At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

Will the Branch Manager run for convergence?

"Dan, I'm leaving here a little. I'm sorry, can you gather people in my name?

"Okay. What's the situation?"

"If you are the right arm for your eyes and have a calm head. After that, he said I was gathering people."


Dan responds lightly and leaves the union immediately.

I've talked to him this way for a long time, but he's still comfortable.

As much as I suspected for a moment that I was feeling male, being beside him calmed my heart.

"Well, I gotta do what I can."

Tell union officials lightly about the situation and leave the scene, and run with magic enhancements for a long time.

"It's been a long time since you've done this. How many years has it really been since I've run in a hurry?"

Careless but seems to recall when I was younger, a little fun.

"Now, is that fool king awake?

I hate to think you're sleeping at this hour on a boulder, but it's about that guy.

It's so sad to think it's not there.

Run for a while and reach the royal castle. You should go in through the main entrance this time. This is it.

Let the seriousness of the matter suffer. It would also tell soldiers and knights that I go in through the front gate, and it's like letting them know that what I've been running is important in itself.

"Sorry about the night. Amarana Ver Vadallahama. Open it."


The soldier replies with a look like he encountered a monster and opens the gate.

"Thank you"

"Look, I'm afraid!

Around really scared, it's troublesome. You know how many years I've been at this rate.

Come on, I want you to believe I won't do what I used to do. Well, do you deserve it around here?

Heading to the royal family, greeting softly the different soldiers and knights.

Seeing me walking early toward the royal family, they all look equally stunned.

Well, it's getting a little fun.

When I reached the front of the royal family, a knight stood. I wonder what his name was?

I only remember as much as I used to remember doing it with my bare hands, but now I'm in a better position.

"I need to speak to the king."

"Here, this is Your Highness Amarana"

"Don't call me Your Highness. I'm throwing away royal blood muscles"

"Ha, ha, sorry"

Shit, I got a little in the mood when they said Your Highness. Relax. I can't help telling this guy here.

"Let it pass."

"But the king told me not to let you through except the princess."

"It's an emergency. If the country doesn't mind, we're going home."

"Ku, is there a country?"

Returning extremely seriously to the pulling demands, push the still confused knight away and open the royal door.

"What... what are you doing here?"

Greetings, uncle.

"You're here to laugh?

"No way. Your mother would have laughed a lot. I'm afraid I can't bring you here."

You're old. The word old man suits me very well. When I saw him recently, he still had a vibrant face, but now he's the face of the tired old man himself.

Had he taken hostility to a country called Umr on a boulder, and was abandoned by a dragon in time, would this fool king have also suffered?

"If it's my sister, I don't know what's going on."

"At least you wouldn't turn it into a boulder to do something hostile to Umr with that."

The events in the sight have been reported in detail by those who breathed my breath.

I held my head in excess cruelty. When I think my mother died because of a man like this, I no longer laugh.

"It's the mountains that want to make fun of you, but not now"

"What the hell do you want..."

"It looks like the city that was in the east has been devastated. The lives and deaths of the inhabitants are unknown, but they will probably be almost completely destroyed."

"Become, when what happens, it will be!

"Because you were abandoned by dragons. More than 100 subdragons across the city appear to have been attacked by the Baha 'i Baraka in a herd. I was attacked by a ton of subdragons without any preparation, and I don't think I can do anything about it. And at this point in time, the city was attacked, and as soon as you think about it, you'll see."

I've said it many times before. Even if the dragon had ruled out the foreign enemies of this country for a long time, if we had counted on an unwilling existence, one day these days would come.

And this is what happens when you communicate. This is the end of the dragon's path.

"Ku... a dragon! That's the guy! If only that man hadn't shown up!

"Tallow. Is that Tanaka Tallow?

"Oh yeah! If only that man hadn't come to this country!

"If you hadn't come, you probably wouldn't have been attacked now. But it's not like they won't let us go while we're alive.

When that happens, there is no country to help us, no preparation to exorcise demons, and neither knights nor soldiers are highly skilled.

What are you going to do in this state?

Conversely, Umr is now asked for help. Here is a boy trained by Uml's hero.

