Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 673 True Self Bloodline, Returning to the Divine Realm with Grandfather

Jiang Zhao had no idea. He might look for clues from the research materials of the immortal workers.

Or he could think of a solution from the deep level of the original void.

On the contrary, his uncle Jiang Qingsong pondered and said, "In theory, I might be able to use the Starry Sky Eye to remove the impurities in your star image, but it is only theoretically feasible. I am not sure about the specifics.

In addition, your star image is not very stable. If you are not careful, it is possible for your star image to collapse directly."

Jiang Zhao's eyes lit up slightly.

Yes, my uncle's Starry Sky Eye can directly attack the opponent's star image, and naturally it can also remove the impurities in the opponent's star image.

But the key is that the Starry Sky Eye was used for drastic attacks in the past. If you want to simply remove impurities without hurting the star images of the two people, it is tantamount to using a long knife to accurately pick the pimples on the enemy's body.

Just thinking about it, you know that it is ridiculously difficult.

And Jiang Qingsong has never used the power of the Starry Sky Eye in this way before.

Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang were not stupid, so they were aware of the difficulty of this matter. However, for them, this was the only feasible solution at present. "If it really came to the point where this was the only way out, we two would like to give it a try."

"Okay!" Jiang Qingsong took a deep breath, "But it shouldn't have come to this point yet. So, I will use the Starry Sky Eye to mark out the impurities in your star image, and you can try to solve it by yourself."

As he spoke, the Starry Sky Eye behind him suddenly enlarged, and the whole room was shrouded in a mysterious starry sky.

The star images of Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang appeared clearly in the Starry Sky Eye.

Not long after, Jiang Qingsong put away the Starry Sky Eye panting, obviously consuming a lot of energy.

And Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang also clearly felt the miscellaneous information fragments in their own star images under Jiang Qingsong's marking.

"Thank you, Uncle Qingsong!" Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang took a deep breath and thanked him solemnly.

In the past, they could not see or feel the existence of impurities, and they did not know the seriousness of the problem.

Now that they clearly feel the existence of impurities, they understand that their problems and defects are far more serious than they imagined.

"No, no, no, in terms of seniority, one of you is the first-generation dean and the other is the first-generation chief. I can't bear it." Jiang Qingsong was flattered.

"Uncle Qingsong is the current God King of Daxia, so he deserves it!" Chu Kuang laughed dumbly: "Besides, the two of us have only recovered the memories of our previous lives. It's better to judge the seniority based on this life in the future, otherwise it will be weird."

"Yes, don't treat us as old people," Yang Tianfang also joked: "We are still very young~!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and Jiang Qingsong also laughed.

To be honest, since the two of them recovered their memories of their previous lives, they felt a little awkward when looking at the two of them.

Now that they heard what they said, the awkwardness in their hearts completely dissipated.

The two people in front of them are still Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang in their impression.

After solving the "impurity" problem, the two began to seriously feel the ancient inheritance given by Jiang Zhao.

Three days passed in a flash.

Card-making constellations were gradually scattered in the room.

After arranging the appropriate ancient inheritance for the two and arming them to the teeth, Jiang Zhao left with satisfaction.

Before leaving, he handed the freshly baked [Underworld] Relic Card to Ye Xiaokui, and set off to meet with Grandpa and Ruan Yunyun.

Uncle Jiang Qingsong saw them off all the way.

In front of the teleportation array leading to the New Blue Realm Daxia, the brothers and sisters of Daxia also put down their work and came to see them off.

"No~ It's just a trip to the God Realm, why is it like a farewell between life and death?"

Looking at the reluctant farewell of everyone, Jiang Zhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Aren't they worried about you?" Luo Changfeng said unhappily: "When you go there, remember to say hello to Mr. Jian and our uncle on my behalf. If you meet my father-in-law, say hello on my behalf."

"And me!" Shen Wanshan echoed.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely help you get there." Jiang Zhao nodded and smiled, "Okay, okay, do what you need to do. Don't let us return safely, but Daxia is gone."

"That's impossible," Luo Changfeng patted his chest and guaranteed, "With the current lineup and strength of our brothers, who can destroy us?"

