Guide Inai to your father's inn and stand in front of the inn entrance.

I came this far on foot. I didn't use the carriage. Even though it's noticeable, I don't want to stand out any more.

Oh, shit, I forgot to thank the princess.

I can't help it, next time you go alone.

"Right here?

"Yeah, I'm staying here"

"The dining room is only after the evening, but sometimes they make breakfast for me."

"What shall we eat today"

Huck, quick, quick. Still lunch. Oh, no, I wonder where you're thinking about eating lunch.

In the meantime, take Inai into the inn. Then your father greeted me.

"Whoa, lads... hmm? What about that little lady?

"Nice to meet you. My name is Inai Urzues Stel.

I heard that my fiancée, Tallow, is staying here, and I visited to make sure you stayed here too "

The person politely greets his father, who sees Inai and asks who he is.

"Inai... what, that Inai Stell? Really?"

"Yeah, it's him. At least it would be a felony if the country knew that a fake told the name of Urzues.

It's an ID, go ahead.

Inai gives his ID to his father, who, when he sees it, gives him an even more puzzling look.

"No, I don't know, the, uh..."

Your father is obviously confused. Maybe, but I think it's because Inai is small, me.

Earlier reactively, Dad, you seem to know Inai's name, but I guess he didn't have any information on how he looked.

Inai's appearance, I guess it doesn't match in your father.

I don't care what you think. You're a girl, this guy.

"Can you believe it?

"No, well, I guess I just have to believe more than I have this..."

Dad puts his head on as he returns his ID.

"Oh, shit. Uh, you're a nobleman, aren't you? Excuse me."

Oh, Dad, I thought you didn't care about that.

"No, never mind. I'm just a customer now. You can do the same as the others."

"Really? Then it helps."

Yeah, I guess it's quick to switch. After all, your father is your father.

"Um, are the four of us staying in that room?

"Yeah, I'm going to. Is there a problem?

"No, it's nothing. It's not structured this way, but it's narrow. A little bigger room for once. There are two beds, and let me raise the price a little bit for that."


Inai turns to me, what do you do with just the movement of your mouth? I heard that.

Hmm, I don't know what to do. Three may be narrow to that single bed size on a boulder.

Haku slept in a chair. Yeah, move.

"Can I move that way?

"It's a good decision. That's why I'm recommending it."

"Oh, right"

That's right. I wouldn't say it if it didn't work.

"How long will your forehead be?

"A thousand or three times the size of the previous room."

"That, cheap"

Is it still cheap to move to a large room even though you are staying at a cheaper price from the beginning?

"You'll be staying long. Includes discounts for that amount. And it's a little wider."

Still pretty chubby, huh?

Well, let's take a favor.

"Well, please"

"Oh, well, I'll get the keys, just wait."

Dad goes to the back room of the counter and goes to get the keys.

"You look like a pretty good old man"


"You've annoyed me, but you still care, and you're a good guy,"

"Delicious meals too!

Mr. Haku, don't be shy. Really. Aren't you overwhelmed with fighting and eating?

After a few moments, my father brings me the key and guides me to my room.

"Right here. What do you say?"

"Uh, you know, Dad, isn't it about twice as wide?


"No, I hope your dad's good, but..."

I feel like I saw the room and the bed has become two, so I'm guessing the size of the floor, but it's still about twice the size. I think it's quite spacious.

The reason is also that the original room itself is not large, but I still stayed cheap so I wouldn't have any particular complaints.

"Well, I'll move your stuff,"

"Whoa, come and return the keys when you're done. If I wasn't here, I wouldn't mind if I was bored or Beredo."

"Yes, I understand."


When your father leaves the room, Haku sets up in one of the beds with the sleaze and returns to the figure of a dragon.

"Yeah, not bad"

Mr. Huck forming in the center. Yeah, this, you're willing to use it alone over there.

"Well, here we are."

Inai pounds the other bed and looks at Sigal face to face.

"Right. But in this inn, you can only sleep."

I would say that Sigal doesn't understand well.

"Uh... well, the walls seem thin"

"Mr. Tallow, you have quite a voice."


What are you talking about in the daytime? Mr. Inai is blushing.

I know what it means on the way, too. My face is hot.

I mean, you're in my voice. I'm unconscious. I didn't want to know.

"And let's just go get your stuff, Cigal"

"Right, Couscous."

"Whoa, whoa."

"Say it."

I can't wait anymore, so I'm taking Cigal to pick up my stuff.

I don't have that much stuff, but I keep some luggage.

No need to hurry, but he made his way to the room on a fast leg and went to pick up his stuff.

In the meantime Sigal was laughing happily with Couscous the whole time. Damn right.

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