There is hope for just that. This man doesn't even know that.


"I used to say it many times, didn't I? This is just the result. It's not the dragon's fault. It's not Uml's fault. Not to mention it's not that boy's fault either. You created this situation, Your Majesty."

Stick reality to the fool king. You said it was your fault. The result of your stupidity is everything.

The result has made the nobility, the knight, the soldier, to this extent.

The people cannot easily resist the tyranny of knights due to differences in identity.

But most unionists can beat soldiers in this country. There are people out there who can beat knights.

The soldiers of this country. The knights of this country are to that extent. Without his own back shield and identity, he's there to that extent.

In this situation, there is only such a thing as a wall.

"You can blame people and pull back, but move the soldiers. It'll be about the wall."

"Come on, you."

"The time has come to do this to knights who have never treated their people as people before. I'll get you to work full."

"Oh, you think you can allow that!

"You don't have to, do you? However, how would the people react to the knights and kings who have done nothing to get here? to His Majesty the King, who no longer has the protection of dragons, and to his son."


Even when the people were treated unfairly, they were kept quiet because there was dragon protection. Because this country had candy to protect itself from foreign enemies.

Because they believed that the king would inherit dragon protection.

You will know that this event was a fantasy. And as a reality, the dragon passes on both nationally and internationally before far from defending this country.

Thinking about it, only what belonged to Umr did a good thing for this king.

I agree to set up with Umr to get my hands on this country now.

"Okay. I'll do the part."

"Oh, Your Highness."


I thought someone was coming, but was it Her Royal Highness?

Oh? Until recently, I remember having a similar vibe to this guy, but how can it be, it's got good air.

Seems blessed to be this fool king, my daughter.

"Long time no see, Master Amagravasdalana"

"I've already thrown away that name. I'm Amarana."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

They call me the name I used to throw away, and I'm a little surprised. I thought this kid knew my name.

And even for being honestly apologized for.

"Are you going to issue a decree instead of a king?

"Yes, let me stand on the arrow and take on the knight's, the soldier's, that grudge too. I'll be on the front line myself."

"Quel, what are you talking about! It's a dragon! He's gonna die!

Surprised. Is this child really the daughter of this man?

"Do you understand where the front line is?

"Yeah, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Don't be afraid. I don't talk about it to the extent that I can't fulfill the duties of those who stand above me."

Strongly held hands can be seen trembling.

No, I can see my body trembling, not just my hands. Push it and do your duty, Rin stands.

I thought the future of this country was dark, but there seems to be a good successor.

"Okay, I'll leave the mobilization of the knights to you. Nobody else, I'll leave you to it."


Seeing her thanking her for her graceful behavior, I thought she was the one who should be sitting on the throne.

No, it could be true. If things end safely, it will probably become a reality.

"Ha, my God!

Where the story was about to come together, soldiers rushed into the royal family.

Has Aaron come this far yet?

"Rude! Where do you think you are?

I don't understand the situation, I just turn a cold eye to the foolish king who wields the authority I have, and I block that mouth with my hands.

"Never mind. Go ahead."

"Uh, uh, yes"

The soldier, surprised by my attitude towards the king, speaks of matters of transmission.

As the castle watchmen were looking at the woods, they could see the dust rising.

Observed by those who could use far-sighted witchcraft, they saw massive demons looming.

The number is about 300. It's easier than a subdragon 100, but it's just easier to compare. Besides, if they come at the same time, I can't even see them.

"Trouble, sir."

Bad. This is seriously bad.

If it's too late for the dragon to come here, it's still fine. If at the same time, no, if you can come at close intervals even if not simultaneously, do you have room to fight?

"People are gathering, right?

"Yeah, yeah."

Answer Her Royal Highness's question. But it's not enough. That's why it doesn't make sense where we've gathered people from all over the King's Capital. Die easily if you are not a man who can fight. Especially not to the east.

"Please use the collected personnel in the woods. I'm heading east with my soldiers."

Her Royal Highness mentioned something incredible. You're not gonna die buying time?

"Are you going to die?

