At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

It's time to use the technician's arm for a long time!

After that, I gently joined hands with Mr. Bollocaro and Mr. Beredrella and waited for the boy to get up.

By the time the two of them are busy, the boy moves out and gets up.

"Mm-hmm... or she's in there..."

"Oh, you're up."

Apparently, although I'm up, there's pain running on my body.

"You didn't wake up... what would you have done if you'd died?"

The boy grudges early on in his rise.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"What the fuck, you! Don't get really upset!

Boy barking at me again for giving it back gently. But my body doesn't move well and I can't get up. Looks like a newborn deer.

"No, no, no, no."

"You hit me! I'll definitely hit you one day!

Would it have stirred up too much boulder?

I may have come to resemble Mr. Aroness and Mr. Lynn.

Maybe there's no Inai here, because there's no one here to stop the joke.

Cigal's just watching Nico at times like this.



The boy turns the qigong in his body and fixes it in normal condition.

The tremor in his hands and feet also stopped and he was able to stand up.

"Oh, it's good, it's good"

"Well, there's no such thing as a trick."

It only took a month for me to do that. I knew this guy was too talented. Uncomfortable.

Well, even if it's incomplete, I would have felt the power of qigong in my body itself, so I guess there's a difference for that.

"Well, I'm tired from the load on your body earlier, so if you do it all the time, it'll break your muscles."

"What? Huh? Are you kidding me again?

"Yeah, the bodily strengthening of immortality, unlike magic, has no aid to the body. So the burden of what is impossible with enhancement is always on me. So if you're not working out, the recoil's tough, but... it's none of your business."

"If we beast it, we don't seem to have a problem. I'm not exposed to anything like yesterday."

Look at the gibberish, show your teeth and give them a distorted laugh. Is it meant to be intimidating?

"Ha, ha, ha, ha."

I laugh at the boy's remarks the way he laughs at bars.

"Why laugh! That's an obnoxious way to laugh!

"Didn't you notice? I fought you in the first battle, and you only used your magic enhancement once, the first attack after beastification."


"Do you still slap me in the mouth like that?


I put my arms together and I'm the one who wants to talk big (...). Actually, I couldn't afford that much. There was a critical battle going on in the wild.

Just because I was winning with technology doesn't mean I could afford to judge this guy's attack about twice as fast as mine.

If you hit even one shot, you're fatally wounded. I didn't use the immortal enhancement while I knew it. Because that's his style.

That guy who taught me. Because it's the business of that man who sharpened his skills to fight the strong while still being weak. If I were to do it unarmed, I wanted to pass the will.

The weak, the unborn, defeat the strong with excellent physical abilities. It's a force for that.


"Ugh... Ugh... I can't believe we can't take one by ourselves."

Two people who were tired and resting with a pair of hands look at me making a scene with the boy and say those words.

"... uh, what, you two were screwing this guy because of you?

"Well, at first it was one person at a time... because it didn't work at all... from the middle of nowhere... for two..."

"Ko... this kid... looks pah... he doesn't look strong at all... what a... strength..."

"It's just the two of us... this... cow"

The boy is stunned to see the two of them playing. Maybe it's because I'm breathless and flat.

But I'm taking a little break, too, so I'm breathing. Too bad it's a mistake. But it doesn't make it right. I'm not going to be nice about this guy.

"For the time being, your goal is to get bumpy. I guess it won't get on top of that."

The boy seems to have shifted his target from Mr. Mirka to me for now.

"Ha, don't think me and Mr. Mirka are stopping forever, huh?

"Because I'll catch up with you. Regret keeping me alive."

"I would never. I'll pay you back. Many times."

The boy looks up, and I look at him with an invincible grin.

"Mr. Tallow, that sounds kind of fun. Maybe some wavelength fits, those two."

"Oh... Sigal, are you done with your training?

"Yes, about this much magic."

"Well... they're definitely hanging out, but they're hanging out."

Sigal finishes his magic training, and the other three are talking about something, but I wonder what you're talking about.

"Well, no, for now, I'll just teach you how to improve your healing."

"... ok"

You're so disgusting and honest. Things are a little crazy.

"I'm gonna cut your fingertips a little. That's about it. If you don't trust me, do it yourself."

That said, I cut my fingertips thin with a sword.

I don't mind.

The boy gives his finger. I'll cut it the same way with my sword.

"Just focus your qigong on that fingertip. Don't let it out, keep it circulating inside."

"... ku... um... hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey..."

"Well, that's the only change in flow there, so the rest will get weirder and weirder if you don't fix it normally. If you can't, stop it before it falls."

"Ku... ku...!

The boy manages to maintain qigong only at his fingertips and can execute it.

"I knew you could... well, now your fingers, you're cured"

Me, it took me a while to master this.

"... oh, really, you know"

"It's just that I use this to strengthen my healing power, so be careful when I do it when I'm out of strength. If you use this well, you won't have to break your arm without being a big mess when you release qigong."


