
"Cigal, vegetables over there, peeled, cut properly"


Peel the vegetables as directed by Mr. Tallow. A knife for cooking is something I've been used to lately.

After the journey, I knew how great your mother was. I should have helped you better.

I felt like magic all the time and didn't care about anything else.

Looking next door, Mr. Tallow sings the nose song of a song he has never heard before, while similarly finishing the peel earlier than I did, putting in the cut in and chopping it with a creepy sound.

Slip your fingers slowly onto the chopped vegetables, check how clean they are, and take one of the centers.

I took it in my hand. It was in the form of flowers. I look at it satisfactorily. Lovely.

"Oh, my God, Sigal."

Mr. Tallow accidentally turned to me and looked at me. My hands had stopped and stared at me, too.

Sometimes I stare at him like this without doing anything. That's when I make up my mind and utter words about him.

"I'm checking on the cuts. She said she had a cute satisfied face."

You were in love with the cuteness of it, and you put your thing on the shelf and say the words.

Sometimes I think you're a nasty woman. If you're Inai's sister, you're definitely in a hurry, nothing! I guess that's what I mean. Very easy to understand.

Inai, I think your sister is honest and nice to Mr. Tallow, for better or worse. Honestly, Mr. Tallow, there are times when I don't know which one is older when it comes to related matters.

I have a strong habit. I wish I was sweet, but sometimes I can't be sweet.

This is the night between us. Pretending I could afford it, my body was shaking in the end. Strong, not strong. And I hope you'll notice me like that. That's cunning.

"Uh, did you look like that?

His gesture to turn that way in the light is also very cute. It makes me want to embrace the way I'm going to go into the next task in a luminous way.

When I look at this, I wonder if this personality is not bad, and at the same time, I hate myself for thinking that way.

Even daytime stories do. I said something like trying him. I did it knowing there was no way he could change his eyes on me for that.

It was an act he wanted to hear from himself. The word out of his mouth was too much to convince me, and I thought it was cunning to make me so happy. The cunning is on your own.

I'm going to do my best to be beside him. But I am protected, no matter what I look like right now.

And while I'm happy with that, I'm still somewhat okay with one person. I sincerely dislike myself dressed.

With such a grip, I sincerely don't want to leave this guy. I don't want this guy to hate me. I don't want to be abandoned.

So I try to find the missing part of him somehow. Look for help in the missing parts.

I am too desperate. I can't wait to really like this guy.

Yet I knew I was protected again. I'm sure Mr. Tallow isn't the only medication that was put in at the meal earlier. Probably would have been in my meal, too.

Mr. Tallow, I'm not suspicious of them, but I'm pretty sure those two mixed pills with Mr. Tallow's diet.

That meal, too, must have been prepared in a hurry when I heard Mr. Tallow was leaving tomorrow.

Inai, your sister gave me some advice. Me, too, I thought it would be tonight or tomorrow morning.

Yet I almost got caught up in such a palpable hand. I can't wait to see what would have happened to me if I had eaten that meal.

When Mr. Tallow flipped over the meal, I was surprised, but I saw them.

They were surprised, too, but that face had a bright blue look rather than just saying they were surprised by the action.

They noticed something they shouldn't have noticed. It was like that.

Inai, I also know what your sister meant when she said that Mr. Tallow was good as it was.

It's impossible for them to harm Mr. Tallow right now. So be careful. I guess it ended in light words, to the extent.

After all, the distance between me and Mr. Tallow is not as close as between Mr. Tallow and his Inai sister.

Even then, I somehow felt it and I mocked your sister. I feel sorry for myself.

I'm worried about whether I should tell your sister about this. I'm sure he'll deal with that a lot if we talk about it.

Mr. Tallow may not tell your sister because he thinks this is about them. So if you want to talk, I'm sure it'll come from my mouth.

Because he doesn't think he was in danger. The thing that worried me the most was me. Then those two.

So it's trivial for him. Because it was preventable and there was nothing wrong with me.

After all, I'll tell your Inai sister. I have to tell you something for Mr. Tallow.

Hold your heart down that you want to do something yourself without telling me, and decide to wait for your sister to return.

I guess I don't have to have this nasty feeling if I can say it right now, maybe I should talk to you next time if I can get a tool that can only communicate with your sister.

You're really all about yourself. Even if I say I like this guy, I just want to be next to this guy. I can only count what I can do for this man.

Unexpectedly, a hand was placed on his head and stroked.

"Hey, Sigal. You're not feeling well?

It shouldn't be on your face. If you were as cute as he is, you would have been cuter. I haven't even stopped my hand. There should have been no particular change.

But he finds out. I'm watching. I don't know why, I'm so cunning. I want to cry. But I'm the one who doesn't cry.

"Mmm. I'll be fine."

"Oh? Don't push it. Sigal seems impotent and scared to leave him alone"

Glad. Regrettable. Both emotions overflow. I am delighted by this tenderness. I regret that I am immature enough to turn that tenderness.

