We got ready to leave after that and normally got out of the front gate of the castle.

On leaving, to the extent that the knight and a few soldiers were on their knees, the rest could leave without anything in particular. I was wondering if the princess was coming to drop me off, but she didn't.

He said he could do it barely, and maybe he cared.

Is it my fault that there were a few knights, not me, and I felt like my eyes were on Cigal?

I'm going to head to the union now, but before I do, let's walk around and ask Cigal what he wants to know.

"Hey, Sigal, I need to ask you something, okay?"

"What, Mr. Tallow?"

Sigal looking up at this one with her neck hanging. That's all I think is cute already. I feel a little flower garden in my brain.

I'm going to look like a dumb couple when I get distracted.

"That princess. You said you were going to report the upside of things to Uml. Isn't that bad?

"Oh, is that... speculative, but good?

When I snort, Sigal opens his mouth with a little thought.

"Mr. Tallow, you said you were talking in the princess's own room, right?


"Maybe he left a tool in his room to record the sound."

"Recording. Tools to record are usually out there?

"There's a reason why people can't use magic because Inai made it a long time ago. It's just expensive, so it's rare for noblemen, merchants, or anyone other than royalty to have it."

Well, if it's just the sound, has it been there for a long time? I wonder why I didn't make it with video.

"I can't really guess human memory, and many things can be falsified, even in paperwork. It seems that the skill of fully documenting the conversation on the spot was necessary for the old Uml.

Now more and more nobles and merchants have to submit their promises as proof that they can't go wrong. "

"If you do have a solid record, you can't get away with it."

I see, I probably didn't feel the need because my voice alone would prove it. It may be difficult to make something new without being compelled to do it.

But what she did would not be deceived because of it. She said she put pills in it herself.

"Doesn't that rather be a proof submission that strangles you?

"If Mr. Tallow hadn't forgiven her."

Oh, I see. Does this prove that the person who was served the medicine will forgive you?

"If the other person is noble, I still think there is some blame. But Mr. Tallow and I are civilians. If I forgive you, then that story is over."

"Um, but didn't you tell me in that room that Sigal didn't forgive you?

"If you only told Mr. Tallow that you served medicine, there's nothing you can do about it,"

Yeah, that sort of thing. She did say she put it in the meal, but she herself didn't say she put it in the Sigal meal either.

I mean, does Cigal's appeal make her cut through the white?

"That's also because I'm a civilian. What..."

"I see, is that why she was so strong"

I mean, there would have been no more of her lapse. Then there's one thing left.

"What's left of the evidence is that Mr. Tallow got the knife. That's on Mr. Tallow's will, too."

"But I didn't get it."

"If Mr. Tallow is noble, he still passes. But in the royal chambers, civilians pushed the exchange to propose marriage. When you line it up, it tastes a lot worse."

I don't know how it tastes. Can't I?

"This could be taken as a threat to the royalty. If it is put into the ear of the king of another kingdom, the voice of absolution will be raised. How can a citizen care about a royal family?"

Uh, I mean, is that it, or is that what you're telling King Umr is that you want me to recommend you marry me if you don't want to put Umr in a bad position?

"That's why I hate that woman. The way it is done is dirty. In this case, Inai, you can't even say it strongly, so you're an extra bitch."

"But she was talking about stabbing me the wrong way, right?

"That is why, if Mr. Tallow kills him as he originally intended, even more Umr is to blame. I guess Inai's sister is the one to blame the most.

I wonder why you left such a civilian. Maybe that's what this was all about. "

Oh, I mean, the recording was meant to prove that I killed her, and it just so happens to be the result of this one, so you want me to use it?

"But it's just speculation. I'm not looking for a room. But I'm pretty sure."

Mr. Sigal, seriously. I can't get to that kind of thinking circuit. Probably not aware of the common sense of this world.

This kid's smarter than me, after all, isn't he?

"Thanks. Sigal is clever after all. I'm not aware of that."

"I think maybe that's because Mr. Tallow is kind. You can't think of putting people in your own interest, can you?

"No, well, I don't want to do that."

"Yeah, that's why I think it's good. As Mr. Tallow is, I like you. Me and your sister will work hard for that."

Hmm, temperament cigars. I'm sorry to be able to help you with all that boulder, so let's be careful not to do that at all.

I hope this is going well, but if you have any misfortunes, you will be bothering Inai.

Let's be careful, yeah.

"Something's wrong."

"Is there no one in the morning?

When I went inside about the union, there were a lot of people when I came in, but now there were only a few people.

"Oh, good morning"

Turning to the voice, a girl stood at the reception during this time.

"Good morning. You don't have a lot of people in the morning."

When she said hello back and asked, she sighed.

"It's not much in the morning."

Hmm? Is it less because something went wrong?

"Did it happen even with problems like fewer people?

"No, there was a little confusion in the city, but that doesn't make it this way."


"Oh, you don't know that? A dragon appeared in the royal castle and the city made a scene. Not even three times. Were you out somewhere?

