It's late. I still haven't come to call you to tell you that your meeting with Inai and the others is over.

How long are you gonna keep him waiting while you pick him up in the carriage? I was on my way to breakfast.

- Mm, that? Carriage?


"Hmm, what's up? Tallow."

Inai asks me wondering if I could raise my voice to the fact that I just realized it.

"Haku, I can ride a carriage."

'... oh, really!

"Oh, speaking of which, yes."

Horses scare me, so even when I was escorting the merchants, I was a little away at the back, but this time the horses didn't scare Huck.

"Was it a nerve diagram thick horse?

"Aren't you? So far, you haven't been scared of Huck other than that."

'You've got good guts! Let's go see him again before we go home!

"Haha, yeah, I guess I'll go if I can go see him"

With such chatter, the sound of a knock sounds. Looks like we're finally here.

"Dear Stell. The king is waiting for you. I'll show you around."

"Yes, I'm coming now"

Inai follows the civilian who came to call with a clean motion. We'll follow them everywhere.

"Wait, right. It's a long story. You don't understand what's important right now."

I heard Boso and Inai snapping. If you think about what you're going to do now, Inai's crush would be the most.

She had seemed calm for what she had been, but understood just now that she was annoyed but boiling back.

This country is still unaware of the fact that if it turns to its enemies, it has turned scary people to its enemies. And turning this person to the enemy means at least turning those people who like Inai to the enemy.

Inai is willing to say things without adding or subtracting anything from a king who has allowed him to act foolishly. Apparently that's all she's in, and more than that fact that she's got her hands on, it becomes a question of how the king acts on her words.

The result could really be Umr and a hostile country. But in that case, this country will end. Because if this country's protection stays this way, it will be gone (...).

Walk behind a civilian for a while and you'll reach the big door. Big. Big for nothing. Big enough to make me want to say if even the giants go by.

The door opened with a giggle, and beyond it was just between glances, seen in fantasy.

A carpet is laid straight through the door, and the other side is more staircase. There's an old man sitting in a fine chair a little up there. That would be the king.

There are a large number of people on both sides of the room. Probably the aristocrats lined up on the upper level. There's a whole line of knights down there. I expect it took these aristocrats a long time to get together. Get together from the start.

Ah, like a captain. I'm beside the king. You were quite a great man. I guess the others around are in quite a position too.

Inai walks away, stopping in the middle of the room, stretching her spine, closing her legs, putting her hands together in front of her and standing in an atmosphere of lady.

"Inai Urzues Stelle. I am invited to come"

Briefly so, the perimeter stirs at the immobile Inai.

The usual me, uh, what happened? It would have been in a state, but this time I can tell because it's been explained beforehand.

Inai did not give thanks to His Majesty the king of another kingdom. No matter how high Inai is in the country, no matter how big his country is, it is too disrespectful to pay tribute to the king.

In contrast, the first people to open their mouths were the noblemen around them.

"Rude! No matter how many positions you are in Uml, what is the technician style!

"How can Umr give nobility to something like this, not even to thank the king!

"Are you licking our country, little girl!

"Do you condone such disrespect! King! We should capture these people!!

"You found out it was from a small country country of countrymen!

"On top of that, I didn't know you'd even bring a dirty sub to this place!

The nobles scream in their mouths. It seems that this act would insult the king, as well as the nobility who serves it. To them of high pride, I guess, is not an act that can be forgiven.

It's just subhuman. I'm so frustrated. Let's do this. I don't think you should open your mouth because as things stand, it's like a buying word for a selling word, but I want to say it.

Haku puts his hand on his hips and stands still like a model. You don't give a shit.

The king must know who Haku is, but the nobles don't seem to know.

Instead of being frightened by those cursing murmurs, Inai looks to the king with no care at all.

The knights seem nervous too. 'Cause if you catch Inai now, it's the knights who do it. It's a situation where you might have to challenge someone you know you can't win. You'd be scared.


The king screams in a rather hard voice. It's sinister, you have a good voice.

Once in that word, the nobles stopped the words.

The king, after being quiet, speaks to Inai in a slow tone.

"Why can I ask?"

A simple question came. It's a vague way of asking questions about what it is and what it is about.

This is what Inai expected too. You can't admit the first raid, and if you know the next minute, you have to show that attitude. If you don't know it in the first place, you can't say no.

Therefore, I only ask why, in order to know Inai's reaction.

