At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

The king of this country invites you to speak to him!

Have you been here, Lord Tallow?

When I finished my meal and turned to the voice calling me, the king of this country stood. There are a few soldiers in the back and a captain of the knight standing. Isn't that another knight captain?

I thought someone was coming all the way, but who is the king?

Speaking of which, I was wondering yesterday, is it called Lord Tallow the right way for a king to call ordinary people?

I feel suspicious about something.

"One incident in the garden went into my ear earlier as well. The knight of our country disrespected us.

I have also heard the contents of the battle with the Dragon God. All I can say is "boulder."

I mean, that's what happened in the garden earlier.

Even though it's suspicious, it would be rude to keep quiet, and you have to reply, right?

"No, I was just hanging out with Haku."

"Right. It would help if you could say that. By the way, Lord Tallow, will you take a moment? I need to talk to you."

What do you want to talk about? What is it?

"I don't even have Inai today, especially since I wasn't planning on doing anything, so I don't mind..."

"Well, I appreciate that. Then can you follow me? Oh, I'm sorry, Lord Tallow, but I need you alone."

Alone? I have a bad feeling about this. I have a feeling they're going to say something really annoying.

I have no basis, but I have a very bad feeling at the point where the king wants to talk to me alone.

"Not here, is that a bad story?

"Right. Don't get too many people."

When I said that and looked around the cafeteria, there were soldiers, knights, samurai, cooks in the cafeteria, their helpers, and everyone watched over this one.

But that's suspicious. Something I can't talk about here. That's just me.

Honestly, to the extent that I'm aware of what Inai or Sigal tells me, I can't read people's bellies.

Fools are easy to understand their behavior, so even if they can deal with that area, they can't trace anything that leads to it.

I don't know what I'm thinking, but I don't think it's very safe to go alone and listen to the king.

I feel like I'm in some great trouble when I realize it.

Let the boulders follow us here. It's a pitiful story, but I think Blah Blah Cigal is sharper around there.

Besides, you won't say anything bad in front of Haku.

"If you two are together, fine."

"Mm... right..."

I looked pretty reluctant at that word of mine. Apparently the choice is a hunch of the right answer. What are you going to tell me that I want to talk about it all by myself?

"Then there's no choice, is there? Miss Studlers. Master Huck. May I accompany you?"

"Yes, sir"

It doesn't matter.

Cigal is apparently nervous because his opponent says he's king.

I don't know, I'm too familiar with the status quo, and I can't help but boil the feeling that the other person is nervous with a king or something.

In the first place, maybe you don't know what it's like to say they're nervous because they're kings. He was just a kid with no connection to that.

Haku is as usual. Am I right?

"Come here, then"

The king's guide, or the soldier is walking in front, so follow the soldier's guide.

A soldier gives way in front of a certain room and opens the door.

The king enters the room as a matter of course. Should we go in too?

Afraid to come in, it was a room with a very luxurious sofa paired against a table.

"Have a seat."

Encouraged to sit. Sigal is still a little nervous. Haku sits down with Bosun and enjoys fuzzy additions and subtractions. Freedom.

"So what's the story?"

"... Lord Tallow, do you know the gaga stories that are passed down to this country?

"Er. You don't know much better about gaga. If the content inspired the dragon to protect this country, the dragon himself told me."

"Hey, what, the dragon god of the day is still alive!?

Who is the dragon god at the time? You mean the dragon I heard about, or the old dragon that still lives?

'I'm not here anymore. It's the friend who's over there now. My friend, Old Man, just told me. "

Haku answers instead of me worried. I'm glad you meant it that way.

"Right. I wanted to thank you if you were alive. Thanks to the Dragon God, our country is like ever lived forever. The other day, it stained my bones."

"Remember that gratitude, if you lived without pride, Inai would never have been relative to you."

"My ear hurts. I thought you were right."

Haku looks somewhere fun to see the King honestly affirming Haku's words. I don't know. I think I touched Haku's harp line.

"O king of the people of this land, we have defended this land by the thought of our friends. But it seemed that there was no one in this land who deserved to carry on the thoughts of his friends. But we don't want to leave behind the people who admired us either. Especially those who set up the city at the foot of that mountain."