Jiang Zhao shook his head and smiled, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, don't just focus on the Kingdom of God, pay more attention to Daxia."

Hearing this, everyone nodded seriously.

After all, Han Laoxie, the Holy Lord of the New God Clan, had said before that he was going to take time to go back to the New Blue Realm to take a look.

What's more, the various God Clan's covetousness of the New Blue Realm has been continuing.

In addition, there were a total of seven survivors of that year. In addition to Han Laoxie, there was also the peerless God King who was reincarnated from the survivor in the United States.

After that person regained his memory, he would most likely return to the New Blue Realm.

"Father, Xiao Zhao, you go first," Jiang Qingsong said before leaving: "I will go after I finish some things."

Jiang Zhao and Grandpa nodded deeply and stepped into the teleportation array.

The space twisted, and the three of them appeared on the teleportation array in the inner courtyard of Starry Sky Academy.

Now Starry Sky Academy has become extremely powerful.

There is a thriving atmosphere everywhere.

The establishment of the Great Xia Kingdom has also made the whole of Great Xia united, and the national cohesion and pride are overflowing.

After briefly understanding the current situation of the academy, I went back to the association with Grandpa.

Then, the three of them went straight to the Wei family.

During this period of time, the New Blue World has been relatively peaceful. Perhaps because of the chaos caused by the New Gods in the God Realm, the movements of those Gods sneaking into the New Blue World have become much less frequent.

It is worth noting that some of the protoss who are taking a peek at the new blue world seem to have fallen to the new protoss.

Perhaps because of the Holy Lord Han Laoxie of the New God Clan, these God Clan who became the New God Clan are actually a lot more "friendly" to the New Blue World.

On the one hand, it must be because of Han Laoxie's restraint behind the scenes.

On the other hand, it is because of changes in core interests.

After all, these protoss all represented their own interests before, but after integrating into the new protoss, they became a part of the new protoss and became Han Laoxie's people.

From this point of view, the emergence of Han Laoxie and the new gods has a positive effect.

But this cannot cover up the "sins" of the New Gods.

In Fengyan Valley, the originally reclusive Wei family has now soared into the sky and become the noble first generation of gods.

It's quite funny.

They who once rejected and hated the Gods have now become the Gods they hate the most.

At this moment, in Fengyan Valley, except for the people in the surrounding villages, Weijia Village was already an empty scene.

When Jiang Zhao and the others saw this, they were somewhat stiff.

"Why did you forget this? The Wei family has probably gone to the divine realm right now." Jiang Zhao secretly had a headache. "I remember that the entrance to the secret realm is over there. Let's see if we can go in directly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Brother Monkey came out on his own initiative, "Old Sun, do you need an outsider to lead the way when you return to your own dojo?"

Jiang Zhao was stunned for a moment, feeling somewhat stupidly laughing at himself.

Yes, with Brother Monkey here, there is no need to let the Wei family lead the way?

However, when they arrived at the entrance to the Huaguo Mountain Secret Realm, they saw a Wei family member stationed outside the entrance.

"Everyone, I have been waiting here for a long time." The children of the Wei family who stayed behind exuded strong blood fluctuations, and their whole temperament took on a new look. "The clan members have all gone to the divine realm. Our ancestors expected that you would come to congratulate you, so we made special arrangements. I’ll wait here.”

"Let Senior Wei Xian worry about it." Jiang Zhao and the others said politely.

"Follow me." The Wei family disciples smiled and immediately led the three of them into the secret realm of Huaguoshan and rushed towards the space node. "Now there are two routes to the divine realm. I don't know which way you want to go. ?”

Then he gave a brief explanation.

One of them is naturally a space node that leads directly to the Canglan Domain of the Divine Realm.

The other one first leads to the teleportation array at the headquarters of the True Self Sect in the upper divine realm, and then leads directly from the True Self Sect headquarters to the current new realm of the gods, the True Self Realm.

"It's better to go back to Jian's house first and then go to congratulate him together." Jiang Zhao said with a smile.

After all, their trip was not just to congratulate Wei Xian.

The Wei family disciples smiled understandingly and respectfully led the way.

On the way to the space node, the three of them couldn't help but curiously look at the changes in the Wei family's children and the vigorous new blood in their bodies.

