Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 32 - Demons Abound At Every Corner

The ten minutes were gone and Valentine lay on the ground, breathing heavily and struggling to keep his consciousness.

Fayette caressed his cheeks with love, her heterochromatic eyes stared at his hazy ones with concern, anger but also sadness.

Vera also knelt before him and caressed his chest, her tears had never stopped, she didn't even understand why was this happening, and that frustrated her the most.


The demon had tried the last card at his disposal, to make Valentine fall unconscious due to the pain, he had failed.

In order to win his game, that had been his 'bet' if Valentine fell unconscious, that means that for the next ten minutes, he wouldn't ask any questions.

But valentine knew this, and he used everything at his disposal to remain awake.

And the clock is running.

Valentine breathed heavily, totally incapable of uttering a word, his hand struggled to move caressed his beloved's cheeks, his lips moved but he didn't utter a word.

Fayette understood.

Her gaze stared at the demon in front of her with fierceness, 'I won't ever forget your face... and when I'm strong enough, I WILL KILL YOU!'

She had to restrain herself.

"I will ask you the questions on his behalf, I'm his wife and he accepts this." Her voice was as cold as a frosty hell.

"Fair enough... You're truly a fool, doing all this for nothing, do you realise that by doing this, you're simply confirming my suspicions? Utter idiocy, who'd go this far as to conceal a bronze stage soul?~" The demon's anger seemed to be gone like a dream, instead, an ecstasy marred his eyes when he looked at Valentine.


The trio twitched slightly but it was so fast that not even the demon could notice.

'He thinks Valentine is a bronze soul?!' Not even a silver one, bronze!?

How rare exactly are silver and golden souls?!

She shook her head repeatedly, "I want to ask first, what is your name?"

"My name is Lord Sandmortelle..." He answered simply.

"What rank of demon are you?" She followed.

"I am one of Mahony Devilish's Demon Magistrates~" He smirked with pride as if with utter authenticity.


Valentine's eyes shook as he recomposed, a Demon Magistrate!

He didn't expect to meet one so quickly, he thought that this demon is a Demon Soldier.

"Who is Lord Bellcroft? What kind of weapons does he use? Any weakness?" The most important thing for her was anything that would give Valentine an advantage.

"He's a mere city guard... the title 'Lord' was given to him by the weaklings, he's no lord... He uses double axes as his weapon, as for a weakness... I'd say his speed... He's very slow." The demon considered for a few seconds before answering.

'Are you telling me that fist was slow!?' Fayette restrained herself from shouting in outrage.

"What's the best way to reach the nearest city, and also, what kind of city is it, is it a no-violence one?"

The demon chuckled in ridicule for some reason, "The next city is Burning Wrath City, as for what kind of city... Violence is totally allowed in there, in fact, you can get paid for killing others in there, let's say the city lord is a little skewered~ As for how to reach... for you humans, the best way would be to go through the Blood Maiden Forest, your chances of survival are low whichever method you use anyway..."

"Why is this?"

"Because you're humans, and because I will get men to hunt you the moment you leave this place~ And I won't be the only one." His wicked laughter resonated through the room!


"What, do you expect me to just let a bronze soul go? If the three of you are bronzes or even one is bronze and the other two onyx, that's enough for me to risk fighting the other magistrates... moreover, I have the advantage, only I know what your soul rank is."

Vera bit her lips at this, is this truly how they seek someone with a bronze soul? Why is it so special anyway!? She doesn't feel any special, she's not even that strong!

Fayette ignored the demon's blatant threat, there should be less than two minutes.

"How many entrances are there in this city? How does the law work exactly? can a guard be interpellated for misbehaviour?" She tried to look for a way out of this, clearly that Bellcroft was a corrupt crook, they hadn't done anything wrong, he's using his authority as if he's the owner of the place!

"This city has dozens of entrances... The Law? There is no law in this city girl, there is a rule... No public killing, if you're seen fighting demons or humans by any demon with charge, you will be 'collected' and your freedom will be stripped. As for the guards, they gain that spot with merits and strength, they can do whatever they want as long as they do their job which is: erasing those that they 'think' broke the rules, even if demons could be set to judgement, trust me, it won't be because he took advantage of a pitiful human like you."

By now he's convinced, they're not 'protectors'... but they have the material to be protectors, a bronze soul at the very least, that man... Valentine Wagner, it might sound paradoxical to say it from his perspective, but he's a monster...

And this woman showed a visage and determination that didn't put her as anything less, only the other girl seemed to be kind of the weaker link of the team.


"Where is the best place to get weapons!?" That's the last question she had.

"I can sell you excellent weapons, but after what you've done? I'd give you a fart even if you threw all your wealth at me." He huffed in disdain and retreated the cube.

"Time is out... Get out of my shop before I turn the three of you to ashes... I'd sleep with a knife in my hand at all times if I were you" Sandmortelle waved them 'goodbye' with courtesy, but his eyes contained nothing but killing intent!

The two girls technically pulled Valentine out of the shop as the latter was still struggling to stand even when his body wasn't injured.

"What should we do now? can we even stay in this city?" Fayette asked, it's apparent she's upset due to his ways of handling the situation.

"I feel like I'm being constantly stared at…" Vera looked to the sides but she couldn't see anyone paying much heed to them as to feel this kind of intrusion.

"We go and get equipment… This city is the safest place we can stay at, when the moment is right we will escape without anyone noticing, we just need to research it well enough for me to formulate a plan." Valentine asserted and the women nodded in affirmation.

Silence reigned in them as they walked, they finally reached a place that resembled a weapon shop, it was the place that had the most humans in it.

When they entered they naturally called for attention.

Several humans were talking to the demon shop owner.

