At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

Inai says he can't come home for a bit!

"Tallow, can you hear me?


As I relaxed in the room, I heard Inai abruptly. Even if I look around for a moment, I don't see Inai.

If you're not caught up in detection in the first place, there's no sign of metastasis.

"Mr. Tallow, isn't that a bracelet?

Sigal points at my bracelet and says. Oh, I see.

You were watching me talk on my bracelet, weren't you?

"I've been watching it, but you haven't taught me how to use it, so I was wondering if it's not exactly attached to this one"

'Oh, I'm sorry. I'll tell you when I get home.'

There are objects that do not function simply by operating the bracelet by hand. Maybe this feature is something like that.

However, that doesn't seem to be the only bracelet Mr. Lynn has. So I heard they told me never to lose it.

Only that bracelet, they say, can be manipulated easily by anyone, so naturally.

'I'm not going to be able to go back at least a couple of days. Excuse me.'

"Fine, never mind"

'Thank you. You don't have to wait at the Royal Castle in the meantime.

That king, I was a grown-up because I was there, but I don't know what you guys are gonna do, and maybe I should stay in the city inn until I get back.

I was a little out of my mind because of the guilt of doing too much, but Aroness pointed me out a little. You're being too honest. "

Mr. Aroness is sharp. Why is he usually like that?

"Big right"

"Is something wrong?

"Marriage stories with my daughter were held up"

"... I see. So is that the contract? Well, there's certainly nothing wrong with that contract. I hope it goes well."

"I'm not sure I know the hard story, but what should I do?

"Only this time, maybe if I were you, I wouldn't have a problem."

Like me? What do you mean? Inai seems to see something ahead, but won't you tell me?

"Aren't you going to tell me more?

"I won't because if I tell you, I'll be on your face."

"Terrible, huh?

"You'll be fine, never mind."

Is this trusted? No, you're not trusted in saying you won't teach because your thoughts will be read.

But is it trusted? I'd be depressed if I didn't think so on the boulder.

"Or have you fallen in love with that girl?

"I can't. I probably can't do that"

Immediately deny Inai's words. That kid saw there was quite a backdrop. I can't have a kid like that.

"Oh well. Then you'll be fine."

"Well, if Inai says so, I believe you."

I'm not falling for a bit. Well, it's a rush. I can't do what. I have a consciousness, so should I not know?

Is it just my desire that my audible voice felt a little relieved?

"Sister, don't worry, I'll put up with you until your sister gets back"

Until then, Sigal, who had been listening to me for a long time, turns to her bracelet and says something she doesn't quite understand.

I don't know what you're talking about. Were you promising to do something?

"Si, sigal!!

"Oh, but your sister doesn't have to worry about that, does she? Because I think you're my sister after all."

'Hey, here! Hey, hey!'

"... what are you talking about?

"Don't tell."

"Come on, Ta, don't worry about Tallow!

He had something to talk about just the two of us. Well, it would be wild to get stuck there.

He's been talking about things I don't know on purpose, and I don't think he wants you to hear them from Inai.

'Fuck... Ah, Haku.'

"Hmm, what's up?

'Can you tell the old dragon to leave it in the hands of men except in the sanctuary?

'Okay. I'll tell him. That's good for Tallow, right?

When it comes to sanctuaries, is that border city? Well, you can certainly protect it there. Lord, I admire dragons.

I nod to Haku's question.

Or, naturally, they think Inai's opinion will be affirmed.

'I guess that's all the reporting for now. Maybe a little later. I don't mind you guys moving to your liking then.'

"Ng, okay. Well, just relax at the union.

'Okay. See you later.'

"Mmm, see you later."

"Sister, don't make it impossible."

"You're the one."

So Inai's voice was deafened. But it's a communication function. Wow - really. How far does this get?

No, naturally, considering that video communication arrives from the edge of the country.

"Well, then, even if we're staying today, shall we leave the castle tomorrow"

"Yeah, okay!

"Don't talk to me again."

"Huck, are you flying away again?


"You don't use metastases?

"I don't like it and it's more fun to fly"

Oh, I'm not good at it. Plus flying in the air may be a good breath for Huck.

I usually change my appearance all the time. Sometimes you want to fly as much as you want in a dragon figure.

"Are you going right away?

"Right, I'm coming now"

That's what Haku says and takes off his clothes. I grab that hand again and stop.

"Do What"

"Haku, please stop taking it off abruptly."

Huck has a look that says he doesn't know what it means. I thought you understood me in one thing in the garden.


"... okay."

Listens to my wishes with a face that looks sincerely strange.

'So what can I do, keep flying like this?

"Because I wish people would stop taking it off where they're looking. Still while I'm turning around, huh?

"... ok"

You said that after you accumulated so much. You don't seem convinced of anything.

When I turn around, I hear Huck take off his clothes.

"It's over."


Turning around, Cigal was folding his clothes properly. I kept my underwear apart. No, yeah, I don't care. I don't think you should care.

Haku understands his intentions, too, and he's looking like a dragon. Good.

"Well, I'll be there"

Huck rides himself out the window and jumps out. The next moment roars, and Chenglong shows up and flies away.

At the same time I can see the people in the castle moving in a bummer. No, well, it will, won't it?

After a while, there was a sound of a concon and a knock, and when I opened the door, one of the clerks stood.

"Excuse me. His Majesty the King told me to make sure the roar was Haku-sama earlier."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry to surprise you."

