At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

I'm actually pretty scared when I stand on the training ground!

Um, for now, it's not as obvious as it is. We need to hear the situation properly.

What do you think, a severe pain ran on my back. If I twist my neck behind you, Sigal's holding my back.

"Hey, Mr. Tallow, what did you do with the whole thing yesterday?

She smiles and asks, but the atmosphere is not expressive. I'm so scared.

"I want to! Wait a minute, I don't know what it is either!


I don't break my smile, let go of my hand. I told you everything I did was right. There's nothing missing.

But Sigal seems to think I've done something but forgotten to mention it.

"What will you do to your husband? Shouldn't you turn your back on yourself? You are neither a wife nor a nobleman. You don't have the authority to tie your husband up, do you?

All this time, the princess breaks in between me and Cigal looking uncomfortable. Oh, I have a feeling this is going to be tricky.

Sigal is clearly starting to put together a grumpy aura. But my face smiles. Too scary.

"You say funny things, Your Highness. I don't think that's what you said yesterday."

"I've already got forgiveness from my husband. And to reward him, I give him everything."

Cigal does the clever thing of subtly frowning with a smile.

"I do not forgive"

"Why should I ask your forgiveness?

"You put pills on my diet, too, didn't you?

"Do you have proof? My husband was spoken of, but he didn't put his mouth on your meal, did he? It's dangerous to tell the royal family that civilians are more far-fetched, right?

So Cigal stopped smiling. Totally staring. The princess has a cool face. I'm leaving you alone.

I'd rather run away. I want to get out of this place.

"I am officially engaged to Mr. Tallow."

"But I'm not married yet. Only the scope of the covenant. Then your position will be with the general public of Umr."

"Because I stand here with two people, Master Inai and Mr. Tallow, and say ordinary people to people who beat their knightly opponents in this country?

"No matter how powerful it is to defeat the knights, civilians are civilians. You can't override the difference in position."

"You can often slap such a big mouth in front of a person with as much power as you can override?

"Except my husband. Because he is the master of dragons and my husband."

The princess says as she looks at us with a grin. That smile doesn't feel like the previous one, it feels like an uncontrolled smile.

In contrast, Sigal sees the princess with an angry, heartfelt look.

"It's a good thing I did all that. Master Inai will not forgive you either."

"Oh, do you borrow the authority of Master Stell? I guess so. That's the best you can do."

"... if I'm selling myself a fight, I'll buy it."

"Oh savage. I am only being truthful. And if you're savage enough to fight violence, you don't deserve a husband."

The princess took my arm and leaned on me as she told Cigal off.

Sigal sees the sight with her fists trembling. For now I try to get away from her and calm down by stroking Sigal's head.

"Sigal, let's just calm down"

"I'm calm."

I don't think I'm going to say I'm calm, staring at the princess with all the wrinkles between my eyebrows.

"Sir, you don't have to worry about savages like that."

The princess speaks only in a soft voice to me. I don't feel a lie there. And I think.

But I can't see that statement. Until now, it was Sigal and the princess. That's why I didn't pinch my mouth there. Sigal felt rough, too.

But that's no good. Sigal is important to me. So you can't forgive those words.

"Sigal is important to me."

I look into the princess's eyes and say, holding the cigar. It's about me being easy on the face, you'll probably soon see I'm a little angry.

If you think about yesterday, you should be scared that I'm angry.


As a sign, the princess stiffened her expression. but immediately knelt down and bowed his head.

"I made an unsolicited statement to my husband. I'm so sorry. I still didn't seem to realize it was yours either."

A quick apology and a property statement. What the hell happened to this kid in one night?

Ask her as she pounds Sigal's head.

"In the meantime, I'd like you to explain that sudden change from yesterday."

"And even if I were told, my husband asked me to marry him instead of forgiving my father, so it was up to me to take it"

"No, I don't remember making that proposal."

"But my husband took my knife"

Yeah, well, you took it. In the meantime, if you're concerned, I got you a consideration.

"Sir, did you not understand?

"Absolutely, nothing, I have no idea. Just get up."

Let the princess stand still from her apologetic posture for now and listen to the rest of the story.

"Nobility, knives held by royal women, and short knives are things to protect their own dignity. For the aristocracy of this country, the action of men to take it away becomes a sign of willingness for men to receive a woman's life.

If you give it to a woman, it means you give yourself away. "

... Ah, yes. Ok. That was yesterday, wasn't it? It's caused by the knife on that desk. I see.

Uh, I don't know the custom. I mean, I think it's odd to think that people in other countries know their customs, even if I subtract them from the world.

"Uh, I didn't know that, so I'm sorry if that happens, and I'll give you the knife back."

"Oh no! Please hold it!

When I uttered a word to give it back, I denied it to my eating mood.

"If they really say I'm going to give it back, I'll give you that knife again. Please accept."

Um, could this be a straight proposal, too? No, but I don't want to.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to marry you or stay in this country."

"... I don't mind not staying in this country. Let's wait forever.

But that's not the case when it comes to marriage. Even if you don't know it, you have asked me to marry you and I have decided to dedicate myself to you too.

If you're going to rebel against it, please tell Umr the whole story and formally proceed with this marriage. "

If I tell her upside down, isn't she the one who's in trouble?

"You're cowardly, aren't you? In Mr Tallow's position, I cannot refuse. If you refuse, if you do poorly, you become a criminal. What you are saying earlier is very different. Do you want that, Mr. Tallow?"

Oh, why can't you say no? I mean, what do you mean, a criminal?

