Well, for now, is it the retrieval of the lady and the escort of the princess who would come afterwards?

Though, miss, you're willing to go again even if you collect it and pull it back. Those eyes have strong eyes. Yeah, it's not that easy to bend your own will eyes. I got barometric pressure in those eyes.

I can't beast all over the city, so I worry while running as I was until the eastern exit.

but concludes that I can't help but worry.

The reason is simple. I want to see him fight once and for all.

I need to get to where he is too. Then you can protect her that far.

I don't know if I can afford that when I get to the scene. Well, I'll protect you as long as I can.

Increase the speed at which you run when you decide. Hell, if it's beastified, it'd be faster.

Reach the gate and show the soldier your ID. Then he accepts my ID in a more awe-inspiring manner.

I don't recognize any soldiers. Well, if you look at your ID, you'll change your attitude again.

Contrary to that prediction, the soldier politely returned it when he checked his ID.

"Go ahead!"

Stretch your spine, show respect for this one, and encourage me where I'm going.

Was there such a thing in this city? The only people who looked down on me, especially the soldiers, thought they were the only ones.

"Thanks. Good luck with that one."

You were a little happy, and words of thanks came out. I'm surprised myself.

There are people like Branch Manager and Dad, isn't it strange to have someone like him?

Vestilize a little away from the gate and run out.

I know exactly what an anomaly is. No one comes from the east.

It is strange that no one is headed east, but if the union staff were headed this way in an exhausting manner after much thought, do you think there was anything unusual?

Running for a while, I saw demons and people fighting.

It's that lady. Something is wrong. A lady would be able to do something about it to that extent.

The training move with him was pretty good. I was afraid that the main business would be a magician.

The lady can't react to the demon coming out of her side and seems to be trying to fight back while guarding.

I increase my speed even more and beat demons off the streets. Flip as you raise the dust and beat the hell out of it again.

That stopped the two demons from moving.

So I noticed something strange about my body.

In a state where I've never been able to add or subtract well, somehow, I was able to put a modest amount of effort into defeating them.

What, this. Why not?

No, now the lady's first.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Are you hurt?

"Metastatic magic, failed"

"I see. That recoil."

Did the control fail? That hurts. I often don't activate well in the first place, so I rarely get recoil.

If you're going to start a fire, you better take a primitive approach. I haven't had a chance to use it.

I was a little upset when I remembered that it had been used during this time. I knew I'd hit you one day.

"Thank you. Now we can run again."

The lady says thank you softly and runs out again.

It's too late. And that one could hit you again.

I can't help it. Do you want me to walk with you? I don't know why now, but it looks like I can add and subtract it and go with it.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't care if I take you home anyway, you're going again, right?


"Then I'll at least protect him."

I was gonna do that originally, and I'm just gonna be a little late to get there.

Even though it's late, it's faster than the adults around there, and it won't be that late.

Is it good or bad that the city to the east is not that far away?

It's good for the status quo, but it sucks for Wang Du.

"Are you sure about Mr. Tallow? Besides, I'm from Uml too."

"Well, hey. But you guys don't sleep well enough to abandon it."

Of course I'd laugh if he was in this state. The lady should have said a strong word, but you don't hate it.

It's a little strange myself. Even though the lady knows she's a Uml person, she's not that disgusted for some reason.

The desperation for him, the straightness, may be diminishing my disgust.

Thinking like that, I was laughed at by Kusuri.

"It's you."

"I think I understand why Mr. Tallow cared about you."


That. He just took care of me with his own self. And harassment.

Well, I suppose it's because there was a favorite part of you.

"Thank you. If you can help me, let me be honest and sweet."

The look on his face to thank him honestly was a little dodgy. To a pretty younger girl, I was thrilled.

Damn, what are you upset about? I am.

"Even so, you can afford that when you get to him. I don't know about that kind of demon, but it's a boulder against the Baja Baraka."

I don't think I can read the look on my face that's beastifying me, so I'll state the facts while hiding the upset. He's a tough opponent to fight while protecting against boulders.

A flying demon. That just makes it more difficult.

Even though they are, they are also big, muscular, and use light magic.

