Next, let's go.

I hold a spear in the blacksmith's courtyard and flush the mold in front of my disciples so that it can be a model.

He touches heavily in the country for the subsequent training of blacksmiths, and he still trains the people who gather for it today.

Looks like I've been recruiting before I got back to King's Capital, and as soon as I got back, we got together within a few days.

Most of the people recruited and gathered had already done the basics in the first place.

So while I taught the basics to those who didn't have the basics, I heard the metals they had never used and taught them how to make them.

In parallel, I am admirably pushing the argument that I do not know the usefulness or otherwise, where I have made weapons that I cannot use myself.

Ever since that day, I have been teaching techniques using martial arts and blacksmiths, as I did when I was teaching Tallow.

Except for Tallow, he never made me do it my way, but this time he's my apprentice, and he means my successor, so I'm trying to make him do it.

"Please don't!

One day like that, one of my disciples screamed that during his training.

"... Hmm, what?

"Workout of martial arts on the day you come and the day you come! We're not here to be soldiers! I'm here to learn from you as a blacksmith!

"Oh, hey, don't."

"Shut up! You guys aren't dissatisfied either! The blacksmith business can't be taught in a busy manner, just in the days when you can teach how to handle weapons!

He also yells at his disciple who tries to stop him, saying that his heart will all be the same.

"... Hmm, do we all?

"No, the..."

"... hey."

I don't say it as clearly as he screamed, but they all seem to have similar feelings.

"Master! No, Master Arne Igifonea Bolodore!

Aren't you just being asked by the state and pretending to teach us no choice?

Don't let your status be jeopardized!

The first time I yelled at him, he just bites at me saying he's still not saying enough.

But I'm not obsessed with this position. Just live as a blacksmith, that's fine.

"Hmm. I'm not obsessed with this position, am I?

I'll give it to you if you want. You can tell His Majesty. I think I deserve Igifonea. "

"Oh, that's"

Look at this with a giddy, creaking look on your back teeth.

I have trouble getting that look on my face. I really don't care about status.

I just made weapons for my people and fought for them. That's the name I got from the results.

Nevertheless, it's not that I don't know how they feel and I'm stuck. I'm saying this because I know.

I was wondering if you guys were trying to make something up so much that you could throw up like that. If you can tell me, you can tell Bulbe.

"I don't think so."

"Oh, you bet!

"Then why complain?"

"I told you earlier! We're not here to be soldiers! I'm here to learn from the blacksmith Igifoneer!

At last, say the name that was given to me, not me.

Well, do you mind? I'm still not used to being a nobleman. I'm not even going to get used to it.

"I should be teaching you what to teach you."

"Where is it!?

"The metals we found, the materials. Things without the basics would be properly taught from the basics.

I'm the one who's making it, and I'm letting you do it. "

"So, but you just tell me to look and try and tell me nothing!

"No matter how many times you guys fail, I'm showing and letting you do the same thing. Forge is not something you can tell by mouth. Look, it's something your body remembers."

Craftsman's work is a matter of accumulated experience. Sure, talent would exist, but stacked time doesn't lie.

No matter how hectic the blacksmith is, he's going to be quite an object if he doesn't lack his daily workouts with the intention of firmly looking forward and improving.

"Well, there are times when you spend more time training martial arts than blacksmiths!

Still, the disciple barks without retreating.

Well, I thought this would happen one of these days.

Young people learn to rebel besides the way they want to teach. As I have been in the past.

You just don't have to come here if you can do it with that. You must be here because you know you have something to learn.

No, I know there is, but I am not told, so I am unhappy, etc.

"Then what do you want?"

"Of course, your business! Your real blacksmith!

Like the Holy Knights have! Beautiful and wonderful sword striking business like His Majesty the King has!

Lowe, Lynn, and the blubber sword. Is Bulbe's sword special in particular? But I also taught him how to make it, and I showed him that. The rest depends on the hard work of the person.

Besides, this guy doesn't realize he's doing the most important thing wrong as a blacksmith in Uml.

The word is not that of a blacksmith in this country. At the very least, it must not be the human language that makes the weapon by which a person deposits his life.

"A little, not really."

I will leave my disciples to go to the warehouse and bring a two-wielded sword.

"What's this?

"... of these two swings, take what seems good to you"

The disciple sees the sword I poke at him.

One is a crooked knife. The blade is thin, wide, and draws large, smooth curves, swords for cleavage. The word beautiful knife would be the perfect shape.

One is the Great Sword. That's just all I can say about the Great Sword.

Heavy, just a big sword that made the metal longer. A sword is also like a sword. The blade surface is not polished and does not look like it can be cut to the end. It's not even a blade in the first place. Completely cross-sectional.

"Are you there?

"No? Seriously though."

"... right, then"

The disciple does not even show a bare gesture of contemplation, but takes a song knife.

"Whatever you think, it will be here. A curved knife that is thin, sharpened and beautifully curved for the purpose of slashing. It doesn't have to be compared to that."


