After clearing away all the debris and debris, the whole body came into view.

The owner of the body was a famous swordsman.

The Wind Sword Master Soya!

With his wind skills and swordsmanship, he could even rival the Southern Sword Master.

But at this moment, the other party ended up like this, with his body destroyed beyond recognition.

Huang Quan immediately stepped forward, and as soon as he touched the body, he felt a piercing chill, and instantly felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Huang Quan retracted his hand, stared at Soya's body, and his face became extremely ugly.

Xiao Ruolin calmed down and reached out to check the wounds on Soya's body.

This time, he was more careful, gathering the true energy in his palm and feeling it subtly.

After a moment, his brows knitted tightly, and his face showed solemnity.

All the meridians in Soya's body were destroyed, and there were several hidden injuries in his body. He was tortured to death before he died, and then eaten by wild beasts after his death.

"How could it be..." Huang Quan's expression was extremely ugly, and he clenched his fists: "The famous swordsman in the martial arts world died here like this."

Thinking back to the past, they still drank and talked about swords together. Now seeing his old friend die in a foreign land, he suppressed a ball of anger in his heart.

Wuji, who was also a sword master, frowned, and saw Soya's miserable appearance, and clenched his fists.

"To be able to force Soya to such a desperate situation, this person must be extraordinary!" Huang Quan took a deep breath, and a trace of grief flashed in his eyes.

Wuji stepped forward and covered Suoya's eyes: "No matter what, we must find the murderer and avenge Suoya!"

Gradually, some mutilated corpses were found around.

For a while, the crowd was in chaos, because among those corpses, there were many people with first-class martial arts, and even many masters who had entered the fourth realm.

"It seems that we are not the first group of people to enter this city." Xiao Ruolin said in a deep voice.

"Damn it! What is the official hiding!" Huang Quan couldn't help but shouted angrily.

At this moment, he no longer felt that this was an ordinary missing person incident.

Come to think of it, if this trip was really so simple, how could the reward be so generous.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, bringing a strong smell of blood. Everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses, the smell was disgusting.

"Everyone come and see!" Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a corpse lying in the grass not far away.

When he got closer, he found that he was also a swordsman. There was still sword spirit around him. His death was also miserable.

"It's the Sword Emperor Li Shizhen!" The crowd exclaimed again.

Huang Quan immediately pushed everyone away and got closer. Who else could it be but Li Shizhen?

While talking, several more bodies were found, and they were all masters who were famous in the world. The scene became more and more chaotic, and everyone was worried.

Xiao Ruolin looked at the sky and suggested: "Take the bodies back to the inn first. I always feel that something is going to happen."

Others were still at a loss, and there were even many people with bad tempers shouting to leave the city.

Xiao Ruolin ignored them, but took Hua Jin's hand and looked for a place to stay in the city.

He consciously told him that staying outside was definitely not a good thing.

He Qu He Cong looked at each other and chose to follow behind.

Huang Quan and Wuji carried the bodies of their two old friends on their shoulders and followed.

The atmosphere was dull and depressing, and everyone's heart was shrouded in a shadow.

This is a dead city, there are no living people, only dead people, and the miasma has been pervasive, which has limited vision and is full of weirdness and uneasiness.

On the way, Xiao Ruolin held Hua Jin's hand and couldn't help asking: "Now, do you still think that red spider lilies will grow here?"

Hua Jin's left hand was held by Xiao Ruolin, and his right hand was flipping through the ancient book of Yaowang Valley: "Although it's creepy here, everything is as recorded in the book. Red spider lilies have always grown in dead places, and this place is very consistent."


She closed the ancient book and looked at the group of people behind her: "Don't care about them?"

Xiao Ruolin shook his head, "I'm just a junior in their eyes. How can these old oils who have been in the rivers and lakes for many years listen to me."

"Oh..." Hua Jin nodded.

Xiao Ruolin led everyone to an inn and chose a relatively large room.

Wuji and Huang Quan put the body in the house, their faces were very heavy.

He went to the roof and jumped on it, keeping alert to the surroundings at all times.

"Who is the one who did this?" Huang Quan gritted his teeth and said.

"It is not clear at the moment, but it is certain that the other party

It seems that he doesn't want you to find that person. "Xiao Ruolin analyzed calmly.