"Why? They say funny things, Your Majesty. I want to know why."

You know that, don't you? If you know it and you're willing to blur it, you're ready to go into quite a bit of action. I don't know. I have no idea.

Then he looks around at the nobles.


... there was an idiot. For now, the guy who just screamed is definite. The nobleman who ordered you to attack Inai will be the one. You'll find out as soon as you check your name.

"I'm sorry, but I can't see you."

"Oh, really? I can't thank you enough for what you've done."

I don't know if it's refreshing or if I really don't know it, I don't think I'll ever open my mouth about a knight raid.

Inai, I told the knight not to, but there's no way he wouldn't. That is. I don't know if that's true or not.

Inai believes that the nobles also know for sure what it is that attacked Inai. But for that they have a spare attitude.

The reason is simple and clear. Because even if you have trouble with Inai here and go to war with Umr, you think the dragon will protect you.

As it has always been, I believe it will continue to be. Even though that's impossible (...).

Inai was thankful if only to talk about the previous city or the first raid.

But when it came to that attempted murder, I was targeted, and depending on the circumstances, Sigal was in danger. Completely by the will of the people of this country. Inai is mad at it.

So I'm slowly trying to tell you that you're standing on a cliff right now. No, I'm slowly trying to intimidate you, but am I right?

"Bye, Your Majesty. May I take this as a declaration of war against Umr?

And Inai punching the first bomb in. I don't care. We're air. Well, it looks like there will be a show later.

It seems that the king was unexpected in that statement on the boulder, and panics. The nobles around them are also unable to keep up with the story of a declaration of war that is ready to go.

"Hey, what? What the hell are you talking about?"

"What? What are you talking about? It's no longer time to be stuck in such a long way. It doesn't matter what you think of me. Permission has also been granted to the King. Come on, what's your response?

The king is somehow, but I feel like he sees Inai as a proper threat. So I don't think I'm going to get a weird response, but I don't know how I'm going to get out.

"... go"

"Ha! Get them!

When the king tells the captain, the knights begin their action. From words and deeds: "Coming? I thought," but the knights climb the steps.

Beyond that are the nobles. Four of them are captured by the knights. Some of them screamed earlier. It's rampant, but there's no way I can beat a trained knight, and they take me somewhere.

Apparently it was a calculation to capture those nobles. Don't surprise me. Looks like Inai was right, the knight was telling the king. The knight has a slight eye swim but looks at Hiraya and Inai.

The nobles around them feel a little remorseful, but have no choice. Did you still know these guys? Why did those nobles come here? Aren't you stupid? Could they be the only ones who didn't know this fact?

No, maybe if I hadn't come here, I would have ended up doing something similar. Doesn't come means he ran away. Did the king put his hopes in poking Inai? I think it's impotent.

"Is this okay? Sir Stell."

"Not enough"

"... what do you want"

"Don't you understand if I tell you?

"... let's be very careful not to do this in the future. Pay compensation."

"Not enough"

"... that's it, you want to start a war?

"No? It won't be a war with this country. It's just a ravage."

Around that point, the aristocrats make a scene again.

"You! If you keep your mouth shut, you can do whatever you want!

"You think you can beat a dragon!

"Yes, we have the protection of the Dragon God!

"My little girl! Don't follow me to the point where I can use a little magic!

Dragon god, hey. Unfortunately, you don't have that protection. The dragon god of the day tells me why.

"I'm not gonna protect you."

The king opens his eyes as much as he can to what Haku said, and what the nobles are saying. This guy has an eye.

'It is for the good of old that we protect this land. It is for the good of friends that the old man protects this land. Friends defended the land because of their heartfelt respect and gratitude for their human friends. Dragons do not fight to protect you.

There is no longer a friend's heart in this land. It is those who admire us that we protect. Not you guys. "

Huck says with his hands on his hips and his face slightly oblique. What is that model? No, I instructed you, Inai.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Shut up!!

The king screams and stops one of the nobles from trying to say something. The expression is solidified by a stunned look.

"Above all, Aroness, Inai, Sigal and Tallow are our dragon compatriots. Helping them is unlikely to make a real deal with them.

Above all, the most mistaken thing is that Aroness and Tallow have defeated the dragon. For them dragons will not be an obstacle '

That said, Haku will look like a dragon, as per the meeting. The nobles originally run for the knights too.

Not surprised by the dragon itself, the king, the captain by his side and the old lady like that. Is it a minister or something?

