"Good day, Mr. Tallow"

"Ah, Mr. Geena"

He says he wants to see the whole thing from afar and walks up to Mr. Geena, who was going somewhere by herself.

... Yeah, a little town. Where did it come from now?

I didn't realize that right now. I'm tired of thinking about it, but I haven't solved the detective magic. There was no presence approaching from afar.

"Um, Mr. Geena, where did you come from now?

"Heh, I walked here normally, didn't I?

"... Huh?

Oh, hang in there, what do you mean? Maybe inhibitory magic. Do you always use it?

Didn't you notice that before? I can't see the flow at all when I use magic.

"Well, I always use detection, do you use inhibitory magic or something?

"Yeah, I didn't use it. But I'm gonna find me, and if I don't, I don't think it's gonna work, okay?

What its properties. Wait a minute, I heard some terrible scary facts.

There's no such thing as a demon, is there?

"Well, can there be anyone else of that nature? Something like that."

"Isn't there because demons are rather releasing magic?

"Oh, really?"

Good, that's just a little reassuring.

But then is it just Mr. Geena's trait?

But when we meet again, you know we're getting close.

"But when we met again in the meantime, we knew right away, didn't we?

"When I met you, I was in battle as much as I wanted. I deal with magic that always finds its place."

"Oh, I see"

I hadn't noticed because I hadn't been explicitly aware of Mr. Geena's proximity before.

Maybe I was tired too than I thought. Something's wrong with not realizing it until now.

No, honestly, I think I'm peak and tired right now.

"How is that?

"I'm simply losing as much magic as I can that I'm naturally releasing outside.

The magic of the detection system is only an object that explores magic, so if you don't have the magic to get out of your body, you won't know. Now I think my magic power is smaller than it is in the world. "

Um, I think I'm doing something similar...

Oh, yeah! Maybe he's been doing the same thing since he hid from Inai!

Something like that when you're conscious of keeping all the power you have inside you, or life activities.

Although I can only breathe shallow and without any physical movement.

"I'd like to give it a try, like this?

I'll do it when I hide. I'll try that in front of Mr. Geena.

Actually, this, I eventually worked out to surprise Mr. Lynn, has a zero success rate.

Even if you can't find it, it's useless because Mr. Lynn isn't already there on the verge of an attack.

"Oh, yeah. What? I can't do this."

Apparently, this is the correct answer. Well, I was aware that the magic was flowing faintly, but when I was hiding, I was desperate to hide, and I didn't realize that I wasn't out.

Could it be that he's back to normal during the attack?

No, isn't Mr. Lynn a different way because he can't use magic?

"Even if I say I can, I can only do it when I'm hiding."

"Still think it's amazing, huh? There's no one around me who can."

"Oh, no one?

"Yeah, nobody. There are many children who can do similar things in magic, but there are no children who can suppress their magic."

Hom, there are a lot of people who can use inhibitory magic.

Mr. Celes was doing well, too.

Hmm, is that it? Could it be that detection prevention that Mr. Sells was doing, could it be this way?

That guy could do it, but normally inhibitory magic is also an amazing arm. Either way.

Because you can't see him using magic in the first place. When you realize it, the magic will be released and you can do it, and you can't see the magic.

"But he, as usual, can't see the bottom. I don't suppose you're willing to show it."

"Do you know anything about Mr. Caglue?

"Yeah, I know. I've never fought directly, but I know some of its strength.

Maybe he's seriously unmotivated, except for the battle he needs to get serious about.

I guess you're not willing to show people your true strength, especially with training, except in battles where you have to put your life on the line.

But to that extent, that strength is inherently a threat. "

That's right. It's like he's not serious. And yet here I am.

Played like good.

And for him, I guess Mr. Lynn and the others are perceptions that he'll never win in that range.

I just don't know how much if I'm serious.

"And so are you."

"Oh, is that me?

"Yeah, you're amazing."

"Yeah, it was a bump."

"No, not compared to him, no? He's the one standing shoulder to shoulder with Linda, isn't he?

Sure, that might be true. There's something wrong with being able to do it with Mr. Lynn.

I'm so freaked out by a serious blow that I can't move!

"You were so strong."

"Oh, thank you"

Something got me praised by a very strong man. I'm a little happy.

"But you're not serious."


No, you did your best, didn't you?

Oh, no, didn't you use the quadruple reinforcement?

"You probably have a hidden ball. I don't ask why, but you didn't like to use it while you were doing it with him."

