At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

I was making the knights aware of their power!

"... in the morning"

Look into the sun pointing out the window and make sure it's climbing at least the day.

Wake up while rubbing your eyes.

"Uh-huh, ha..."

Looking around, Inai and Cigal weren't there. Maybe it's already past lunch, not in the morning.

I look at my body. Naked. Why? Did you take it off while you were asleep? No, no, that's just it.


Stretch out your body and somehow awaken your thoughts. At the same time, I think about what happened last night.

Oh, yeah. I'm not wearing anything.

Put on your shittiness and clothes and look out the window. The light of day is directly above. Oh, I slept till noon with this.

I wish you both woke me up.

"Where have you been?"

No one answers the whine, only the lonely voice sounds.

Although, this is a royal castle, so I wonder if I can walk around on my own.

No, why don't we just look for it.

I will dilute my magic and begin my exploration. Well, it can be another pattern of not being in this city.

Cigal discovery. Then Haku also discovered. Are you coming back? But I can't find Inai.

Might know what Sigal is for now. Let's go ask.

Somehow there are a lot of amazing people around, but maybe they're training or something. Sigal, it's very moving.

I walk straight to where Cigal is, thinking so. Keep your head down and say hello to the servant-like people you meet on the road, as well as to the civilian people.

Everyone responded nicely.

"Oh, I knew it"

Upon reaching it, Sigal stood his sword and was relative to the knight.

Sigal seems to have been fortified, but her breath is rising. Relative knights are in the same condition, but if they are the same, Sigal is more disadvantaged.

To say that you can do areas where Sigal can catch up with enhancement in a vegan state means that you still have more room.

Sigal is equal to continuing to do a critical limit state. So in the long term, Sigal is definitely at a disadvantage.

What do you think, Sigal rushes out, rolls out a sword trident at a speed far beyond the knight's reaction speed, and puts a wooden sword on his hip.

"Next no!

A knight who collapses with that word of Sigal and is dragged by other knights. Hmm? Something's wrong with you, huh?

A knight comes out and sets up his sword to obey Sigal's words.

Sigal moves ahead of the knight and starts a meeting, but the first speed is slow. I can't afford a knight, either, and I'm fighting back.

but sooner rather than later, it takes the form of a knight following it, and the knight becomes on the defensive side.

And then it becomes the same sight as earlier, and around the time the knight starts breathing on his shoulder, Sigal hits the knight again at the same speed as earlier.

"Next no!

What is she doing? Are you even doing a hundred men to a knight?

If you look closely, a lot harder the knight has been dragged away. Did you do all that?

Those who groan, those who are depressed because they see, those who stare at Sigal with scorching eyes, and those who look away with repentant faces.

They all vary. I wonder if there are nearly a hundred of them all. Is that, seriously, a hundred men in hand?

Other than that, if you add up the knights who are vigilant around you or who are watching the game elsewhere, would it be about 200?

Observing that way, another knight was being hit.

"Next no!

When I saw it, I noticed the knights lined up like they were waiting in turn. One of them comes forward.

Four of them were in line. Does it mean that at least four more people will do it? Rather than that, why are you doing this to her?

Haku looks at it as it leads to the walls of the castle. I have a table by my side for sweets and drinks.

But it doesn't look like I got my hands on it. I'm also looking seriously at Sigal. There's something strange about the existence of a cigar for that girl.

He's the one I'm admitting, but he looks like the one to protect.

"Next no!

Knight losing to Sigal again. I don't care. You're a weak knight here. Sigal is long enough to see it.

That's to the point where you're forced to move your body by magic. I really should be close to the limit around being fortified but a little suspicious about my legs.

I can't touch that cigar. Wouldn't the four Namaras be stronger than all the knights here?

Oh, speaking of which, I haven't seen Mr. Levana fight after all. But I'm with those people, and you're pretty strong.

"Next no!

Sigal is no longer able to afford to set up. But I still don't seem to stop.

