"You still quit! Oh!?"

The boy shows his crooked teeth and threatens those around him with his neck slit. It's a Yankee. There's a Yankee.

But I can't miss this Yankee business. Mr. Mirka said there were no more people to use. The user is here.

Shit, I want to try to fit in. I wonder how much this child uses immortality. I wonder how much difference it makes to me.

Same move, but is that the way he uses the mainland? Wouldn't they use it to enhance it?

"Sigal, I'm sorry, will you hold the sword?

"Uh, yeah."

Sigal receives my sword strangely.

"Aligato, I'm coming for a second"


The boy is turning the other way from me and laughing at the men, who are probably the ones who have been involved.

"Ha ha! I don't know! How dare you crush a rookie? You've been so weak since you did it!

I can understand the argument a little. I think I should brush myself up while I'm doing that.

Jump onto the stage of your own breast height with that sentiment for his words.

Seeing that, the branch manager looked surprised. Well, is that right? Because I've definitely been in trouble, telling you I want to avoid trouble.

The fact that I'm on stage makes my surroundings creepy. Who's that guy? What? The only voice I have is a question. Good. You don't seem to know so much about me yet.

The boy turned to me on purpose, and when he noticed me, he looked at me with a look that was still going to bite him.

"Heh heh. You're one of those Osama guys."

"No, you're not."

"Ah? Then why are you up here?"

The way you intimidate me is still a Yankee. Besides, it's a temperamental type of atmosphere from a long time ago.

Nevertheless, I am in a position to ask for help, so let me go poorly.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Taro Tanaka. I'd like to see your battle earlier and help you out."

Keep your head down, please.

The boy looks at me like that and looks surprised.

"Tanaka Tallow? What are you doing here?

What, noble? Why not?

Oh, well, I remember. If it's a full name, is it usually noble?

"No, I'm not a nobleman. Never mind there because I'm from Uml"

In the meantime, you'll be fine if I tell you I'm from Uml.

"... said it was Uml"

When I tell him I'm from Uml, the boy's atmosphere changes.

Instead of the Yankee-like atmosphere earlier, it became an atmosphere of warriors like Mr. Mirka and Mr. Lynn.

"What do Uml people want with me?"

"No, just like I asked you to do, I'd like to make arrangements..."

"Say no. Go away."

"Uh, that."

"Don't make me say it again and again. Go away. I want to kill you. From what I've seen, you're young, and I'm gonna miss you because it won't matter."

Young and irrelevant? I wonder what that means. Did something happen to someone who wasn't young in Uml's years?

"Branch Manager. Please kick this guy out. Otherwise I'm really going to kill you."

"... I can't"

When the boy asked the branch manager to kick me out, he said he couldn't think about it for a second.

No, if they say no to anything, I'm gonna leave you alone, okay? I didn't expect you to turn me down so cold.

"What do you mean, Branch Manager?"

"Don't get me wrong. It's just that there's nothing you can do to help that boy."

"Can't you help?

"Simply put, he's stronger than me."


Branch manager says you can't do it because you can't help me, but I'm not such a big idiot on a boulder.

It was only at first that I was pushed so cold and solidified, but I had already stepped off stage during the conversation, received my sword from Cigal, and was about to leave.

The boy thinks I'm standing there, turning to where I was.

"Hey, you, do you feel... that?

When the boy was saying something, I was about to open the door to the training center and go out with Sigal.

"Oh, hey! Wait a minute! I thought you wanted to work with me!

The boy came to me in a hurry.

"No, he said no."

"Then why didn't you disappear first!

"No, they said it so cold, I'm surprised"

"Don't disappear somewhere without reading the air!

"No, because I didn't want them to think I was an idiot pushing me through if I wasn't moved by the boulder force. He told me to disappear."

"Reason, Conne!


I told you to disappear. When I glance at the branch manager, I'm acting like I'm sorry.

I wonder which apology it is for. Well, come on. Looks like you're going to fit in.

"Pick it up for now."

"Oh, yes."

He urges the boy to go on stage with his jaw all the time, so he deposits his sword with Cigal again and climbs onto the stage.

You don't need a weapon.


"Hmm, I see. Are you confident without a hand? Funny."

"We will do our best to meet your expectations"

The boy can do it, but no matter how he sees it, it's the style of fighting. It doesn't look like a human establishment that ruled martial arts.

He doesn't seem to be fixing anything, although I can't say that because he has a structure that doesn't matter like Mr. Mirka.

I'll live up to his plan. When Mirka and I used to do it all the time, we were half-baked and set to stick out our right hand right leg.

"Well, you're in the hall."

"Thank you"

Boys like that seem like amateurs to set up, but the atmosphere they have there is real.

It has nothing to do with the sweetness of the set. There's a chance he's deliberately sweet.

To put in a blow of immortality. Like when you cut off a wooden sword.

I give a straight shot at how things are going. The boy tries to strike my elbow with his palm like he did in Sweden when he was avoiding his sword.

And all of a sudden, he uses fairy arts. You're gonna break my elbow.

But I don't have much speed. It feels casual, like you're coming to me lightly. Then in this case I play with my elbow, and I miss it even more.

But waiting for that future is the destruction of one's elbow joint. If you do poorly, your arm will blow up.