What surprised them the most, however, was that they couldn't understand this human?!

They couldn't understand the language that he was speaking.

'Is that some kind of demonic language?'

But it didn't make sense, they can understand the demon but not the human…

Deciding to disregard this detail, they waited and looked at the weapons nearby.

"What kind of weapon do you want Faye?" Valentine inquired only to receive a glare from his lover who was still upset.

"I see that they don't have handguns in here, that's truly the weapon I'm best at. I want a crossbow and a pair of knives."

After a whole year of using two knives, she became very proficient in it.

He nodded and stared at Vera.

"Two knives, that's truly the only weapon I know how to use." She too had never used a weapon before dying, being taught with them, she didn't daydream about using a rapier or any other kind of sword.

"Very well, I'm going to get two long swords."


"We need someone medium range. You can do long-range and Vera can protect close quarters, we need someone that can cover from far away and you have the best accuracy out of the three, I'd preferably use the spear but I don't have any proficiency in it." He declared with a sigh.

It was finally their turn at some point, they talked to none, no one could be trusted in this world.

"What do you need?" The Demon answered with the same kind of hostility he had done towards all of the other customers be it demons or humans, he was dark orange-skinned and a lot shorter than the other demons of his rank.

"I want to see your knives… also, I want to test the quality of these knives compared to what you have." He took out his two knives that were from the wolves in the forest.

This is the only way he can verify the quality of what he's buying.

"Do you intend to test the quality of my product against this?" The demon smith took one of his knives and nodded in approval.

"You've killed hundreds with this, huh… very well I'll allow you to test it, but it will be 50% more expensive for each product you buy, deal? You're doubting my craft after all." The demon spoke seriously as if totally confident.

"30% and I accept." He only sighed at the crook before him, but it was worth paying more if it meant that they could assure the quality of the weapons.

"Deal, this knife is crafted with the nail of a bronze core harpy in the west dark lands, it is one of my average products… It will cost you 30.000 amethyst coins each." He took out a knife that seemed better crafted than the trashy bony knife that he had.

He took it and felt it up, then passed it to Fayette who also tested it and nodded.

He took his knife and they prepared to clash them against each other.

The place seemed to stop as all the humans and demons paid attention to them.

They lounged at each other and their knives clashed, leaving sparks.

The impending noise of the clash was never heard, the two skillfully slashed in a way that no one would get hurt and it was as they initially expected.

The 'Harpy Nail' went through the 'Wolf Claw' like tofu.

"What do you think, Faye?" He inquired her assessment as her craft with weapons seems to be a lot greater than his, it's as if she has a database in her head for weapons, weight and their effect on the body.

"It's way heavier than the other but way more lethal, I wouldn't recommend it for you, but for me they're excellent." She nodded in appreciation and passed it to Vera.

Vera tested its weight and is used to the 'Wolf Claw' she felt uncomfortable with it.

Valentine noticed this.

"Do you have anything that's lighter? Anything that doesn't sacrifice sharpness with weight?" He placed the knife back on the counter and asked.

"I can show you something, but it will be more expensive, more than you can afford." The demon smith walked back to his storage, saving for himself the comment about their skills.

'They're skilled and their looks… perhaps they're protectors, I have never heard of them.'

Shortly after he came back with a dagger that had a long size and a very frightening appearance, it was like the head of a silver hawk with red eyes and the blade was black with red runes.

The trio couldn't help but be amazed at this dagger's design. But Valentine saw it and it didn't look light at all.

"This dagger, we found it in the treachery circle several millenniums ago, we don't know who it belonged to… test it, as for the cost… we will see after you test it." He smirked and said.

Valentine wanted to give it to Vera straight away, but something wasn't right with the demon's look, so he took it himself.

The knife was beautiful and big, almost looking like a short sword and so light that it seemed surreal comparing it to the size.

He felt nothing wrong with it but still had doubts.

"Here, test it." He gave it to Vera as he saw everything was okay with it.

Vera took it and her eyes opened widely, it was so light!

It's even lighter than the Wolf Claw she used before.

She swung it back and forth.

"I'll pay you the thirty thousand for this knife straight away." Valentine said and paid the Demon for the 'Harpy Nail'.

"Faye, test it against this." He gave Fayette the 'Harpy Nail' and she nodded, understanding his intent.

"Oh… clever boy, but it's a waste of money… I should have sold it more expensive to you." The man sighed.

The clash was done more restrained this time as Vera isn't that skilled yet.

Her knife cut through the 'Harpy Nail' like tofu instead!

That's just ridiculous, how can that eagle knife cut through the 'Harpy Nail' when the latter is at least five times heavier?

"It's very nice!" Vera exclaimed in excitement eager to test it against some monsters against all odds.

"How much is it?" It must be very expensive if such a good product hadn't been taken until now.

The demon smith stared at him deeply, his gaze switching between the dagger and the girl who held it happily as if it was a toy.

"It will be 150.000 amethyst coins." He said casually and Valentine furrowed his brows.

He gave Fayette a brief stare and she shrugged her shoulders nodding afterwards.

"Wait, Valentine isn't it a little too expensive?" Vera who heard the price felt a little apprehension, that's more than half of what they already possess!

"Don't worry, we will take it." He acknowledged, trying to reassure Vera and gave the happy demon his coins.

"No returns accepted boy~" He smirked.

"Vera… I want you to use only your knife, use this only when I tell you." He whispered to Vera who nodded in dejection, she wanted to use it straight away.

"Faye, I will go and exchange more money, we will easily spend most of it here. Ask him for everything we need." He took the bag with stones and knives and Fayette nodded in approval, she's aware of everything they need, like armour, bags for carrying stuff, clothes etc... etc...

Wives are detailed like that.... and Fayette is no exception.

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