It was midnight when I was able to join the merchant squad. I thought that would happen at that slow pace.

So the merchant squad was grounded here for another day and was to leave tomorrow morning.

It's not like we can't even act at night, but it's dangerous not to see ahead.

"Ha, it's a pain in the ass"

I'm stupider with a sigh. There are a lot of people around now, so in Japanese.

"Is something wrong?

Haku asked. Shit, it got to hack.

"Oh, no, I'll see you later"

"Oh, well, okay."

When I said it while stroking my head, Haku said a convincing word with a doubtful face, clenching his neck all the time.

"Good day, brother"

"Mm, thanks. But I don't know if it's as good as Inai right now."

"Right. Oh, my God, sister."

Inai is now dealing with the knights.

The knights were about to do a midnight march. The story of Inai asking the merchants to stop it because it's hard for them, and the fact that he tried to kill the thief on this occasion, so there's no point in just killing him here and it should make him throw up the stronghold.

Other than that, there was a lot of deviation between the knight and Inai in terms of perception or thinking, and Inai had managed to modify them.

By the way, one of those acts was when I stopped a knight who leaked a little dissatisfaction with Inai's statement from about to be cut to death by the captain. What the hell, these guys.

That flash of defense seems to have changed my eyes even slightly. Probably because he suddenly appeared from a spot that wasn't in a position to be stopped and stopped the captain's blow with one hand.

Well, the moment I saw it, I transferred it and took it while strengthening it.

Murder, I'm sure there are moments when you have to. If not, there can be no such thing as the death penalty in modern Japan. I am certain that there is a heart that is saved by being wished to die.

But I think that feeling of killing people with this hand is very disgusting to me, and these guys who make it so light and to that extent are the object of disgust.

So when I stopped the sword, I put the sword straight on that captain's neck. In the same eye, would you like to be easily cut to death? with a statement.

I failed...

"I don't think your brother's bad enough, do you?

"... the merchants are scared of me. For the first time, Mr. Ferrene's pulling a little too?

"... so, but"

"Sorry, I was mean. Thank you, Sigal."

I stroke Sigal's head, which comforts me. What are you going to do with this kid?

"I can't move today for now."

"Right. I'll get you something to eat."

"Oh, I'll help you."

"No. I will!

Sigal going to make a meal with her tongue out of it. Beyond that there was a mass of meat that had already been judged, which I would have put in place while I waited.

Are you going to make it for everyone by yourself?

"Hey, Huck. Who judged that meat?

'It's Inai. Sigal stared at him in the back. It seemed a little disgusting though.'

After all, it's impossible for Cigal to judge a large beast. But I tried to look and learn. That kid is really strong. I was about to throw up the other day.

"I took it!

"Oh, I see, you came hunting, not being attacked or something"

'Because you said what you were going to do with your meal, why don't we hunt? And when I heard, he told me to go.'

Light. Dragon and parsley?

I think my perception of taking people's lives has changed a little bit after I killed them.

There is no gushing noise if they tell me what's the difference between killing a fellow countryman and killing another creature. It's just that Haku has a crush around him.

Whatever it is, there is no doubt that the creature almost lives by killing other creatures.

He's alive taking his life. There was a perception from the beginning.

What wasn't enough, I'm ready. Until then, I guess I felt little different than when I was still in Japan.

Even when I saw the knights earlier I thought. That people's lives are too light in this world. I was mistaken because Umr is a peaceful and gentle country.

Those who serve their country, not thieves, take their lives so lightly. That's the world.

So one day I'll kill people of my own free will. To protect someone. To protect what matters.

For Inai. For Cigal. I wouldn't get lost if I did. I've decided to be ready. If it's for both of us, I can hang up without hesitation.

"Tallow, are you scared of your face?

"Oh, sorry."

"Nothing, I'm fine, but Sigal's gonna worry again."

"Yeah, I'll be careful"

And I want to cure the direct link between good thoughts and expressions.


"Yeah, yummy"

"No, thank you for making our share too"

"Young lady, you're a good cook. There wouldn't have been much seasoning."

