At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

It's despair after it's all over.

It's all blown up.

There are no demons other than that flying dragon that could be a threat to people.

There are many demons in the woods, but they are only as good as what I felt in detection on the way to King's Landing.

Those flying dragons would have been intimidated by the dragons so that they could be pushed into the back of the mountain beyond the forest.

That's gone and I'm free to move.

Then he moved out simultaneously, widened his territory, and hunted the bait freely.

That's the result. It's that devastated city.

I walk into the city feeling a strong sense of fatigue due to excessive use of magic.

It's a little far to walk away. But I don't want to use fortified magic right now. The use of fairy arts is also poor.

There's not enough magic. My strength, it doesn't boil much.

I'm only motivated to the extent that I use detection for my own perimeter vigilance.

The threat that devastated the city was eliminated. I knocked them all down. I knocked him down.

There is no sense of accomplishment. Naturally. That's just eight wins.

To avoid breaking my weak heart, I just hit eight easy to understand opponents to delude my weak heart.

I just want to delude the fact that I killed, that I killed because of me, that a lot of people died because of me.

and I head to the city in heavy footsteps. At least I thought I'd take a look inside the city. Trying to see the tragedy I caused.

So even if something in me breaks down, I thought I had more to look at than the misery I pulled the trigger on.

If I told you this, Mr. Branch Manager might be mad at me again. I'm sure that guy is someone who has something to carry, someone who's prepared to lose it. I guess he's a fine man.

You're supposed to be walking with heavy legs, but the city's getting closer. Since the location of the transfer was not very far away, naturally?

Step by step, you can see pieces of meat rolling around you or tears in your hands and feet.

No, there were some in front of it originally. I was just turning away. That's just getting so much, I can't turn away.

Don't be ridiculous. You must have come here to see. I guess I'm here to see the people who died here. What are you turning away from?

We reach the city entrance and go inside. There are no gatekeepers. Instead, the blood sticks on the gate.

When I went inside, the ruin was a perfect tragedy. Few houses stand side by side safe, and the gates and walls that cover the city are broken.

But not like ruins. Everywhere is colored with frightening blood. He was scattered with arms, feet, fingertips, half-baked head, a piece of some kind of gut, etc.


The nausea creeps up. My mind was still in a state of combat when I came here. So I could still stand it.

But not now. There is no exhilaration in battle. Only thing is, there's so much unbearable debris scattered in the mind of confidence, and the smell of death on my nose.

That's not the comparison from the time of that robbery. That was terrible, too. That one almost threw up, too. But this, I can't.

Such a body cannot be made by human hands. I can't make such an unbroken thousand pieces. The one who can is out of his mind.

I threw up impatiently. I even emptied it in my stomach, but I still vomited. My body tries to throw up something even if I don't have anything to throw up.

"Ha, ha... Nku"

Keep throwing up for a while, and somehow, I'll be patient.

I still feel nauseous. But I'm getting to put up with it. I feel like something's just paralyzed, but I can put up with throwing up for now.

So I noticed. No torso.

I can't believe it's just my arms, my legs, my head crushed, my fingertips. I roll there, but I don't have a torso.

Did you eat your torso first? No, then. These hands and feet are scattered. If you're bait, you'll eat this too.

Maybe you're saving it somewhere?

I somehow aim for the spot where the Fei Dragons were gathered the most before I got here.

The point is the heart of this city. When I saw it from the sky, I felt it was a square with a number of red round objects.

I went down towards the city entrance so as not to fail the transfer, so I only saw it for a moment. I wonder what that was.

Walk away slowly, at the same speed as when returning from the woods. There are no signs of demons or beasts in the city.

Probably still feeling something about the Fei Long.

Walk quite a bit and reach the square. I don't know the time interval. I wonder how many hours I've been walking. Maybe a few dozen or so. I don't know.

There were a number of red, large round objects in the square, just as they were seen from above.

I notice trying to touch what was closest to the entrance to the square.

This round thing is meat.

- Don't understand.

Why, such a chunk of meat.

- You shouldn't understand.

Looking around, there are a number of large red round objects. Is this it, all of it?

- Once I understand, I can't stand it with your weak heart.

My mind is trying to refuse to understand what this is. My heart strongly refuses to think deeply about this round object.

But if you don't mind, I have a lot of sights in my eyes.

Earlier, there were many bones rolling around like a pile of corpses or after the meat had been soaked.

- Don't look. If I saw it, I would understand. I can only understand if I don't like it.

More importantly, there was a red round object near it, like that which was about to be made, and a corpse in which flesh was shattered.


I threw up. I threw up again. I threw up about this earlier, but my body tries to throw up something even though I can only give it stomach fluids anymore.

By doing that, I'm trying to protect my mind. He said he was still normal. Disgusted by this sight, he says he has a sense of repentance.

But this, this.

These people were killed by demons. That's why I was baited.

But is there such a thing? Is there such a thing as this lump of meat that these lumps of meat are the fruit of the inhabitants here?

Nothing. There's nothing left. The body that's still there, it's still dead as a person. It leaves its shape.

But what can I say about people who have already become this chunk? It's not a body. It's not even a corpse. Just a chunk of meat. A mass of meat that combines several human beings.

What, this is... There's no way you can take something like this. This, this...

"whoops... whoops... haha haha"

I threw up just to throw up and the laughter crept up. There's nothing fun about it. All I have in my heart is the bitterness of not knowing what to do.

But I laugh. It makes me laugh for some reason. Yeah, but surely only myself like this could make me laugh and laugh.

No way. Let people die because of you. It takes the form of no dignity or anything. There's nothing I can give you back.

What I did distracted me from that, it was just eight hits.

"Kuha, haha, haha!

This is ridiculous. What are you doing? What did you think you could do?

Exorcising demons, eliminating threats? That's what I've been able to do from the beginning, so there's no threat.

It's an avoided tragedy if you think about it properly from the start.

"haha... haha..."

The laughter disappears. It disappears. To protect your heart, don't break it, the laugh you tried to break disappears.

"... uuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Instead, now I'm overflowing with tears. I don't know my emotions anymore. I don't know what I think right now.

Spicy. Just spicy even. I was so weak-minded that I couldn't accept what I did, what I was trying to protect. What were you trying to fight for?


I don't know, I cried on the ground for a long time. My heart couldn't stand the tragedy, and, like no other, I was crying to protect my heart.

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