The dead man was in the city, and the dead man was in the city.

Why is Jinxian here? Could it be that the person Huangquan and the others are looking for...

Is that man?

The situation is urgent now, Xiao Ruolin didn't think much, and jumped directly to the roof.

Although these medicine men are not a threat to him, such a large number is a headache for even him.

In the alley, a large number of medicine men all rushed towards them frantically.

Originally, this dead city came alive at this moment, and the roars of medicine men were everywhere.

Compared to calling them medicine men, Xiao Ruolin thinks it is more appropriate to call them zombies.

It's ridiculous enough. I didn't expect that the crisis that didn't break out in the previous world would break out in this world.

The two of them shuttled between the roofs. Jin Xian looked back at the densely packed medicine men behind him, frowning slightly: "It seems that their active time has been advanced again..."

Then, he stopped and held the Fengxue Sword: "Little Prince, you leave first, and I will come to you after I lead these medicine men here."

After that, regardless of whether Xiao Ruolin heard it or not, he plunged into the group of corpses with the sword.

Seeing Jin Xian's confident tone, Xiao Ruolin did not hesitate and turned around and rushed towards the inn.

On the way back, sporadic medicine men gradually appeared, and Xiao Ruolin didn't know where they suddenly came from.

He was worried about Hua Jin's safety, and he had to go back quickly!

After rushing all the way and quickly returning to the inn, he calmed down.

There was no activity of medicine men nearby, but it would be soon.

He stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the inn. It was dark inside, and an old smell came to his face.

Xiao Ruolin's heart tightened. He remembered that when he left before, there was an oil lamp in the room.

Why now...

He stepped into the room carefully and looked around in the moonlight.

The room was filled with the smell of dust. Tables, chairs and benches were placed in a mess. Yellowed scrolls were hung on the walls, and the scratches of wild beasts were clearly visible.


A red long sword flew out of the sword box, and the sword body flashed red light, illuminating the inn.

The two bodies tied to the pillars were only left with two ropes.

Xiao Ruolin frowned, and a sense of foreboding rose in his heart.

He walked quickly up to the second floor and came to the door of Hua Jin's room.

Pushing the door open, the room was empty, and there was no sign of people.

"Xiao Hua Jin!" Xiao Ruolin shouted loudly, and his voice echoed in the silent inn.

He was extremely anxious, turned around and rushed out of the room, looking for Hua Jin's traces in the inn.

However, there was no one else in the inn except him.

"Hua Jin!" Xiao Ruolin clenched his fists tightly, trying to calm himself down.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of papers scattered on the ground in the corner. When he got closer, he found that it was an ancient book that was torn into pieces and stained with blood.

Xiao Ruolin's heart sank suddenly. This was Hua Jin's medical book.

How could it be!

He was away for such a short time, and they were in trouble?


Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, and fighting sounds were heard not far away.

Xiao Ruolin looked up suddenly, stuffed a few intact medical papers into his arms, and then rushed to the source of the sound.

Not far away, Hua Jin and others were forced into a mansion, and two dead people roared.

One of them even flew towards several people. Huang Quan put a sword on the man's claws and shouted: "Brother Li, Brother Suo, I am Huang Quan! Don't you recognize me?"

But the only answer he got was the empty white eyes with maggots gushing out.

Li Shizhen, who was originally dead, stood up again at this moment, but he seemed to have lost his mind and roared at Huang Quan.

Suo Ya behind him had a twisted neck and staggered slowly towards Huang Quan.

"Brother Huang, I'll help you!" Wu Ji shouted in a deep voice and forced Suo Ya back with a sword.

But Suo Ya, who was severely injured, quickly stood up again and continued to pounce on him with his teeth and claws bared as if nothing had happened.


Huang Quan kicked Li Shizhen, but the other party was as steady as a mountain and did not retreat a step, just like kicking a stone.

While he was stunned, Li Shizhen punched Huang Quan away.

Huang Quan hit the wall heavily and spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, Li Shizhen didn't give him time to catch his breath, and he was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

He opened his bloody mouth, picked up Huangquan with one hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Two figures flashed over, and one of them slashed at Li Shizhen with a sword.

Blood splattered everywhere, but how could a dead person react?