"Are my brother and Senior Wei Xian very close by blood?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously, "It feels like your blood aura is a bit strong~!"

The younger brother of the Wei family waved his hands and smiled, "The blood relationship between me and my ancestors is quite different. Wei Yan and his family are the direct descendants."

"It shouldn't be. How can such a powerful bloodline power be awakened when the bloodline is so far away?" Jiang Zhao was puzzled.

"Perhaps our Wei family's bloodline is different," the younger brother of the Wei family explained: "I don't know what is happening with the other protoss, but at least the bloodline in our Wei family village is quite strong."

Jiang Zhao was amazed when he heard this.

This situation is obviously impossible for the normal first-generation Protoss bloodline.

It can be seen from this that the new bloodline forged by Senior Wei Xian is likely to be different from the previous bloodline of the first generation of gods.

It seems that as long as there is some blood relationship, extremely powerful blood power can be awakened.

"Could it be that Senior Wei Xian's bloodline has acquired bloodline characteristics since he was born?" Grandpa Jiang Lingtong speculated in shock.

"It's not impossible." Jiang Zhaoshen nodded in agreement.

After all, Wei Xian and the Ten Thousand God Emperor are not the same. Although both of them are the first generation emperors of the world, Wei Xian was born in Daxia, the New Blue Realm.

As I said before, the humans in the New Blue World are special. After combining with the Gods, not only will they not weaken the Gods' bloodline, but they will be beneficial to the evolution of the Gods' bloodline.

After learning about the existence of the original void, this was further confirmed.

If we say that today's human beings are virtual existences based on those sleeping souls in the deep void of the original void as the "base point".

Then the humans in the new blue world are likely to be special in this regard.

Just like in the myth and legend, Nuwa created humans. The first batch was kneaded by Nuwa herself, and later it became small mud dots sprinkled with branches.

The quality of the two is obviously not on the same level.

If you guessed it correctly, the humans in the New Blue World are equivalent to the grades fabricated by the Queen herself.

In this way, Wei Xian, the first emperor of heaven, probably has some special advantages.

This made the three of them even more curious about Wei Xian and the Wei family's bloodline.

"By the way, is there anything special about your bloodline?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously.

The younger brother of the Wei family scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's still in the exploratory stage, and I don't know much about the bloodlines of other gods, so I really can't tell."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao immediately briefly introduced the situation of the God Clan's bloodline to the younger brother of the Wei family.

After hearing this, the younger brother of the Wei family looked strange: "You mean that the bloodline of the first generation of gods generally only has the effect of increasing strength and soul casting? No other special effects?"

"That's right."

The eyes of Jiang Zhao and the others were slightly bright. From the reaction of the younger brother of the Wei family, it was easy to see that the blood of the Wei family was indeed different.

"If that's the case, then our bloodline is indeed different," the younger brother of the Wei family said after pondering, "How should I put it, after awakening the bloodline, the true self-cultivation method is no longer difficult for us."

"How do you say this?" Jiang Zhao was very interested.

"The bloodline of our family seems to be integrated with the mind and will. Theoretically, as long as our own bloodline is not exhausted, our self-will will never fall." The younger brother of the Wei family explained: "Therefore, all kinds of true self cultivation in the past Difficulties and problems are no longer problems.”

"Integrated with the mind and will?!" Jiang Zhao and the others took a breath of surprise.

"That's right," the little brother from the Wei family nodded and smiled, with a little pride and pride on his face, "Take me as an example, now I can easily open all gears without any pressure."

Jiang Zhao and the others were amazed and filled with emotion.

To the True Self Sect Star Soul Master, this is no different from cheating.

"Is this considered a bloodline characteristic?" Grandpa Jiang Lingtong pondered a little uncertainly.

"It should be considered so." Jiang Zhao thought.

Previously, he only knew that some bloodline characteristics were rooted in himself, such as Qin Ziyan's colorful exquisite heart, and the bloodline characteristics that covered the whole body with divine patterns.

Although these bloodline characteristics are also very strange, they essentially still affect one's own body.

The bloodline characteristics of the Wei family act on the abstract existence of one's own mind and will.

