Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 33 - Life Or Death

It took him half an hour to find somewhere else to exchange the beast cores, he managed to exchange of them ten in a range between 70.000 and 90.000.

He also sold all the carbon human souls he had as they were practically useless.

In the end he hauled more than a million two hundred coins, he wasn't given coins however, he was given a card with a number... quite practical.

Leaving himself only with eight more cores that they planted not to spend until they somehow reached another safe place aside from this city.

During this whole endeavour he had been thinking about that knife.

It's expensive…but not expensive enough to justify the quality and also, no one had bought it for thousands of years…

He needed to test it more before giving it to Vera.

When he returned there was a bunch of stuff on the counter and several angry customers.

"I got everything, Vale." Fayette rejoiced when she saw him come back with the money, the customers had been complaining their delay.

"Fuck them…" Valentine rolled his eyes, "How much for everything?"

He trusted Fayette knew all the things they needed.

"It will be 778.000 Amethyst coins in total." Fayette said with a 'smile'.

"I thought we accorded 800.000 amethyst coins, little girl." The man frowned.

"Oh come on, you know we're doing you a favour, no the other way around, we weren't born yesterday." She leaned forward and shamelessly bargained, it's ridiculous that a month in a renowned hotel cost them little more than a thousand, they're spending more than half a million in equipment.

Something is wrong with this world's demand and costs.

Clearly, weaponry is the most lucrative business around.

"Hmph, with our age difference, you might as well have… 790.000."


"Don't test your luck."

"Okay… 790.000" she sighed and Vera giggled at the exchange.

Fayette bought six knives that were of better quality than the 'Harpy Nail', six armour plaits for legs according to him, they were done with 'Mithril' one of the most expensive comercial materials around.

She also got three chest plates.

One shoulder plate for Vera and a glove for him.

Clearly she intended to cover their crystals, the most critical part of their bodies.

It doesn't even matter if they lose a limb as long as they don't lose the crystal.

She got a bow and several arrows for herself, there weren't crossbows or guns... something odd, but the demon said that 'guns' weren't for sale in the entire circle... they were illegal, any kind of automatic or semi-automatic shooting device is.

She got three bags for carrying, they were made with leather that belonged to mutated alligators coming from the 'cursed muddy west'.

This is definitely the worst part when it comes to being in a place you never were before, you can't recognise shit.

And three leather belts to hold their knives and other stuff, she didn't get places for their feet as it would just go in their way as it's too heavy and it would reduce mobility.

With this massive purchase, the demon was convinced that they're 'protectors' a human can't possibly have that much money, this is perhaps the biggest purchase a customer has done to him in a long time, as for a human customer? never...



"That old demon had better equipment, but it was simply too expensive, sorry… The swords costed 300.000 minimum" Fayette explained, had they gotten the two swords he wanted they would have gone bankrupt.

"Don't worry, what you got is good enough. Why didn't you get a plate for your waist?" He asked with concern, her crystal is in her waist.

"I would have needed to get a full plate and that's too heavy for me, moreover, I got the belt, it should protect me well enough." She reassured him with a smile but then pouted when she recalled that she was still supposed to be upset with him.

She's supposed to, but she isn't.

"I got these knives for 100.000 each, comparing them to the 'Harpy Nail' they're still way better… But they're not better than that runic thing… You should have noticed." She whispered as they walked and Vera fiddled and inspected her knife if that macabre thing could still be called that.

"I'll test it today in the duel, if there is nothing wrong with it, I'll allow her to use it."

The two reached an agreement on that.

When they reached a particular shop, a clothing shop Vera entered with excitement but Fayette stopped Valentine.


"Are you going to be alright?" Her concern was apparent.

"That demon is strong and also…" She bit her lips and embraced him.

"Vale, even if you manage to win, we're just going to be hunted a lot harsher than before, they're going to put a tight lock on us." She whispered, afraid that someone was even listening, she couldn't stop feeling like someone was staring at them!

But moving her gaze back and fro between the walking pedestrians… none.

"Let's just leave this city, it's not our first time running…" Maybe she just didn't want to see him get massacred on stage.

That demon is not like the previous creatures they have met.

Valentine sighed and turned around meeting her gaze, he grasped her delicate chin and kissed her.

The world seemed to stop as they delivered each other a few pecks.

"Don't worry, I won't let us meet a dead end, besides… escaping this city now, might not be as easy as you expect." He grasped her slender hand and locked their fingers, his gaze moving up and fro.

She nodded but still didn't let him go, "I know, you love me to much to let this end so quickly, right?~"


"If you love me that much then… please, don't hide things from me… If there is something I'm too dumb to comprehend, tell me… we are a team and I don't always know what you're thinking." Her gaze contained sternness but also love.

As much as she hated to admit it, his mind is in another level compared to hers, she realised this with their little game in the bathroom before, although she can sometimes keep up and try to match his, this is not always the case.

The best part of a team is to be able to communicate with words, to be in the same frequency in case anything happens that communication is not available, but it's too difficult to keep up with someone like Valentine.

A warm feeling spread through his heart and a smile couldn't help but plaster his face.

He felt like he could easily slaughter any demon.

"You would never be dumb, I just don't want to worry you… but I promise. Just bear in mind, we're fighting millions of years old demons… we have to use every single brain cell we have." He led her inside the clothing shop and she nodded in understanding.

"Never let your guard down, and be careful of every word you say and every action you take." After a last kiss in her cheek, the couple entered the shop.


