And, let's just put aside Sigal's words.

I look at his arm in front of me. The arm is like it was forced to be fixed in its original orientation with a bandage.

Rough way to roll too.

"What are you staring at?"

As I stare at my arm, he glances at me and says off.

Nevertheless, I'm promising that kid this time, so I'm going to force him to treat me somewhat.

"Can you fix that arm?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? You. Are you stupid?"

They called me an idiot again. But I think he's probably too.

"I promised the union kid. He said he'd cure you."

"... that's him. I don't need it. Eh. Say you've been rejected."

He said, "I can't help but heal you."

"... you're an idiot after all"

Ha, and I'll do him another favor, sighing.

That's why I'm treating you.

"Say no."

Without being allowed to say it to the end, they say the words of denial.

Well, I thought you'd say no.

"I told you, even if I pity Uml, I don't want to be called."

"But you're not treating that arm properly."

"Ugh. The wound healed to a great extent."

"Then try to move that arm."

He distorts his face in frustration with my words. If I'm right, his arm shouldn't even move his shoulder.

"Why do you have to do that?"

"If that injury really never happens, I'll pull it off. But if not, I'll fix it."

"... can we hang out?"

That's what he says, he tries to slip through my side.

I'll grab that shoulder and point it this way.

"Just do it!


I barked my voice and told him.

I'm pissed.

It's not like I was angry at the way he said it. I wasn't angry with his attitude itself.

That injury, if it's what I saw, is really serious. It's good if you're treating it properly. But if you haven't, it will soon rot.

If that's all, it's still better. It helps, anyway. But he felt an atmosphere that might even keep it that way.

I was angry at the act of making that life crude.

"... don't move. Are you satisfied with this?

"Then let me fix that arm"

"I don't need it. You got it."

I grabbed his chest in those words and drew him.

He looks surprised at my actions. Sigal is also terribly surprised by my attitude.

"You're kidding me! As much as that injury, not a minor injury, you know! If you can use immortality, you can see that air flow in that arm is about to disappear!

"Hey, what?"

"Leave that arm alone and you'll rot! I don't know what kind of feelings you have for Uml, but when you die, it's not gonna be anything! You're alive! Why try to die yourself!!

A man in front of him, a creature in front of him, is taking his life lightly. I just can't help looking at the world lightly and getting hurt, or getting hurt unexpectedly, or something like that.

But he should know for himself how his injuries are. Severe illness. He said that those arms should be useless any day.

On the contrary, you know that if you do poorly, you will even erode your own life.

I'm really pissed about that. Why would I die? Why are you trying to choose your own path of death?

Damn, I can't believe this shit about my dad.

"Get that arm out because it's good!

"Ugh, let it go! Don't let Uml people touch me!

"It doesn't matter now! More or less, if that's what you're saying, it's that injury, so I'm not treating it myself! If you can use immortality, if you can just connect the bones to the meat!

Listen to my words, not his bewildered surprise face earlier. I looked seriously surprised.

"Hey, you really mean that?"

"If you can use immortality, you can use magic there. It shouldn't be that bad if you combine the treatment of witchcraft with the enhancement of the healing of immortality."

"... Shit, you're a dickhead."

Look at me full of remorse. I'm not scared at all. Instead, I got even more irritated with it.

"I don't care about that now! Let him heal his arm!

"No! I'm not gonna take care of you!

"Don't be ridiculous! You're gonna die!

"Oh yeah! You can't kill Mirka Granes, not to the point where you can't beat him! Then it doesn't make sense to be alive!!

With that word, the emotions that had been filled with anger lost a little doubt.

Kill Mr. Mirka? What are you talking about? This guy.

"Why would you kill her?"

"Because it's a vendetta. Because he killed my family, my relatives, my clan."

I can't even see how you're lying. Looking straight into my eyes.

Mr. Mirka killed him? That Mr. Mirka?

"... I don't think she would do that senselessly."

"I don't know what that means. I don't care. All I have is the fact that I lost my family. That's the only truth."

"Even if there was something wrong with you."

"Oh!? Don't be ridiculous! My fathers fought as warriors. On the front line! For everyone!

Frontline. Understood in that word. Maybe his family was in that war. And I guess I was at the forefront.

But that grudge is out of line. No, I'm sure he won't be convinced to say it.

Because I'm sure it doesn't matter to him except for the grudge that killed him.

"You said you were fighting on the front lines."

"Oh, yes, I am."

"Then your family would be killing just as many people. It doesn't matter."

"Oh, that's"

"I guess your family was fighting on the front lines of the war. Then you shouldn't have a sweet idea not to kill anyone. If that's the idea, it's just a ravage."

"Still! Still, it was necessary for us!

"Umr has not made slaves good. You need to fight a country like that? Need to attack that country? I'm just complaining about you, not seeing where you have to look."

But I don't think war is such a thing. You're not like us. You don't recognize us. It would be the war that such an explosion of emotion escalated.

But still, I know Mr. Mirka. I know those people. I know eight heroes.

I can't imagine those people waging a war themselves and going to attack.

So say it. I have to say it. I can't say it. I'm not proud of a country called Uml per se. I respect those people who worked me out, and I think they're proud masters.

So I won't allow you to say that guy like he's just a killer.

"Murdered vendetta? Then what do the people you murdered say to their families?

"Hih, I guess it's because the people didn't treat us like people!

"You're not everyone. You didn't. You attacked the country."

At least that's what I'm hearing. Until along the way, it was only the country enslaving the 'sub-people', but along the way it became a ravage to the nation of people. He said it was no longer relevant whether he was a slave there or not.

They had to fight, too. He said he had to take the choice to fight to help, to live.

"I understand you guys had your justice. We must have fought to regain our dignity. But the ravages are different. Are you proud that you were still fighting on the front lines? So you resent what was done."

"Damn, that's why! You're asking me to put up with the feeling my family was murdered!

"Then! If you feel that way, that's what you live for! If you have a purpose, don't ruin your life!

Our emotions are that words are parallel.

Both want to push through both egos. I know this is going to be war.

But I want to push my ego through to save this guy. This guy has to help. I have to see this guy.

Someone named Mirka Granes. A country called Uml. The people who live there.

They also had to know that they were living their lives for granted. This guy hasn't seen it there.

Without looking at the fact that I tried to take their lives, I only see the pain that took my own close life.

I will not tolerate such a tragic protagonist dying if he does not achieve his purpose.

I guess he survived. I guess he's alive. Then you can spend that life for yourself!

"Hey, come on, let's get you around here. Annoying."

Pong and my hand are placed on his shoulder with me. Turning around, the old man with the blues was turning this way.

"Come back here for a second."

"Oh, Dad, I'm sorry"

"Come because it's good"

"... oops"

Father? Maybe he's the shopkeeper here?

He obeys his father's words honestly, the earlier sword curtain disappears and goes into the back.

"How dare you stand there! Come on, come on! So is your little lady!

"Yes, sir"

"Uh, yes"

Father's got me, and we're in a hurry to go back. Ugh, this father. No, it's powerful.

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