I take the sword on my shoulder, which my disciple did not have, and leave for a moment.

"Well, then, hit me in with it"


"I told him to punch in"

"I don't know what that means."

"Come because it's good. It's not like I'm guilty of disrespect because I'm cut off."

For once, your position is noble. I don't know what to say, but I think it's weird.

"... I don't know what that means, but I do"

The disciple refuses to accept, he sets up a song knife and steps in with a structure that looks better because of something I have taught him until recently.

I look at it and then I shake the big sword on my shoulder down against the crooked knife and slap the crooked knife into the fold.


The disciple didn't seem to expect to be slapped from the front, and the shock left his arm paralyzed and motionless.

"Is this what you call a great sword? Something so easy to beat and break."

"Well, that's because there was a power difference between you and me."

"Right. But I told you. Of the two waves, take the sword that I think is good for you.

Can I show you the true value of that song knife? You have no skill. This great sword would have defended you. "

"Well, I didn't think I'd use it for this."

Is that so? But a weapon is something you use to do that.

And we are the ones who make weapons that are good for our users.

"We make weapons that we use to do that. I have to make something good for my users.

You don't need Huami for a soldier's spear. I just need something sturdy, familiar with my hands and practical.

I don't need Huami for a knight's sword other than for liturgical purposes. It's a search for the stubbornness and cleavage you deserve to keep your life.

The weapons of the Holy Knight and His Majesty were only made so that they could perform fully. I don't want beauty there. "

That sword could certainly be in the "beautiful" category. But that's the result.

That's the result of creating the easiest sword to use for those three.

Lowe for sharpness and overall speed.

Lynn wanted stubbornness and the size she was familiar with her hands.

Boulbe asked for a quick blow.

It's just the result of responding to that.

"Don't get me wrong. We're not artists. A blacksmith. A man who lives in a martial arts, who makes things to keep his life.

If you have a beautiful weapon, it's the result of creating the weapon that a highly skilled man deserves. "

Poking the sword at the tip of his disciple's nose.

Still, the disciple is not convinced. Well, I guess so.

"... this sword is the sword of Refine. Until he created the sword he was now using, he used this sword."


When I couldn't make a decent sword that Lynn could use. When he didn't have the kind of metal he was using on the sword he now had.

Whatever sword you give him, a sword made at his request that Burbe can withstand the sincere blow that Lynn wields anyway, for that guy who quickly becomes chatty.

"Hey, I know how you feel. I get it. But we're blacksmiths serving the country. More than that, we make what we want above.

When I made this sword, it was complicated. I wonder if this can be called a sword.

But he was happy. He said thank you for a sword that won't bend easily if you shake it as hard as you can. He said he could save his life. "

I felt one step up then.

A weapon is the supreme thing that is most familiar to the person who uses it.

It would certainly make sense for a blacksmith to make a good object and for the user to be worthy of it.

But we are blacksmiths who always make weapons for those who may be on the battlefield. A blacksmith who serves the country.

Then what you seek there is a weapon that is easy to use even by the immature.

No, the immature must be the one who can make the weapon he deserves.

I thanked the girl for making me realize that.

And he decided to serve the country wholeheartedly for the girl and those who loved her.

I didn't even tell Lowe the truth because of the light. No, I didn't tell anyone.

Mirka's kind of noticing something. Smells, but you're not saying anything.

Whatever it was, it was the thought that made me strike the sword they deserved.

I could strike a sword that those guys could sincerely deposit their lives with. That's what I think.

"I don't care if you want my name. Take it. Build something worthy of it.

And protect your country. It is the lives of the soldiers and the lives of the people that you bear.

Strike the sword to protect His Majesty's beloved people. Hit me and show me. I can tell you a soldier can risk his life. Show me. "

Look into the disciple's eyes and say it straight.

"At the very least, understand the basics of the moves that soldiers and knights have. Understand what they deserve to behave. This is training for that. Are you convinced?

"... why didn't you tell me that from the beginning?

The disciple says, leaning slightly down, somewhere obstinate. Apparently, even if I'm not entirely convinced, I'm somewhat convinced.

"Convinced by the words alone? This is how you finally know you're unskilled when you're beaten by a skilled opponent with a sword that you think is good?

"It's... it might be"

After all, the disciple says with regret everywhere.

But that's fine. Regret means you haven't given up on yourself. I mean motivated.

So the more guys like this, the harder they work, the better the results. Turn remorse into power.

"Are the others good? If you're still uncomfortable, tell me. They don't have to be in training anymore. Just do the blacksmith."

I don't know what the consequences will be.

I guess they can do that. I'm sure.

And I make swords and spears in front of my disciples today. Spare for soldiers and knights.

To make you a comfortable partner in the performance of your duties.

Tallow wasn't thinking anything around here, so that was a huge honesty...

I ended up showing him all my business, too. It's up to him after that, too.

For the record, no one came to the next training.

I don't mind being honest, but you're going to be fooled by being too honest. It helps, though.

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