Sigal's cuisine is greatly admirable to everyone. By the way, there's only a little bit of the knights. About a cup of utensils.

Sigal, you did your best. I made an amazing amount. It's almost cooked out. This.

The knights say it's delicious too. It's actually delicious.

"Well made."

"Your sister snuck me some condiments."

"I see."

"That's about it. I'll make the right excuse."

We're almost close to the palm of our hands, except for the bags with the light luggage. I can't afford to add condiments.

If I let you out, where did you let me out of? will be questioned.

I also keep my mouth shut because tools like Inai's bracelet don't take for granted around there. Inai also said that the bracelet was made in cooperation with Mr. Aroness.

Maybe there's something less functional.

At the end of the meal, the knights were supposed to provide protection, so everyone but the knights were supposed to sleep.

It's just a little hard to have.

I woke up at midnight with signs of someone approaching the carriage. Apparently I noticed because I was careful.

Um, I'd like to make some magic or tools or something that I'd notice if I burst asleep.

If Mr. Seles and Inai already have the means. Mr. Aroness seems trapped.

I cannot imagine a diagram of Mr Lynn and Mr Mirka being ambushed. I feel like I'm usually awake.

"... Inai"

Call Inai in a low voice.

"I know. Don't move."

Inai seemed to have noticed too. Is that what you have after all?

As the intruder approaches, he gets into the carriage with little sound and stops in front of Inai and me.

By the way, I use 'seeing' magic around me as I close my eyes at the time I wake up, so I can see it even with my eyes closed.

You're not good at this. Because when I open my eyes, the information doubles. It's easier to move if you keep your eyes closed.

But if it stays that way, it's hard to tell how far away it is.

Two. As he pretended to sleep, whatever he meant, he pulled out his sword and stabbed us.

At that moment I do fortified magic.

I can see the sword being swung down. Put it away with a magic barrier on the verge of hitting it, hunt your feet without getting up, grab your arms, and hold it down.

When I look at Inai, the man is unconscious and falling. Dr. Boulder Inai. []/(v5s, vi) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) to

"Tallow, drop it."

Copy that.

As Inai put it, strangle it off. Rapture but gradual loss of power, fainting.

"What, what's wrong!?

Looks like Sigal woke up with this doozy, too.

"Looks like these two went for Inai and Tallow."

"Haku, were you awake?

'Yeah, when I came to Cigal, I was going to kill him. But it's the Tallows, so I thought it was okay, so I let it go.'

"Oh, yeah..."

I feel like I have some weird way of being trusted. I can't win, can I? I honestly don't feel like I can win Mr. Lynn or anything.

But I don't think I ever answered that guy's feelings until I can't win one day.

No, it's these guys now more than that.

"Inai, what do these guys do?

"You've made up your mind. Huck, can you get those guys? Come with me, Sigal."

"Oh, yeah?

Looks like Sigal hasn't caught the situation yet. In the meantime, my pants are slipping a little, so I think I should put them up.

They heard a lot of noise on the boulders, and the merchants and other escorts noticed they were coming over.

"Dear S, Stell. Is something wrong?

"Yeah, we got a little problem. I need to speak to the knight, so I'll be away for a little while."

That's what Inai goes to where the knights are camping.

Me and Sigal follow from behind. Grab a weapon.

"Mr. Tallow, what the...!

Mr. Ferrene was speechless when he saw the hack that came out of the carriage the last time.

Because there was a knight (...) in charge of passing out there.

"Captain, I need to speak to you."

Inai speaks up and tells the knights. Eventually it gets noisy and the captain comes out of the back.

"Dear Stell. What's the matter, sir?

The captain is pretty naughty for Inai. Are you still scared?



Haku goes forward in the voice of Inai and throws the knight. Oh, that's dangerous. If you fall off your neck, you'll get hurt.

No, are these two dead good beings for Haku?

"Ko, what the hell are they..."

Captain who can be wolfed by the fact that the two were thrown, and the knights.

"Looks like you targeted the lives of me and Tallow. You were probably going to kill these two after that, too."