Both arms are sluggishly lowered, but still the guts to not let go of the sword and continue to do enhanced magic control are still weak.

He doesn't meet like he did earlier, switches to the sword trident at the main point, and manages to move his body.

No longer, while I use enhanced magic, I'm only about as fast as I can get when I'm not using it.

It looks like the limit has really come in the place of the last two. I had some speed earlier, but I can't seem to move any faster than that one. The knight can also afford to fight back.

The knights around them can hear something hospitable. I don't know, maybe he's even making some kind of promise?

But Sigal beats the power of that counterattack in the same direction to further accelerate it and slap where it's disfigured.

"Next no!

So, the knights go pretty far. Oh, I knew you were promising something about this.

Cigal runs out to the knight who stands up to squeeze his last force. but his legs snap along the way, exposing him to defenselessness in front of the knight.

The knight doesn't imitate it like he misses it, he cuts it off.

The knights around them looked as relieved as they had been earlier. But it also ends in an instant.

Cigal, in the direction of the cut sword, wonders if he has weakened in a mess, spinning as he is, releasing a sword trident that beats his body by body.

A knight who was shaking it off thinking it was totally settled cannot be defended, eats properly, and falls.

"Next no!

I'm flailing and leaning down. It still seems motivated, even though it no longer seems to be beyond the limits, no matter how you look at it.

But no one leaves in front of that cigar. I guess the knight was the last one just now.

I walk away when Huck comes in front of that cigar.

Sigal, you win.

"... over...?

Visit Sigal with your breath rough and bent over.

"Oh, good luck"

When Haku says so, Sigal collapses off his knees like a thread broken.

Haku took it before it fell to the ground, so it doesn't matter.

"... ah... oh, you... I don't need the power..."

'I've overused my body to the limit. I moved it to a point where I couldn't move without enhanced magic. Get some rest. I'm so glad you didn't try so hard, huh?

"... Haku's... expectations... here... I want... not..."

"Oh well. Thank you, Sigal '

With that said and holding the cigar, he starts the treatment, returns to the table where he was earlier, and sits the cigar.

'That's good! You guys would've figured you were inferior to Cigal!

Huk cries out to those who are there to intimidate.

You just don't know what that word means.

I stop being thorough with the sights and walk away as they come.

"Ha ha ha. Is something wrong? Later, Inai, don't you know where he went?

'It's late, Tallow. It's noon. "

"Haha, sorry. I slept a little too much. Nobody's gonna wake me up."

'Inai went away saying the king had a report or something. Sigal's right. "

I'd like to know why I'm in the right condition to look at that.

When I look at the Horsemen, they fix their standing and stand still, including those who have been blurring.

I look around at that sight for a moment.

I was wondering if the king or someone, the great lady, was here. Except for the people who are here today.

When I'm kneeling, the knight comes out in public and kneels. I wonder who.

"Master Tallow. Let me explain."

... Master Tallow? Uh, no, well, I think they're probably treating me in awe, as if I were treating a guest.

If I can get an explanation though, I'll get it.

"Uh, yes, please"

Upon hearing the explanation of the knight kneeling, Haku returned and let go of the fold he happened to see the knights trained, saying they were all inferior to Sigal.

It seems that not all the knights were in those sights, and some didn't know what they were saying or who they were talking about.

These people eat and hang on the hack, and not long before the knight who knows the existence of the hack stops, dozens of them are put on the hack.

Then all the knights who found out who Haku was kneeling down to apologize to Haku, but the word that he was inferior to that unreliable girl who was there between the sights was greatly unacceptable.

There came Sigal and Inai by real chance. Hearing the circumstances, Sigal said he would deal with all the knights here, trying to prove it if Haku said so.

"If I lose along the way, I guess you guys are right. But when I beat everyone, acknowledge Haku's words and recognize his own power.

And at least it will improve the way you eat and hang girls you don't know. "

To Sigal, who said so, the knights, who learned less anger, apparently began a game like this 100-man hand without much effort.

