The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

At this time, Tianquan Villa had become a hell of Shura.

The real hell of Shura!

There were broken limbs and arms everywhere, blood was flowing everywhere, and the villa was full of the smell of blood and death.

Once a quiet place like a fairyland on earth, now it is like hell.

Roar, roar, roar!

A beast-like roar came from the villa, shrill and terrifying.

A roar, a few wails, and blood-red and ferocious eyes kept shuttling back and forth, wantonly killing the disciples in the villa.

Under his feet were broken pieces of flesh and corpses. Xiao Ruolin frowned slightly and said with discomfort: "Zi Shu, take care of him."

Although he didn't know what the old man Tianquan had taken, his intuition told Xiao Ruolin.

The current situation of the old man Tianquan was probably related to his 'master'.

Zi Shu rubbed his fists and feet, full of confidence: "Master, don't worry, no matter what kind of monster it is, I will blow his head with one punch."

As he said, Zi Shu's figure disappeared instantly, and the next second he appeared in front of the old man Tianquan.

The confused old man Tianquan raised his head strangely, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Zi Shu.

Zi Shu showed a ferocious smile on his face, "Just relying on a waste like you, you want to hurt me?"

"Die for me!"

With a roar, Zi Shu charged a blow and hit the old man Tianquan's head fiercely.

The fist wind whistled, and the energy was surging!

"Crack" sound!

Zishu's fist hit the vital point of old man Tianquan, but he felt as if he hit a stone, and his bones were broken.

Zishu felt pain and quickly stepped back a few steps to distance himself from old man Tianquan.

He looked down at his fist, and his right fist was trembling and swollen.

"Why is this old guy so hard?" Zishu muttered with a grin.

However, before he could think about it, old man Tianquan pounced on him, his pupils were white, and there seemed to be worms crawling inside.

Zishu dodged sideways and kicked at old man Tianquan's waist.

In contrast, old man Tianquan's waist seemed very fragile, and Zishu's kick directly broke his waist.

Old man Tianquan groaned, and his body flew backwards fiercely, but not long after, he stood up again.

Old man Tianquan's body was twisted in an extremely weird posture, and he let out a low roar, as if he was enduring great pain.

Seeing this, Zishu's beautiful eyes wrinkled slightly. He rushed forward again, ready to give the old man Tianquan a fatal blow.

However, just as he approached the old man Tianquan, a powerful force burst out from the old man's body, and the rushing airflow directly shook Zishu away.

Zishu fell heavily to the ground, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He struggled to get up, with a flash of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

The old guy in front of him seemed to have changed in some way, and his breath became more violent and dangerous.

"Hehe, interesting..." Zishu sneered.

The old man Tianquan raised his bloody chin, his eyes were empty, and his turbid eyes were filled with crazy killing and bloodthirsty desires.

The next moment, the body of the old man Tianquan suddenly pounced on Zishu like a ghost.

Zishu didn't even have time to react, and he was pressed to the ground by his throat.

With a bang!

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the marble floor was cracked by the shock.

The rat spit out a mouthful of blood.

Old man Tianquan opened his mouth, revealing his big, fishy mouth, and bit the rat.

At the critical moment, Maotu kicked Tianquan's head with a hook kick, causing it to dent.

The rat took the opportunity to break free from the old man Tianquan's hand and fell to the side, gasping for breath.

His neck was scratched by the old man Tianquan, and black blood flowed from the wound.

After Tianquan's head dented, the whole person froze there and stopped moving.

The rat was very sure that the old guy's neck was broken by Maotu's kick.

If he didn't die, he would not respect the laws of nature!

The rat gasped, and he almost died in the hands of this old guy just now.

Maotu walked to the side of the rat, looked at the black blood flowing from his neck, frowned and said, "Are you okay?"

"I won't die." The rat waved his hand.

Then he wiped the blood from his neck and scratched the wound on his neck unconsciously.

Maotu naturally noticed this detail. She couldn't help but frown and looked at the neck of Zishu.

It seemed that something had entered Zishu's neck. Just when she wanted to go forward to check, the old man Tianquan, who had been dead, rushed over again.


"Damn it! How come this monster can't be killed?" Rat widened his eyes.

