I'm tired. I need to heal my tiredness now. I'm rolling into bed.

You are using one of the castle rooms. Fluffy beds are comfortable.

Does it bother you that there is only one big stupid bed? This pattern again?

After that, the flow of straight conversation was refreshing to me, and the country had a big discussion with each other, but for some reason, I was also driven out on the spot.

Sigal and Haku were also present. But we haven't spoken a word. 'Cause I had nowhere to pinch my mouth.

I just have a question. For some reason, I'm becoming an important person in this country. I don't know why. I don't know why I'm serious.

I couldn't figure out why. Too much, I asked for an explanation as I rolled into the bed in this room I was guided into.

"What is this country's patron saint?

"It's a dragon, right?

I'm not sure you'll protect me yet. At least Huck doesn't seem willing to protect them.

Huck just left with a serious face when he talked a little to the old man and he's not here.

Because when he left, he became a Chenglong form in the castle garden and flew away, so the city became a little noisy.

The nobles who watched it turned to me for some reason and feared. Why not?

"Then I can follow it. What are you?

"... I'm not following you."

"I don't care how you look at Haku's attitude, it's the same as you follow. He doesn't mean it to me, but if it's your word, I'll do it."

Then how do you explain how you wasted so much time wanting to get busted like this? That was pretty tough.

"Well, whatever you think, now their perception is that you or Aroness have become the most important person."

"And Mr. Aroness?

"What happened to Haku? I told you you and Aroness defeated the dragon. They heard what Haku said, and they think your words are directly linked to the survival of this country."

"Oh, why?"

"Haq would have said. Dragons need to be an obstacle to you. And on top of that, I'll give you a hand. Then damaging your mood means raiding dragons.

I realized that the dragon's great power, which had defeated the people who had attacked me without any problems, would be directed at my country. "

Yeah, I mean, that I could use a dragon to blame the country. I see. I don't. Aren't you stupid?

"I'm sure you won't."

"I think so. Can you believe the conscience of a man who doesn't know you is stronger than a dragon?

Fear triumphs better. Definitely. The king knew, but he didn't seem to believe it. Until Haku himself said so, I doubt he won. "

Really? Well, I don't care about that. Does this make me more famous than that?

"Hey, can you tell the country about this?

"Don't let nobles from all over the country know. Because national policies change dramatically. The rebellion will be strong, too, but it's a bummer I've been fooling around. Neither do those who rebel have the 'power' to rebel. Either you run, or you obey.

In the end, it will be Uml's intention for a while. To defy it means to defy Umr. There's nothing you can do where there was so much money.

There's a lot of talk among the civilian population about making friends with Umr, using Umr as an example, and trying to achieve a better country. "

I see, the contents are well known to the aristocrats who have direct thought-provoking influence, but it's not even that far for the average person?

"Then you don't really know my name, do you?

"Not to the average person. But now your name is completely known to another country. Nobles, kings, branch heads of free trade unions, representatives of chambers of commerce and commercial unions will know your name at least.

It's a rare name, so I think I'll remember it. "

Geez, I've never resented this name as much as I did today.

... but I guess I'll have to reopen it now. I don't want to be very famous, but it seems like being known would avoid trouble.

"Wow! Brother! You're a celebrity overnight!

"I don't want to be famous..."

"Give up as long as you're with me. I do not intend to involve you in the work of the country. I'd prefer you to be present like this one."

"That helps. I have no idea what politics is."

"... I don't think so."


"At least I think you can do some of that at a time when I can swallow what I've described. And then there's experience."

"I don't think you want to do it as much as possible. With carrying a man's life, the lord of this world."

"If you know that, you can do it."

Even so, I'd like to beg your pardon. I have some power to live as I please, but when I have power, I can't live as I please.

I'm with you in every world. The rest depends on caring for others or not.

Well, let's give up getting famous. But I'll do everything in my power to refuse to be invited to the country. I don't have the strength to protect people beyond my reach.

"Well, I'm tired today, and you want to go to bed?

"Inai is more tired."

"Well, yeah"

"Shall we sleep slowly today?"

"What about Sigal?

"I'm tired too... and I want to take off my dress..."

Sigal doesn't even lean on the back of the chair she's sitting in right now because she's wearing a dress. The truth is he seems scared of sitting in a chair.

I can't help but reopen it. Otherwise, I'm not falling into bed.

"Haha, sorry. Shall we get dressed now?"


"Oh, I want to change into regular clothes, too"


That's what I'm gonna say. Inai serving the closet again. I'm no longer in the mood for the side I'm looking at. It's reminiscent of the blue guy.

I'll put on the clothes that Inai put out, and I'll also put out clothes for you to wear tomorrow. Tomorrow's feels relatively rough today.