You're Mr. Huck! I'm sorry. It's our fault!

"It was hard because of the terrific noise the country said because at first there was no request for a crusade or how the union would deal with that. You come here first to hear about the country, right, people in this country? I know how you feel."

Sorry! I'm so sorry!!

But then again, you know what people in this country think of the nobles.

"Ultimately, it seems the branch manager's been grabbing some information, so I don't have to worry about it. It's over in one word."

Mr. Branch Manager, that's lovely! Maybe I'll go say thank you later. No, I guess I shouldn't tell you. The union shouldn't know that Haku is a dragon.

Who are you, Mr. Branch Manager? Is that a good word?

"Then why are you doing this?

"I'm a rookie crusher. Everyone is a sight to see. If you're here, you're not interested in that."

"Rookie crush?

That sounds disturbing again.

"I recently registered, and I have a boy who has reached grade seven at once, but he got tangled up by seniors. They're the ones who often provoke busy newcomers to stop beating them up and make them listen."

"Well, that's not unionic."

"Because I'm doing it at the training center. Besides, if we lose each other there, we can't break the promise because the branch manager sees it too. That's why the rookie looks terrible."

Uh... is it okay, Mr. Branch Manager?

"Branch manager says he's bad like riding a provocation, but I'm not convinced"

"I see..."

Bad ridden provocation, huh? Maybe it does make sense.

I know you don't like this guy, but I think it's important to be alive to be able to identify the power and give up your position.

Maybe that's what the branch manager here dares to do.

"You're doing it in the back, right?

"Yes, but... are you someone who's interested, too?

Girl with an awesome disgusting face.

"No, I thought I'd remember the faces of those involved. And you're good at healing magic, so if you're hurt, I can cure you."

"Oh, I see. I think that's a good idea."

Makes me smile bright. I wonder why you work here. I'm sure it wasn't once or twice like this.

What a thought, but I ask you the way to the training ground.

I thank him for what he taught me, and when I head to the training center, it gradually becomes noisy.

When I opened the training center door, people flew in with great momentum and crashed right into the wall beside me.


"Wow, I'm surprised"

Me and Sigal shout surprises at it. He's the rookie? That's a good Osama for you.

But, well, maybe age has nothing to do with this sort of thing.

"What is it, another spectator? I'm not a spectator."

When I looked at the person who spoke, it was a boy. That, could it be, the stream that got tangled up but did it back?

"Come on, what's up, Osama! I can't do this yet!

To the boy who screams so, one man screams and goes onstage.

"It's not like a little subhuman kid is licking you! I don't know why. You're such a jerk!

"Oh!? I don't know if they're subhuman, but their opponents are messing with them! That's what you do to me, then you tell me!

Both are galloping bad. Maybe this shouldn't have come.

"Mr. Tallow, aren't you going to treat me?

Ask by pointing to Osama, whom Sigal just blew up. No, I'd do it if I was more injured getting tangled up, but Osama deserves it.

I hate rookie crushing and all that insidiousness.

"I don't know what I deserved and got hurt"

"Mr. Tallow, it's pretty cold in there."

"I don't think so."

"Yeah, I think it's good, 'cause I think it's different to be nice to everyone"

"Good for you."

I got word of affirmation for Sigal, so watch what happens.

Osama wields a wooden sword and tries to punch him. The sword muscle is rough.

The opposing boy, he doesn't seem to be a human race, but I don't know where it's different. Well, that's okay.

The sword is easily swept away. The boy seems defenseless.

But after a while, they cut Osama's sideburn in Sweden and cut him in with a return.


To my surprise, Sigal shouts a strange voice.

Because that's right, because Sigal doesn't know.

But I get it. No, in the people here, I'm probably the only one who knows.

The boy slaps the cut sword with his bare hands from the roots. I didn't break it, I cut that one.

To that evidence, the pieces of the wooden sword that have lost the sword part have become a very clean cross section.

"Shit! Not again! What the hell?! What the fuck are you doing!

"Who teaches, baka! It's more or less monotonous! Get caught in the same hand as everyone else!

All of them? If you look around closely, they seem to be hardening. Seven in all.

No, more than that, what you just saw shouldn't be a mistake. I take his movements seriously.

"Do you want to go the same way?"

"You can't kill me."

"I know, Branch Manager. I'll give you a break."

"I don't know."

Mr. Branch Manager relaxes and tells the boy. The boy also seems to follow Mr. Branch Manager's words honestly.

"Damn! Hey!!

Osama beats him like he's not beating him.

Naturally, the boy makes it easy. I was lightening the wooden sword. It can be taken for granted.

The next moment, the boy's fists gather strength.

"Bye, good night"

The boy punches and blows a man with a fist that gathers strength.

The man crashed against the wall and lost his mind.

"Come on, let's not talk about it."

Definitely. It's not a mistake. It was that power that cut the sword earlier.

Was there someone who could use it?

There was a user of Qigong Immortal Arts!

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