One can handle it, but not while protecting it from multiple opponents.

"You don't know much about it either."

"When I have to, you guys collect and run. Don't be a fool to do it alone on a boulder."

In the first place, my job is to protect and protect the princess.

If I have to, I will hold it and run away with all my might.

Shortly after responding, a roar sounds from the front and a giant tornado rises.

Dozens of demons wind up in tornadoes and jump.

"Hey, what the hell?"

"It's Mr. Tallow!

You're lying. Such a natural disaster. No, it's a massive natural disaster.

Did you do that by magic to a lot of people? Where is it in such free time?

If you look at the demons that are being wound up, you don't know for sure because they are far away, but there is also the Baha 'baraka.

That's multiple, too. Did you have that tornado, alone, with multiple opponents?

Impossible. I'm kidding. There is no way.

Such a monster, something that keeps you here?

I could feel my running legs trembling a little.

I know. I just have to believe it. I don't think there's anyone in this country who can do that.

If there was someone in the land who could have done that, it would have already happened.

Son of a bitch, you're kidding me. I didn't mean to hurt you. You've been fighting with care for me?

If such magic could be used in the battle of a large number of opponents, I wouldn't have talked about it. It should have been easy to win.

You're kidding me!

The sight of that feeling blowing up, too, popped into my eyes.

There are four similar tornadoes just now.

Swallow all the flocks of subdragons flying from far forward over the sky, clumping them together and bringing the subdragons together in one place.

The next moment, the light ran.

Visualized, converted into pure power, magical light.

'Magic Slash' unleashed on the cut up form blew up all demons.

I stopped by accident and watched the sight.

"Oh, my God, that"

"Mr. Tallow's, one of his wife's hands"

The lady looked back at me when she stopped and told me the truth.

My wife's hand. That's one of his real moves.

That stuff, the city blows up in one shot. There is no such thing as a bearable existence.

There's no way humans have the magic to let that thing go!!

"What, what, that guy. I'm kidding. What the hell is that monster!

Scream unexpectedly. Scary. His dumb, pompous expression, his obnoxious laughing face, his irritating, snagging face, all seem to be lies.

What is that, impossible? Such a monster mourns a man's death? Such an idiot. That's the power of being that ravages something and lives on.

Why is that just normal people doing it?

"A monster, huh? That's what it looks like to you. Hey, too bad."

That's what the lady says, she runs out.

Why? Why would that lady want to go beside such a monster?

That's crazy. That's not normal.

Mirka Granes also thought it was a monster when she saw it on the battlefield.

But he's not. More heterogeneous. What is that? What the hell. Did I fight such a monster?

Is' Mirka Graness' more monstrous than I could do about that just because I didn't see it?

I don't see. I don't see anything in the future that can beat that. What the hell is that? I don't know. I don't know what that means.

I look at the back of a distant lady, and on the other hand, I think I have to go after her, and the fear of having to go to that place doesn't put my foot forward.

Confronting something like that? Kill in an instant. I can't do anything. There's no way I can do that.

Scary. Was I going to kill that one? Why didn't they kill you?

... yeah, they didn't kill me. On the contrary, I was helped.

He yelled at me to cure me. He threw his anger at me.

He kept slapping me lightly, not lightly on my evil behavior.

To keep me alive. For me to live. I taught fairy arts.

He was a fool's favorite. I remember that.

When I remembered, the tremor stopped a little. Yes, that hobbyist is desperate to fight with unnecessary guilt right now.

With all my might, I'm slaughtering demons. I guess that's not too much like him. I'm not that unconscious manly.

So I don't know. Which is the man?

Is he who can slaughter mercilessly his nature? Is it the nature of the frustrated guy with the missing face during that time?

If you don't know, you're gonna have to go.

Run out and catch up with the lady right away and walk side by side again.

"Are you okay?


He caught up with me. Turn around and ask.

I pretend not to know. I have to feel fear or something.


Couscous and I look at this one with a very happy laugh and run forward again.

I worry about the meaning of the word with a little agitation about that look again.

I don't know what it was good for.

Fine. Let's just get to him. It's all because of that.

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