At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

I'll teach you how to use immortality!

Yeah, good morning. It's a beautiful day, and the air is delicious. Though this is the Wang capital, the mountains are close if you go a little outside, and the grass air is very good.


I'm gently ready to exercise, and I think I'll start with a pair of hands today. I can slow down because Haku isn't here. Huck's guy. I'd prefer the first one, but I'm scared because he's gonna be serious from around the middle.

I punished you for wanting to make a scene last time. I only want to do it with him when he's stuck.


I don't know, because if I accumulate too much, I might try to be a Chenglong like during this time.

Well, the more we deal with.


Sigal seems to be going to do it today with an emphasis on magic training, so we need to be careful not to interfere weirdly.

No, would it be more training to interfere in moderation? Mr. Celes has been crushing rather than interfering.

"Hey! Come on!

The immortal boy screams. Shut up.

"Oh, my God, shut up"

"Are you kidding me, what is this situation!

"Because you resist. It's annoying."

He is now being held by two men and women. It's not me and Cigal.

Two of the innkeepers, Boro and Beredo.

"Ha ha. Definitely. We wouldn't have followed you if you had grown up."

"You've got to be kidding me, Bollocaro! You said you'd follow me from the beginning because you look funny!

"Am I?

Borosa again Boroccaro asks Beredo next door.

"It's my fault. It's my fault. We had no choice but to restrain you. We had no choice."

"Are you guys kidding me!? Mostly Beredrella doesn't always wake up in the morning! Why are you only up today!

This is Mr. Beredo again, Mr. Beredrella. You two are grabbing the boy by both sides in disappointment.

Again, this guy's about my size. Is the growing season over already?

If not already, I'm jealous. Shrink it!

"Mr. Tallow, I think I can be small."

Cigal says while exercising magic control.

"Why the voice of your heart so accurately!?

It scares me to be read so accurately by a boulder.

"I was in my voice..."

Ugh, where did you run your mouth from? Is it because I shrink? I was unconscious of voicing my sincere jealousy.

"Too bad we're a species that could grow to forty."

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous. Give it to me."

"You're Fuzakenna! Why are you acting like that to me alone?

"You're more or less a fighter. I'm not bad."

Something's already feeling good about this guy with this attitude. Let's leave it like this already. It's a pain in the ass to salute this guy or something.

"Um, what is it, a proper fairy art on this guy...? That's what you teach me, isn't it?

"Yeah, it's not very crude."

"I don't need it. You got it!

"The result is that arm. At least try to strengthen your healing power. I don't think you can use magic."

Yes, he can't use magic. I questioned it yesterday and also asked around it.

Of course I was refused an answer at first, but the two people holding him talked to me perky.

You can feel magic, and you can release magic itself.

But I can't use magic. To be precise, it was equivalent to having little effect because it could be used but the chant would be long.

Why did I see the power of life in that? Dropped to my heart.

"... why do you care about me so much? You've made a promise to him."

"... because I don't care."

Trying to answer that word right away, I was stuck in words for a moment. Because I have every reason to teach.

"What? I don't know what that means. You don't need to tell me if you don't mind."

"No. I don't care what surrounds you. I don't care to look down on the subhuman. I don't care about ostracizing subhumans. I don't care if you kill me because I'm a sub...!

The only reason I'm going to teach this guy how to heal is out of anger.

Because I became angry at the tide of the treatment center, of this country, of this world, of draining subhuman beings.

I don't care about this guy. I don't like it. But I don't want to kill you, I don't want to kill you.

But if this guy stays that way, it could be any kind of mess. If something like this happens again, I don't know what's gonna happen to this guy.

That beat the sentiment to say you don't like this guy. That's all.

"... you're a real idiot. Crazy."

"Don't argue with me about this one. I'll leave you alone."

Honestly, I think so too. But I got angry. I do that just because I'm a subhuman.

And for you to accept it as good.

"That's why. So teach."

"I don't care how you say you teach."

"This is how it works"

"Ha? There is!!

I lay my hand on the boy's chest while he was in custody and let the qigong flow.

As Mr. Mirka did to me one day, so that his whole body would have that power.

He raises his voice to the pain.

"Oh, hey, you okay?"

I don't know what happened, and Mr. Bollocaro worries.

"It's okay. Because it's an act to understand the foundation."

