Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 672 Repairing the Underworld, the Power Deficiencies of the New Gods

Jiang Zhao had a feeling before that the formation of these instrument constellations in the astronomical constellations was probably related to immortal craftsmanship.

The current characteristics of Fornax have further confirmed his guess.

According to the information disclosed by the leader of Tongtian, the hidden emperors may have participated in the construction of the "system" of the Star Soul World after they transformed into Taoism.

Although not all astronomical constellations are related to immortality.

But the Fornax constellation must be closely related to immortality.

"Is this the astrological system nurtured in today's Star Soul World?" The older generation of the Immortal Gong clan was amazed.

"It can be understood that way," Jiang Zhao nodded, "In the past, the gods of the heavens could breed stars, and now the star soul world can naturally do the same."

"In other words, this Hearth is probably related to my ancestors, or corresponds to part of the power of my ancestors?" Everyone in the Xiangong clan further speculated.

"It's not impossible." Jiang Zhao chuckled and nodded.

Hearing this, everyone in the Immortal Gong clan couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of pride.

In Jiang Zhao's view, the senior Immortal Palace (Qian Guodong) is indeed worthy of the pride and pride of their descendants.

Not to mention anything else, just the pieces of research information in the computer are enough to illustrate the greatness of Senior Xian Gong.

Soon after, Fan Donglai opened his eyes from the sacrifice.

"Hey~ I feel like it's not even interesting," Fan Donglai said as if he was possessed by a demon, "No, I have to watch the process of your sacrifice again."

Seeing that Fan Donglai was so fascinated, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but disturb him too much.

Immediately, I chatted with my grandpa about going to the divine realm.

In this regard, grandpa did not hesitate at all, "When will we set off?"

"Let's set off in three days. Try to arrive before Senior Wei Xian's ceremony."

"Okay, let's meet up in three days." Grandpa didn't waste any words.

After saying a brief farewell to Xie Xiaofei, Jiang Zhao and his wife returned to the Daxia Xingxiu Palace Complex.

Now, the entire Xingxiu palace complex has been built into the imperial city of Daxia.

Everyone in Daxia was busy performing their duties.

As soon as Ruan Yunyun came back, she ran to the Mechanical Palace to inspect the construction and development of the Mechanical Palace.

Jiang Zhao came directly to the ruins hall.

Because there were too many things to do, I didn't have time to enter the Fengduluo Mountain ruins card in person. Now that I'm back, I naturally have to go in and take a look.

Stepping into the ruins card portal, the space twists.

The scene of the underworld emerged before our eyes, a dark, dark and ruined scene.

The entire underworld is in dilapidated condition and filled with evil spirits. It can be vaguely seen that a protracted war once broke out here.

Jiang Zhao stepped on the Beidou Emperor's chariot, as if the Emperor of Heaven was coming.

Wherever they go, ghosts retreat.

But there are also some powerful evil spirits who dare to step forward to challenge the majesty of Emperor Ziwei.

Unfortunately, before he even got close, he was easily solved by Xiao Ha, who was the Ghost Emperor of the West. "Tsk, tsk, is this your eastern underworld? It really is not comparable to my underworld."

"You're not bad in the underworld, right?" Jiang Zhao teased.

"It's not bad, but the order and system are still far behind." Xiao Ha sighed: "Compared with your underworld, the underworld is like living in the primitive era."

Jiang Zhao nodded dumbly.

Speaking of which, the ancient mythological systems of various countries in the New Blue World are not weak, and some mythological systems are even more outrageous than the Daxia Mythology.

The most typical one is the myth system of the third brother of Curry Kingdom.

But compared to the Daxia mythology system, the mythology systems of other countries always feel less interesting.

From a certain perspective, Daxia's heavenly system is more like the system of a divine kingdom. In comparison, the mythological systems of other countries are more like tribal city-states, and there is no concept of a divine kingdom at all.

"Speaking of which, has this underworld changed much compared to the underworld in Brother Monkey's memory?" Jiang Zhao looked at Brother Monkey curiously.

"It's definitely earth-shaking," Brother Monkey said with emotion: "The underworld used to be so smoky. Although it is the underworld, it is not much worse than the heaven."

