At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

Are you the man the branch manager ordered you to use?

"Ren, didn't he come today?


Oh, you mean Tanaka Tallow. They've been asking me every day for the past few days.

"Ah, Branch Manager. No, I was here today..."

I came with a girl named Sigal and saw her talking to Garabaugh.

Garabaugh was looking at this one and talking about something, so I thought you were coming this way. After the three of us went to the training center, I went straight home. I wonder what that was.

"... for union work?

"Uh, I'm nothing"

"Not even at all for reception?

"Um, excuse me. A lot of people today. A little from me..."

I temporarily turned to everyone at the training center in large quantities, but they all twitched back here and ended up being chased to work, unable to move.

"... you're here. Does he know what he's done?

"... come on?

The branch manager looks at the sky with his hands on his chin.

Tanaka Tallow. He doesn't really know what he's thinking.

I seem to always talk to Garabagh only to respond to most humans, and I do amazing things with my face.

That unchanging transfer to the boulder surprised me. Even though the metastasis itself is a tricky magic trick in the first place. That magic control is impossible with half-breed skill.

"Hmm. Maybe you can't wait for this. Ren, would you please call me?

"... uh, me, is it?

"Yeah, something wrong? You're almost done with your work today, aren't you? If there's anything left, I can clean it up in the meantime, right?

"Oh, I can't let that happen! That way, it's okay!

Branch manager looks at this one strangely.

But I have a reason why I can't go get him.

I mean, I had many chances to talk to him. But I was deliberately trying not to look at each other.

Because I'm staying there when I get home, so there are plenty of opportunities.

I just don't have the right face for him.

"Oh well. One thing with Garabaugh, right?

I got angry unilaterally without asking what was going on, pushed my point on my own, and on top of that I said that my assessment of you was my mistake or something. "

"Shh, shh, shh, shh!

Why do you bother to explain it properly!

Look, the junior next door looks wow!

"Isn't this a good opportunity?

Says the branch manager with a gentle smile, not a slightly frigid grin like he usually does.

"Good, is it an opportunity"

"Yeah, it's gonna be a hassle having officials and unionists hanging out all the time, and come and apologize, Papa. Bring me here, please."

... Could you have asked me for it from the beginning?

I really can't eat, Branch Manager.

"Ha... I get it. But they might hate you, so maybe you won't even come if you apologize, right? It's time too."

It's time to finish your meal and some people will be asleep. Rather, I have a lot left too.

"Well, at that time,"

I wave a flicker into the back of the branch manager's office.

... If you think about it, it's weird that the person that that guy was after is here and he's caged in his room.

Mostly that guy, he's been caged the last few days, even though there's more out there.

"Wow... on the palm of my hand"

No, of course he had a job, but probably the branch manager didn't come out after realizing he was here today.

Don't bother to leave me alone in a bad mood for a hero.

"I can't help it..."

I'll just take my wallet and head home.

No other luggage. I'll be back anyway.

"Ha, I feel heavy... and to be honest, I'm a little scared"

When I first spoke properly, I thought he was a good man. He's the kind of guy who goes out of his way to cure injuries to people he doesn't know.

But when I saw Garabagh get hurt badly and tried to bare the union, I asked Garabagh what was going on fragmentarily and told him something wrong.

When I calmed down, Garabagh also said he did it properly himself, but he was so hurt that he was full of his head.

That's when he apologized to me without objection.

I should have felt uncomfortable there if it was true, but I was coming to my head and I looked down at him.

Which is a shame.

And so he is now the hero who saved the country.

I'm just a union employee. I have his information in there, too.

No, some things come in because I'm an official.

Says, no matter how many dragons you have, you can't get into battle.

Says, trained by eight heroes of Umr, successor of the heroes.

Says a man who can win and obey a true dragon.

Says the princess saw me, the man who kicked it.

Says even Wang Du is a demolishable user of magic with a single blow.

Normally, it's a rumor with a tail.

But I can't tell him about it.

First the princess made a statement that could clearly be described as a proposal for marriage in front of the people.

And he let it go, saying he didn't need anything else. That guy is crazy at that point already.

I can't normally think of a civilian saying no to the royalty directly from the front.

As far as combat capability is concerned, Garabaugh has asked me.

Even if that kid does it for real, he says it's strength with no hands, no legs. That's what she said about Umuru.

No doubt about it.

As for the dragon, a lot of people see that the dragon went to him.

As for magic, it just proved it.

There is no mistake in being associated with Uml's hero because that Mirka Granes came to us.

Honestly, I think I got caught up in a hell of a person.

I'm rather afraid that he hasn't said anything.

I figured I'd stop going...

How dare you arrive? I wonder why the distance is shorter when you're buried in thought.

I can't help it, let's go...

of the inn, opens the inn side door, enters, looks sideways at the bustle of the dining room, and goes in front of the room where he is staying.

"Sooo... ha..."

I took a gentle, deep breath, trying to knock on the door, and I heard something, like groaning.

"Ugh... kuah... sigal"

"What do you think? It feels good."

"Ah... ah... where is this..."

"I'm studying a lot, too, right?

... Uh, hey, wait, what are you doing?

Yes, no, it sounds like those two fiancées, and isn't that strange?

Yeah, but is he better off attacking?

No, I'm not. What am I gonna do with this?

I mean, why is a man making such a more boring voice!

It pisses me off that you have a good voice with luster in vain!

Um, what do we do? What do you think? Back to the union honestly?

But hey. Something's going on. That's why we don't have the courage to storm where we enjoy ourselves.

"What are you gonna do to me..."

Things are getting too unexpected to know what to do.

And for now, I think we should also evacuate to Garabau.

"Oh, kah... guh..."

"Oh, did it hurt?

"Yes, no, it feels good"

"Mm, good."

These two, I wonder if you know what I'm hearing...

If you know what I'm doing, it's amazing...

"... thank you"

No, it's not for you. Why am I sweating so hard in front of the door?

My face is hot with no heart.

Wait, what am I trying to do now? Wait, wait, wait.

I wonder why you wouldn't find out if you opened the door softly.

No, that's why you put your hand on the handle. Me.

I try to open the door gently with such thoughts and actions completely out of alignment.

Just a little, really little, opened it without making a sound and tried to look inside.

"What can I do for you?

"Ah, the receptionist's sister"

"Oh, wow!

Two people were sitting in front of the open door.

Hey, why!?

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