I don't really want to follow you, but you asked me to keep my head down and be straight with you, and this kid's working on it this time.

Um, what should I do?

"What about Sigal?

"With you, of course."

Is Sigal good with you? Um, then, okay?

Okay, let's go.

"Thank you. May I, Master Sigal?

"Yes, because I know what you want to do, and I'm proud of you."

Mr. Cigal, it seems the princess knows what she wants. Mr. Tallow, as usual, I can't seem to read the flow.

I mean, if you know what I mean, I think it's okay for you to tell me.

No, yeah, you usually know that, don't you? Or if Cigal tells you, there's also a slight chance that you can't get back on your feet.

"Shall we come, gentlemen?"

The princess walks in the lead, the knight follows it, later Mr. Geena, Garabaugh, me, Sigal and Huck.

Um, what the hell? I mean, you absolutely know Mr. Geena, you know, answerably.

As you follow me, I go up a good number of stairs and open the door to a certain room.

You've come a long way.

"Ah, Tallow"

"Heh? Huh!?

There was a master in that room whom I would see a long time ago. Mr. Mirka was sitting on the couch dressed properly.

He's sitting in a pissy outfit, but his eyes still look sleepy.

"... Mirka Granes..."

Boso, Garabaugh squeaks. I can see the power in my hands.

You can't convince me of everything when I say I've managed to sort it out. I'm just trying to eat here and not hang on.

"Quel! Well done, well done, safe!

"Yes, I went home alive. I lived, I could go home. Father."

The king is also in that room, and when he checks on the princess, he runs and hugs the princess.

Did the princess also feel a little relaxed, holding back the king with a few tears in her eyes.

"Thanks to Master Tallow. I'm alive because he was there."


No, well, it's like I did because I did get ahead on my own, but I don't know.

The way I put it, Princess, I feel amazing like I went there to help.

The king hears the words and turns to me.

"Lord Tallow. Apologize for all your disrespect. Well done, well done. You protected my daughter. Thank you, but clean."

Rude? Did they do something to you?

Well, okay. I just know how grateful you are, but you're the king, so let's worry about nothing but my daughter.

"Father, is it Uml's behind you?

"Oh, yeah,"

Eyes on the two with the king behind them. Mr. Mirka and the soldier's uncle.

That guy looks familiar. A soldier who is well at the gate in Wangdu.

When I'm remembering a soldier, you two get out in front of the king and kneel in front of the princess.

"I'll see you first. My name is Mirka Doaz Granes, Captain of the Uml Kingdom, Fist Fighters."

"Likewise, Soldiers, my name is Kaglue Katzaia, captain of the most squadrons"

"Thank you for your kindness. But Master Graness, please stand.

I'm a royal and direct princess, but you're better off. You don't have to get on your knees. "

Oh, what's that? It's better than the princess, Mr. Mirka.

Oh, did Inai say royalty class or something before?

But then it's the same level, or is the royal class, so the royal family is better up there?

"Thank you for your generous words. But I am nothing but a fighter, given the name of Doors.

Your Highness will not despise you. "

"Your 'Doors' means something different than Doors in the history of the Kingdom of Umr. If you were just a fighter, most of the soldiers in the world would be worthless.

So please. Stand up for me and for the soldiers. "

Hmm? Not like the historical doors? I wonder what that means. I wonder if it simply means that Mr. Mirka is too strong for anyone who has ever gotten the name of Doors.

It's actually so strong.

Mr. Mirka stood up and glanced at me.

"Did Tallow not disrespect His Highness?

For a short time, Tallow is my disciple. If you need anything, I'll hold you accountable. "

"That's the way it is. He has a mountain of gratitude, disrespect, etc. When it comes to his master, I was wondering if I should have knelt before Master Granes.

But even though he has no power whatsoever, he is a direct royalty. Forgive me for not kneeling but the king. "

A soldier who doesn't make it faint during this conversation.

But was this man the captain? Speaking of which, even when I was talking to Inai, it seemed like my position was saying something like this.

"Please stand up, too. You have saved our people.

If you were disrespectful, they would not need your lives.

Thank you. Just thank you. "

The princess bows her head to both of them. Can I keep my head down?

Kneeling down doesn't mean anything to you.

Is that it? I remember the princess kneeling to me.

... Yeah, let's not worry about it.

But I saw Mr. Mirka talking slurred a long time ago. This guy doesn't make half the difference between what he usually does and what he does.

"Have you spoken to Master Graness?

"Earlier. Are you sure?

"Yeah, there's no point in hiding it. Rather, it's bad to get here and hide it. If they're Uml, they're still here."

"Okay. Let's live up to your trust. by the name of Doaz and by this fist"

"Thank you. Please wait a little longer."

The princess, taking the king and the knight, opens the door that is beyond the room and goes beyond it.

Yeah, which is the king, that one.

"Tallow, how are you?

Mr. Mirka spoke to me when he saw it.

"Mm, there."


This is it. Who were you talking about earlier? That's the level.

Mr. Mirka turns straight to Cigal.

"Cigal, right? Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Master Graness!

"Haha, Mirka is fine"

Mr. Mirka is kind to Sigal's head. I can narrow my sleepy eyes even more.

"It's Master Mirka, okay?

"Um... Inai, what are you calling it?