When Fayette entered the shop, she grasped her beloved's hand tightly.

Mysteries ran all over her mind, wondering what should be done, how could they get away from this situation?

The source of her concern? This city is not as safeguard as they initially believed.

One day they lived a dream and ate pastries, that same day a few hours later, a demon at least ten times stronger is going to fight Valentine... and he might perish today.

Eyes stare at them from everywhere, a guard apparently attacked them for no reason whatsoever, and they could be said to be lucky that he gave Valentine a challenge due to his strength, gaining them time to think.

The city is no violence, but what if a guard isn't watching? Can someone just sneak in their room and slaughter them?

How could she be calm?

In front of her were myriad dresses that she would unashamedly test on herself were circumstances different.

She could only stare at the ignorant Vera with envy, but she would make sure to put her in place tonight, this girl is acting too carefree!

'Looks like I didn't discipline you enough!'

She took Valentine's hand and moved to the male section, as funny as it was to wear bathrobes in the street, she just had enough.

"I'll get you some clothes Vale." She said softly staring all around.

"I can get them myself?" He uttered with a tilted head.

"Be obedient…" She looked at him sternly and took a dark blue shirt that seemed from the 2000s.

"You're not my mother…" He said with some annoyance and melancholy.

"Indeed, I'm worse, I'm your wife~"

"When did we get married?" He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and asked with a smirk, like a fool that thinks he's infallible beneath the skies.

It didn't last long…

He got the 'look' and the 'floor tapping'.


"I understand dear no need to get upset!" That's all he could say before obediently testing the shirt.


Vera phased through the shop stands like a ghost, seeing all kind of exotic dresses.

The demonesses stared at her as if she was some crazy monkey.

'These are so pretty!'

She took a one piece white dress and wore it, surprised on how pretty she looked in it.

It rested tightly against her body, she didn't wear a bra so two small protrusions could be seen pressing against the dress from the inside.

She blushed.

'Will he think I look beautiful?'

Her mind wasn't concerned at all about the occurrences today, for her Valentine and Fayette were like unfathomable existences, there was little they couldn't do.

Even after receiving such a torture he could still valiantly stand up to face that duel.

She felt like giving him a reward.

But she couldn't…

'But him watching me in this dress… It surely should make him feel better.' She thought.

'But he already has Fayette to look at, you're just a plus…' Another voice said in her head.

'Indeed, but still, I want him to look at me.'

She left the dresser and walked up to where they were, Fayette who happily took some clothes for him to dress on, the two seemed genuinely happy.


'I still… Want him to see me.'

"Valentine, Faye!" She called them happily and they turned to regard her.

The two were left truly awestruck, and she felt overjoyed.

"How do I look?~"

"You look stunning." Valentine said honestly, regarding her up and down.

"Is that so?~ I'm glad." She then turned to Fayette, awaiting her praise.

Fayette sighed but showed a brief smile shortly afterwards.

"You're gorgeous, but…"

Her countenance fell.

"We're in hell not in a picnic, I'll help you get something that won't get in your way when you fight."

"I see…" She smiled dejectedly.

Indeed, they're in hell not in a picnic.


They left that shop shortly afterwards.

Valentine had a dark blue shirt, pants and flexible shoes. He looked rather casual, above those he had his mithril plates, his belt and two Horntails.

Fayette wore clothes very similar to his but purple instead of blue.

According to her those were the least invasive clothes there were.

She wore her plates on her legs, her belt and chest piece and her two 'Horntail' daggers.

Vera wore something similar but she adamantly refused to wear pants, so she wore a very short skirt but with leggings underneath that served more like stockings than anything else.

She also wore her plates, but unlike them, she had three daggers hanging from her belt, one of them looking rather intimidating.

They also took two such changes of clothes, Valentine said they would be needed.

The two girls didn't ask why.

"Where to now?" Vera asked next, holding her dagger, she truly liked this dagger.

They still had several hours until the duel with Bellcroft.

"We will ask for the locations of the 'Burning Soul Trial Ground' and also the closest entrances to this city." He said and the two caught onto something straight away, nodding.


In a relatively big room full of luxury but also, scalding flames, a big demon rested on a chair, his armour shone through the darkroom.

Howls of pain and desolation filled the room.

This demon stared at the burning flames in front of him, incessantly.

"They're being spied on, Bellcroft, someone else might reach them first." A voice resonated in the room.

"You don't need to worry Sir, I'll make sure to throughly test this human… No one has the gals to reach him in this city… And those that have the balls. Don't know about his peculiarities just yet." Bellcroft huffed a breath of smoke in front of this demon.

"Make sure that bastard Warcroft doesn't come to know of this. I don't want that fellow involved when we're finally so close, Sandmortelle made contact with them and he doesn't seem to be very happy. " The voice continued with some concern.

"He might be able to help us pull Lord Sandmortelle to our side…"

"He's too weak!" The voice yelled turning even more eerie.

"He managed to overpower me just slightly, if he's promising we could use him as a Scapegoat."

"I'm telling you, if he's too weak, how can we use him as a scapegoat?! He's just a human!"

"If he turns out to be a Bronze Soul… We might be able to use him, Lord Gleipnir." Bellcroft retorted, his gaze directly at the burning human inside his chimney.


"I have ears in all places, if they try to escape, it will be easier for us."

"Don't fail me." The Demon Magistrate, Lord Gleipnir, retreated.

"I would never".

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