"Chi, if you can't help my father, I'll stab him with you. But I'll show him resistance to Umr. I mean it."

When I uttered that word, I was willing to die. No, I was ready to die from the start.

I thought it was an end life anyway. Then I gave up my life for your father and for at least harassing Umr.

His words, returned to me like that, were very easygoing, words of forgiveness unleashed in a gentle voice.

"To be honest, I'm a little angry that they served the pills. Because Sigal was in danger. But in the end, there was no damage. That's why you don't have to strain yourself."

"Hey, what?"

But at first, I didn't know what that meant. I just thought you were being bruised and laughed at when it didn't make sense to be ready for me.

"There was nothing there. Look, it's dangerous."


He took the knife from me for nothing. I didn't have time to resist.

A knife that he was supposed to have with all his strength was in his hand, as it was from the beginning.

"Well, I'm sorry. Shall I have this knife for you?"

"... Huh?

I stopped thinking abruptly about the proposal and didn't really know what the man in front of me was thinking.

At that time, I thought it was definitely out of his interest, so I had no expectation of such a development.

"Because it seems easy to use. Can't you?

"... it's okay, is it?

Very easily, as in public speaking, he proposed to me again.

I mean, that would mean saying forgive everything instead of asking me to marry you.

Yet he tried to leave the room intact. Despite the fact that I just proposed.

"Come on, wait. Then that's what I can't let you go."

Does he know what he's doing? The royalty proposed to the civilian population. That's all that matters.

Moreover, the contents take the form of wishing you would shut up about serving the medicine. It should be a choice he can only lose.

I don't know what's going on here myself. You can't let him go in the mess. He doesn't know what he's thinking. Maybe I have some ideas about this, too. You must not let me go. That's what I think. Retain him.

"Uh, no, that's really enough, right? I'll tell Inai what I just said."

So I finally understood. He really said he'd forgive us.

When I even told Inai Stel about that forgiveness, I told him in this room. In my room. In the royal room.

Maybe he doesn't know what that means. But I was forgiven, okay.

While I was in a position to wield my power, I felt like I'd never seen him properly in the face of a civilian who could make such a kind choice while having the power to lose this country alone if I wanted to.

So sweet, so nice, so nice a man, he stared at me with a shudder.

"So don't worry. You don't have to worry about it anymore."

"... but no"

I didn't think such a kind choice would do you any good. I didn't know why I thought that even then.

But that's what I thought. He's too kind. The choice is to lose yourself. It's not a choice for him. That's why I need to make you stop.

Now that I think about it, I think the results would have been a little different if I had approached him in the way I felt at that time, but now it's too late to regret it.

"It's okay."

"... ha... y..."

But his gentle, warm hand was put on his head, and that was so comfortable, I couldn't say anything to drop him off.

Then I watched the door he left for a while. I think it wasn't until quite a while ago that I realized that I was stunned.

Having regained my mind, I was remembering a conversation with him, remembering his voice, remembering his tender face, remembering the warmth of his hands.

... I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Weird. I would have used this well the usual me. The conversation with him is well documented.

He's a civilian. I'm royal. And the conversation, purposefully in my private room, he threatened me.

Yes, I have the ingredients on hand to tell you. Yet what am I thinking?

I don't understand him. He should be able to "do whatever it takes" if he cares about it.

But obviously, in his capable hands, he acted with no doubt but loss. There's nothing to gain, nothing to lose.

I don't understand that. There is nothing to gain from forgiving us. We are of no value to him. That's about it.

I was upset earlier, but I don't think he proposed to me, not interested in us.

That was totally, just to forgive me, just made a good reason.

I'm just looking for a convenience to forgive.

Why am I not aware of it?

No, it would be convenient given the first purpose. Take this into him and connect him to the edge.

That should have been the first purpose. It should be.

That man has nothing but disgust. Yes, it's supposed to be.

Why, it hurts my chest when I remember that sweet voice.

