

"Fayette Blanchet and Vera Sidorov."

"What are they to you?"

"… My partners." He grits his teeth.

If they know this, it will become a public weakness.

The demon smirked.

"Individually, what are they to you?~"



"Fayette is my lover, Vera is my... friend." He sighed and Vera could only bite her lips and give him a reassuring expression, if he didn't experience pain, it's because that's truly what he feels.

"Oh… Friendzone? Sad~" he smirked at Vera who for some reason felt like slapping the shit out of the demon!

"Now… What's your soul rank!?" They came to the core of the issue and the demon didn't shy away!

The two women glared at him and gave Valentine a concerned glance, telling someone else is…

Valentine, however, smirked before gulping audibly…

"Carbo-! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"


The demon growled loudly and his eyes shone more!

"Foolish human, you won't learn… What's your soul rank!?"

"…" Valentine kept shocking, now in Fayette's arms!

The latter could only bite her lips and do nothing… because she already knows what he intends to do.

"ANSWER!" The Demon's voice became more terrifying and he even spread his long wings!

'I can… do it.' Valentine grit his teeth the pain corrupting his mind.


Vera's tears ran inconsolably!


"…" But the French beauty only caressed her dearest's hair.

The Demon's eyes shone in anger, "So that's the game you want to play!? FINE! WHAT IS YOUR SOUL RANK!?" His body jumped the counter and arrived in front of them!

"C-CARBO-! UGHHHHH!!!" The demon pushed Fayette aside, she could do nothing if she drew her knife and attacked this demon, they'd die at the very least, be tortured and humiliated for the worse.

Her waist itches… Horribly!

The demon took the shaking Valentine by the collar, Fayette had to stop Vera from lounging!

When the demon pulled Valentine's face, the latter was smirking!



"AHHHHH!!!!" This time Valentine didn't even have the time to answer, that 'charm' detected his intent and it triggered twice as strong!


Even as he shook with unprecedented pain, inwardly, he was smirking as a white flame shone within his eyes.

Dis but a scratch.

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