However, in my case, the word "otherwise" is added.

I dare take that blow with my elbow (...).

The moment I play my hand with my elbow, the shock runs around me. Of course, we're the ones who eat the shock the most.

But I knew the result. So I played (...) with Qigong so that the boy's Qigong would go toward the boy himself so that the damage would not come to the best of my ability.

The boy does not let that shock escape, falls back, suppressing his arms as he eats his teeth off.

The surrounding people are surprised that the invisible shock has run, even if no one has received it properly.

"Oh, my God! You can't possibly use it!

"I didn't say I couldn't use it."

I put Qigong in my arms and jab lightly.

Through the atmosphere, as it were, Qigong flies straight to try on the boy.

"Hey, this!

The boy twists himself together and steps in at the same time.

- Fast.


The boy is unexpectedly fast. Faster than Cigal even though there is no indication that he is making enhancements.

Shit, I'll take it.

The boy slaps his chi kung fu fist at me.

I fly back to escape the shock. The only thing you can miss with this is the power of a boy's fist. You can't miss qigong.

I circulate the worn qigong into my own qigong and pull it out back.

If that's not just a Qigong blow, an enhanced blow can be a fatal blow. Well, in that case, let me fight it with reinforcement.


"Hey, you're kidding! It's a special blow right now!

The boy is surprised and shouts that his current blow did not turn fatal. Apparently, the boy doesn't have the technique to escape the impact of Qigong.

Either that or did you hit me with the intention of killing me? I haven't thought about the rest.

"I'll go from here next."

Even if the user of Qigong strikes him with Qigong directly from the front, he will be bounced, and he will be annoyed.

Above all, I'm not sure I can capture the boy's speed. Strengthen it and we can catch up, but that's a shame.

I wrap my qigong around my fingers, open my fingers and wave my arms whenever I can.

"Hey, what's that fuzza kenna!!

The boy tries his best to sneak through my fingers, fix them in a slash-like shape, and fly away, trying to come in again.

To boulders. That's sweet.

A slash-shaped qigong that shifted slightly and then released with the opposite arm captures the boy so that he can wear it at the timing of his penetration.

"There is!!

The boy covers and guards his arms with qigong on the verge of hitting them, but he can't prevent his arms from tearing slightly and his blood dances.

"Damn, what use is that!

"Actually, I've never done it before"

"Ha!? What the hell are you!! Damn!!

The current usage is bump production. I was doing it with Mr. Mirka. I simply used it to shock him at the time, so I didn't know if it would work.

"... oh, shit. I was watching you sweetly. Oh, yeah. I was licking it. So don't complain about dying from this, okay? No matter what happens from here, it's an accident. If you don't admit it, you can't do it any more."

"Are you serious about doing this?

"Oh, I'm not gonna kill you, but I'm gonna kill you."

His earnestness. He hasn't used magic yet. I am not using enhancements. Then this word won't haunt you.

The expression is not confusing, and I can see that I am confident.

"It's an odd encounter, we still have our hands."

"... you're not a hatchet. Fine. Don't resent me if I die instead."

"I'm sorry about that. I'll take it. But I'm not going to kill you."

"Bullshit. If you mean it, it's just killing each other!!

The boy changes his appearance with the word (...).

With the chisels and the sound of flesh and bones, the boy's skeleton swells and his muscles swell and his body is covered with white, beautiful body hair.

The face becomes like a wolf, and the teeth visible from the edge of the mouth become 'fangs', not 'teeth'.

Oh, my God. This is amazing. Transformed. Transformed. There was no magic flow, so I'm on my own.

"You can't add or subtract it. If you don't want to die, admit it."

"I was surprised. I didn't think anyone could change themselves."

"You said you wouldn't know and keep going. You're not stupid."

"I've been a little bit aware lately."

When I stood up, the boy came in at a tremendous rate. My hair and senses are coming at me. I follow that fear and do all I can to enhance my immortality and fly away, and I also start doing extra magic enhancements.

The ground I was on is determined like tofu. It would have sucked if it had remained unenhanced.

"... I see, you just slap me in the mouth"

"This one was terribly scary. Amazing."

The boy, he has no magic enhancement, no immortal enhancement. Yet this is it.

I can see the performance of the vegetables is out of step.

"What do we do? Do you want to keep looking at that?

The boy wasn't cold eyed when he said he wanted to kill me. I think he cares more.

Maybe until just now, I thought it was a complete underground, and it wasn't in my eyes.

Kind of regrettable. Though not in a state of sight, they think it's 'weak'.

Yeah, well, you're the better performer of the vegan. Unlike Mr. Mirka, we can't even flip it with technology.

But I still have my hands.

Besides, I have to beat Mirka someday. I have to ask Mr. Lynn to admit it one day.

I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to be my real try right now!

"I'll go on. I told you. He said he still had his hands over here."

Come on. Come on.

He laughs and sets up. As usual, it's not a martial arts setup, but it doesn't matter.

He's right about that. It's that idea to use that figure to the fullest. So I don't have the sci-fi to go in there.

Like I said, I have hands. I have the means to beat him. But not yet. I have to show him.

If we don't show the work of those taught by Mirka Granes, we can't still use different hands.

Show them the power of martial arts, the power of the weak!

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