"Uh-huh, ha. Slept well..."

I couldn't sleep well during the escort, so I fell asleep early.

There is a hack back to the dragon by my side.

When he entered the room about the inn, Haku returned to the instant dragon and sat in the middle of his bed and fell asleep. It didn't move whether it rocked or slapped. I wake up in the morning, but I don't wake up when this happens.

The bed was big took two rooms, but in the middle of one of them, and I fell asleep sideways, so Inai and Cigal were supposed to use the other and sleep so I could be driven to the edge of the bed. Wow, it was hard to sleep. I was eventually putting my foot on the hack. I don't know anymore.

"Haku, it's morning. Wake up. Maybe we'll all go out today."

Haku didn't wake up to slap or drop it at first, but he hated going to union work in the morning or leaving us all to act in the morning, and if he woke up properly, he woke up.

"... cue... cue... cue... cuelu"

Slowly lifting his neck to my voice, he squeals.

"Morning, Haku"

"... culoo"

You're still sleeping. It stays ringing.

"Hmm, in the morning. Huh. I thought the last raid was coming, but it didn't come."

Inai gets up and says something noisy. Is it a raid on the inn or something to do that far?

No, do it, or I'm here to kill you in the middle of a camp. Impossible.

"Um... wake up... me... wake up... wake up..."

Looks like Sigal's up too. Stick your head up, just your buttocks up. I'm still feeling like I'm going to sleep, but I'll be up in a while.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"You can go down here."

"Uh, speaking of which, is that right?"

'I want vegetables. I'm tired of all the meat on the road. Even fish. "

Looks like Haku woke up. It's easy to tell if Huck is awake or not.

"Fish, I'm fishing."


"... yes"

Rejected before I ran out of words. Well, I don't think we actually have time to go fishing today, and of course.

I don't even know if there's a river kind around here in the first place.

"Well, let's go downstairs and eat. I think they'll pick you up while you're eating or something."

Did the knight pick you up yesterday? How do we find out here?


Yeah, I told you to stay here.

I wonder what time you taught me. I think he only said he was going tomorrow when we broke up.

"I didn't say it in person. I almost heard you talking to the merchant."

When I was twisting my neck, he gave me an answer. Well, you know what?

"Wake up... wake up... I..."

Sigal still doesn't seem to wake up. Come on, Sigal.

When I go downstairs and eat in a dining room, I can see that I'm looking around.

Maybe I'm definitely looking at Huck. Is there still something complicated about my feelings about something called 'subhuman' here?

Huck doesn't look like he cared. It seems that the fish dish in front of you is more important than that.

Eventually the outside gets noisy during the meal. Looking at the entrance and exit, the knight stood still.

When he notices this one, he walks up to me and kneels. Yesterday's captain.

"Dear Stell. I'm here to pick you up."

"... you don't have the idea of saying you're going to wait for a meal, do you? annoyance of others."

Inai tells the knight with a kicking eye.

"Also, I'm sorry. Forgive me, Your Majesty's life."

"... ha"

The moment Inai sighed, a frightening knight. Inai, I guess you know what you're doing, this.

Speak to the trembling knight.

"You don't have to be so scared. I would not do anything to take my life unless I also acted to the detriment of me. Unlike you."

"Also, I'm sorry. Wow, I'll try to be careful too"

Oh, I'm not passing this on. Inai's probably not going to act like he's going to put his position on Kasai, but he's saying that the knights are more careful not to cause Inai harm.

I guess the thought circuit is different from the ground up. I said I didn't like you guys on purpose.

"... well, fine. I'm going to get dressed now, can you wait?


The knight nodded, rising and leaving.

"Okay, Tallow, let's go get dressed"

"Oh, me too?


"What, am I getting dressed too?

"Whoa, look, let's go"


Haku returns to the room in the form of being dragged by Inai with his hair behind him by a leftover meal.

When I returned to the room, I took the closet out of my bracelet. That just surprised me, but in terms of size, is the car something similar? No, the car's bigger.

"I've prepared something like this for you. Haku's was brought when he returned during this time. Well, basically, it's a dress."