Why does it make me want to jump into that chest when I remember that sweet face?

Why would I want you to touch that gentle hand?

Why, I want to make that proposal real.

Oh well, is this how you feel about saying you're going to like someone? I never knew it before. Is this what you feel?

Let's not tell your father about this. Let's hide this record.

I may use it at times of need, but let's hide it first now. If you use it, it will surely be detrimental to him.

No, even if it is not used in other countries, it will be a tool to pass wishes on to the Umr royal family. To tools to get along with him.

But let's use that as a last resort. As a result, it makes no sense that his position is shaken.

It must have been my mind at this point already. to the feeling of getting him.

Later that feeling would come to think that it was not the right form to be next to him, but that was all I could think of at that time.

But at this point, I'll get him. I'm next to him. I tried to take action for it.

I'll go tell him that fact first in order to make his proposal real in the morning.

He certainly shouldn't think he proposed or anything like that. Most importantly, that woman is in the way. That woman next to him.

Inai Stel has no choice. There's nothing I can do about that. But she's not here right now.

Then the handicap is one of those civilian women. I won't let you get in my way when I'm a civilian woman.

At first thing in the morning I went to his room, told him the facts of the proposal, and also poked at the woman that the only option he could take was to live with me.

If Inai Stel had been here, it would have been a bit of a hassle, but as a civilian woman, anything would have happened.

It's not a big deal, even if it's his fiancée or Umr's people.

Yes, I thought so.

But the result was something I didn't want at all.

"Sigal is important to me."

His eyes, who said so, were far removed from the gentle eyes he wanted them to turn to.

I asked myself where I had gone wrong. But rather than conclude, his desire to avoid his heart leaving me more than it is now made me immediately kneel.

I immediately apologized to him as much as I was surprised myself. I was afraid to undermine his mood.

I knew immediately that I had failed.

And later I realized that my words were my true intentions when I really wanted to be this guy's.

I don't want to get him. He wants me to be beside him.

But it's late. I've already failed. I wish I could be honest here, but I cut white again. He said it was his word and deed because he was genuinely receiving his proposal.

I said I would dedicate all of that to him.

"At least I don't like people who don't have the means to think about their emotions."

It's totally my way of thinking. Here's what I did without thinking about him to get him.

At this point I was made to understand that I was in a pretty low position for him. Even so.

"I can't trust you at the point where I make this argument with Sigal."

I understood why I couldn't accept him, so I came that far to do it.

He said he was the one who wouldn't give up anything important to him. The man beside him says he can be beside him because he thinks he can be.

I didn't see his feelings like that first. And scorned his loved ones.

Didn't show my "heart" properly

So I was told that I didn't need this body that I said I would dedicate at all costs.

I felt darkened in front of me. I scorned his kind, the kind man who deserved it.

Naturally he rejects me. And he's the one who can do it.

Of course if I use that one, my wishes will be somewhat fulfilled. But his tenderness does not exist there.

What I wanted you to point at was that sweet face. Those sweet eyes. That's that sweet voice. That gentle touch and temperature.

If I used that, I'm not talking about where his position would shake. First of all, I will never be accepted.

What a silly story to notice there for such a simple matter.

I immediately apologized to her. She didn't accept the apology, but that's okay.

Still, I have to apologize to her. Otherwise I might not even get him to look at my face anymore.

I decided that sticking any longer would only go in the wrong direction, leaving the spot and allowing him to move freely in the castle.

After he leaves the castle, I'm thinking about what to do to be beside him and what to do.

You don't have to be around that guy the whole time. Even temporarily in a few months. As that guy laughs at me. That's all.

Let's get rid of the way we've been thinking. I'm sure he won't turn around with me like this. Let's gather information.

Gather information on Inai Stelle's, Cigal Studlers. Let's set an example for them.

Let's find something out of them that moved his mind.

One day, really, to call him my husband and, in a true sense, my husband.

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