"No, Master Haku would have no problem. Has Master Haku gone to one of them again?

"Yeah, a little more in the mountains. Oh, and we're leaving the castle tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Ok. I will tell His Majesty. Excuse me."

Close the door properly and leave loosely. Thoughts and runs out all the time when he leaves to some extent.

Well, would that happen because normally I wouldn't notice if I went that far?

"Tonight or tomorrow morning if you want to set me up?

Cigal says something noisy.

"What do you mean, set up?

"I don't know, but the way your sister says it, I don't think you're gonna let me out of the castle like this."

Well, if you're definitely up to something, maybe you'll set something up by the time you get out.

"Just in case Sigal stays away from me."

"Mm, okay."

Sigal hugging me as I reply. Yeah, because that's not what I meant.

"Cigal, you know what I'm doing."

"Of course!"

Cigar that brings back a sneer. I grin and stroke my head.

"Well, let's just relax already today"

"Aren't you going to train today?

"Yeah, Sigal's tired, too."

"Hmm, I guess that's it because Haku healed me. But I certainly don't want to do it anymore today."

If you did all that, then you wouldn't want to do it today anymore. I wonder how many people I ended up with.

I think I'll try that again. I don't know if there's anyone to deal with.

Not long before the sun went down, the king said he wanted to invite him to dinner.

Perhaps that girl is present, too. Nah. Or so I head to the spot.

When I got there, I had a daughter. You're stuck in, but you're not gonna fool me!

Cigal is also present. Haku hasn't returned yet.

"I hope it fits Lord Tallow's mouth."

"I'm glad you like the food in this country."

What a senseless conversation the king and daughter urge me to put the first soup served on my mouth.

I swallow the soup and notice something strange when I try to extract another cup.

The power of qigong around the body. The power of life. The flow was disturbed.

Something similar happened before when Mr. Aroness told me that he would consume poison and remove it with tricks and spells.

Mr. Mirka then told me that when I was seeing Qigong Immortality, I could see that my body would change into an unusual state.

When I moved my gaze from soup to cigar, I was about to extract the soup. They were waiting for me to eat first.

Turning to the king and his daughter, they were both in a similar situation. If there's poison in this, it sucks if it's immediate.

I'm fine. Because I have a bracelet. It seems that this bracelet, Mr. Aroness, also includes a poison removal curse in his assassination measures, even with immediate poison, to the extent that he is temporarily ill.

It made me go through it once, too. It was disgusting and disgusting.

Anyway, stop. You can tell him not to put it in his mouth and stop, but I'm afraid when he didn't stop.

How can we stop humans?

Surprise stops an approximate human being. What to do and surprise you. You're giving me back my shabudai. That's the only way.

Yeah, 'cause you didn't just want to try, did you?

I grab the table and flip it in a direction where no harm is done to everyone.

The advice solidifies to surprise everyone. We did it. There is some strange sense of accomplishment.

"Ta, Mr. Tallow, what's wrong?

"There was some kind of medicine in the soup."

To my words, Sigal is astonished, and the king and daughter look stunned.

"Ku, you think it's medicine? Oh, is that the truth?

You wouldn't know if I explained it in detail, and to the extent that I could tell there was medicine in it, would you?

"Yeah, I know when drugs get into my body. There was definitely some kind of medicine in the soup earlier. I returned the table so that it wouldn't go into my mouth other than mine. Sorry to surprise you."

"Yes, no, that's okay. I'm sorry, I'll check this out soon."

"Yeah, please. I'm also a little scared of the meals that will be served after this, so please look that up. We'll go back to the room once. Do you mind?

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry"

"I apologize for making you uncomfortable, Master Tallow."

The king and his daughter turn their heads about. Maybe we were targeted.

"Never mind. Be more careful than that. Perhaps they were also included in your usual meals. I don't know what it does, but it won't be a good one."

"Wow, okay, let's find out more about that one."

Satisfied with the words, head down and leave the room. Looking back, butterflies and servants were gathered to start cleaning up.

Walk away slowly watching it.

"I'm glad I was the first to talk. I wish Cigal had let me in, I'm scared."

"But, Mr. Tallow, why are you okay?


Look at me pointing to my bracelet, jito eyes.

"I think that bracelet is too convenient"

"I think so too."

But well, actually, I don't have to bracelet to be fine. As I was saying, I can sense disturbances in the flow in the fairy arts, and if you use magic right away, you'll make it.

If you want to do that, you can force the flow to normalize with immortality, so the poison won't work without a bracelet.

"I want that bracelet too"

"I suppose you could ask Inai to do that, huh?

"Give me that, so I can't tell you... maybe I'll get an awesome price for that one. You can afford a mansion with a garden."

"... seriously"

I didn't know and I used it. Scary. What's scary about it? Not so much for one of these...

"I need to make sure I don't care about that, too, don't I?

"Probably. I lived there. From the looks of it, I thought it was just useless to have detailed questions. It's easy to accept."

"I think Mr. Tallow is too good at accepting"

Yeah, that's what Inai told you. Acceptance is too good.

But, well, I thought I'd have to accept it, and I think there's something I can't do around it.

"Now, do you make meals with handheld ingredients"

"Yeah, let's make it together!

Sigal and I rent a kitchen and enjoy cooking meals.

It's more fun than doing it alone. I don't care about efficiency. Well, if I eat this, I think I'll go to bed already.

Let's move in early tomorrow morning.

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