"Really?" Jiang Zhao was secretly surprised.

After all, in his concept and impression, the underworld is definitely not a good place, but judging from Brother Monkey's description, the former underworld seems to be similar to heaven.

Unknowingly, Emperor Beidou had arrived outside Fengdu City.

At this moment, the city of Fengdu has been completely purified by the underworld elites, and the majestic figure of Emperor Fengdu can be seen from a distance.

Ye Xiaokui, who has transformed into a younger version of Houtu, is also among them.

"Teacher, are you here?" Seeing Jiang Zhao coming, Ye Xiaokui hurriedly came to greet him.

"Is there anything unusual in this underworld now?" Jiang Zhao asked with concern.

"There is nothing unusual except that some evil things are more difficult to deal with," Ye Xiaokui replied: "It's just that the degree of damage in this underworld is a bit beyond expectation. I'm afraid it will take some time to repair it."

"Repair?" Jiang Zhao was stunned: "Can the ruins of the divine domain be repaired?"

Ye Xiaokui nodded and smiled, "Normally speaking, it cannot be repaired, but if I am here, there will be no problem. It will just consume part of the back soil."

Jiang Zhao was speechless.

That's right, Queen Houtu is the incarnation of the underworld. With her here, it's not surprising that the underworld can be restored.

"Is it enough to just have the origin of Houtu?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously.

"Of course not," Ye Xiaokui said with a smile: "The origin of Houtu is only the foundation, and the undead divine domain relics scattered across the sky are the focus. In the past few days, the undead aristocratic families in Daxia sent many undead relic cards.

But due to the collapse of the undead realm, there are only a few ruins that can still be used for repair. "

"I see," Jiang Zhao understood. "Does this mean that all the ruins of the undead domain in the sky can be used to repair the underworld?"

He had guessed at the beginning that all the undead relics in the sky were probably related to the underworld.

Now it seems that most of them are developed from scattered fragments of the underworld.

"That's right," Ye Xiaokui nodded and smiled: "Not only the undead relic cards, but also the undead territories in other kingdoms of gods are also available, and compared to the undead relic cards, the undead territories in other god kingdoms are relatively well preserved. Better for tinkering.”

"You mean we have to send troops to fight next?" Jiang Zhao frowned.

"There's no need to be so anxious," Ye Xiaokui shook his head and smiled, "It's not too late to build the underworld first, and then repair it. Although the underworld is now in dilapidated condition, it can still be used for Daxia's current territory. ”

"So, it was not the undead realm that collapsed before, but the underworld?" Jiang Zhao suddenly thought of something.

"That's right," Ye Xiaokui's face also became serious, "According to our observations during this period, the collapse trend in various parts of the underworld is obviously getting worse. It was not until the teacher captured it into a ruin card that it was alleviated."

"Capture?" Jiang Zhao was puzzled.

“It means making corresponding ruin cards,” Ye Xiaokui explained, “The Divine Realm and the fragments of the Divine Realm that are essentially wandering in the evil void have been being eroded by evil forces.

After making the relic card, it is equivalent to identifying and capturing the corresponding fragments of the divine domain through the power of the Star Soul World, and opening up the space nodes on both sides. "

Jiang Zhao was amazed when he heard this, "How do you know this?"

"It can be felt through the power of Empress Houtu." Ye Xiaokui's eyes showed a little pride.

"In other words, the fragment of the divine domain corresponding to the ruins card is actually still in the evil void, but was discovered and protected by the power of the Star Soul World?" Jiang Zhao asked in surprise.

"That's understandable," Ye Xiaokui nodded thoughtfully, "As for the specific operation method, I'm not sure."

"If that's the case, has the collapse of the Undead Realm been alleviated now?" Jiang Zhao said excitedly.

Ye Xiaokui nodded: "According to the news from my father, most of the territories of our Beiye Kingdom have returned to normal, but some of the territories are still in the process of collapse."

"Why is this?" Jiang Zhao was puzzled.

"It is probably related to the underworld of other countries' divine realms, such as the underworld over Xiaoha." Ye Xiaokui thought.

Jiang Zhao suddenly realized.

To put it bluntly, it was not just the underworld that collapsed, but also the underworld and divine realms in the myths of other countries in the New Blue World.

