"By the way, what are we going to do after this?"

Everyone turns to me at the same time for my remarks.

What's Garabaugh talking about this guy? And the face.

Mr. Mirka, well, I think he looks tallow.

Sigal says something, uh. My face is smiling though.

Mr. Geena looked away with a bitter smile.

The soldier smiles.

Haku is silently eating sweets.

Oh, not everyone.

"What, did I say something weird?

"You said it."

"You said it."

Mr. Mirka and Garabaugh's voices overlap.

"Well, Tallow can't help it. I don't know anything about common sense."

"Uh, what's that?"

To Mr. Mirka's words, Mr. Geena devours.

"Tallow is not from this world."

"What do you mean?

"Tallow came to this world by falling into a dimensional rift. So Tallow doesn't know much about common sense in this world."

Gina and Garabaugh give a surprising look to Mr. Mirka's words.

Soldiers don't move. He seemed to know Inai, and you're listening?

"Oh well... so that's when you didn't move on me and you said your tail was splendid"

"Uh, well, is that right? You couldn't have been prejudiced."

"I see"

Nodding that Mr. Geena was satisfied.

"But that must have been tough."

"Well, yes, but it was Lin and the others who first met, so it was helpful"

"Oh, so"

Mr. Geena listens to me and sees Mr. Mirka.

"If I hadn't gotten help, I'd be in the belly of the subdragon by now"

"I miss you. It wasn't that long ago, but I felt it quite a while ago."

"That's right."

At the time, I had no idea you could be the kind of person who could fight this far.

"So, they introduced me to Mirka Granes and told me I polished my moves"

"No, er"

Mr. Geena apparently thinks my technology is planted by Mr. Mirka.

But I don't know how to reply. I mean, can I tell you something?

Something tells me that knowing who the masters are, I'm starting to worry about whether it's okay to say it casually.

"Hmm? No? Didn't I just say apprentice?

"It was everyone but Oomlow and Gruddur who trained him."

What am I going to answer, Mr. Mirka answers instead?

Is it good to say nothing normal?

"... that six of the eight heroes trained him?


"Yes, that means that his full exercise of magic is the teachings of Celes Uml... I see, hey. Something convincing."

I was convinced. But I don't think I'm too busy exercising magic this time.

"When you burned the city, why did you make it so weak?

"Well, it was pretty thorough."

"Hmm? But you used magic when you swept away the dragon, didn't you? That magic could be more powerful."

Magic? Oh, yeah, maybe Mr. Geena is mistaken.

Mr. Geena said she felt a great deal of magic. That's not my power alone.

"Maybe it was when you used this."

That's what I said, take out the engineer's sword.

"Magic Technician Sword... the sword you had when you met me. Could it be Inai Stell's?

"Yeah, it's Inai's production. I've swept away the demons with this."

"Yes, but you can use it properly."

"Yeah, well."

"... that's funny, you. Really funny."

Mr. Geena looks at me with a fun-loving smile on her heart.

"Hey, Tallow"

"Hmm, what?

Suddenly Garabaugh calls. What the hell.

"Is that flower the sword trick?"

"Well, yeah."


Answering Garabaugh, Mr. Geena becomes the face of doubt again.

"One of these sword attacks is something that looks like a flower."

"Oh, it's elaborate. It's very different from what it looks like."

Takeshi, huh? Indeed. The central pile and the reverse helical blade on it. That's big there too.

Pretty dangerous if you stick it in, even if it's not activated. Besides, now that the blade is closed, it doesn't look like an extra piece of cleavage.

"Um, so, what's coming..."

The story keeps slipping away, so I'm fixing it.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry"

Mr. Geena apologizes with a bitter smile. Something's going on with my tail.

"Finally, it's a victory report to the people. He wants us to be there."

"Victory report?

"Well. That demon is a demon that we don't have any other love for, but it's quite a threat to normal people.

It's the princess's victory report. "

Victory report. Hmm. But why do you need Mr. Mirka and Mr. Geena there?

"Um, Master Geena, I'm not strong enough to take you down at your leisure, am I?

"Wow, I can't either."

Garabagh and Sigal argue against the part where there is no other love.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry"

Apparently, Mr. Geena thought they could both defeat the dragon at their leisure, and apologizes with a puffy cheek.

So, the back door opens. The princess herself opened the door and looked at this one.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ready."

Everyone moves to the words there. Except me.

After a while, Sigal pulls my arm.

"Let's go, Mr. Tallow"

"Oh, yeah"

The knights open the door beyond the door, pulled by Cigal without understanding the situation yet.

Then I hear a tremendous noise.

People's voices. A lot of people's voices, they're ringing.

Out at the end of the door, it's like a balcony. I mean, the balcony?

The princess proceeds with a firm foothold and stops with too many railings.

Then my voice gets even louder. A cheer. A tremendous cheer.

We stand a little behind the princess. It's a great sight. People seem to be ants because they're pretty high up.

Because it's dense, it's amazing.

The princess stands still looking under her eyes.

Well, what kind of victory report do you report?

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