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"Who are you? Why do you know our names?"

The conversation between Yun Fei and the Eight-Tails left Uzumaki Mito confused. As for the names that Yun Fei mentioned, Uzumaki Mito had never heard of any of them. Could it be that the tailed beasts also have names?

In everyone's eyes, the tailed beasts are synonymous with disasters.

As long as the tailed beasts appear, it means that there will be large-scale destruction.

Therefore, everyone regards the tailed beasts as a disaster.

No one would think about understanding the tailed beasts, and it is impossible to know that the tailed beasts actually have names.

After hearing the words of the Eight-Tails, Yun Fei said in an unfathomable way:"Even if you are in different places, you will always be together.

One day you will become one, with your own names, in a different appearance than before, and different from what is in my body, and you will get the right guidance on what the real power is......

Until that day.


Uzumaki Mito was confused. What was he talking about? Although he could understand the words, the combination of them made no sense.���Mito had no idea what Yun Fei wanted to express. Could it be that just saying this could tame the tailed beast?

""Old man!"

Although the Eight-Tails itself was still a little confused, it said it in a positive tone. It even knew what the Six-Path Sage said to them before his death. Only the Six-Path Sage's reincarnation could know it.

"I am not Otsutsuki Hagoromo, but the era you want is about to come. Since you have already arrived in the Land of Fire, you can go find Kurama to reminisce about the past."

Yun Fei said this after careful consideration.

He himself will not be able to stay here for too long, and if he wants to learn Wood Release, he will inevitably come into contact with the Senju clan, and now many ninjutsu have been lost in Konoha.

Since Mikoto followed him here, Yun Fei also planned to let Mikoto follow Uchiha Madara to learn the use of Fire Release and Sharingan.

In that case, she will inevitably come into contact with the Uchiha clan.

In this case, Yun Fei's next plan will directly affect the direction of this world.


Eight-Tails over there obediently left after hearing Yun Fei's words. Now the Eight-Tails has determined that Yun Fei is the reincarnation of the Six Paths Sage, and he still listens to the words of the"old man".

All things have been resolved. Yun Fei can now ask about the situation of this world.

"Mito, can you give me a brief introduction to the situation in the Land of Fire?"

Hearing Yunfei's words, Uzumaki Mito spread her hands and said,"I have never been out of the clan, and I just heard everything from others. Are you sure you want to listen to me?"

Yunfei was upset when he heard this. This person is only one day better than him who just came, but in fact it is not very useful. Yunfei rolled his eyes and secretly said to Uzumaki Mito,"Do you want to go out and explore together?"

Hearing Yunfei's words, Uzumaki Mito immediately became interested. You know, she has never even left the clan since she was born. This is her first time out. She is naturally curious about the outside world. Although she wanted to go out very much before, her strength was not enough to protect herself in this chaotic world, so she never went out.

Now with Yunfei's protection, there is no problem even in this chaotic world, but the problem is how to get rid of the guards who protect her?

"Then what should I do?"

Uzumaki Mito believed that Yun Fei should respond to his Flying Thunder God Kunai, otherwise he would definitely not say this.

"There are two options. One is that you tell them directly and I will show you how to use Flying Thunder God. The other is that you leave a letter and I will show you how to use Flying Thunder God."

Yun Fei had just finished speaking when Uzumaki Mito took out a letter from her pocket and shook it. This made Yun Fei speechless. It seemed that even if he didn't come, this girl would sneak out. He didn't expect that the mature and steady Uzumaki Mito would be so mischievous now.

"You wait for me here."

Holding the letter from Uzumaki Mito, Yun Fei walked towards the guards who were protecting Mito. When the guards saw Yun Fei coming, they thought something was wrong. Yun Fei did not say anything and handed the letter directly to a leading guard. In his puzzled eyes, Yun Fei disappeared directly and appeared next to Uzumaki Mito again. A second later, Yun Fei disappeared with Uzumaki Mito.

This made everyone panic. It didn't matter if Yun Fei disappeared, but if Princess Mito disappeared, how could they return to their tribe? At this time, the leading guard remembered the letter Yun Fei had just given him. After opening it, he found that it was indeed a letter from Princess Mito. The letter stated that she was going out to travel and asked them not to worry.

After reading the letter, all the guards had black lines on their faces, but now Princess Mito had run away, and even if they wanted to chase her, they didn't know where to start. Finally, the leading guard said

"Let's all go back to our tribe now. There should be no problem with Princess Mito being with that boy. We can only trust that boy now."


On the other side, Yunfei brought Uzumaki Mito to Mikoto's place.

Mikoto saw her teacher with a red-haired girl. When she was about to ask who she was, she saw her face and exclaimed

"Teacher, this is not the first generation of Hokage.....?"

"The first Hokage? What is that? And you should be able to tell me your origins now, right? I asked you before but you fooled me. Now that there is no one around, you should at least tell me who you are. You not only have the Sharingan but also can use Wood Release."

Uzumaki Mito was very curious about the mystery of Yun Fei's life experience. She didn't ask Mito before because she thought Yun Fei might not ask further because there were so many people around. Now she was the only one left, and she had to know this person's life experience no matter what.

Yun Fei smiled bitterly when he heard this. Originally, he had fooled her about this matter, but Mikoto's casual words made this girl ask again. Fortunately, this world would not change its own world, otherwise it would be really bad.

"We are people from the future. You know my name. This is my disciple Uchiha Mikoto. I believe you have guessed my teacher, it is Senju Tobirama.

As for why I have Sharingan, it is because I am a mixed blood, half of which is the blood of the Uzumaki clan and half of which is the blood of the Uchiha clan.

Wood Release is the result of my own practice.

As for the first generation Hokage we just talked about, it is Senju Hashirama.

In the near future, the Uchiha will join forces with the Senju to sweep across the Land of Fire and jointly establish a village.

This village is called Konoha, and you are the wife of Senju Hashirama and the first Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.


Yun Fei said everything in one breath, and then looked at Uzumaki Mito, waiting for her reaction.

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