"You mean, I'd better make Xiaoha's underworld ruins card as soon as possible?" Jiang Zhao thought.

"Of course, the sooner the better," Ye Xiaokui nodded: "Now the collapse of the Realm of the Undead has been basically contained. On the one hand, it is because of the birth of the Fengduluo Mountain Ruins Card, and on the other hand, it is also because of the contributions of other countries in the New Blue World."

Old uncle Jiang Qingsong, who came over after hearing the news, nodded and confirmed: "Yes, as far as I know, other divine realms in the New Blue World have also gradually obtained their underworld ruin cards."

Jiang Zhao was not surprised by this.

After all, not only Daxia is working hard, but other countries in the New Blue World are also working hard to reproduce the power of ancient myths.

As for the origin of the ancient mythology of the New Blue Realm and the Star Soul World and the Divine Realm of the Heavens, there is nothing surprising.

It might have been just a reasonable guess before, I'm not sure.

Now there is nothing to doubt.

After all, judging from the information revealed by Yuanchu Void, the entire Star Soul World was built with the souls of Blue Star humans.

"Host, please work harder," Xiao Ha, as the former Pluto, couldn't help but feel a little anxious. "When the time comes, just merge my underworld directly into your underworld. It's better than dying in the evil void."

Ye Xiaokui covered her mouth and chuckled: "It's a coincidence that almost half of the five territories of the underworld have been destroyed, and making up for it just fits the sphere of influence of you, the Western Ghost Emperor."

"Really?" Xiao Ha's eyes brightened slightly, "It seems that I do have a destiny with you Dongfang~!"

"That's right~ Your Greek kingdom is in disarray. Where else can you go if you don't come to us?" the third prince teased from the side.

"..." Xiao Ha's head froze, "Can you not open and pick up which pot?"

The Third Prince made up for it with a smile, "It's okay, we are one of our own when you come here. From now on, follow Emperor Fengdu to watch and learn from you. I have a high regard for you."

"This is just like a human saying~!" Xiao Ha pouted, "But then again, those Greek gods who escaped at the beginning are still alive, right? I don't know where they ran away?

And my niece Athena has disappeared since the Evil Emperor invaded the New Blue World. "

Speaking of this, Xiaoha couldn't help but feel a little sad.

It was obvious that Hades had been deprived of his position as God King, but in the end he became a mere commander.

If Fan can still organize some generals under his command, his status in the family will not be reduced to this level now?

"It's a bit strange," old uncle Jiang Qingsong said thoughtfully: "Other countries have also paid attention to investigate the news about the Greek gods before, but those people seemed to have evaporated and disappeared without a trace.

Until now, all parties in the New Blue World have almost forgotten that there is such a group of people. "

Jiang Zhao was also deeply puzzled by this.

Speaking of which, he had mentioned a few words about Athena at first, but unfortunately after the Evil Emperor invaded the New Blue World, Athena disappeared.

Later, Jiang Zhao went to Greece to look for it, but couldn't find even a single hair.

"Not in the Lower God Realm, and now the upper God Realm has not heard any news about the Greek gods," Jiang Zhao pondered and analyzed: "You are not going to the God Realm or some hidden god realm, are you?"

"At present, this is the only possibility." Jiang Qingsong nodded thoughtfully, "If this is the case, it will save us the trouble of looking for him. They will probably come to us themselves in the future."

Jiang Zhao smiled and didn't dwell on it any longer.

After all, Greece was destroyed by them in the first place, and even Zeus was killed by them.

Although the Greek Kingdom of God in the Lower God Realm was divided up by other countries, there was always a debtor and a wrongdoer. If those people came back to seek revenge, they would definitely have to settle the score with them.

"By the way, uncle, aren't other countries planning to establish countries near us? Why haven't we seen any movement?"

Jiang Zhao looked at Jiang Qingsong in confusion. He had paid special attention to it on the way back.

"It's probably going to be soon," Jiang Qingsong said with a smile, "Michael sent me a message two days ago, and various countries have recently purchased a lot of supplies from our Daxia."