"Brother Xiao, what should we do next?" Wuji looked at Xiao Ruolin.

Two people who have been in the world for many years now regard a young man as their backbone.

"Take a rest first, conserve your energy, and when night falls on this city, you may be able to find some clues." Xiao Ruolin comforted.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Although they were in a heavy mood, their tired bodies still made it difficult for them to concentrate highly.

Before the two returned to their room, Xiao Ruolin glanced at the two bodies.

Noticing the broken meat in Soya's fingernails, he suddenly realized something.

His eyes flickered, thoughtful, and said lightly: "Tie them up with ropes and go to rest. "

Huang Quan and Wu Ji were stunned for a moment. Although they were puzzled, they still found a thin rope and tied the two bodies together.

Night fell, and the streets outside were empty and quiet.

There were nearly fifty people from the martial arts world who came in with them.

Because of the strange events in the city, twenty people left the city, and the rest wanted to complete the tasks assigned by the government and wanted to get rich overnight.

People are greedy, and the conditions offered by the government were impossible for them to refuse.

So, among this group of people, there were not only people from the martial arts world, but also some children from aristocratic families.

They had different motives, but their goals were the same.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Ruolin was suddenly awakened by a chill and opened his eyes.

Hua Jin had fallen asleep on the bed. He suddenly looked out the window and a black shadow flashed by.

"Who? "Xiao Ruolin asked in a low voice.

There was no response, and the room was dead silent.

Hearing the movement in the room, Wufawutian and the other two immediately came down from the roof, drew their swords and protected Hua Jin.

"Did you two find anything?" Xiao Ruolin asked hurriedly.

Hequhecong and the other two shook their heads: "No, we came down after hearing your call."

Xiao Ruolin frowned, that was definitely not an illusion.

"You stay here to protect her, I'll go out and take a look! "

After saying that, he carried the sword case and walked out of the inn.

There was no one outside the inn, and the street was dead quiet, but he felt that the chill had not disappeared.

Xiao Ruolin looked around vigilantly, and suddenly, he found a trail of blood in the corner of the wall not far away, extending into the dark alley.

His heart sank, and he followed the blood trail. The alley was filled with a foul smell, and Xiao Ruolin couldn't help covering his mouth and nose.

After walking for a long time, at the end of the alley, he saw a man squatting on the ground with his back to him.

There was a man lying on the ground. Seeing the machete that fell on the ground, Xiao Ruolin recognized the owner of the machete at a glance.

Scarfaced man!

The man squatting on the ground, with his back to Xiao Ruolin, asked for something from the man.

Xiao Ruolin summoned his long sword and walked slowly over. The closer he got, the stronger the smell of decay and blood became.

Approaching the man, Xiao Ruolin stretched out his hand and put it on his shoulder.

But suddenly, the man turned around and the two looked at each other.

A face full of maggots and decay was covered with blood.

Xiao Ruolin Lin was startled instinctively and jumped back before the monster could pounce on him.

The monster opened its bloody mouth, and maggots fell from its mouth to the ground, making Xiao Ruolin's stomach churn. The monster let out a low roar and then pounced on him.


Xiao Ruolin summoned his famous sword, and the famous sword Seven Stars Dragon Abyss flew out of the sword box and cut off the monster's head with one sword.

After the monster fell to the ground, Xiao Ruolin was still in shock, and he suppressed the discomfort.

He walked up to the monster and felt around for a while. There was no doubt that the man in front of him had been refined into a medicine man. .

But unlike what he knew, this person seemed to have died for several days and his body had rotted before he became a medicine man.

Just as Xiao Ruolin was thinking whether this was the work of Wang Changqing, a low roar came from all directions.

He immediately became alert and clenched the Seven Star Dragon Abyss in his hand.

Staring closely at the entrance of the dark alley, a group of identical monsters appeared in front of Xiao Ruolin.

They exuded a foul smell and pounced on him with their fangs and claws. There were so many that they could not be counted until they reached the end of the alley.

"Little prince, this way!" Suddenly, a voice sounded in Xiao Ruolin's ears.

Xiao Ruolin turned his head and was slightly stunned when he saw the man.

Eunuch Jinxian?

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