But, Mr. Aroness, anyway, I just pulled it off with you, didn't I? Because if you fuck an old dragon, all you see is a dead future, right?

"Riu, dragon... don't... really say the word..."

"Hey, why would a dragon be with a person... such an idiot..."

"Yes, no, more than that, that's what I just said. If the dragon protects this land, this country will not be over!

"Such as defeating a dragon... a monster... and if a dragon helps... who the hell is Tallow!?

"No, no, there's no proof that that's real!

"Oh yeah, it could be a fake made by Inai Stell!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought it was possible. When I look at Inai, oh, he looks funny.

No, no, not if you're boiling your creative image here.

"Fake? You mean fake? Then why don't we burn this place down? That way, you'll recognize reality in the boulder."

Oh, this line isn't in the meeting. Mr. Haku is getting a little angry.

Nobles freaked out by the noisy words said with Haku's genuine roar.

"Haku, I know how you feel, but keep it down, keep it down"

"But! They faked me!

"Yeah, yeah, all right, let's just calm down"


Calm down the hack like a child. Haku is two-sided. I'm usually like a nasty kid, but when I do, my usual innocence disappears, and I'm a little scared.

"Oh, what the hell is that kid?"

"Why are you being honest about a kid like that..."

I don't know that. But I hear a lot more about Sigal than I do, this kid. I don't know why you're gonna ask me eventually, but in my case, there's a good chance I'm gonna say, "But," "no," "this is the way it works! I'll say more or less."

When Sigal says, "Yeah, I get it" most of the time. The old dragon liked Cigal, and I wonder if there's anything the dragon would like?

"... our country shall go down to the kingdom of Umr"

The nobles make a scene in the king's decision. There are many mainly conservative words and deeds of oneself. Ugly. Some of them curse the king.

The king keeps talking to Inai without moving on to it.

"Do you know what that means?

"I will not tolerate the acts of the nobles as they have done before. Does that mean you have to follow the same methods as Uml? Your country is punished just as the nobles are the civilians. It is inadmissible to act unilaterally because you are a civilian. Let our country be something different."

"Yeah, most importantly, we need you to do a proper wash of the problem. I don't care if it's done with an occasional response. The same applies to sin against the innocent. National policies themselves don't seem to see the problem that far, but everything won't be."

Maybe the city thing from before also falls into this category. It would mean figuring out who was the problem and what should be right, and punishing only those who should be punished.

However, in terms of the richness of the country, this country seems to have plenty of room for it. But if the whole thing is, it won't be. That's the same for Uml, Inai said. I don't think I should be able to manage it all properly.

"Okay. But I want you to leave the country. I just want you to keep it in your own country."

"I don't mind that, but you are still the king of this country... of this country where the nobles are."

"... what do you mean?

Ha, sigh and Inai speaks.

"... at the moment, I haven't even heard an apology from your mouth once. It is also sweet to recognize that with your fallacy this country is about to disappear.

Not because some of the aristocracy ran wild. It was already rampant from the beginning. That's what you were making me do. Most importantly, you still don't understand my anger. "

"Pay the compensation."

"That's not a word of apology. The folly of the nobles of this country is because you are such a foolish thought. Know the consequences of your stupidity."

The king also gives an angry look when he says he is just straight and dumb. But I don't speak, I'm just staring.

"If you think of the country, if you really recognize one thing, you should be coming to me without doing such a lengthy thing as looking at it.

My king will be. We do not imitate things that should not be seen incorrectly. Umr survived the war earlier because he had those eyes.

Too foolish to pretend to know what's going on, etc. while at least killing a dignitary in a big country.

Your own position? A king? Don't bother. Remember. If I were the kind of person who would rave in anger, this country would already be doomed, and there would be no life for you!

He said that the end of acts that threaten the powerless and only seek their own preservation and profit will bring doom to this country!!

The second half was screaming in angry voices. The knights tremble knowing by staining their bones with the word.

But the nobles do not understand. There is only a sense of crisis that we cannot live as we have lived.

I have no idea how threatening the person in front of me is, and I yell and curse at Inai.

The king has his head, and the knight is holding his sword and trembling. Those next door look at the nobles with their faces gazed and their teeth clenched.

I just know not everyone does. Because some of them were quietly listening to Inai.



It's time. Inai seems to have thought this would happen eventually. The nobles here think only of their own preservation, and they tend not to see it as a person except as someone of their own stature.