"Phew... no... it hurt so bad."

'Cause I flushed it like it hurt.

"Oh!? You come here and you're kidding!?

"Ugh. It hurts a little bit. Be patient. It's a hassle not to let your whole body go through your qigong."

I knew exactly how much Mr. Mirka cared about my body and flushed it. It's harder than I thought.

I don't have a problem with just flushing it, but I put it around everything to make the person properly aware of my qigong flow.

Now I should have understood that this guy was just releasing a stream of qigong that was going around his body outside.

"I'm sure you did see Qigong. But that must be just that power away from your body.

The power of qigong is the power of one's own life. The power to keep your body alive around your body. Be aware of the flow of that power and flow hard.

Oh, leave your hands alone, you two. "

"Mmm, okay."

"Yes, yes."

When the two let go of their hands, the boy punches his tongue and tries to execute it as I said.

"... I see, I certainly didn't know. Power over your body? I thought it was just a power trick."

"How did you remember that?"

"It was far away, but I was watching the battlefield. I watched that woman unleash her qigong.

I remembered that sight that burned on my head, and when I had a strong image and a strong image to use my power, something pale appeared. From there, I kept using it over and over until it became a force that could cause damage to my opponent. Simply you. "

"Genius is obnoxious."

"Mr. Tallow, I think it's probably the most important word Mr. Tallow should say"

"I had a master."

Sigal tells me I don't have the qualities to be this far on my own.

If it weren't for my master, I wouldn't be like this. Thanks to both of you, Mr. Celes and Mr. Mirka.

"I see... it's overwhelming. It's overwhelming.

"Stupid stop! All of a sudden you're flushing too hard!

"hey... kuah... ha..."

Bakatare suddenly flushed in full bloom. That doesn't mean you have a body.

"Hey, what is this... hey... what is this!

He stares at me as I lay down on the ground and tremble.

Oh, shit. Bakatare was me. I forgot to tell you.

"The power of Qigong is the power of life. If you overuse it, the burden on your body will be greater. I'm gonna die the worst."

"... that's... just... no..."


Let's apologize for this to the boulder. I told you.

"... speaking of which, I realized it was important."

"Um... yeah... say it quickly..."

"What do you say your name is?

"... I knew you... would one day... bump..."

The boy lost his mind at the end of the word.

I stand up and look at the sky.

"You impotent..."

I say with a good smile.

"No, no, no. Are you okay with this?"

"It's okay. I stopped right on the way. The life-threatening range is because if I used it further from here on out, I would use Qigong beyond my life force from the beginning.

I just turned my Qigong patrol so hard this time, I just collapsed with a load. "

"Hmm. Can you use this for us, too?

Mr. Beredrella asks what it is. I don't know, if I can recognize the power, I think I can go.

"Would you like to try? I'll be careful with the power for once, but it hurts pretty bad, doesn't it?

The two of you face each other in my words.

"Well, things are a try. Can I ask you a favor?

"Right. It looks interesting, and can you do me a favor?

Answer without any particular distress to either of us. Then let's try it.

"Okay, I'll go."

I put my hands on the chest of both of them and let Qigong flow just like him.



The two still raise their voices in pain. That's cute.

"What do you say?

"When, it hurt more than I thought"

No, I didn't.

"Somehow, I know something's flown, but even if they tell me to do something about this, I'm in trouble."


I was immediately used the day after it was flushed.

"Like this, I guess I should say I'll cut my life. I feel the fear of going to a dead place myself, using this power."

"Hmm, it's not that scary stuff. If I don't even make a mistake adding or subtracting."

"Maybe it's the difference between being able to use this force or not. I feel like I'm gonna die if I use this."

"I wasn't sure in the first place."


Hmm, I see. I wonder if this whole place means the business of dying, everyone but Mr. Mirka said one day.

In the first place, I only recognized the power, and I left it to those people to decide what I couldn't do.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's not like there's no moment when I thought I was going to die, like she said.

"Oh, too bad. I thought I could be a little stronger if I could use the moves that Uml heroes use."

"Well, that means we have to work out in the tunnel."

The two look a little sorry for comfort. But well, there's magic in this world, and if you work hard, you can be pretty strong.

"Well, nevertheless, what shall we do with this guy"

I whine as I lose my mind, watching the boy who still doesn't get up.

I still only taught you how to get around...

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