"It's really frustrating," Jiang Zhao complained: "If you give them a chance, it won't work. Let's ask Uncle Wan to give them some profit. If they still can't stand up, there is no need to come to the upper divine realm to hang out. "

Hearing this, Ye Xiaokui couldn't help but be a little confused, "Why do they feel that the teacher is more anxious than themselves?"

"Are you not in a hurry?" Jiang Zhao curled his lips and said, "We still expect them to block our guns in the future~!"

"Having said that, what if they join forces with the enemy and bite us back?"

As a princess of a country, Ye Xiaokui thought very comprehensively.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and Jiang Qingsong fell into thinking.

Although they are not afraid of the countries in the new blue world rebelling, it would be quite troublesome for them to rebel at a critical moment.

After all, there is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests, not to mention the inherent competitive relationship between countries.

It's just because of the special nature of the New Blue World that they stand on the same side of the New Blue World.

But this is the upper realm of the gods. Apart from the common interests in protecting the original void, there is competition in other aspects.

Moreover, in the future, if the territories of the Kingdom of God are close to each other, conflicts will definitely be inevitable.

"If that's the case, it would be safer for you to build in the outer circle of the Deep Netherworld." Jiang Zhao thought thoughtfully and said, "Regard the isolation zone in the Deep Netherworld as a buffer zone for the future?"

The ferocious beasts and insects in the deep part of the Netherworld are still very fierce. Coupled with the special nature of the deep part of the Netherworld, it is definitely a natural isolation zone.

Daxia naturally has an advantage because of the existence of Lord Chicken and the two evil creatures.

"This is a good strategy," Ye Xiaokui nodded thoughtfully, "The key is, will they be obedient?"

"They have to listen and they have to listen." Jiang Qingsong sneered proudly, "I will negotiate this matter."

Of course, with the subsequent expansion of the territory of Daxia and other countries, it will be a matter of time before a border occurs.

After all, the deep area of ​​the Netherworld is fixed, and the current ring-shaped area will definitely be opened up in pieces in the future.

But by that time, Daxia should have weathered the crisis from hundreds of countries and grown to a certain extent.

By then, there will naturally be no need to worry about rebellion and backstabbing from various countries.

Instead, they became a piece of fat on the doorstep.

Of course, the true gods of various countries are not stupid, so they can naturally think of these things.

The specific follow-up situation should be viewed in detail.

After coming out of the Fengduluo Mountain ruins, Jiang Zhao felt a little regretful, "I originally wanted to let my uncle go to the divine realm with us, but now it seems that we will be delayed again."

"It's okay~" Jiang Qingsong said with a smile: "You go first, it won't be too late for me to go over later. After I negotiate the matter, it's enough to have Dean Chu and the others watching. If you get restless, come back." It’s not too late to deal with them.”

"Is it possible?" Jiang Zhao was a little worried.

"Don't worry~, Dean Chu and Yang Tianfang have already made rapid progress in strength since they recovered their memories of their past lives," Jiang Qingsong said with confidence, "Now even if I face them, I will have a headache."

Jiang Zhao clicked his tongue and nodded, feeling much more at ease.

Having said that, it is better to add a layer of insurance.

So he and his uncle went to find Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the auras of the two of them had indeed changed drastically.

It seems that in regaining the memories of their previous lives, the two of them are gradually recovering their previous strength.

After hearing the layout and plans of their uncle and nephew, Chu Kuang and his two men naturally did their part, with confidence on their faces, "You can just go ahead with me watching."

"Speaking of which, as two of our great heroes in Great Xia, it seems that we haven't arranged ancient inheritance for you yet," Jiang Zhao said seriously, "I just made up for it today."

As he said that, he took out some talent cards on the spot and asked the two of them to choose a few that suited them.

Immediately, he took out a series of ancient inherited horoscopes and let the two of them feel and choose.

During the selection process, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but curiously inquire about the status of these reincarnated Illuminati, "Speaking of which, will you be able to regain your former strength soon?"

"Absolutely," Chu Kuang nodded and said, "That stone pillar not only sealed our memories, but also sealed the power we gained in that era. It just takes some time to integrate.

A large part of the reason why Han Laoxie is so powerful is because of the blessing of his previous life.