"No, we have a condition instead"

"What is it?"

"So... let Master Tallow head east. That's all there is to it, there's a chance."

Apparently Her Royal Highness is buying a boy. He thinks he can handle it.

I understand the boulder that that boy must be stronger than he sees. The fact of beating a dragon tells the story of it, but I still don't think I can handle it alone.

To me, it just seems like we're headed to the dead end.

"So, okay?

"Yep. Can you handle the forest one being a union member?

"Yes, if Gerea gathers all the men in the king's capital, 300 can do something about it."

"Then please do so. He won't come to the royal castle, but I'm sure the union will."

That's for sure. He's a bit of a people-friendly type. Despite that response from Garabagh, I offered to treat him after taking care of him.

On top of that, I heard you taught fairy arts properly. You won't stay without doing anything about this.

"Okay. I'm going now. Good luck."

"I hope you're all right, too"

I hope you're okay, huh? I feel kind of complicated when the royalty tells me, but she can forgive me.

Okay, next thing you know, we're going home to the mansion and ready to break out for a long time.

Hurry out of the castle and run to your home. I haven't been home lately, but the house seems to be well managed by the people I hired.

He was welcomed home, but he noticed how I was doing, listened to the instructions, and immediately prepared the weapon.

"No way, you have a branch manager, too?

"Is it Galabagh, I've told you many times not to come in through the window"

"Excuse me. I didn't think you'd let me in if it was from the front."

Gently scold the boy who came in through the window. But that could be it.

The way I am in a hurry is telling. You won't let me in.

"What's the situation?

"Lightly for once"


Still coming here means he fights? Not at all.

"Are you sure?

"It's time."

"Really, it doesn't suit you to take revenge."

"Except for this."

He decided to fight to protect a city that some people would do to ostracize themselves in a fight they knew might die.

She's really sweet. If hatred is true, I want it to stop. It doesn't suit him.

When his arm didn't work, inside, maybe that's good enough to make me think a little bit.


Suddenly, magic runs in the room and someone shows up. When I laid my sword and checked, that boy, Tallow, was standing there.

"Mr. Branch Manager, I'll go for the eastern demon. So please don't let anyone go"


"You, why!?

I laid down my sword and thought it was convenient inside his words, but I wouldn't put it on my face.

But I care about his atmosphere. I don't see any room like when I did with Garabau. Looks like something is rushing me.

"Sorry for the indignation. But I have to go."

Yeah, somehow, but I guessed. He thinks this result is his fault.

What a mistake. He will know the injustice of that fool king. You'll see that this result is the fault of that fool king.

"... Have you misunderstood something?


"I'm telling you because I can't help but hide it, and I know your qualities. A girl named Haku is a dragon."


I was looking into him myself. His qualities and who he is around him.

I also know the part where I didn't know just by the title of union branch manager.

"The eastern city fell due to demonic raids. I mean, that's what the dragon's been exorcising. I recognize it's on its way.

In person on one of the royal castles... No, is it a real dragon? Her own mouth tells me that she will abandon this country from the dragon's own mouth. "

"Branch Manager!? Oh, my God, that's the first time!

"I didn't say it. It's a state secret. But it must no longer be in vain. This is one case that has never been possible in this country before.

The fact that the city has fallen could mean that people from other countries who lived in that city have died. "

Without Umr's help in the future, this country will surely be gone. If only that princess would try her best. I don't know if it would be a country.

"The city is gone."

"Yeah, it's probably gone."

"A lot of people are dead."

"Yes, young and old, noble civilians, they must have died in large numbers."

Pale, state the facts. The boy's expression is sad.

"What... don't you think?

"Do you want to be slashed?

Immediately in my mouth. There's no way I'm fine. I knew a lot of people in that city. I had a friend. There was also a disciple.

They must all be dead. I can't hope that maybe he's alive. He must be dead.

"You can't possibly think anything of it. I had friends in that city, and I had a disciple.

I'm sure they're all dead. 'Cause if you're alive, I don't think you're getting there any slower than a union official. "

"Eh! Shh, sorry!