"Oh, that's stupid!

"So what did you get into our carriage for and pull out your sword?

Honestly, I think whatever you say is an excuse.

"Well, they will be executed immediately, so please forgive me!

The captain kneels one knee and bows his head. It doesn't seem to be earthbound style.

"No, before you do, can you tell me what they belong to?


"The knights of this country, though they are knights, should have a nobility of superiors. Please tell me who it is. If we don't find out, we'll wake these people up and make them throw up."

"Please wait a moment. Hey, does anybody know anything about them?

Hmm. Even though the Knights don't all belong to the same place, do they have nobles to serve?

Hmm, does it feel like all those nobles put out knights this time?

No, I guess not all of them. I feel like there are 50 fewer people in all on the boulder. No, but are there countries like that?

"Tallow. Cigal. I'll probably do something bad for you guys after this. Bring him in. What, you might want to go back to the carriage."

Inai looks a little annoyed and says.

Something nasty? I wonder what. I don't know what it is, but the answer is fixed.

"Fine. I'm here. Inai is accepting me all. That's why I accept Inai."

"I'm not leaving you and your brother behind, either. I'm worried. I love you, too."

"... thanks"

Inai laughs, but that laugh looks a little sad. I wonder what you're going to do.

After a while, the captain returns to Inai.

"Dear Stell. There was something I knew."

"Really? Okay."

Inai gets out in front of the two knights Haku threw and puts his hand forward.

"You don't need them anymore."

That being said, I think Inai will reach the clouds. Let out the pillars of Aurora Flame and burn the two knights down without even leaving ashes. I didn't even have time to wake up and scream.


The captain and the knights were trembling at the flames. But I've seen it many times on that scale. Because Mr. Celes was doing it a little bit.

And I've been hit a few times, so I can stand that level. Instead, Haku's heat cannon is more powerful.

I realize there's definitely something wrong with me around here, too. 'Cause next door, Sigal's holding my sleeve, with all her might.

Haku? Oh, I'm looking at the fire column, though?

"I have completed their execution. Are you sure?

"Ha! too, of course!

"So I'd like to talk about the future too, so could you make a little space for me to talk?

"Ha, right away!

I can tell the captain is rattling and trembling because he sees it.

"Tallow, I need to talk to these people. Go to sleep first. I'll be out early in the morning."

"... okay?

I kind of didn't want you to go, but it sounded like it. Maybe it's your fault.

"Yeah, go to sleep. Tomorrow instead, please."

Because the knights are paying attention, the expression doesn't break. But something seemed spicy.

"Haku, I'm sorry, I left Sigal to you"

"Hmm? Okay."


"Sorry, Sigal. I want to keep you attached to Inai today"

"... no, I'll follow you too"

"... um, okay"

The three of us are going by Inai.

"You can stay asleep, right?

"Yeah, that's okay"

"... I don't like that, you guys."

Inai whispers as he moves.

"... to be honest, I was surprised. But those guys tried to kill Inai. So I don't care."

"I'll do it again to make things better.

I reach out to people who seek salvation, but I don't understand that I don't show them where to do it when I do it to an arrangement that spreads hostility "

"Fine. So, you don't have to be tough with that look on your face."

"That's right, sister. You can count on us."

Inai told me not to get used to murder. He told us something strange about killing for the purpose of murder. I don't think she's killing people with all that in mind.

Most importantly, I'm ready to kill people for both of us.

"I love Inai. So is Sigal."

Sigal snorts at my words, yeah.

"So fine. I'll take all of Inai."

"... yeah, thanks"

'You're welcome!'

Why does Haku respond? I accidentally laughed at it. Inai also had an unexpected response from Haku, pointing her eyes at him.

"Mm, what? I like Inai too, don't I?

Inai also unwittingly blows up at the word.

"Pugh, kuk, yeah, right, thanks Huck"


Yeah, Inai is better right now than the look on your face that seemed like it just now.

"I like you, too, Tallow. Cigal. Huck. I really love it."

Inai like that was her usual spare smile.

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