"Can you not get me wrong? What I want is only the right to be next to my husband. I don't want a husband, I want to be a husband's."

"Same thing. I don't know what you're up to, but there's no way Inai can admit it more than being Mr. Tallow's fiancée."

"There are no plans, etc. If you dare, do you want your husband's child?"

"Huh! That would be a grand plan!

"That's an evil push. I just want your husband's child purely."

"You can't possibly do that around you!

"I'll get it done. I'm also going to ask King Umr. There's no way in our country you can dispute King Umr."

"Come on! What a woman...!

"Oh, Master Sigal, your words are dirty, aren't they?

Cigal appears to be at a disadvantage in the war situation. Or a conversation where there's something prerequisite.

"... Mr. Tallow is not a nobleman, is he?

"Oh, no problem. My husband doesn't inherit this country."

Then there would be no point in complaining to Umur about Mr. Tallow.

"No. Become a kingdom, a puppet, and your husband is the master of dragons.

But still, I am royal, even in my country, even in my puppets. That's a fact that can't be changed no matter how. And it's also true that your husband is a civilian.

If so, the act of wearing a position as an umbrella is a meaningful act, even if it is not a good one, but a position where you have to weigh your position. "

"If you say no, you won't get the right to be next door either!

"No, then if you become a nobleman in our country, the problem will go away"

"Is that what you're after! Do you still give up dirty if you think you gave up yesterday!!

"As I said earlier, it's an evil push. I am not willing to use my husband. I just want you to acknowledge it as one of your husband's possessions."

"Who would believe that!

"I don't need you to believe me."

Um, I don't get the story. But somehow, to the best of my knowledge, you probably mean that I can be sued for being rude to the royalty because I'm in a position to understand, or because I don't have an identity?

Well, if you ask me, is it a lot strange that civilians propose to royalty or something?

"Can I have a word?"

"Yes, what is it, sir?

You were talking to Sigal with a cold face until just now, and you smile so much the moment I talk to you.

If this is an act, this time I won't be able to have a conversation with this girl myself.

"What are you gonna do if I still say no?


"What are you going to do if being a criminal doesn't work the way you think?

"... don't you like that much?

From the smile I just had, I look like I'm going to cry. But honestly, I've never felt sorry for her, but I have no more feelings.

My first impression was too bad. I know yesterday's wasn't entirely an act, but now this makes the act look like it's in there too.

"At least I don't like people who don't have the means to think about their emotions."

If that happens, I'm sorry, but I'll let you resist as hard as I can. Let's bow our heads to Mr. Bulbe, too.

"... okay. I will not sue Uml. 'Cause there's no point in being completely rejected by you."

Oh, honestly. Surprisingly, are you serious about this?

"But believe me. I mean it."

Seriously, hey. I'm sorry, but that thought hasn't reached me. It won't arrive.

Because the only way she really sees it is in the wind that she really wants it to be hers.

"If you mean to admire people, there is something called attitude and behavior. I don't see it in you. [M] I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to follow your word."

With the words returned to me, she leans down and shuts up. But look up and stare me in the eye with a serious face.

"... how can you believe me? I'll show you exactly what your husband wants."

I see she is somewhat serious. But her thoughts don't resonate with me. Unlike when I was in Inai or Cigal, I don't feel comfortable with this kid's thoughts.

No matter how much you ask me, if it doesn't work there, I don't feel like I'm next to this kid.

"If you want people to believe, you should think and move, not listen. That's all you've done. You told me to believe you, and I can't believe it.

I did have sympathy for you. So I thought I'd help. That's not because I wanted you.

At least I don't like what you say or do. I can't trust you at the point where I make this argument with Sigal. "


The princess didn't hide her face that it was gone. I look at Cigal, and I bow my head to Cigal, even as he looks remorseful.

"Dear Sigal, I apologize for the disrespect."

"... no, thank you."

"I apologize even if you don't accept it. I'm not asking you to forgive me."

"... okay"

Sigal seems dissatisfied, but his anger seems to have dissolved. It's been in my chest ever since, by the way. Cigal's hand is spinning around his waist.

"I hear Master Tallow is leaving the castle today. What will you do with breakfast?"

There is no tense voice that I was arguing with Cigal until just now, and I hear it in a voice that feels a little depressed.

I'm thinking of getting breakfast outside. I don't feel like eating here again on a boulder. Even if I had the means to counter the poison, it wouldn't change my mood.

"I'll eat outside in the morning. That's fine."

"Okay. Then I will also tell my father and the soldiers of the castle. I'll make sure you can go outside without worrying about anything. Also, I'll make sure you can do the same when you get here."

Hmm? I don't plan to come here alone when there's something going on with Inai.



"Yes. Now excuse me"

The princess closes the door and leaves in a courtesy. When Sigal looked at it, she hugged it as much as she wanted.

"I've never felt sorry for myself being a civilian"

Touch the cigars, comfort them. This kid was trying to protect me. It was only a hint that you would not let me use you because of your words and actions.

"Thank you, Sigal"

"... yeah"

Cigal responding with a nod of face on my chest. I think it's cute and stroke it.

This emotion doesn't float against that kid. That's why I'm talking about marriage. There's no way I can take it.

I can't even honestly ask her favors, like when I was in Cigal in the beginning.

Apparently my first impression of her sucks more than I thought myself. Even if they show all that transformation, nothing will happen.

"Maybe she's serious. Be careful. I don't know what I'm going to do because my thoughts are royal."

"Um, well, thank you. Be careful."

Take Sigal's advice and hug her until Sigal leaves. Thank you, Sigal.

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