I'm also worried about whether to talk to Sigal about what's bothering me right now while eating in the castle cafeteria.

First of all, I was curious about last night. I couldn't afford to care less in the middle.

Inai used to say she was a virgin. And I think Sigal is also a virgin.

But the two of them didn't feel painful last night. I was a virgin too, and I've never been a virgin to anyone, but as a matter of knowledge, I hear it hurts for the first time.

I don't think Inai would lie, and I don't think Sigal would keep that to himself.

So one thing I've come up with is that maybe me and the people in this world have similar and different body structures.

If so, one thing is of great concern. I'm worried whether to hear it or not.

But even if you don't ask, if what I'm afraid of is really possible, I feel bad for both of you.

After all, you should ask the boulders about this one...

"Hey, Sigal"

"Mm, what?

Sigal smiles at me when I talk to her. I feel in a better mood than usual.

"Do you want a cigar, a kid, someday?

"Right. One day, I want it. I don't really think about it right now though. Oh, but I'll raise you right when I can. I'm a kid with Mr. Tallow."

Sigal responding with a smile and a laugh. I don't see any strays there.

Really? Does Sigal want children? Is Inai the same? If so, I guess I should say it.

"Oh, you know, Sigal"


"Maybe, but. Sigals and I might not be able to do it, kid."

"... Huh?

I guess I didn't expect you to say that. Open your eyes and be amazed, Sigal.

"Hey, why?

I'm going to hesitate to answer the obvious question. But I have to tell you.

"Maybe, but the Sigals are a little different from the women in my world."

"Really? Where is it?

"Well, what happened last night?"

"Ah... also, could it be, for Mr. Tallow, that our body, is something wrong?

Sigal asks me with a very anxious, sad face.

"No, uh, keep looking. What? True. Beautiful"

"Oh, yeah. Then why?

"Well. Women in my world, for the first time, are usually sore or bleeding. We both didn't have that, did we?

"Ugh, yeah."

That's it, I realized one possibility. He said maybe the two of them just didn't happen to bleed.

"Hey, Sigal, maybe it's common to hurt in this world, like the two of you just happened to be fine?

"Ugh, yeah. Normally it doesn't hurt. That's what I learned in my correctional class."

Apparently I learned. I guess that's the common thing about being taught at school.

"Then maybe not with me and the cigars, they just look alike, they're different creatures. In that case, there's a chance you won't be able to have children."

Yes, that's what bothered me. I don't care if they tell me they're not actually virgins.

No, I'm sorry, I'm curious. I'm curious. I'm a little strong.

Well, put that aside, even if it was, I still don't doubt it, but if the structure of the body is different, it could not be intersected as a species.

It's a world of all races, and maybe more flexible around it, but it's possible. I'm not originally a resident of this world.

"That's a little, I was wondering. Maybe I think too much. But it's possible. Because I'm not from this world. So if I did, I'm sorry."

I speak those words in disgust. I can't see Sigal's face. Sigal said she wanted a child. Yet I said the opposite possibility.

Scary. I wonder what Sigal looks like. I can't wait to see what face this kid, who always admires me, turns to me.

But I have to see it. We have to face it right. I thought so. When I turned to Cigal, he smiled so sweetly.

"Thank you, Mr. Tallow"

All I thought about was the possibility of being blamed. I didn't understand that word.

I told you the possibility that Sigal's wishes wouldn't come true.

"I'm glad. I'm so glad you told me that. That's all you're taking seriously about me. It means you're thinking about staying with me the whole time.

So thank you, Mr. Tallow. Love it. "

That's what I say, chuckle and take my hand.

You're invincible. Inai, Sigal, she's a really good woman. I still doubt why such a good woman is here for me.

"Even to Inai, I have to tell you"

"Yeah. But me and my sister, I'm sure, love Mr. Tallow is no different.

It's a shame we can't have kids, but it's not decided, and even so, we'd rather have Mr. Tallow.

I'm not here for Mr. Tallow because I want kids. "

"... thanks"

I'm so happy. I almost burst into tears by accident. Patience that, thank you.

"You're welcome, Mr. Tallow, because you don't have to worry about it alone, do you? I'm glad you said it right."

"Yeah, you are. You should tell me. I knew it."

Then you should also say another concern. Cigal asks me that when I try to say it too.

"Speaking of which, how long are you going to be here? Do you know where you're going next?

They asked me exactly what was bothering me right now.

I was worried about it. I wasn't worried about where to go.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should stop traveling about this.

I began to think so unnecessarily, also considering that my relationship with the two of them had become clearer than before.

"Sigal, it's me, I think you should stop traveling."

"Uh, hey, why?


Sigal is surprised by my words, and Huck, who was listening quietly, is surprised too. Looks like Haku was going to follow you around a lot, naturally.

"Uh, yeah."

The reason I'm traveling is my own. I simply want to see this world. I want to make a trip.

That's just it. I went on a journey. There is no further reason. But that's just why I wanted to go everywhere until I felt better.

However, this is the result. Sometimes he didn't understand how many people Inai was.

But Inai said. She said she was bigger and smaller than traveling with her and that this kind of thing could happen.

That's when I said I wouldn't stop traveling. I was really going to do that then. But when I saw Inai after that, I began to wonder if that was okay.

I'm sure she doesn't hate killing people to protect us, to protect Umr.

It's not fine. But kill yourself. She does everything she has to do.

I was wondering if it would be strange to make the woman who told me she loved me do something so hard with all my patience.

I was wondering if it would be hard to put them in your hands. But Inai's emotional revelation was heavier. She's always been a strong herself.

Again, so is Sigal.

With all my help, I let her kill people. I've taught you how sick that feels.

I'm good. I also originally thought that would happen.

But if I hadn't traveled, neither of us would have had at least this time.

I've been worried about that since I heard Inai say it.

I told him that honestly. Just like earlier.

Then Sigal looked angry as she saw it.

"Mr. Tallow, did you say that I had a hard time with this journey even once?

"Oh, no"

I was pissed off by the awesome sword screen. This may be the first time Cigal has ever pissed me off so far.

He's looking at me with a stare he's never seen before.

"Sure, I was tough when that robbery happened. This is what killing people is all about. He said it was such a disgusting thing.

But, you know, Mr. Tallow may have forgotten, but I originally wanted to join the sorcerers.

If I let you in there, I'm sure someday the same time will come. It's not beautiful, because you're going into an organization that fights to protect someone.

That's why it's been a good experience for me. Inai, I also had the opportunity to learn about your sister.

Inai said you were fighting beyond these thoughts. Your sister must have been hard because she's so sweet. "

So I stop the words once and get a slightly calm voice and expression.

"I will follow Mr. Tallow if he wants to travel.

I enjoy this journey. I also met Haku. I've had a lot of experience. I'm sure if I hadn't been on the journey, there wouldn't have been either.

Most of all, I like being there for you doing what you want to do. "

Talk to me seriously, Sigal. To that strong word, I sigh again wondering if I've done it.

I should have known before. That this kid's thoughts were much stronger than I thought.

She said she was very strong and a good woman. I should have thought so earlier. Yet you were still watching sweetly.

"Sorry, thanks"

"Mm, I forgive you"


I highly doubt why you're even answering Haku. Well, okay.

"I wonder if Inai would be mad at me too"

"I think you'll be angry. But I think you should say it. Be angry with me."

"Ugh, yes."

Nod honestly to Sigal, who tells me with his jitsu eyes. I don't know, you're totally laid on your ass already.

Well, do you deserve it this time? I wonder how angry Inai would be...

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