Your sister is trustworthy, even if she is worried about being mentally strong.

I want to be there. I want to be. Next to this guy, I want to be the person this guy doesn't worry about, he can take for granted.

"If you don't help me, I won't recognize you."

I shrugged. I don't know if I heard you. But I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Not as it is now. Not enough. Not enough at all.

Catch up with this guy. And you can have one thing. Be yourself longer than this man. I'll do as much insensitivity as I can for that.

That's the only thing I can describe to him that I can see.

I love this guy, I love him, I never want to leave him, all I can do is keep running to catch up.

I am aware of that. [M] In a hurry. He said he was impotent. If you do too much.

I still fall back in love with him for watching it, and it strengthens me about Sang.

"Well, let's just relax. I'm not done yet either."

I still fall in love with him for saying that and smiling at me, and I don't think I can leave anymore.

One day, I'm sure, I swear I'll still try my best to honestly accept this tenderness. so I can protect him one day.

◆ Quel escaneivado ◆

"What shall we do, Father?"

I found out. I found out. You can see the pills went into your body? Can there be such a stupid thing?

Is such a craftsman something that people can do on their own? And most importantly, it's weird that I ingested more or less but I'm flat.

Is that really human?

"Quiet, Quelle, to see from the way the man said it, I didn't realize it."

My father says so, but I can't believe it. Aren't you just pretending like that?

Until just now, no matter how strong it was, it bracketed the height that it would be fine to fall into the hand.

Now I feel nauseous about that guy's inexperience. Scary. Scary. I don't know what I got my hands on. I shudder too much.

"Can you believe that? If your father were in the same position, would you say that?

When I complained to my father, I shut up. Even my father would know. That kind of thing is a hopeful observation.

If, even if that man really thought it was the way he said it, it's obvious what would happen if this thing got into Inai Stell's ear.

That's why I was going to take pills on everyone while Inai Stel was gone and manipulate that man.

It was also convenient for that dragon to be gone. If it doesn't work in the same amount as humans, the plan goes crazy. I thought it was the only time.

"I was watching sweetly. Umr. The power of a nation called Umr. Is there such a monster in that country?"

"... I don't know. But what I can clearly say is that it proved to be an authentic monster. Turns out you planted a monster that you shouldn't touch."

A monster. Yeah, that's the right word. The man is a monster. It's a monster with no taste in it. You can't have that thing.

Scary. Scary. Scary. Scary.

Why, why did such a thing come to this country, and why did such aristocrats put their hands on it? Even that wouldn't have happened without it!

"Father, what will happen to this country... what will happen to us..."

"... I can no longer do anything. I felt painful watching it really sweet. What I saw on the lookout was just one scale. And at least, all eight heroes beat that one."

"Is it more than that monster!? Is that man enough to defeat a dragon!?

Is a man who controls such an unscrupulous man a hero of that country? No, is that why you're a hero?

"Eight heroes who are nobody else who put their strength on that one. He says it's not within his power."

"That's not just what you're saying..."

"One of the eight heroes is defeating the dragon as well. Aroness Nehres. That's what the dragon himself said. There will no longer be any doubt."

"Alchemist Nelles...!

That man's real job shouldn't be a combat position. And yet you still have the power to defeat dragons?

Besides, if we're talking about it now, doesn't that Nehres mean his master?

"Why, such an important thing...!

"I couldn't think of any medicine that wouldn't work on him, but I noticed it when I got a little bit in my mouth."

That goes for me too. What if you changed your mind where you'd heard the story beforehand? No, I'm sure it was running.

Rather, it could have been done because I was listening. How much more can you do with him?

"In the end, maybe that woman is right. I must have been a fool."

"Oh, Father!

"... sorry. Even if this is pursued, I'm going to do it all by myself. You're the only one I can protect."

"No, Father!!

"A little, I want to be alone. Sorry."

In the daytime there is still a powerful look, like an old man. I can't say anything to my father like that, I'll drop him off.

My father told me to do it too. But I'm the one who told you to do it. I am responsible.

So if my father tried to wear everything, I would also die of this life. I don't understand what that man thinks. I don't know. So I have no idea how I'm going to fall.

But my father thinks he's the only flesh and blood parent. My mother moved quickly into the other world, and without brothers, there is not a single blood family who thinks of us personally.

I won't let my father die alone like that. Follow me with you. I won't let my father, who loved me, wear everything.

"But if I can, I want to live with your father"

I think it's a stupid wish. It's not like kicking someone else down, manipulating them, and wishing for them to fail.

No, don't just wish. You can't. This is the end of it. Then there's still one thing I can do.

I don't want to, but let's do it, rather than finish it.

If we don't do it anyway, it's a few days of life. Even for your father. For me, too. Let's do it.

Prepare to move into action. I can see my hands trembling. Still have to do it.

Grip your fists hard and walk out. Come on, it's a battle, monster. I'll show you the last hand I can hit.

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