I haven't seen you dressed because of it. Inai started dressing and was in a hurry before trying to turn back, as usual.

"Finally freed..."

"Good day, Sigal."

"I'm tired of not saying a word on that occasion either..."

"Haha, I haven't said much either, but I'm tired. We're not for each other, you know."

"I'm not tired, either, am I?

Inai says with a little mouth shut. Kind of unusual. I accidentally stared at it.

"Hey, what's up?"

"No, I thought that kind of look was unusual."

"... I've decided to be honest with you."

"... you know what?"

I wonder if there will be a lot of impact during this time. That makes me loving and accidentally hugging you.

Inai then turned her hand and hugged her as a matter of course. Unlike before, it's amazing naturally.

Sigal was a little surprised by the change, but the look on his face after that seemed very happy.

"Hey, sister, could it be"

"... yeah, I think I'm fine now. I stopped thinking weird."

"Oh, good."

I don't know, were these two talking about something again?

As they twisted their necks into the conversation, Sigal approached them and Inai left.

When they looked at each other, they began to take off their clothes.

"Oh, hey, what!?

Too sudden to undress, I can be a wolf. While they were hanging out, they took off their clothes, except their underwear, and they approached me.

I unwittingly fall back, hitting the bed and falling back.

It doesn't matter to me like that. The two of them come closer, each taking off my jacket and pushing me down, crawling my hands, kissing me.

On cheeks, neck, chest, lips. I'm panicking because I have no idea what's going on.

"Hey Tallow, aren't you ready yet? I won't if you don't like it."

That's what I'm saying. Inai staring at me with her loud eyes.


Cigal calling me and sliding over without saying any more words.

"Oh, yeah, that"

Although I can understand the fact that I am being blamed, I can't handle the situation and I can't handle it.

Sigal takes my hand and puts it on my chest when I'm wolfing. Although I panicked at it itself, I finally regained some calm there.

My heart rate is outrageous. My hands are shaking, too. When I was in the city of the border, and still am, Pah looked like Sigal seemed to be able to afford it there.

But it's not. This kid's nervous, too, and he's being brave. But that face is smiling at me.

Keep your eyes on Inai. Inai feels similar. Inai is wearing it over me right now. The hand attached to his chest is shaking just like Sigal's.

You're gonna stop this because you weren't ready yet?

It won't be. I decided to go with Inai. I swore even before Inai's parents.

Sigal has admired me ever since I first met her. Getting on a journey and talking better than before doesn't change.

More aggressive than before.

The two of you are dating me. You're dating me as much as I can, these two are courageous. He wants me to accept it.

I hug both of you.

"Sorry, in a heck of a way. Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm sorry I made you imitate the courage to come from that way."

Apologize with a hug. Yes, let's accept it. Love these two as much as you can. To the two of you who love me. I'll give it back as much as I can.

I guess when I had kids, I'd go back to Uml on the boulder and look for a job. I can't be that selfish on a boulder.

Inai told me I could live anywhere I wanted to. Let's do everything we can for both of us then.

I'm ready to kiss both of you. If you're layering your lips, accept a kiss with a sweet exhale, while one kisses my neck and chest.

I don't know, I know we're both nervous, but the act itself is so natural. I was thrilled when I was kissed on the stomach.

"Hey, Mr. Tallow, touch..."

Cigal doesn't call it as usual, he calls it by name, he takes my hand and adds it to his lower abdomen.

"Oh, me too..."

Inai takes the opposite hand in the same way.

It's a pretty challenging situation for me as a virgin if I screw up.

That's all there is to it. There's blood on my head and I'm going to fall.

I should have just made up my mind about it, but it's too irritating for a virgin.

"Tallow... that sounds painful..."


After a while, I suddenly couldn't understand the words they said, at first, but I could see and understand the gaze.

My head hasn't followed me a bit yet, but my body seems to be following the situation.

A little while later, they took off the bottom because of the two of them. Underwear with me. They both take off their underwear at the same time.

They breathe in what is in front of them.

"... oh, you're big"

"... ah, oh"

No, I think it's normal. I think that's what you guys look like because you're small.

I mean, don't look seriously. I'm so embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm first, okay?

"Uh, yeah, go ahead"

Looks like the two of them were discussing which one comes first in advance. I don't stick it in your mouth any more than this happened, but why are you talking to me like that?

"Ta, tallow. You don't have to worry about being nice, do you?

That's what Inai rolls. There's no way they won't be nice to me. I'm a virgin and I can't afford much, but I don't want to act like I don't think about them.

The same thing happened to Sigal. I slowly had two opponents late at night after this, and there were two sweet voices in the room.

I planned to go to bed early, but it wasn't until late at night that I ended up sleeping.

And I was a virgin, and I knew that if I did this poorly, I would be more tired than in training.

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