"I see, did those two do the same thing with separate aristocratic lives? Well, I'm pretty sure they're working together."

"But also their discretion."

"If it's arbitrary, you're not guilty?

"No, it's not like that"

"There can be no arbitrariness in that."

"Oh, really?

"Yeah, as their discretion, why should they kill us?

"Well, that's because they're not happy with you."

"Do you risk your life for such trivial things? If you fail, death is definitive, right?

"Oh, that's..."

"That would mean he'd have been killed if he hadn't done it. Either way, if they were going to kill me, I guess it was that way that I saw it as a means to survive for them.

I responded quite a bit if I were to be honest, because I can't have a sweet face for my life either. "

"Well, of course it is"

Inai does not put a slice of the tea served on him, but continues the conversation with the captain.

Me, Sigal and Haku, we're all sitting in the chair next to each other.

Several knights are also on the spot. They're all nervous faces.

"I'll tell you for once, you should stop lying and deceiving. It's not a lot of effort, either, to the extent that I wipe out this Knights by myself. I'm sure you know that from the execution."

In that word of Inai, the knights harden. With lies and deception, it is said that earlier magic would be right for us. I wouldn't feel alive.

If they say Inai is the personality to do that though, no. Probably just a threat. But I don't know Inai. These guys can't even tell that.

If you damage your mood any more, you will be killed. You probably think so. That's what Inai's threatening to do by the time it's easy to understand.

"Who else besides them serves the same nobility, or the nobility involved in them?

"Yes. Yes, sir."

"Can you bring those people here?

"Ha, wait a minute!

I ran away instantly and came back without much time. Five knights following behind it.

"I brought you!

"Thank you. Okay, you guys, I'm gonna ask you straight in. Have you been ordered to kill us?

Honestly, I wouldn't do anything wrong. "

The perimeter of Inai can be burned chilly. The flames are tickling. Just because the flames earlier are still new to my memory, it would be effective.

"Oh, you guys, never lie! If we find out later, think we're all gonna die!

The men who seem to have duly recognized that you are not dying, but that we are dying, their bodies are shaking only with pleasure and spit.

"Also, I say. Fortunately, before you came to the king's capital, you were ordered to kill Lord Stell and Lord Tallow."

"I, too, was told to kill you before you came to the king's capital."

"I'm the same."

"Wow, I was told to grab my kids if the killing didn't go well."

"That's what they said to me, too. I think the two executed are probably similar."

He really gave me a light gelo. I'm pretty sure the last minute execution is working. Everyone says shivering.

"Sounds like it, huh?

Inai smiles at the captain. The captain, on the other hand, is bright blue.

"Please forgive me for reporting this to His Majesty the King and asking his nobility to dispose of it."

"No, the report is my own. You were sent to bring us to the royal castle, weren't you?

"Oh, that's"

"You don't have to hide it, do you? It's just that if you're transporting thieves, you just have to get soldiers. You knights don't have to come. The knights of this country rarely appear on the surface, do they?

"Yes, no, we're trying to get an identical object to turn around so that Master Steel doesn't have a crude..."

"Oh, then why hasn't one of your nobles come?

"Oh, yes, no"

"Naturally, right? Because I suppose they think we should take our feet and drool our heads. They're going to come to their country with my feet and say hello."

"What about that?!?

"Is it? If I come to the King's Capital and ignore them, for me, no, for a country called Umr, they will be judged not to be enough to take. But haven't you been told?

It is totally Inai's pace. It feels like the captain can no longer make excuses for anything.

"I thought you said earlier, however, that I would not tolerate lies and deception, but you still seem a little weak in recognition"

That's what I'm saying, and now I'm gonna put a much more momentous fire together for a moment. Fire is easy to understand.

Better than water, soil, wind, I guess I'm scared because I can see the damage in sight.

"Also, sorry! They did say that!

Quick apology. I'm so scared.

"So even if we get to Wang Capital, just a report that I'm here, please? I will speak directly to His Majesty the King."


"Now, will the man you serve escape, or will he go on outrage, or will he obey honestly? Anyway, it's settled in the end, though.

You all should know that. Umr is sweet to those who extend their hand of friendship, but we have to forgive those who admit to being enemies. You're not gonna let this happen to you, are you?

Inai smiles and usually thinks she's a beautiful girl and she's a beautiful smile to watch, but today's says with a hugely scary smile.

"Okay, I'll be out early tomorrow. I'd like to get there before the sun rises."

"Wow, I get it. That's what I'll tell everyone."


Inai thanks us deeply and goes back to the merchant army with us.

In the merchant corps, everyone was solidified in one place, wondering what had happened.

"I wonder what happened, Mr. Tallow."

Mr. Ferrene asked on behalf of me.

"Uh, uh"

When I saw Inai, he shook his head. I don't know what to say.

"Sorry, it's no big deal."

"Yes, but just now there was an amazing fire column."

"Oh, that's well, well, don't worry too much"

"Ugh, wow, okay"

I have no idea, but I think I decided I should pull it off. It helps.

I couldn't come up with a good excuse.

When we went back to our carriage, we asked Inai a question.

"Is the nobility of this disturbance the remnant of the guy from the other raid?

"No, it's not. Then you'd rather grow up and try not to find out. Maybe the one with the connection to the guy from the previous city. I'm guessing the contact was ahead of us."

"... could something have happened?

"Well, it's a simple story. I don't really like aristocratic deeds. You told that story to the noble soldiers over there and the nobles involved in the union over there. This is all about you.

I guess the union president had me spinning a lot of money, too. The Union is under national control, but it is not a national institution. It's illegal to mess around the country at will. than putting the Union down. That is also a commitment to other countries.

Demotion or divestiture of the nobility if it is broken. Should I be executed if I suck? You wanted to avoid me reporting things to the King. "

"Does it include the union matter? But the unionists, why don't they just leave the city?"

"You're being set up somehow, and you're eating punishment. Once eaten, to go to another city and work, I have the permission of the Branch Manager"

"I see, that's why we can't all get away from there"

"Maybe. I didn't collect any more information, and you didn't even ask the knights why. What happens after you report it to the King? Yeah, be careful, there's still a chance that the assassins will come. Well, if it's really dangerous, I'll protect you."

"Mm, I'll work on my own. I'll protect Sigal, too."


I was upset when I saw Sigal while it was good.

"If I had been alone, I would have been dead or caught..."

"Never mind. It's usually like that."


"Now be protected. When you're in a position to do so, you can respond to that person."

"... yeah"

I'll protect Cigal, okay?

"Thanks, Huck"

Huck and Sigal are really close. Fight me. I'm not like this, but I talk a lot.

Does the wavelength fit?

"Journey, didn't you hate it early? This happens all the time with me, I guess."

"Hmm, it's not a bad idea to keep things straight in the country, but I won't stop traveling. Because I have learned something in Japan and thought about it. I want to continue my journey. In fact, I've noticed a lot of important things."

"Oh well, okay. Is Sigal okay?

"Yeah! I wouldn't be afraid of anything with your sister and brother!

Inai hears Sigal's answer and turns his head into a gash.

"Then I'm going to bed."




We went to bed to take care of ourselves the next morning.

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