"Inai, I call you sister."

"So then. And the way you talk is just like Inai, okay?"

"... Mirka, your sister?


Mr. Mirka strokes Cigal again after he is called his sister by Cigal.

Caressing and looking at the sky.

"I wonder how my sisters are. I haven't been to see you lately."

"Uh, Mr. Mirka, did you have a sister?

"Yeah, I'm here. Full."

"How many sisters?

"... about sixty people?

"Too many!

What's with the big family? The Engel coefficient doesn't seem to be half.

"That, I didn't tell you. I'm an orphan. Lynn, uh, orphanage together."

"It's my first ear."


Mr. Mirka, were you an orphan?

I mean, was Mr. Lynn an orphan, too? They told me about the shock.

Ignore my confusion, now I see Huck.

"You were the white dragon then, weren't you? Nice to meet you. I was sorry to not see you once when you came to Wang Du."

"It's Huck! Nice to meet you, Milka!

"Yeah, Mr. Huck. Best regards,"

"... is there a different way to talk? Are you out of your mind?

"Yeah... um, because, you know, it's the nature that I want to make a good distinction between my insides and those who don't"

'You don't have to worry about it!

"haha... I'll do good"

Haku puts his arms together and flirts. You look great. [M]

In other words, is Sigal inside for Mr. Mirka?

Well, inside you. If you think you're going to be Inai's family, you're going to be a close person to Mr. Mirka.

"Tallow, can you introduce me to you?

Mr. Mirka turns to Garabagh and tells me.

Introduction, huh? I don't know what to do. Stupid. Honestly?

Garabau sees Mr. Mirka all the time with an indescribable look.

"This guy is Galabaugh. In the Veterinarians..."

The moment I heard the words, Mr. Mirka's eyes narrowed. That's not a sleepy eye, either, with tight eyes.

"... it's stupid"

Yeah, what are you talking about, me? This is terrible for boulders. I don't know what Garabagh's talking about. He looks like a cancer guy.

'Cause Mr. Mirka's eyes sharpened and he was upset!

"Hey! What an introduction! I'm not a fool!

"No, sorry, I felt honest when I was worried about how to introduce you"

"You either apologize or denigrate!?

"I can't believe I disparaged you. You should look at yourself objectively.

"Oh, you, you really are!

Garabagh complains to me as he mentions it. 'Cause I didn't think I'd say that either. I can't help it.


A laugh echoes in the room. Mr. Mirka is laughing as much as he wants when he sees it.

Me and Garabagh are decent, but Sigal is nicotine, and Mr. Geena has perfectly warm eyes to feel.

"Ha, no, yeah. Good.... nice to meet you, Mr. Galabaugh"

"Oh, oh, nice to meet you"

Good? What was good about it?

Garabaugh normally says hello back to you because of the flow earlier.

"Tallow and I need you to get along."

"... no, the"

"I refuse"

Garabagh was stuck with the answer, so I answered with it.

"Don't you answer that!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Don't follow me! Oh, already!"

Garabagh gets angry with his head upside down. I thought you didn't have enough calcium.

Mr. Mirka opens his mouth when he looks at us and goes back to his sleepy eyes as usual.

"I'm sorry. For you, I must be the one to resent.

You can resent me. You don't have to forgive me. But it has nothing to do with Tallow. So please just resent me.

If you want to overthrow me, please come to Umr anytime. We will deal with you. I can't let you get hit, but I'll deal with you as many times as I want. "

"... what?

Mr. Mirka lowered his head toward Garabagh and told Garabagh that he would be his opponent at any time.

Garabaugh has his eyes dotted.

"You know everything."

"It's not everything. But Daimyo..."

"... right"

Garabaugh sneers when he hears Mr. Mirka's words and immediately looks up.

"I won't be your opponent now. One day when you're to the point of becoming someone, go for a challenge."

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you"

"... is that what you're doing to the rest of them?

"Yes, because I am a fighter. Until they meet their feelings with this fist."

Mr. Mirka grips his fist with his chest.

It's a favorite thing to do.

"I intend to be sincere to those who challenge the Doors for their sake."

"Doors, not Mirka Granes"


In response to Mr Mirka's strong reply, is Garabau convinced or falls back?

Lean against the wall and stand up to devise something.

"Well, am I the last?

Mr. Geena easily approaches Mr. Mirka. Speaking of which, are these two okay in relation to each other?

You're relative in war, aren't you?

"Yeah, it's been a while"

You look good.

Oh, good. Seems fine for you. If you think about it, Mr. Geena, I'm here in Uml, and you're okay.

"Yeah, I left alive."

'Cause you've done it right.'

"Yeah, you treated me like a kid."

"That's not true. You were strong."

"Now maybe we can make that extra room go away for you"

"... you want to try?

That's what this shitty conversation is about. On top of Mr. Mirka's fist being gripped, Mr. Geena also changes the atmosphere slightly.

Oh, come on, you can't be here. No, he told me if it wasn't here. It's not like that either.

"Ma, if I ever get a chance"

"Hehe, you're right. If you get a chance."

Mr. Mirka opens his fist and Mr. Geena sits on the couch.

I was a little scared. Stop it, right? That kind of thing.

And in the meantime, he was a soldier standing without being slight by the entrance.

My face has always been Nico smiling, though.

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