So I can't stand the consequences of this one. Above all, I can never stand the fact that my little girl tells me to be good.

They were the ones who were also pulling in the back during the war. They don't look at the situation on the front line. So I don't know. How dangerous I am doing now.

The planting is over. I used to chant all the time while I was here. He kept hiding his magic so that it wouldn't fall apart.

It would be easy if I just let it go, but it took a lot of time if I had carefully planted it because there were a lot of people and they told me not to hit it.

I keep it in a state where I can activate it already, so when I see it, it looks like I did it without chanting - or something, I release magic.

There is a roar in the room. Here we are, nobles other than kings, lightning down before the knights.

It's a real fantasy that thunder comes out of your hand. No, I'm putting out a fire or something, so now it is.

After the scream sounds, the scream just now becomes a lying silence.

Inai's Rin voice echoes there.

"This is the power of the man who defeated the dragon. It's the power of Tanaka Tallow. Are you cursing the person in front of you because you know who he is? He can easily exercise that, can't he?

I can't. I can assume that I will defeat it, but if I'm not going to hit it, it will take time because I have a detailed operation. There are too many people.

But it definitely seemed to work, and the nobles look at me with frightening eyes. Maybe now I finally have a perception of the imminent crisis in front of me. It's too late.

But this is a pattern where my name gets weird, right? Nah. But I can't help it. I feel like one day they will know more than stand next to Inai.

"He also questions the way this country is. We can follow the dragon. He's the one who has doubts about this country. I don't think anyone understands this far from the boulder."

Inai is right, we must have understood our current situation on the boulder. Nobody said anything anymore. I think it's a little too sweet to come here and finally be quiet or something.

I guess this is the end of the road in a country that relied on the protection of dragons and had a sweet look at the threat of Umr.

Has this country made thoughtless remarks and actions to other countries as well? If that's the case, I think it's going to be tough in the future.

After this, he told the boulder he didn't know how the king would judge him. If you still don't understand what Inai means, you can't save me then anymore. That the rest would just be drunk by other countries besides Umr.

A country that relies on dragon protection and is powerless to defend itself cannot survive forever.

"O king. I am aware that I am passing through as a strong man. But I wasn't willing to pin my mouth on the circumstances of your country. This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't even got your hands on me and something important to me.

No, if that's still the case, I would have done it. Because we're all safe. You misjudged even after that. You should know. Umr treats his friends with friendship, no matter what small country, but he has to forgive his enemies.

A man from your country, a knight who also serves his country, attacked me. Upon learning of that fact, you should have apologized as a nation, as a king, to the Kingdom of Umr as soon as possible, and to me.

I gave you respite. When I couldn't understand what it meant not to come to you yesterday, it was decided. "

He said he didn't go right to the royal castle yesterday to give the king a last chance to salvage this incident. If he understood the current situation correctly and created the opportunity to meet Inai himself to make an apology, then Inai was not willing to leave so strongly.

"... understood. Lord Stell, Lord Tanaka, Miss Studlars, and Master Haku. I'm sorry about this one. In the future, we want to improve our country under the direction of the Kingdom of Umr."

Oh, I know Cigal's name, too. That's right. The king rises from the throne and bows his head.

Inai looked at it and finally her eyes were a little tender.

"There will be a lot of dissatisfaction. But try to learn this lesson and find a way to do it on your own.

Maybe you didn't mean to, but you were just like them yourself, more than you didn't bow your head down with your own thoughts. Somewhere you thought the dragon would help you, no matter what. "

"Maybe. I didn't think Uml was a threat. But I didn't think about lowering my head to someone."

"Even this one had no choice but to take action. I don't want a fight either. But I can only recognize you as enemies if you're not targeted for your lives."

"Oh, I guess it's natural. If I knew that fact, such as the assassination of a nobleman in my own country, I would deal with it accordingly."

The king is listening to Inai very honestly. There are no expressions of anger or haste until just now.

Or a somewhat objective-looking look. No, maybe you gave up something.

"Umr will protect you too, more than mouth. But of course if we follow our policy. With a heavy awareness of that, please."

And Inai finally, bowed his head to the king. I didn't think I could lower it. The king was a little wolfish, but when he fixed his temper, he nodded heavily.

Can I assume this commotion is completely settled?

At the end of the day, he said, "I've got more work for Bulbe again".

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