"Look, I'll punch him to death!" A voice came from the sky.

A huge golden fist fell from the sky and hit the head of old man Tianquan.

Old man Tianquan screamed, and with a bang, his brain burst, and his body flew back straight and fell more than ten meters away.

Chouniu blew his fist and snorted coldly: "Hmph! His head was blown up by me, I don't believe he can still survive."

Rat wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Chouniu in surprise.

When did the second brother have such strength? He just punched the old guy on the head, but it didn't hurt.

Could it be that he took advantage of the attack from the sky?

Chou Niu looked at Zi Shu and grinned: "Brother, how is it, is my fist good enough?"

"Yes!" Zi Shu raised his thumb and asked curiously: "What is your move called?"

Chou Niu smiled and said proudly: "Sky Flying Fist!"

"Snake Skin Sky Flying Fist, I've never heard of it." Zi Shu couldn't help shaking his head.

"The Pavilion Master said that fighting requires brains. If you can't do something normally, you have to change the angle, change the angle, so that you can catch the opponent by surprise." Chou Niu explained patiently.

Zi Shu nodded, "Well said!"

Zi Shu wanted to refute it, but when the Pavilion Master was mentioned, he didn't even think about it and agreed and supported it unconditionally.

After all, the Pavilion Master can't be wrong.

On the other hand, Yue Ji looked at the three people with a look of surprise.

This Soul Binding Pavilion is just a newly rising strength, but its foundation seems to be a little unfathomable?

It is said that there are thirteen of the twelve concubines. If all thirteen of them have the strength of these three, there are not many forces that can match them in the world.

It is worthy of being the second-ranked killer organization after Dark River.

At this rate, it may not take long for the Soul Binding Pavilion to surpass Dark River and become the first-ranked killer organization in the world.

You know, the Soul Binding Pavilion has only been rising for less than two years, and there was no news of marriage before.

Yue Ji looked at Ming Hou in her arms, and her hands could not help but increase a little.

I don’t know whether it is right or wrong to join this organization...

"Brother, this old guy is very tough. What did he feed himself just now?" Chou Niu asked in confusion.

"How do I know." Zishu rolled his eyes: "I guess he practiced some magic skills, making himself neither human nor ghost."

Zishu scratched his neck unconsciously, and he didn't even know that the wound was bleeding from his scratch.

At this time, the body of the old man Tianquan moved again. Although his brain was blown up, his body was still twisting in a strange way.

Several people were about to go forward to finish him off, but they heard a cold voice: "Lower your head!"

The three of them quickly shrank their necks. In an instant, four famous swords flew over their heads, bringing with them a sharp sound of breaking wind.

Swish, swish, swish!

The four famous swords emitted countless sword qi, forming a sword rain that annihilated the body of the old man Tianquan, leaving no residue behind, completely crushing his bones and raising them to ashes.

"So strong." Zishu was full of emotion.

"Abnormal." Chou Niu nodded in agreement.

Then, Xiao Ruolin walked in front of Zishu and slashed with a sword.

A flash of cold light frightened Zishu so much that he closed his eyes: "Pavilion Master, Da Me!"

A coldness slid across his neck, and Zishu suddenly felt refreshed, as if he had come back to life.

Xiao Ruolin waved his finger, and the fish intestine flew in front of his eyes, and on the sword tip was a bloodworm that was wriggling crazily.

The bloodworm was red all over, twisting its body constantly, and soon it shrivelled and died.

Chou Niu hurriedly came up, looked at it carefully, and said in surprise: "It's so ugly!"

Zi Shu also came over and said it was disgusting!

"Disgusting? I picked it out of you." Xiao Ruolin smiled, and then picked the worm to Zi Shu.

Zi Shu was so scared that he quickly dodged, thinking about the worm wriggling in his body, he couldn't help but retching.

Mao Tu walked up and asked: "Master, when did you find out?"

She thought she was the only one who noticed the abnormality of Zi Shu, but she never thought that the master who was far away also knew it.

She was not sure before, she just thought she was dazzled, until Xiao Ruolin picked out the worm, she realized it.

"Maotu, maybe you are more suitable to be in charge of the intelligence department than Laojiu."

Xiao Ruolin replied with a smile.

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