... um, suddenly I ask honestly, and things go crazy.

"You suddenly started asking me honestly."

"... I'm upset about you."

What are you talking about again? This guy.

"I resent Uml. I hate that woman so much that I want to kill her. I hate you, too, the apprentice.

But you made way for me. If you leave that arm alone, I know it's already over. I couldn't see where I was going with that monster with one arm. That's why I gave up.

You forced me back into a body that could fight again. That's all, annoying, but you have to thank me.

Besides, healing separates life and death for me when I can't use magic. I'm not stupid enough not to come all the way here and ask that. "

"I don't think that's what he was complaining about."

"I don't even want to say it. My stomach is a mess. I know I'm grateful for you, but I don't think I've lost my hatred or aversion to the fact that I'm a Uml person."

Well, that would be. I don't think the grudges that killed him will go away easily.

Even the grudges I have in my stomach don't go away. The pain faded thanks to Inai and Cigal. But my resentment towards him, my goddamn father, is not gone.

"Well, I don't care if you like me, I don't care if you like Uml."

"Naturally. Can you be?"

"Well, I guess it depends on what you think, seeing what you should see..."



I wonder what this guy thinks when he confronts himself with the fact that he was just ravaging people who lived for granted.

Well, he's the only one who knows the answer to that.

"In the meantime, shall we go back?"

I stretched out, and Cigal pulled my sleeve.

Next, it's my turn.

Cigal lets go of her sleeves and stands

"Oh, you do it?

"Do you want to?

It's obvious, isn't it? I was just told off with my face.

Afterwards, Cigal and I work together for about five pairs of hands, and after a short break, I walk back to the inn. You two are depressed, but it's not my fault.

"Sigal, you're a tough mess..."

"I thought you were a raw magician..."

The boy also looked at Sigal with surprise. Because Cigal's speed was comparable to that of a boy's normal condition.

Nevertheless, he has beastification. You wouldn't be able to fathom a normal person with that alone.

When I returned to the inn, my father was in the kitchen. Under the kitchen, to be exact.

"Is something wrong?

"Oh, welcome home. No, I haven't been doing well around the kitchen lately. I've been cheating and cheating on used ones, but I don't know if I should really go look for them."

I thought there was a stove or a tap, but was it a technical tool after all?

"Shall we take a look?

"You know what I mean?

"Yeah, well, somewhat."

I'm going to change places with my father and see how he's feeling. It's not like what was in that house, but it looks like it's the same at all.

"Hmm, it seems that it is simply due to the deterioration of some parts"

"Can't you?

"No, I can fix this."

After that, I realized that there were no tools or parts in my hand.

Well, let's do our best with magic instead of tools.

"Is there something you can process into parts?

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll get it"


In the meantime, I'll fix everything I can. Then I brush it.

"Cigal's boyfriend, he's not versatile. Technicians, too."

"I don't like messes like that."

Mr. Beredrella and Mr. Bolloccaro each say their thoughts.

Hearing that, Sigal responds to both of them with a grinning face.

"Because Mr. Tallow is also a disciple of Inai Stell"

"... what?

"... Huh?

You two are confused, you lose your words. He recovered from confusion, but by the time he tried to utter his words, his father had returned.

"Hey, kid, this would be... Wow. Did it all work out?

"Oh, was it a bad idea?

"No, I won't use it till this evening, so I hope you fix it."

"Then it's okay. We'll process it and fix it."

I'm right, I'm going to use the iron scraps my father brought me to work with magic on the parts.

"Phew, phew, phew."

It's fun because I'll be doing this in a while. I knew I wanted to make something for real someday.

I haven't even finished building the gun yet. Actually, I could do something different to call it a gun, but I left it at the tree sea.

"It's like watching something tricky."

"My master is more handy, though."

I'm going to fix it from one end as I say it. They say it won't take long. That said, it definitely takes an hour or two.

"Okay, now it should all be okay"

"Oh, wow. I really didn't do it here in the morning and noon, thank you. I'll wave my arm at you. For free, of course."

"I'm glad about that. Thank you."

"It's this way to thank you. If you didn't fix it, I'd stick it higher."

Well, I guess so. I don't know what the price is here, but buying it back will cost you money.

Sit down and wait.


I follow the word honestly and stand up to sit in the counter and wait.

"Good day, Mr. Tallow"

"Thank you, Sigal"

He thanked me as I stroked Sigal's head for giving me Negiri's words, and when I looked around him, he was gone but Sigal.

"That, what about the others?

"I got tired of going along the way."

Is that right? It took me a while. Naturally.

"Sigal could have done something else, too, right?

"Yeah, it's okay. It was fun watching."

"Oh well. Good for you."

Is Cigal interested in technicians?

Speaking of technicians, when will Inai be back? Because you said you couldn't go back for a while.

If it's going to be too late, let's also look at going back to Uml once.

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