That's what I say. Take out colorful dresses.

"Oh, sister, hey, it looks like some very expensive fabric"

"Oops, they're sturdy enough to be used in combat."

"Oh, I can't wear that! I'd be scared if I dirty you!

"Fine, fine. Because I left it with no one to wear anyway. It's only a little big in size for Cigal, but you're gonna be fine. If you tweak it, you can make it bigger or smaller."

"Ugh, sister, these places are with other nobles..."

Cigal's hips are drawn to the goodness of the dress's things. It must be expensive. That, this...

"Inai, there's a mix I made before"

It's a dress I made while Inai taught me. Around something similar to other beautiful dress fabrics, I now tremble more at the fact that I was doing it in damn high fabrics.

Stop it. Don't tell me the price. Stop making me use it. Mr. Aroness does the same thing, so I'm scared.


Inai grabbed the clothes and fixed them immediately. Her face is slightly red.

"... what the hell"

"Uh, no, nothing"

What the hell was that now? But now the clothes were subtle.

This dress was sewn together with a special needle while Inai instructed it to. With a special needle to use while passing magic, I worked hard to make frills, but I couldn't be satisfied.

"Look, look, you wear this!

They give me clothes like vans and courtesy clothes. It looks like the clothes my grandfather was wearing at the Lords' Hall at the border.

In the meantime, get dressed as I was told. I'm a little nervous when I've never worn such tight clothes.

Finish dressing and wait for Inai and the others to change. I'm standing and waiting because I have to get wrinkled.

Of course it's pointing back. Yes.

Tallow, that's good.

Turning to Inai's voice, there was Inai, dressed in a beautiful dress of red craftsmanship, and Cigal, dressed in a simple blue frill dress. Both are like long skirts. Cuddly at the waist, it spreads round from the waist, making it a dress with a feminine appeal.

Haku, by contrast, was a short skirt. Different up and down. It is white on top, red on the bottom, and open on the back. I guess I chose something that wouldn't stand in the way of feathers and tails. My inseam is too much.

Plus, they're all wearing makeup. I've never seen Inai make up enough to know exactly. They usually do, but the usual stuff is to such an extent that they don't know if I'm doing it or not.


What I honestly thought came to words. Sigal was a little stubborn because he was just going to Inai with a hard eye.

When I said cute, I was more obstinate. Probably because I told Inai she was beautiful.

Haku seems to like the sparkling dress. You know, dragons can be light objects when it comes to our world, but what about this one?

Whatever it was, it was ready, so when I went to the knights, a luxurious carriage awaited me.

"Come on in, get in"

Ignoring the hand so reached out, Inai gets in. Fluffy, beautiful walk for a dress. I felt a little sorry for the knight.

Me and Sigal get in, and finally Huck gets in, and we're leaving.

The speed isn't that far, it's running slowly. My butt doesn't have to hurt.

"Dear Stelle, we have arrived"

Beyond the gates of the castle, stop by the main entrance to the royal castle.

Inai is no different than when he rides, he goes down ignoring the hand of the knight who offers his hand. I knew it seemed a little pathetic.

But I don't have a plan to softly put my hands on the knight, so stay through it. Likewise, the other two are through.

Live strong, Captain.

The reworked knight guided me through the castle. Even so, they just directed me to the room where they asked me to wait.

"In a few moments, a civilian will come and get you."

So I went somewhere with the shithole. Well, you were afraid to stay by Inai.

"Oh, yeah. You didn't have a meeting."

"Mm, you need a meeting?

"Oops, I think that would be better"

'What are you doing?

"Well, a little bit more..."

That's how Inai messes with her bracelet. What...? Something felt like this room was wrapped in something...

"I've made sure the noise in this room doesn't leak outside now."

"Oh, soundproof, it's on itself."

"Ooh, it's easier than using magic, isn't it?

"Your sister's bracelet is really versatile..."

Sigal looks at the bracelet and is surprised. Well, that's just amazing to get all that stuff in, plus lots of other features.


Have a meeting, wait for me to come and get you. I'm a little scared of what happens.

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