At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

Do you want to go home and talk to me once?

"I'm sorry. There's too much blood on my head."

"... no... yeah... I said I was going to do it for real and... yeah"

I bow my head to Bulbe in one of the Royal Castle rooms and apologize for this incident.

The room feels like me and Burbe, Lowe, Lynn, Mirka, Celes, Aroness connected to the comms.

Burbe will definitely have more work to do in the future. I have people I can count on, and I leave the job to you, but I have too much work to do.

"Inai... I didn't expect you to even belong to a boulder..."

"Yeah, I thought I was going to lend it to you in favor of negotiating with us, or I was going to make you pay for it and blow it and make you say something instead of paying it."

Lowe, who speaks out in dismay at the consequences of my actions, and Mirka, who talks slushly about whether he thought it was too much.

I usually did, too. I don't usually take matters like flipping the country's fundamentals.

It was really on my mind then and my thoughts weren't a little decent. If you'd at least come and apologize honestly, it would have been a few more results...


"And that's not a promise, is it?

"... yes"

I'll give you the contract I brought. If you follow Umr's words unconditionally, it's a signed contract from the king over there.

I said I didn't have to go that far. I told him not to follow everything unconditionally or if he was going to rebel against this, because there was only one way to go into total war with Umr.

If it could not be done, that country would be utterly doomed and the land of Umr. A contract signed by the state is as heavy as that.

In this case, if you wage war for rebellion, you won't get any help around you. Such promises have long existed in this surrounding country. Therefore, it is like offering a contract where there is no way out for your country.

"What did the king say over there?

"We are always purchasing information about the country. Obedience will undoubtedly lead the country in the right direction, and King Umr deserves to be trusted. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this contract. Because."

"Stop making the laying plain high!!

A blubber scream woods the room where it is soundproofed.

I'm not less guilty of blubbering while holding my head.

"Well, isn't that okay? Something about it. '

"Yeah, yeah, blubber would be fine"

Aroness's voice heard from the comms and Lynn in tune with it.

Easy Combination says the right thing. You guys don't do any of this kind of work, though.

"Oh, yeah! Aroness, you were illegally in that country!

"Ew, how do you know that!

"I knew it! I told you to cross the border!

"Well, this is what happened, so it's no problem to find out, right?

"I can't think that I have to find out. It's usually a crime, you idiot!!

"Oh, sorry."

Let's be honest with this guy. Nothing has changed since I was a kid.

"No, he's mad at me."

"Don't mess with me, Lynn!


Anyway, this is totally my downfall. Even though I was given permission to do it beforehand, I'll leave the territory, the lords and the people at will, so manage it, okay? What kind of impotence is that?

I wondered what I was doing while I was calm.

"Well, there's no other way past that. I'll help you too, brother."

"Celes will have his own land."

"If you leave it to that guy, you'll be fine. More than that, Inai has to do something about it so she doesn't care too much."

"Excuse me, Cell. Thanks."

"It's okay."

A cell that hugs me while it's good. I usually push back to a certain extent, but I forgive you this time.

You can do whatever you want!

"Ma, that's true. I can't help it."

"Sorry. That would help if you said that"

"Tallow, it's you."

"Oh, that's one problem, isn't it? I don't know."

I told Tallow not to get as involved in the country's politics as possible, but that's also an issue I can't leave alone, more than Haku asked me when I left the will of the dragon to Tallow.

The king also heard the words, and Tallow's standing is no longer to be treated in that country in the same line as the king, or, if poorly, above the king.

The word of Tallow takes precedence over any nobleman. Otherwise it is recognised that waiting is doom.

"Well, Tallow is basically unwilling to get involved in the country. So maybe you'll listen to me."

"Well... for now, I'd ask the dragon not to basically get involved except in that sanctuary. The land under man's rule must be ruled by man's power"

"Okay. I'll tell him."

Bulbe's will is where I do the same. A rule that relies on something, when it breaks down, can do nothing.

Exactly this time. I couldn't rely on dragons anymore, and I couldn't contain the threat.

That's something we can say. One day, we will have to create a successor so that the great Umr can continue to exist even when we are gone.

"Hang on, Tallow just got awesome."

"Yeah. One day, I thought I'd do something, but it was quick"

For Lynn and Mirka, the current state of Tallow seems to be a sentiment to say we've done as much as possible.

'Cause he doesn't really understand how powerful he is. As a result, the impact is going to be big later. "

"I still want the boy to go back to the country one day and do the knighthood"

"Well, maybe some day will come"

To Aroness and Lowe's words, a pompous word. It should be a word he doesn't love. But for some reason, Celeste ate it.

"Huh? Inai, is something wrong?

"Hey, what is it?"

"Well, Tallow, for example, given the possibility that you're going to stop doing everything you want and come back here and make the choice of being a knight you said no to once and for all."

So shut up and look at me sideways. My eyes go straight to my lower abdomen.


"Ugh, don't come straight at me, you"

"Oh, I knew it -"

Shit, it's embedded. I've affirmed that I've been camouflaged.

Right, if it's always, what is it? I'm giving it back. My idiot.

"What, what, what do you mean?

"Inai made a baby with Tallow."

"Well, is that right? That's more than anything."

"Mirka, you don't say that..."

Cell looks at us slightly, Lynn doesn't know what it means, and Mirka answers.

Lowe nodded good, good, and Aroness was annoyed by the situation.

Whoa! What is this? I can't wait!

"Congratulations, sister"

What a blessing the blubber is giving me. But it's quite embarrassing to be told congratulations on the act itself.

Cell, I resent you!

'... but whatever it takes, don't worry about the honesty of the king over there. I think you should be careful.'

Aroness says in a serious voice.

"Right. Should I not swallow my words when I sign a contract? I was a little calm then, because I felt guilty winning. Should I have thought about it a little more?"

"Right. You should keep your mind open for once."

Burbe seemed to have the same thoughts as Aroness's words.

You should keep in touch with Tallow a little...

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