It is said that the sexual roots of these knights will already be known at that point. The improvement in this country is far...

Twoka, even if you lost along the way, can you beat that butterfly girl and think you could have won? If you can think of anything, I doubt your nerves.

Inai said he left Haku a message along the way and went somewhere.

"Well, let me tell you something."

"Ha, what is it"

"At least the Knight of Uml doesn't do a good shameful imitation of challenging a girl opponent in a group, normal"

That's what I said, and you recognize the status quo, and you make a hard face.

Until now, he didn't seem to understand the fact that he told just one girl that a good adult wanted to stop by and challenge him.

You guys are real.

"also, sorry"

"No, well, to hear the story, it sounds like Haku and Sigal both provoked it, and I don't know if I can help it."

"Well, you can say that."

"Well, but I want you to be careful. As before, please really stop acting like you're wearing a position on an umbrella. You're supposed to protect people."

"Ha, I will engrave into your hearts the words of Lord Tallow, everyone!

... I knew there was something wrong with the knight's response to me. It doesn't just feel like taking Inai.

"Um, what's that tallow 'Dear'?

"He who can follow the dragon, our patron saint. With the utmost respect, we obey you."

The mystery has been solved. No, what are you gonna do, follow me? I mean, not surprisingly, no one has faith.

I look at Huck like I'm asking for help.

'The old man said he'd leave it to Tallow to figure out what to do. I'm telling the castle people. "

Old dragon ooh! Oh, my God. Ew!

Hey, wait a minute, so you're saying that I'm in the mood to decide what kind of state not to protect this country?

That's why! That's why these guys reacted! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

"... and for now, let's talk about that later, when Inai gets back"

'Really? I don't think you're in the mood for Tallow, do you?

"No, I'm not in the mood for tens of thousands. I don't have the guts to make choices about human life..."

'Right. If Tallow says so.'

That's what I said, Haku, who finishes treatment for Sigal. Sigal seems to be breathing well, too.

"Haku, thank you"


Sigal thanking Haku with a smile and Haku happily responding. Again, the relationship between these two is a little strange.

Sigal turns straight towards me, smiling as usual, but something slightly, not like before.

"Mr. Tallow. Good morning."

"Good morning."

I remember what happened last night because I was called Mr. Tallow, and I can be a little wolfish.

Sigal embraces me with no regard for me like that. The knights see the sight and blues.

"Ta, dear Tallow, may I ask you something?"

I nod as I clench my neck at the knight I say as I tremble.

"Si, is Master Sigal, if any, the mistress of Master Tallow?"

A mistress? Uh, yeah, you mean a thinker or something like that. I'd go out of my way to put it in a far-fetched way. Now I know what you mean. I snort.

In contrast, the knights panic deliberately, all in alignment, kneeling.

Oh, what happened?

"Also, sorry! I didn't know you were important to Mr. Tallow, and I've been rude! Please, forgive me!

I watched the sight with a kiwton in my eyes.

Uh, yeah. From what I'm saying, you don't know that Sigal is my lover, and now you think you can blame him for what he just did to Sigal?

"No, this is what Cigal did to change your consciousness, and I'm not going to blame you for what Cigal did."

"Ho, is it true"

It's true, why would they suspect me? Do I look like such a tyrant? I'm a little shocked.

No, if you know that one from yesterday, can't you do it in a way? Almost without saying a word, you let go of the sorcery.

"It's true. But in the future, change the consciousness of the knight a little more. You are people to protect your country and protect your people. No futile pride."

"None, is it no use"

"Yeah. If you're proud, be the person you deserve it. The Knights of Umr, I know, were worthy of that pride."

"Ha, we will refine in the future!

Everyone nods up and bows their heads. I'm still anxious to know if it makes sense, but there's nothing I can do about it anymore.

It is more questionable why I am saying this.

Huh, sighing made me want to sigh even more at the frightened knights, but I was patient.

For now, Mr. Sigal, I don't mind you sticking around happily, but is it time for you to leave?

I'm a little embarrassed.

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