Of course, today's Han Laoxie can no longer be viewed with the same perspective as before. After all, he has already been cultivating in the Origin Void for so many years. "

"Hiss~ Does this mean that you will soon be able to return to the level where you and the Star Soul Casting Soul are at full strength?" Jiang Zhao was secretly frightened.

"That's natural," Chu Kuang said with a smile: "But you can only restore the power of those star souls in the past. The star souls in this life still rely on yourself."

Jiang Zhao nodded thoughtfully, and Leng Buding said: "Have you ever doubted that the power you obtained back then might have certain flaws and problems?"

"Flaw?" Chu Kuang and the other two were stunned.

"That's right," Jiang Zhao said sternly: "First of all, the way you obtained power back then was quite special. Secondly, as far as I know, after you and the Star Soul Forging Soul are full, you will definitely have reached the level of the top Heavenly Emperor."

According to his speculation, when he and his star soul are full, it will not be far from awakening in the deep void of the original void.

But it is strange to say that Han Laoxie has not awakened in the Origin Void so many years in advance. This is obviously not normal.

If I guessed correctly, the power they obtained in that era was likely to have certain flaws.

After all, the star soul masters of that era grew up too fast, and were somewhat suspected of being quick, and it was obviously different from today's normal method of obtaining soul components from the original void.

Therefore, the situation of the seven survivors back then was likely to have certain flaws.

"..." Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang fell into deep thought, "To be honest, we had some doubts back then. After all, the speed of improvement was too fast. Now that we think about it carefully, there may be some kind of flaw."

Jiang Zhao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this.

If this was said to Han Laoxie, the old man would definitely not believe it, but Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang could obviously listen.

"Can you let me feel your specific situation?" Jiang Zhao said seriously.

"Of course," Chu Kuang and the other two smiled hoarsely, and immediately released their soul consciousness to Jiang Zhao, "If we can call out the flaw, it will be a good thing for us."

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and began to investigate solemnly and carefully.

"I'll also analyze it."

On the side, Jiang Lingtong also joined in the investigation, the vertical eyes on his forehead were twinkling with stars, and a miniature version of the Eye of the Starry Sky appeared above his head.

I have to say that the computing power of Star Brain is really high.

Just as Jiang Zhao started researching, Jiang Qingsong analyzed some clues first, "Sure enough, as Xiao Zhao said, the horoscopes of you star souls are indeed not quite right. Compared with the horoscopes of normal cultivation, they are obviously unstable.

Hiss~ If I am not mistaken, the star power contained in each star seems to be mixed with many pieces of information and power that do not belong to your star soul. There seems to be a lot of them. "

As soon as these words came out, Chu Kuang and Yang Tianzhao turned pale with shock, "Is this true?"

"The results of the star brain analysis are naturally correct." Jiang Qingsong said with a strange expression: "It stands to reason that when you comprehend the power of the stars, you should be able to feel it. Why, you didn't feel it at all before?"

Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang looked at each other and shook their heads solemnly.

"It seems that this is a flaw caused by your rapid improvement back then," Jiang Qingsong said solemnly: "If your soul casting is also based on this foundation, then your soul casting power must also be mixed with a lot of impurities. ”

Jiang Zhao's eyes flashed slightly and he silently withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness between the two of them.

After all, the old uncle has found the answer to the question with the help of Star Brain.

"I have discovered before that the inheritance power of the New God Clan's Holy Sons is not perfect," Jiang Zhao analyzed seriously: "From this point of view, the New God Clan's Holy Sons should also have similar flaws."

It can be seen that Han Laoxie was not aware of the existence of this "flaw".

In other words, I have realized it, but I have not been able to solve it.

Jiang Qingsong nodded and said: "When I fought with Marshal Tianpeng before, I found that the stars behind Tianpeng were not stable. I didn't bother to study it in depth at the time. Now it seems that it is the same problem."

"Then how can we remove these impurities?" Chu Kuang and the other two looked serious.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and Jiang Qingsong fell into silence.

This matter is obviously not that easy to solve, otherwise Han Laoxie would have solved it long ago.

The difficulty is that their cast souls are already "full", which from a certain perspective is equivalent to having finally taken shape.

Now it is not easy to go back and remove these "impurities". (End of chapter)

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