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It took a long time for Uzumaki Mito to digest it, but she asked in surprise:"Will the world be prosperous in the future? Will there be a lot of things to buy? And why would I marry that wooden man, Hashirama Senju?"

"Have you seen Senju Hashirama?"

When Yun Fei asked Mito before, she said she had never seen Senju Hashirama, but if she hadn't seen Senju Hashirama, how could she know that Senju Hashirama was a wooden man? You know, Senju Hashirama who doesn't speak is still very cold. Of course, if Senju Hashirama speaks, he is a different person.

"Of course, otherwise how do you think I know, I have had contact with him when he came to the tribe before."

After listening, Yun Fei did not dwell on this issue.

Now the most important thing for the three of them is to find a town quickly, otherwise they will have to sleep on the streets at night.

Yun Fei himself doesn't care, but it is not good to let two girls sleep on the streets.

However, before setting off, Yun Fei still has to disguise himself a little.

The red hair of the two is still too conspicuous.

Although Yun Fei is not afraid of trouble, too many small troubles will also make people emotional.

Fortunately, Uzumaki Mito knew that there was a town nearby. Although it was a relatively chaotic place, it was not a problem for someone with Yun Fei's strength. The two of them each put on a hat and took Mikoto to the southeast, and that direction was the direction of the Senju clan.

Although Yun Fei was very low-key along the way, Yun Fei and Mikoto's clothes were This still attracted quite a few ninjas from small families nearby who wanted to collect"protection fees" from Yun Fei, and all of them were dealt with by Mikoto.

Mikoto's Sharingan has not yet reached the Mangekyō Sharingan, and the fastest way for the Uchiha clan to improve their strength is to upgrade their Sharingan.

Once the Uchiha clan can open the Mangekyō Sharingan, their strength will be at the level of Kage.

Compared to other ninjas who want to spend a lot of time and energy and even have certain opportunities and talents to become Kage, the Uchiha clan can be said to be the darling of heaven. As long as the Sharingan is promoted to three magatama, the lowest achievement itself is a Jonin.

Fortunately, the three of them arrived at the town that Mito mentioned at sunset. Because the town was extremely chaotic, the three decided to open a large room. Of course, Mito and Mikoto Mito slept on the bed while Yunfei had to sleep on the sofa. Yunfei originally wanted to fight for a chance to sleep on the bed together, but was ruthlessly rejected by Mito.

The next day, Yunfei and others heard the news that Sarutobi Yasunari was killed while they were having dinner. This was considered big news in the Warring States Period. The Sarutobi clan was a large clan in the Warring States Period, but the clan leader and a large group of quasi-shadows were killed by one person.

As the news spread, all the large clans were shocked, especially when they knew that only one person killed the clan leader of the Sarutobi clan and a group of quasi-shadows. They all took a breath of cold air.

This made Yunfei's name spread completely, and he was promoted from an unknown little man to a person who should be avoided as much as possible.

But this has nothing to do with Yunfei. What makes Uzumaki happy is that they just learned that the Senju clan has joined forces with the Uzumaki clan to send A large number of people started searching for something. No one knows what it is yet, but everyone knows that it must be an important thing, otherwise the Senju and Uzumaki clans would not have been dispatched like this.

Yunfei and the others certainly knew that the two clans were searching. After all, the people were abducted by Yunfei, and the importance of Uzumaki Mito is self-evident. She is not only the princess of Uzushio Village, but also the fiancée of Senju Hashirama. More importantly, her talent is also very high. The Uzumaki clan will dispatch people to search for any of these points, not to mention that all three are concentrated on one person.

Uzumaki Mito was very unhappy to hear the news. With the strength of the Senju and Uzumaki clans, it is not too difficult to search for a few people. This means that they have just come out and it won’t be long before they have to go back again.

"If you don't want to marry Senju Hashirama, I have a way. You will know when you get to Senju. Now let's look around first. When Senju finds us, we can talk about other things."At this time, Yun Fei on the side suddenly spoke up. He did have a way to make Senju Hashirama give up the engagement, and he would give it up willingly. Yun Fei believed that as long as he said that condition, Senju Hashirama would definitely agree to his request.

"Really?" Mito said expectantly.

You know, their engagement was a childhood betrothal, and the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan have had such a tradition since ancient times, so the Uzumaki clan will definitely not give up on Uzumaki Mito's engagement, unless Senju Hashirama takes the initiative to give it up, but this is no different from impossible in Mito's opinion.

But now Yun Fei said that there is a way, which makes Mito hope again. Since he met Yun Fei, what he said has come true. Now seeing Yun Fei say it so confidently, Mito still has some hope in his heart.


Yunfei looked at the white-haired man in front of him.

Mikoto and Mito looked at Yunfei speechlessly.

It had been less than three days since he and his companions were found.

Yunfei even suspected that he had been infected by Jiraiya.

Otherwise, how could he be found so easily? He and Mito were both disguised, and they had been very low-key these days.

Mikoto had black hair and had not shown up in that battle.

It was impossible for anyone to know her.

The only explanation was that Yunfei and his companions were too unlucky and were directly blocked by Senju Tobirama.

Yunfei shrugged his shoulders. Now that he was blocked by Senju Tobirama, it was not impossible for him to escape. However, Yunfei still quietly approached and asked,"Do you want to escape or what?"

Although Senju Tobirama also had Flying Thunder God, he had no way to track Yunfei's mark without knowing where it was. The only thing that made Yunfei feel bad was that the chakras of himself and his companions had been sensed by Senju Tobirama. It would be more difficult to escape in the future. His teacher's chakra perception was simply abnormal, and the range was so large that it was speechless.

"Now that we have been found, let’s go directly to the Senju tribe’s territory. This problem must be solved anyway. I remember you said that this problem can be solved, right?"

"No problem, you know I never brag."

Since Mito had no objection, Yunfei naturally had no objection either. However, before leaving, Yunfei still specifically instructed Mikoto:"Don't show your Sharingan, and if someone asks you your name, don't say your last name."

His teacher hated the Uchiha clan very much. If he knew that Mikoto was from the Uchiha clan, it would inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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