"Those who are in that land are also the people of our country. Thank you for protecting me at all."

'But we left our word to Tallow. Depending on Tallow's judgment, I hope he doesn't even think about it.'

"Yes, of course."

Mr. Haku is surprisingly serious. I can't hide my surprise that my usual childish words and actions are completely gone.

Although I'm not half uncomfortable because I'm still a looking girl. Well, is that Inai with you?

"Haku is not a child..."

"Ah, Tallow, now you're making fun of me! I've been alive a hundred years!

"Because my usual words and actions are words and deeds..."

'Ugh! You're not a kid! We can even talk serious!

"Sorry. Sorry."


I knew Haku wasn't retarded, but how dare you look at the usual free movement and behavior, and this kind of place stands out.

Speaking of which, even in the border city, it looked like this to a man who used spears.

After all, Lord Tallow is one who stands alongside the Dragon God.


Stand alongside a dragon? No, well, he seems to be admitted to something, so he's said to be a compatriot.

"We can't afford to be that comfortable with Dragon God. In that respect, I'm guessing Miss Cigal isn't like us either."

"Oh, well, that"

Sigal is suddenly shaken and in a hurry. I guess I'm thinking how I can answer that and not be rude. I'm sorry, don't even think about it.

"Wow, I didn't beat the dragons like Mr. Tallow to gain that trust. Only the dragons liked me."

"That would be great."

'That's right. Cigal has great qualities. You can put your chest up. Besides, Sigal's a good kid!

"Oh, uh, thank you?

Sigal is praised by the king, also by Haku, who doesn't know how to give it back extra.

Good boy. I guess for Haku, Sigal is a favorite subject to be protected.

"... Lord Tallow, back to earlier stories of gaga, the people who appear in that story are told to be the royalty of our country"

"Are you royal?"

"Yeah, he's supposedly dead before he had a baby, so we don't have any direct descendants.

However, he is said to be a hero who has friendship with the dragon and has become the land protected by the dragon. Therefore the dragon will protect the land that we draw the blood of the king who divided it. That's what the story tells us.

Even we thought it was a fabrication to lift the royal family rather than to question whether it was true until today. "

'No, you're not. I didn't protect you because you were drawing the same blood as him, but because he was there, I began to protect this land.'

"Yeah, I know. I guess so. Until now, I even suspected that dragons would solve people's words. They taught me that was a mistake, too. I don't doubt it now. I'm sure it's also true that long after that, a big dragon came down to the city and told him that he would protect it on behalf of his friends."

'That's right. That's old. "

Well, there's an old story left. You said it before, you said you went to say something to people's cities.

But that span is too long, I can't tell you a lot, and I guess I'm just staying to talk and gay.

But from now on, there's a hack, and if you're a hack, I'm going to get rid of that, but I don't know what happens.

"And Lord Tallow, I am now fortunate that you visited this country in this day and age"

"Oh, is that me?

Luckily, if I hadn't come, the country wouldn't have been pinched.

"I know what you're thinking. You probably think this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't come?

Stability Thoughts Read. Why? Why is everyone reading my thoughts so easily?

"But I thought about this one. I thought these days might have come someday even if you hadn't. That's also in a worse way. That's why I'm glad you're here."


Well, sure. I don't know what will happen after the old dragon is gone if it feels like Haku. Even the old dragon is turning to me for judgment.

"That's why I think it's fate for you to come to this country, here and now, with the dragon"

"I think that's an exaggeration, don't you?

"No, I think so. You're the hero of that gay tale."

"I'm not a hero. It's just a way to get there."

"There's no such thing as a man who can defeat a dragon."

I guess I'm here. This is it. It was a complete success.

So I have a proposition for you.

"Is that a suggestion?

"Oh. Right."

I don't know, do you want me to go negotiate so you can protect me to the dragon? You think I'll give you a reward instead?

But if that's what you're talking about, it's better after Inai gets back. If you say so, I'll ask for the conclusion after Inai returns.

That's what I thought, but the words that came out of the king's mouth weren't that easy.

"Lord Tallow. Aren't you going to be king of this country?


What are you talking about, this guy?

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