"Wah, tah, tah."

My feet are not about the ground, and I can manage to lose my posture due to a misplaced landing.

"It was a bump, but I'm glad I did"

Inai, the massive metastasis magic your sister did. It's a small carving Mr. Tallow was doing, short distance metastasis magic.

Glad I took a good look at that one. I don't feel like I could if I hadn't seen that one.

I moved out of town, so you'll be pissed off later.

"Gotta go."

I feel uncomfortable with my body the moment I try to run out of the street towards the east with reinforced magic.

I ignored that and ran, and my legs stuck in the ground without coming forward.

"Oh, that, my body,"

My body doesn't move well. The magic doesn't wrap up well.


Ouch. It hurts everywhere in my body. Don, the pain is increasing.

"Right. I failed, I failed, I failed."

I failed to control the metastatic magic, but it wasn't a complete failure, so I activated it.

But because it was an incomplete exercise of magic, my magic was disturbed and my body was injured by recoil.

"This stuff!

I am forced to assemble disturbing magic and exercise fortified magic.

Performing less performing enhancement magic than usual, he manages to get up and run out.

"I can't catch up with Mr. Tallow with this."

A rushed heart goes straight to whining.

Mr. Tallow traveled with metastatic magic then. This is happening in one transfer. I can't catch up.

It's good to be in front of the city. But I'm sure if you get to the city, if you see the misery in the city, that guy blames himself more than he needs to.

That guy is a sweet guy. Because I think it's my fault for making the dragon stop protecting me, because I'm the one who thinks.

This commotion is not his fault. Because the dragon didn't protect you, that's not his fault.

The fact that the dragons had chosen Mr. Tallow had no such obsession or attachment to the world of men.

Then there is no way that Mr. Tallow is responsible, even if he can be expected to have a high level of combat power with him.

As Sister Inai said, what needs to be protected must be done with those who need to be protected.

The royalty of this country, the nobility, failed to do so. The destruction of the city is caused by Big Book.

Unless, of course, the country had a proper friendship with dragons or worshipped them faithfully, but this country was just using dragons.

"Ku, me, it hurts"

Run through the pain. It doesn't go as fast as usual.

I also try to treat him while running, but I gave up because there were signs that the enhancement was going to solve it.

Run on feet with no speed. Anyway, at least catch up with Mr. Tallow.

Unexpectedly as I was running, a four-legged beast-shaped demon flew in from the outskirts of the street.

Shit, I wasn't using detection.

I was able to understand that I couldn't pull out my sword and cut my stomach off like a sniper.

I don't have the usual speed. At this rate, I can't.


The usual way is to give up, play thoughtfully with the sword of both arms to deviate, and fly away.

Do something, set up your sword properly, and look at the demon in front of you.

"I'm in a hurry!

Why, I'm so weak. Can't you even be content to go help someone you love?

"Out of the way, don't...!

Grasp the sword in both hands strongly and tuck in the twist and intermission to the position where I can step in and cut in now.


A demon flew in from another direction. Shit, I concentrated too much in front of you. Not good.

At least protect your body with a sword to avoid only fatal injuries. Eyes don't meditate. Meditating only goes to the bad.

We need to get to Mr. Tallow somehow. I don't have time to look away with fear.

As I stood ready to tear it up, the demon that attacked me blew up and died without having time to give you an end demon.


If you're confused without knowing what happened, the demons that were attacking you earlier in the meantime blow up the same way.

"You're stuck here."

"Ah, you"

When I looked at the person who blew up the demon, a man with white, blocked hair stood by the immortal.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Are you hurt?

"Metastatic magic, failed"

"I see. That recoil."

"Thank you. Now we can run again."

Thanks for the help and running down the street again.

Then he came about the same.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't care if I take you home anyway, you're going again, right?


"Then I'll at least protect him."

What a breeze. He should have hated Uml humans.

"Are you sure about Mr. Tallow? Besides, I'm from Uml too."

"Well, hey. But you guys don't sleep well enough to abandon it."

In response, I laugh unexpectedly.

"It's you."

"I think I understand why Mr. Tallow cared about you."


This guy, no matter how grudgingly he is or how badly he behaves, the root part is good for you.

I'm sure it's true that you resent Master Granes so much that you want to kill him, but rational emotion, kindness, he's the one who has it right.

"Thank you. If you can help me, let me be honest and sweet."

"Even so, you can afford that when you get to him. I don't know about that kind of demon, but it's a boulder against the Baja Baraka."

Baha 'baraka. A demon I've heard of, but never seen. I hear it's a flying dragon, but I wonder how much it is.

Although it is a subspecies, it is a demon that is said to be a dragon. Maybe it looks like a dragon, but if you're not quite strong enough, it's not called subdragon or anything.

Normally, if such demons come in a flock, they give the country away and crusade it.

"You don't know much about it either."

"When I have to, you guys collect and run. Don't be a fool to do it alone on a boulder."

Collect and run. Don't run away on your own. You're really nice around here.

As I was slightly flattered by the goodness of his people, a whimpering tornado rolled up with a roar in the distance.

The demon is also being bounced up by that tornado and blown away.

"Hey, what the hell?"

"It's Mr. Tallow!

It's magic. After all, Mr. Tallow, we're already in the fight. Come on, I have to go.

Force your painful body to move and run as fast as you can.

I'm coming to help. I'm going to help you, because I love you sweet. Because I want to protect you kindly.

so that you can be you. Inai, I can't count on you as much as your sister, but I'm not strong enough to stand next to you.

Still, I'm sure I can do enough to support your back. So I'm on my way.

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