At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

The girl at the reception says she has business!

"Sigal, you can tell me what you want to do, okay?

I'm worried about the cigar that I made her go out with today, and I'll ask her if she doesn't have anything she wants to do.

"Oh, yeah, it's hot, isn't it?

'I am!

Yeah, Haku knows. You could have done whatever you wanted today.

"Really? I feel like I've been hanging out lately."

"I enjoy being with you, so you're trying to do it, right?

"Hmm, I hope so"

Something about it, I don't know if I've made you put up with it. I'm worried about that.

"If you say one thing"

"Mm, what?

Oh, is there one after all? Yeah, I'll do whatever I can.

"I wonder if you'd be happy not to leave me this time"

"Excuse me. Ah!

Nico smiled and said to Sigal, he sat down immediately.

"Oh, don't apologize for exaggerating."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

I'm sorry for all this. One wrong step, Sigal was a victim.

It's hard to apologize.

"Mm, I'm in trouble. You're not mad at me, are you?

"Thank you, Sigal. But is there anything I can do?

"Hmm? Oh, well, fall asleep in bed for a bit."

"In bed?

"Yeah. Lie down."


Sigal's right, I'm going to lie down in bed.

Then Sigal spans my back and touches my back with a pepper to make sure of something.

"Si, sigal?

"Um, wait a minute. 'Cause I'm checking now."

"Oh, yeah"

"... this heck?

After touching my body all the way through, Cigal pressures me to dive my thumb at a certain point, rubbing it to move the muscles around her hips.

I felt like I was losing strength in the way I felt.

"Heh... ahh, what... this..."

"Eh heh."

No, no, no, no, no, no. What is this? It feels great.

I've had Inai relax before, and I feel that way, but this is a different kind of thing.

I've never been to a massage or anything, but how do you feel about that?

"Ugh... kuah... sigal"

"What do you think? It feels good."

"Ah... ah... where is this..."

"I'm studying a lot, too, right?

Study. Where did you learn this?

No, well, we're not together all four or six, so maybe I checked something like this somewhere.

Sigal gradually rises up from her hips. The rubbing method moves the muscles in the same way, while also pressurizing and unrubbing where the force stops.

Shit, this sucks. Feels good enough to be a habit.

There is a strange voice over the loss of power. Haku leans his neck strangely.

If there was anything Cigal wanted to do, if there was anything I could do. Is it good for me to feel better?

Oh, but is this what you want to do, too? Oh, I feel good and I can't get my head around it.

"Oh, kah... guh..."

"Oh, did it hurt?

"Yes, no, it feels good"

"Mm, good."

Well, I feel terrible about this. I feel good, but I'm concerned that someone doesn't move at all across the door.

Hmm, what are you doing?

"Sigal, can I have a moment?

"Mm, what?

"Somebody's coming."

"Mmm, okay."

I'm in front of the door. I'm concerned that someone won't make it slight, and I'll sneak up on magic to see how it goes.

Isn't that the girl at the reception?

... I wonder why he's crouching and trying to open the door.

I go right in front of the door and crouch to get the same gaze. Sigal is coming with me and riding behind me.

The door opens slowly, eyes to eyes with her.

"What can I do for you?

"Ah, the receptionist's sister"

"Oh, wow!

When she meets me, she falls behind in surprise.

I just pull my hand and hug it.

"It's dangerous. If I hit him in the head, I don't know what it is."

"Yes. I'm sorry."

She apologizes away from me for doing this.

"Um, so what can I do for you?

"Oh, well, the branch manager needs you, Mr. Tallow, so he asked me to call him."

"The branch manager? I don't know."

If you need anything, tell me when you did it with Mr. Caglue, I would have gone right to it later.

Well, as good as that is, let's hear another one.

"Why did you try to open the door softly?

"Oh, you know, that's, uh"

When I hear that, I move my hand and make my face bright red to clog the words.

"Did I make a mistake in Mr. Tallow's voice?

"Ah, uh, the"

To Sigal's remarks, she turns even brighter red and sees Sigal.

Mistake? I wonder what that means.

"I know you're interested, but I think you'd like to take a peek, wouldn't you?

"Oh, well, I'm sorry"

Yeah? Were you interested in the massage I was being given and trying to peek?

"Well, that's fine. I guess I was just a little interested."

To the extent that I was making a little weird noise when I was peeked.

... No, you're embarrassed to think calmly.

"Ugh... excuse me"

To my statement, she leans over with her face red and apologizes.

I'm starting to feel like I'm being harsh.

"Stay, well, don't worry too much"

"... thank you"

She nodded, thanking her, turning this way after a few moments and bowing her head again.

"Apart from the Branch Manager's errands, I didn't think I would personally apologize to you. I'm sorry I've been rude before."

Hmm? Did something happen?

Instead, I can only remember her doing something I'm sorry for, except peeking earlier.

"Is there something wrong?


What are you talking about? This guy looked at me.

"No, there's nothing I should be sorry for, is there?

"Uh, but the"

"Couscous. It's okay. This is who Mr. Tallow is."

Sigal sees our exchange and tells her with a giggling grin.

What kind of person is this?

"Well, let's see, Mr. Tallow"

"Yeah, yeah. What about Huck?

'I'm following you!

"Rikai. Then I'll go now. It's good in the union, right?

"Uh, ah, yes"

When she tells her that we are going, she answers with a thoughtless reply.

There's something pokin 'about it. Did I say something weird?

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