Communicate your thoughts while smiling and deceiving the anger and killing you can't hide. It's definitely passed on, but he wasn't frightened, he just made an apology for what he said.

After all, this kid doesn't care about my intimidation.

"You're still fine, aren't you"


"... no, more than that, are you still getting something wrong?

"Is that a mistake?

"Don't you think it's your fault that the dragon didn't protect the words the dragon said?

He had a slight sign of fondness. That's probably why I can't get to that thought.

But that's arrogance. Instead of us doing our duty, it's my fault, etc.

"That's not a mistake. I..."

"It doesn't matter. I've been generally too crude. I relied on uncertainties other than people's hands for what people were supposed to protect. That bump just came around.

Again and again, that king and nobility is a sinister reward for offering money for it. I can't let the people get paid more than they do. "

"But if the dragon keeps it,"

"You don't talk about it in push questions. You will regret it there forever. Stay put all the time. You're not nice enough to forgive me for the guilt of mistakes.

We just protect what we need to protect as people in our hands. I'll be there, Galabaugh. "

"Oh, oh."

There is no longer any such thing. Looks like he's going east, and I'll have him go on his own.

Let Galabagh go for what if, and tell him to protect the princess.

You must not lose her. That child needs to be asked to stand in his place.

"Wait... wait"

The boy still calls me off. What more can I tell you?

"What is it? I must now explain to those who have gathered."

"I'll go. I'm going to deal with the demons that attacked the city."

"You can't take such a stupid story, either as a branch manager of the union or as a nobleman of this country"

"But then again, a lot of people will die!

Oh, I guess so. Lots of deaths, people die in large numbers if you head east. But if we don't make it, we'll die more.

Does he want to lose any of it? Do you want each of us to stand on the battlefield and make it all?

As branch manager, you can't do that. There's no way I can tell you.

Besides, it looks like he's trying to get to the point where he has to do it for the peace of mind.

He said he had to blame himself for a man's death and make amends for it. If you don't, you won't be forgiven.

I am trying to escape the pain of thought that I had. It's unnecessary pain. The pain is the pain we should be in. It's not what you kids do.

"Don't you want people to die? Or do you just not want to know people die?


"It is not my knowledge that you move with guilt. But if you're fighting to protect someone from dying, you're not smart enough to snort at the words of someone who fights to make you feel better right now."

I think I said something mean.

It's convenient for him to go east, but that made me angry at his arrogance.

He stepped on the hold of those who stood above him, and put forth words that would make a man who should suffer, throw out his duty.

Maybe it's because I doubt the boy's strength somewhere, but I'm angry.

"Bitter, you"


"They say it's this way. Whatever you want."

"Oh, why?"

The boy is confused by Garabau's words.

"I know for a minute that you do whatever you want. This way. But you're only a member of the union, and they're not asking me if I need you to take responsibility for this. I just can't allow you to go on your own.

I don't know if you need to go alone. I wonder if you need to take responsibility for the city falling. You don't even have to fight for it.

But if you're going to fight, fight to protect what you want to protect. Fight for what you want to do. Don't get permission. Do what you think is right. It's just a story. "

Garabagh makes a supplement to my mean remarks. I knew this kid was sweet.

"... you hated me."

"You were too stupid to try."

"Shut up... thanks"

"Hang on, go away and be a corpse. I'll go collect it later."

"You can come later and be surprised at what I look like. I'm gonna wipe it out and I'm gonna walk around."

The boy hits a light mouth with Galabaugh and transfers. I'm sure he was on his way.

No chant transfer? As a magician, I knew I was quite skilled.

After he's gone, a little guilt boils down. I guess a boy is a child who can take a person's death as his own grief.

That's why you've asked me for permission with such grandeur. Permission to save people. Permission to protect. Permission to fight.

On the other hand, I don't think I could have grown up, but I still have a mixed feeling that I'm angry.

I feel like my thoughts are back a little bit because I'm dressed like this. I don't know.

"Now it's time to go, Galabaugh. Things are on the road. Let's just join Dan."


Take the nodding Galabagh and go back to the union.

Boy, can you do something about it before the princess turns the soldier?

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