"Other than that, is there anything special about it?" Jiang Zhao continued to ask.

"If there is anything else, the mastery and fusion of star soul power may also be improved to a certain extent," the Wei family brother thought: "It is much easier to fuse and comprehend the star soul power than before, and it is easier to control it. It is almost indistinguishable from our own strength, as if the fused star soul powers belong to us."

Jiang Zhao and the others were shocked again.

This is undoubtedly another qualitative leap for the True Self Star Soul Master.

The seven sons of the Inner Court, headed by Yuan Hong, were just born to be the true star soul masters. So the Wei family with the blessing of the Wei family's bloodline were equivalent to being true star soul masters born with the gods.

"Doesn't that mean that you can fuse the power of various star souls in the future?" Ruan Yunyun exclaimed.

"That's not the case," the younger brother of the Wei family shook his head and smiled: "In the end, fusing the star soul still depends on compatibility and talent. Our bloodline does not have any blessing in this regard."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and the others felt a little better.

But even so, the bloodline of the Wei family is strong enough.

After all, it is just a newly born protoss, and it already possesses the top bloodline characteristics that all protoss dream of, and it is also a bloodline characteristic "tailor-made" for the path of true self cultivation.

And this also made Jiang Zhao think of a possibility.

Perhaps after humans in the New Blue Realm become the first generation of Heavenly Emperors, they will all be able to develop bloodline characteristics that perfectly match their own.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

After all, although he is from the New Blue Realm, he is a hybrid of the gods. Even if he becomes the Emperor of Heaven in the future, it will only further strengthen the Jian family blood in his body.

"No, it didn't say that while strengthening the family bloodline, you can't stimulate the characteristics of your own bloodline?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhao became excited again.

Although the Jian family bloodline in the body is not weak, it is even very strong, and the Heavenly Star Disk has infinite uses.

But it would still be very exciting if it could inspire a bloodline characteristic that suits one's own.

And this matter does not need to wait until the moment he becomes the Emperor of Heaven. The answer will be obtained when his uncle Jian Zongbai becomes the Emperor of Heaven.

After all, his uncle Jian Zongbai, like him, is a mixture of New Blue World and Jian family, and he is also a pure first-generation mixed blood, half New Blue World blood and half Jian family blood.

Therefore, as long as Jian Zongbai's verification is successful, he will definitely have no problem.

The only embarrassing thing is that Jiang Zhao still can't decide whether he is a first-generation hybrid or a second-generation hybrid.

In terms of seniority, he is naturally a second-generation mixed-race, but the problem is that he has no father.

It was completely born from the "feeling and conception" of my mother, a first-generation hybrid, and there was no paternal blood mixed in at all.

Then here comes the problem.

Is Jiang Zhao considered a first-generation hybrid or a second-generation hybrid?

While thinking, the three of them have arrived at the cliff where Brother Monkey broke out of the rock. Jumping down is the space node leading to the divine realm.

Speaking of which, when they came back last time, they took a different path. I don't know how the space channels in the space nodes are now. Have there been any changes?

"I don't know if the fork in space opened by the Human Emperor is still there?" Brother Monkey's eyes were dark, and he obviously wanted to see the actual Bodhi tree left by Master.

However, after they jumped into the space channel, the fork in the road had long been healed.

"It doesn't matter," Jiang Zhao comforted him softly: "When we come back, let's see if we can ask the Emperor of All Gods or Senior Wei Xian to help us. In the future, when we become Emperors of Heaven ourselves, we can go whenever we want."

Brother Monkey chuckled and nodded without saying anything more.

Perhaps due to the birth of the second new emperor, or the efforts of the Ten Thousand God Emperor to maintain it during this period, the disorder of space laws has been significantly reduced.

The entire space channel is relatively stable, with almost no ripples.

The space twisted and once again stepped into the forbidden area of ​​Canglan Territory.

Unlike the last time when the power of merit in the forbidden land was surging and the scene of the geniuses of the God Realm was everywhere, now entering the dormant forbidden land, it was like a deserted scene, giving people an inexplicable depression.

Ruan Yunyun came to the God Realm for the first time, and she was curious about everything.

