He scissors several breaks and is returning to the city at a soldier-friendly march speed.

That's why it hasn't been two days since we moved.

I didn't think it would take this long because I went through a transfer on the way.

No, but that city was pretty big, and it's probably close if you think of it as a king's capital from such a city.

Because of its proximity, I guess I was bummed at that midnight to respond immediately to the demonic raid.

Speaking of which, it seems that I, if the range of effects when using detective magic at all costs, can transfer where I go for the first time without even being disturbed.

I wasn't cool at all then, but I was able to fly to the Branch Manager's house, which I had never been to.

I'm a little nervous about going into the demon place, so I'd still like to see it.

Just a little later in the march. I can already see the king's capital.

Me, Sigal and Mr. Geena have been on what's called a horse maneuver with a princess on it.

Something seems to be a carriage for the commander to ride.

There are slightly more oblique wheels than regular carriages, and the material is almost metal. It's a little small in size but a sturdy carriage. I think I can climb up there.

It also seems possible to run on a slightly unscrupulous track. Only because of that, they say there are a limited number of creatures that can pull.

The horse I'm pulling is the kind that was raised for this. I'm gay like a horse racing. But I still have fangs.

But this guy seems to be a kind of herbivore. What are those fangs for?

Once the princess showed me where to run as much as she wanted. I don't know, it feels like an old tank. At the horse's speed, it's cracked and sturdy, running around endlessly vertically.

I could ignore the high and low differences as long as they weren't as good, and I deliberately made them jump the body.

Don't tell me you thought she was a little cool running her hair down.

"Hey, Mr. Tallow. There's a great man at the gate."

"Well, you look like a soldier, but I guess it's like a princess's welcome or something"

"I think it probably is. Almost back, we had a few soldiers ahead of us to convey."

Apparently, the transmitter was working.

Is it obvious if you think about it well? It's a problem if you don't have soldiers like that.

Running for a while, approaching the gate, soldiers can crack and make their way.

However, the person who was in the lead stands motionless as it is. Isn't that Mr. Branch Manager?

The princess approaches and slowly stops in front of Mr. Branch Manager.

"Welcome home. Everyone cared about your return. Her Majesty the Queen (...)"

The branch manager calls the princess Queen and kneels.

Oh, when did you become queen?

"... Dear Amarana, no way"

When I look at the princess, I look at the branch manager with a slight frown.

"That will happen even if I don't do something. This king who did nothing wrong and the princess who went to the battlefield herself. The people will choose which one."

"I was relieved to hear that. I know you have a grudge against him, but for me, he's my father."

"Yeah, I know. So I won't do anything extra."

"Thank you. Including the fact that you protected my absence."

Hmm, I wonder if the princess will treat the king as a child who doesn't need it because she moved that the king didn't hit anything.

Well, you do, actually. Why did the princess bother coming out of the front?

But, Mr. Branch Manager, are you a pretty good person? The princess is calling you on purpose.

Besides, he seems to know each other from the beginning. I'm a little concerned about the King's grudges.

"Your Majesty, it's better to stay behind."

"Yes, it's Master Geena."

"Is that what being together means?"


"Your Majesty, you seem to be bigger than I thought"

Mr. Alalana stares happily at the princess somewhere. No, is she the queen?

"In response to reports of His Majesty's return, the people are also waiting to hear the backdrop from His Majesty's mouth.

Hurry up and get to the Royal Castle. During the declaration, please. "

"Dear Amarana, Either way, please don't call me Your Majesty. I'm just one of the royalty yet."

"I'm sorry about this. Forgive me, Your Highness."

Mr. Branch Manager bows his head in a graceful way, not in a lazy motion like when he was at the union office.

But the outfit is ordinary city people. Something uncomfortable.

The princess sighs with a slightly troubled face and turns this way.

"Well, shall we go?"

"Oh, yes."

The princess slowly lets the horse walk through the gate and heads towards the castle. Cheers from residents on the road boil.

Many are blessings of return. But I can hear all kinds of praise.

The heroic princess who defeated the flock of subdragons and returned alive. His Majesty the Next Queen, who stood herself in the crisis of the country and moved the nobility.

Boulder A royal whose head hangs over the union branch of this city. Lovely. Beautiful. Etc.

I hear things like that from a lot of places.

Isn't it normal for a union president to bow his head to the king? I wonder if he's special.

And what's slightly troubling is that your gaze stabs the princess, which means stabbing us beside you.

Everyone is questioning our existence and talking about it.

I'm particularly uncomfortable with your gaze on Mr. Geena. There are those who show blatant disgust.

"Dear Gina, I'm sorry. A little more, please."

The princess smiles and waves to the people, telling Mr. Geena.

"It's good, I can be. And we're about to."

"Thank you. You and Master Tallow are here. That's all they'll have to be convinced of, too."

"Well, say something. I'll do my best. For the first time in my life, this could be the first time I've had a formal national relationship with a nation."

"I hope so"

Meanwhile, the princess remained smiling, and Mr. Geena stood smiling.

Needless to say, I feel like I can't help but get away from this carriage.

Wow - I just see it stands out, I want to run away. I should have taken the same carriage as Garabagh.

Looking at Cigal, Cigal seemed a little uncomfortable too.

Through the folks, over the castle gate, down from the horse maneuver.

All the soldiers are lined up, like walls of roads. I wonder how far it lasts.

"Let's go. Master Haku, please."

"Hmm? Okay."

Huck comes out of a carriage pulled by a horse who was not frightened of himself and replies to the princess.

"... Galabaugh, too, can you please?

"Huh? Um, me too?

"Yeah, don't you like it?

"Yes, no, that's not true!

The princess speaks to Garabau, and Garabau is bewildered.

But when the princess leans her neck slightly, she hastily affirms.

"Well, you like that."

"Shut up! It's like I'm replacing Branch Manager right now! You can't say no!

Hatsune. I thought you were simply working at the direction of the branch manager.

"Well, that kid's a little rough."

"Hey, don't move on like you're not listening to me!

Mr. Geena's right hand was pointing this way in the form of a big pin when I was playing with Galabagh.

"See you, Galabaugh. Be careful."

I keep my hands up and try to take Sigal away.

"You change. You're too fast..."

He also noticed Garabaugh, sighing.

I'm sure it's a sigh that I can't resist Mr. Geena. It won't be against me for avoiding danger.

"Master Tallow, please wait"

In the meantime, trying to get away from this scene, the princess calls out to me.

"Yes, what is it?

"Please accompany Master Tallow"

The princess bows her head deeply and asks me.

Um, I only have a bad feeling.

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