I ran for a few hours after I checked my position. But it's still going to take a little while to get there. I don't want to take as long as I can.

I use physical protection to visualize and transfer the sky.

My body moves in an instant higher than the surrounding mountains and falls as it is.

Visualize the point you just checked while falling and transfer over the forest to fall intact.

Land on the ground as you fold the branches of the trees and check the perimeter.

There is a hyena-like demon, some bodies of that demon, and a big dragon-like demon if the word "flying dragon" looks good on land and above.

This dragon probably is. This guy has the most magic, and a lot to the east is similar in quality to these guys.

We moved to the nearest place, but apparently the demons were fighting each other.

No, I was desperately resisting rather than contending, but I was right. There are numerous bodies of hyenas, but not a single body of a flying dragon.

The people who were on land are suddenly surprised by the intruders who have fallen from above, and the movement stops.

I can see the flying dragon swirling over the sky watching over this one.

I don't know what Hyena and Fei Long thought. They recognized me as a common enemy to each other, both intimidating me.

The numbers add up to about sixty.

A few demons are already trying to jump at me.

'Storm, blow away. Swallow everything, crush everything'

I tie my boundaries around myself and magically make a big tornado that can swallow swirling Fei dragons as well.

I simply didn't feel the tornado could do any damage, so cover the tornado with a different power, reverse direction tornado.

The demon, blown by the wind and sandwiched by a gust of wind, pulls and breaks with a screaming noise.

Hyena ended it all with that.

But it seems that Fei Long managed to make the wind disappear, and he is alive. But the wings are broken, and they don't look like they can fly.

Still, there was this guy who moved his broken wings, made a wind out of sorcery and stormed me.

I cut it straight from the front with my sword. Other flying dragons are alive. Then we have to kill him.

I'm in a visible position to transfer the Fei Long to the side of and slay him. Repeat the act ten times. Just like work.

The dragons could not be satisfied, and all were easily slashed.

Eleven first.

Next I turn my attention to the flock flying this way at high speed.

It's still a little far, but I can go at this distance.

I suddenly released a tornado earlier, which also made the surrounding forests disastrous.

The only salvation was because they were fighting, or because there were few creatures around them.

"Storm, come out of all directions and swallow everything into one."

It generates four tornadoes over the forest, unleashing magic to prevent any damage other than flying dragons.

The flying dragon suddenly emerges as a tornado. It is swallowed and the tornado crosses into one.

I'll put my sword away and take out the engineer's sword before I check it out.

And call that name. To activate the technician sword.

"- Stel Bedluk"

The sword called by its true name sounds trembling at its joy, gathering magic from its surroundings as it rotates in the opposite direction of the blade surface.

As much magic gathers as it does when unleashing an attack with a reverse helical sword, the central pile opens and slides in all directions.

The four magic crystals embedded in the pile and the magic crystals at the root of the pile shine strong, forming the sword of magic as you roar up if you don't take the magic from me by the time it's violent.

I suppress it with sorcery control and pour the magic drawn from the world into my sword.

Then the sword let the light of the crystal shine even more satisfactorily when his belly was full, roaring as he waved me.

I'll check it out and watch the tornado. The demon in it.

"Rip it."

Short, but with a definite will, I cut up the power of the sword free.

"The slaughter of pure power by immense magic" released into the cut orbit wiped out all the demons that were there for every tornado that was still threatening me in the sky.

As usual, it's ridiculously powerful. It's an attack that could smash any effort.

The first time I had it activated, I fell just shaking it once. But now I can still swing. With this, most demons are fine.

I can't tell you how many. That is the magician like Mr. Sells, or this attack cannot be prevented unless it is unreasonable like Mr. Lynn.

That's about 90 now. About 80 more to the east. If we wipe that out, we're done first. He's nowhere near here anymore. At least, it's not within my reach.

Immediately, end it. It's not like these guys are coming this way. Finish it before you go anywhere else.

I will also move over the sky to see where the city's wreckage hangs and move to its entrance.

I metastasized, and I saw it. Even my enhanced eyesight gave me a good look at the tragedy that was far away and I wasn't sure.

It's a tragedy. How do you say it in other words? Adults, children, old people, babies, men and women are all dead, the blood stains that would be everywhere in this city and the meat and bones that would have been scattered tell the story of it all.

Just visible from the entrance, that's all, understandable. This place is full of death.

Not only throughout the city, but the surrounding area was full of smells of blood, scattered arms, legs, etc. that would have been torn apart and flown.

"No kidding... no kidding..."

I was alive. I lived for granted. Everyone lived until just a few days ago.

That's what these guys came here for, and it's all over.

An uncountable amount of humans were killed by these guys. I'm sure, as bait. as future bait.

As suddenly trembling at the joy of obtaining tons of bait, the dragon murmuring his flesh as he gagged and rattled delayed noticing me.

At the moment you realize it, you touch a swing of a technician sword that is activated by its true name and disappears without a trace.

The surrounding dragons are attacking me.

Stick out a technician sword against a sudden descent from the sky like one of the fools' memories. The perimeter of the area touched by the technician sword blows away, leaving only the neck and wings.

Attach a sword to that fang trying to bite me from the crossing. It's not just the head, it blows a little down from the neck.

When you wave your sword up to a flying dragon waving your toenails uncluttered by each of its corpses so that it cleaves from your toes, all the parts that touched the magic light just off your sword also blow away, leaving only your left and right wings.

The Fei Dragons start making a big fuss. I'm sure he's calling his people. The enemy has arrived. He said something came to be eliminated.

Oh, call me. Call them all. I'll blow it all away.

I'm within sight. Step by the dragon and wave the engineer's sword.

There's nothing fat about it, an unusual sword that just bumps a sword. Only then will the dragon disappear with no trace of the part the sword touched.

When you wield with force, the range widens, and when you slash it sideways, almost everything in the whole flying dragon blows up.

Ridiculous sword. It's a terrible sword. It's a sword that ignores all of you. The moves I've worked out, my body, my mind, I'm killing you with an unmatched sword that doesn't use anything.

I use magic to control my sword, but that's all.

I know, for you guys, it's about just spreading the territory or just picking up the bait.

This is a survival competition. You win, the inhabitants of this city lose.

I have nothing to do with the people of this city, and it's wrong for me to resent you.

Above all, this is the seed I've put away. I'm the one who created the incentive for you guys to come here. I'm the bad one.

So this is just eight wins. It's a pitifully selfish eight.

In this pile of corpses, in blood, in death, seeking redemption for those who died because of themselves, is just an act of selfishness and arrogance.

I'm asking for forgiveness for something I can't take back. By defeating you guys. By killing you guys.

With such an unusual sword.

Oh, my God, it's ugly.

Around half a dozen fei dragons go crazy, they all fly over the sky and move east.

Are you running away?

That's no good, I won't let you get away with it. I can't let him get away. I can't let him get away with it.

That's all I've done. You guys, me. Then I'll go after you. I will not let you flee, just as you have attacked those who flee.


Whimpering small, the sword raises a loud roar as it rotates to tremble at the joy of being able to show its true value, and the spiral blade blossoms.

With a strong, shining light of magic, the escaped men move forward diagonally downward.

"Rip it up, blow everything up!

The technician sword blooms with great magic as it rotates, and the magic flower swallows everything that lies ahead.

The swallowed flying dragons are not mutilated, but extinguished.

Rotating and approaching, swallowed by a flower of magic much greater than his own body, all the flying dragons that were there vanished.

Later a very large flower only remained for a while a magical flower blooming the same or larger size as the city so that it could accompany the doomed city.

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