"Brother! Trip him!" He Qu shouted in a deep voice.

He Congdian

, the two of them supported themselves on the ground with one hand, and kicked Li Shizhen's back knee accurately with a sweeping kick.

Li Shizhen staggered, and the Huang Quan in his hand fell off. He Qu took the opportunity to rush forward, hugged Huang Quan, and retreated quickly.

"Damn it!" He Qu cursed inwardly, this monster was too difficult to deal with.

His feet were like kicking on a steel plate, and this kick was probably red and swollen.

He looked down at Huang Quan in his arms, only to see that his face was pale and his breath was weak.

"Brother! Concentrate your firepower and kill one first!" He Qu shouted, put Huang Quan aside, and took the lead in rushing towards Li Shizhen with a sword.

Seeing this, He Cong also tacitly raised his sword and attacked Li Shizhen together.

In the flash of swords and shadows, Li Shizhen struggled to resist the attack of the two.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Huang Quan's heart was extremely solemn.

The strength of the four swordsmen was known to each other.

But Brother Li, who had lost his mind and turned into a monster, had reached the realm of free and unrestrained heaven.

At this moment, Suoya on the other side punched Wuji away and flew towards the unattended Hua Jin.

Hua Jin ran back smartly, but her short legs were no match for Suoya, who had turned into a medicine man.

As Suoya approached, he opened his bloody mouth and bit her. Hua Jin quickly threw out a few silver needles.

Whoosh! The silver needles hit Suoya like cotton, without any reaction.

"Ah!" Hua Jin squatted down with his head in his hands.

Hearing the sound, He Qu and He Cong hurriedly looked towards Hua Jin, their hearts in their throats.

"Little miracle doctor!" He Qu shouted angrily, and raised his sword to kill Suoya.

Damn, it's too late!

At the critical moment, a figure flashed by and blocked Hua Jin.

Xiao Ruolin held Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and confronted Suoya. The sharp sword force on his body deformed Suoya.

"Xiao Huajin, you step back." Xiao Ruolin said lightly.

"Ruolin!" Huajin's eyes lit up, and then he did what the other party meant.

He ran behind a pillar and hid, not forgetting to stick out his little head.

Suoya let out a low roar in his throat, and his body continued to extend forward.

Xiao Ruolin dodged sideways, and swung Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, slashing towards Suoya's neck.


Blood splattered everywhere, Xuanyuan Sword easily cut off Suoya's neck, and his head rolled to the side.

But to Xiao Ruolin's surprise, Suoya's body did not fall down, but continued to rush forward, and black liquid spurted out of the broken neck cavity, spraying him in the face.

"What kind of monster is this!" Xiao Ruolin was secretly shocked.

Suoya, who lost his head, did not hold on for long, and soon fell to the ground.

He kicked the head away and took out a piece of white cloth to cover Soya's body.

Then he turned his head slightly and said gently to Hua Jin behind the pillar: "It's done, come out."

As soon as Hua Jin came out from behind the pillar, he covered his mouth and pointed behind Xiao Ruolin in horror: "Be careful!"

Xiao Ruolin glanced back and saw that Li Shizhen had gotten rid of the entanglement of the He brothers at some point.

A bloody mouth had half entered his head, and he even smelled the stench of the corpse.

The scene of Xiao Ruolin's head being bitten off did not appear, but a bloody storm appeared instead.

The sword will protect the master, and eleven sword qi cut Li Shizhen's body into dozens of pieces.

Xiao Ruolin touched the blood on his face and frowned slightly. The blood affected his reaction.

He didn't even notice the danger approaching, and the blood rain fell, except for the two people covered by the sword qi.

The rest of the people were washed by the blood rain, and their bodies were sticky and unbearable.

Huang Quan swallowed his saliva and marveled at Xiao Ruolin's strength.

The four of them couldn't do anything together, but Brother Suo and Brother Li, who had turned into monsters, were solved by Brother Xiao with one move.

Is this the difference in strength?

He Qu He Cong also stood there in a daze, speechless for a long time. No wonder the old man didn't react much after the little doctor was kidnapped.

Befriending this boy will definitely not harm Jian Xinzhong.

Perhaps just as the old man thought, this boy will become the first sharp sword to show its edge after Jian Xinzhong enters the world!

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