"Is this the God Realm?" Ruan Yunyun looked around curiously, "Why is it such a ghost place?"

"This is the forbidden land of Canglan Domain. Now that it has fallen into a deep sleep, naturally there are not many people." Jiang Zhao explained with a chuckle, set up the Beidou Emperor's carriage, and took the two people to the direction of the hidden teleportation array. "Last time I came here, it was very lively here~!"

"Oh," Ruan Yunyun suddenly realized, "I thought the God Realm was all like this."

Jiang Zhao shook his head and smiled, chatting: "By the way, this Canglan Domain is Qin Ziyan's family 's territory, and I wonder how our inheritor of Nuwa is doing recently? "

"Really?" Ruan Yunyun smiled in surprise, "Is it far from here? How about visiting him?"

"Forget it," Jiang Zhao waved his hand and smiled, "Miss Qin will definitely go to Senior Wei Xian's hall, maybe she is already on the way now, and we will see each other then."

Ruan Yunyun nodded and smiled, and turned her smart eyes to Jiang Lingtong on the side, "Did grandpa come here before?"

After half a lifetime, Jiang Lingtong returned to the divine realm, and he was obviously full of emotion.

In addition, he was about to reunite with his old partner, and there was obviously some excitement in his eyes.

"No," Jiang Lingtong shook his head and smiled, "I was basically active in the Daluo region back then. I only ran a little further when I eloped, but I never left the Daluo region."

"Hmph! Those old guys in the Jian family are really something," Ruan Yunyun said angrily, "I hate this kind of behavior of forcing a couple to break up. The young couple is talented and beautiful, and they are in love. Why are they all these old guys messing around?"

After awakening her memories of her past life, Ruan Yunyun has always been very concerned about her grandparents.

After all, as a former pure-hearted girl, she knows all kinds of fairy heroes and ancient idols.

The experience of her grandparents back then really made her feel a little uncomfortable.

In response, Jiang Lingtong just shook his head and smiled, and he had already let go of the grudges of the past.

After more than half a lifetime, he is no longer the "little yellow-haired" who just started out. With the inheritance of the Taoist ancestor, his state of mind is no longer comparable to that of the past.

"So many years have passed, the Jian family should have changed a lot now, right?" Jiang Lingtong looked complicated.

"It is quite big," Jiang Zhao nodded and smiled, "But don't worry, no one in the Jian family dares to question you now, so you can stand up straight and step into the Jian family clan with dignity."

Jiang Lingtong smiled without comment, and there was a bit of youthful arrogance in his expression.

"How can this be possible?" Ruan Yunyun snorted, "They should welcome grandpa with great fanfare, and then welcome our grandpa in respectfully?"

"Indeed." Jiang Zhao nodded in agreement.

"Ahem, that doesn't have to be the case." Jiang Lingtong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Grandpa, don't worry about it, this is what they should do."

Jiang Zhao snorted and immediately started to make arrangements with Ruan Yunyun.

Take out the Star Card and contact your uncle Jian Zongbai and your mother who came earlier. When they learned that their father was coming, Jian Zongbai and his mother took it more seriously than the two young people and started to make arrangements immediately.

After all, for their family, Jiang Lingtong's return to the Jian family this time is of great significance.

"Yunyun, do you think we should slow down and let them prepare well?" Jiang Zhao teased.

"Absolutely," Ruan Yunyun nodded excitedly, "Just as we expelled our grandfather back then, we must bring him back today!"

"That makes sense."

Jiang Zhao agreed deeply and immediately communicated with his mother again using the Xingtong card.

Jiang Lingtong saw everything and didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's really not necessary."

"It's necessary!" Jiang Zhao and his wife spoke righteously in unison.


Jiang Lingtong shook his head helplessly, his heart was extremely complicated.

For him, the moment he learned that the child was still alive and that his eldest brother-in-law Jian Dingtian had fallen, he had already let go of the grudges of the past.

Now, for him, as long as he can appear in the Jian family with his sister, it is enough.

As for the so-called sense of ceremony of the little guys, he doesn't care so much, after all, they are all old.

But seeing that the children were so determined, he didn't want to spoil their fun.

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed pretty good to be able to pretend to be so cool. (End of this chapter)

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