Oh, he's found out. How did you find out? You didn't show it to this guy.

The only people I used that with were Huck and Garabagh. The only person who saw it and could see how it worked was Cigal.

"Well, you shouldn't be showing your trump cards in training more than being a warrior, so I won't ask you about that.

It should be used where you have to be mean. "

"Oh, really?"

Apparently, I'm not asking you to show me that power.

"It was just unexpected that I would hold the hidden balls properly and not use that technician sword, but this strength.

If you'd been on the battlefield during the war, you might have been nine instead of eight. "

"Uh, isn't that impossible? It's tough on me to kill people, except in self-defense or to help someone, or to slaughter something as awful as it sounds. Besides, I don't feel like I can stand an anomalous space called war forever."

Especially since the Subhuman War was definitely on the way, and it was important to them, it should have been a fight to live.

If you don't know that, and just feel like fighting someone you've ravaged, maybe you can go. But one day the truth will be known. It's suspicious if I can stand the truth then.

"And this power of mine was given to me by those eight heroes. I'm sure I wouldn't have made it to the heights of those people with them."

Yeah, I'm going to tell you. I'm sure I couldn't go with you. It's just amazing, I think I was watching.

You'd just be the average person behind you, looking in the eye admiring what a hero looks like.

"Really? And I think you're beyond that."

"That's because those people were there. 'Cause I thought those people were' normal 'in this world."

"Oh, I see. The fundamental criteria were different."

"Besides, he worked out relentlessly, so... I can't thank you enough."

The training days were tough but fun. Every day there was fun.

Really, it was fun. Most importantly, I have something I got because of that every day.

There is something important.

"Yeah, I knew you were funny. How far are you... going?

"How far? Uh, no, you haven't decided on your final destination in particular, have you? In a relaxing tourist mood."

"What? Tourism?

"Oh, that, didn't I tell you? I'm traveling on a tour."

"... tourism... kan... here"

Mr. Geena whines about what I said more than once as a pocan.

But gradually, he leans down. I don't know, I think I pissed you off.

"Kuku... kuku... hahahahahahahahaha!!

I was afraid I'd pissed him off and he suddenly burst into laughter. Something. What was so funny?

You're all over this way because Mr. Geena suddenly laughed so hard.

"Like! You're so good! I love kids like you!

"Oh, oh, thank you"

I was told that I liked it with great pleasure. Maybe this means something I like.

'Cause you're still laughing.

That's some princess's face. Oh, when I looked at him, I slipped back into his face.

Hmm? Is that what Mr. Geena just said? Aren't you a little too sensitive?

When I glanced at him, Sigal looked something nasty and was gripping my hem. Yeah, I think you guys are a little too much of a love brain.

"Yeah, yeah, I thought it would be better when I first met you, but I thought it would be better. Good for you."

When I'm done laughing, I say good again with a very gentle face.

I was a little thrilled with the colorful face, completely different from the one I was laughing at earlier.

"If you're willing to come, you can come to us sometime. You're welcome."

"Oh, thank you"

Oh, I thought we were going far north, but it's going to be surprisingly close.

"Well, I'll talk to the princess for a second and you'll be home. It's time to go home or you'll be pissed off."

Speaking of which, could this man be unauthorized? Normally I don't think I'm just sorry I got mad at you for that.

Mr. Geena waves to the princess and the Mirkas.

When I looked at you, Haku was there for some reason. Why not?

Huck, what are you doing?

"Uh, maybe I'd like to do it with your sister Mirka and your uncle the gatekeeper"

"He's really amazing."

You know what those two are capable of. Do you want me to do it? No, that's the mouth he wants to do because he knows.

I hope I don't get hurt badly one day.

"I'm stuck."

I roll in big letters again.

"Haha, good job"

Cigal sits beside it.

"... Hey, Sigal"

"Mm, what, Mr. Tallow?"

I look at Cigal as I roll. I'm looking at this one with a gentle smile.

"... I like it. Thanks."

Tell Sigal what it feels like to be in her chest right now as she strokes her cheeks. If this kid hadn't been here, this would have been a bad time for me.

I am aware of my weakness. That's why I care about and love these kids who make up for their weakness, and I greatly appreciate it.

"... haha, you're welcome"

Cigal laughs and answers lightly.

Looking at her like that, I don't think she needs to catch up with me.

Rather, in another strength, she must be better up there. Thanks. Thanks for staying by my side.

But for now, I'm tired already today. I want to go to bed now.

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