At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

I'll borrow your soldier's breasts!

"hey... hey... hey..."

"Um, shall we get this far?"

"... hey... thank you..."

Mr. Kaglue turns the spear hyung-hyun like a kung fu movie barb, becomes royal, pierces the ground, and tells the end of the pair of hands.

I thank him out of breath, kneeling and hands on the spot.

"Ha... ha... sigh... one, sigh..."

It reminds me of a pair of hands that didn't work, and that's all I can think of.

Mr. Caglue Katzaia. He is the gatekeeper of the basic king's capital, the captain of the soldier's most squad.

Mr. Mirka said that his accomplishments are not spoken of and heroes who do not. A real warrior.

Soldiers who would have also gained the status of Saint Knight if they wanted to. Just soldiers. Soldiers who are proud of what they do.

Mirka seemed to enjoy talking about Mr. Caglue.

That face is the same as when you talk about Mr. Lynn and the others. My dear fellow, I'd like to say something amazing.

I have a hard time supporting myself and roll on my back. Then the shadow stabbed him. It's Mirka.

"What do you say?"

"I don't know... I don't care... nothing worked... ha... ha..."

I will answer honestly because Mirka asked me what the group thought.

Nothing worked. Of course, I don't use a technician sword. That one on the boulder is dangerous.

But I used almost everything else.

No body surgery, no swordsmanship, no sorcery, no tools made of alchemy, nothing worked.

All smiled and could never break beyond the spear.

I was in the mood to cut in with my sword and no longer what to do when I was prevented from smiling at the spiritual stone Buppa accidental blow in my hand that I had kept.

Attack magic requires chanting. For me, that was the biggest fire attack magic I could do in no time.

After that, it's time to go. They say yes or nothing, and they turn it into an attack, and it's probably reduced to something like this.

If they turned to attack, all they could do was act defensively. Because the moment you try to fight back, you will crush that outpouring.

"Uncle, you're strong."

I can't be strong. Too strong. Not at all talkative. Simple speeds aren't that fast. But I can't do anything.

"You're too strong... you were there besides these people, Mr. Lynn..."

"Lynn, we can have a meeting, Uncle."

I can't. I'll never win. You can meet with Mr. Lynn, or you'll never win. I don't feel like I can win. I don't feel like a battle in the first place.

"No way, such as we can meet. To the extent that we can do it thoroughly in defense. If you try to move on to the attack, it will be over in an instant."

"Still, if you don't get serious about Lynn, you can't win"

"I'll lift it. Even Master Granes, isn't he?

"I haven't, yet"

"That's the way it is. I've never beaten you before. At least not after the war."

"'Cause, uncle, I would never do it for real"

"Well, is that right?

The two of us are laughing fun, but this is a puffy one.

Damn, I don't get it at all. Daily magic training also increased the efficiency of enhancement and greatly sped it up, but it's far from Mr. Lynn. Fundamental local power isn't what I talk about in my physical abilities as a bit of a trained average person.

Besides, there is no better fighting technique than Mr. Lynn or Mr. Mirka. There's no way you can win. I know it's not there, but I regret that nothing works so far.

But I hid a little power. I didn't use quadruple reinforcement with a pair of hands with him.

Somehow, but I didn't want to show it to you. I really don't know.

However, honestly, I feel that it is the same result even if I use it. I can win. I can't win. That's not the dimension. He was a pair of hands who didn't think it would work no matter what he did.

"Good day, Mr. Tallow. Yes, water."

"Ah... thanks... sigal..."

Get water from Cigal to moisten your throat. It's been a long time since I've done everything I could to get this far and been moved to cough without breathing.

The water is delicious because I thought of the sweat.

"I don't know what it's like to be stylish. That magic, normally, was a power that could easily wipe out every human being.

You're kidding me, too, but that Osama who can crush it without a problem is more of a joke. "

Garabagh, who was touring the group, sees where I threw the Spirit Stone.

The storm, the scorching heat, the water pressure, the soil mass, the flash, the level I can come up with, and the magic that's full of pre-filled.

The ground is heavily decided. But there is no damage behind it from a certain point. It's like a small cliff.

That means that he used some means to prevent and crush everything at that point.

"I didn't know. Uncle the gatekeeper was so strong."

"Nkun ku... puha. I don't even know Sigal."

"Yeah, Mirka, it sounds like you're close to your sister, but I don't know that, including that"

"Speaking of which, I was close to Inai."

Why is this happening? Things are simple. After that, I asked Mr. Mirka about the soldier and he told me that after the earlier explanation, I should try to match him up once.

Then the princess asked me to give her permission to visit, and the branch manager joined her for some reason.

Some of the knights were escorted away from the city to do things with Mr. Caglue.

The result is this. The way Mr Mirka put it, it sounds like he's saying he's stronger than Mr Mirka. But the person in question denies it.

It doesn't reach either of them at all. I can't measure its sincerity.

"Well, because I'm good at defense. I'm good at enduring warfare, but I'm not good at annihilation."

It's a lie, an absolute lie. I was strong enough not to get stylish when I went into this guy's offense.

You've crushed all the attacks, and I don't trust those words.

"This is the power of the Umr kingdom. I'm really surprised."

"Yeah, really. There's no point in having all our soldiers here."

Branch chiefs and princesses who watched in the distance also come this way.

The knight of the escort is coming too, but it feels horrible. It frightens me.

"Dear Tallow, you have shown great things. Thank you."

"No, uh, thank you to Mr. Mirka. He's the one who suggested it."

"So is that. I'm sorry."

The princess bows her head with pepper and honestly goes to Mr. Mirka. The knight and branch manager also follow. Galabagh then followed the branch manager as well.

The conversation is now as good as it can be, but I want to breathe a little more calmly.

I want to take the day off.

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