At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

Inai is the reason for the delay in returning!

"Come on, you're finally comfortable with one"

"Yes, you are."

Inai calms down on the couch at the edge of the room and stretches her back.

"Again, welcome back Inai"

"Mm, I'm home, Tallow"

I love Inai so much for happily responding to my words.

It just makes me feel better when she's there and she's laughing.

Hmm. You're a lot in love with this if you put it into words.

"I've heard a lot about what happened while I was gone, but can you tell me what happened while I was gone?

Or should I talk about me first?

"Right... well, let's talk about it first"

I feel surprised to hear about Inai, so let's talk about it first.

Mostly I seem to know, and I'm going to talk about what's been going on in a way that makes up for what I don't know.

About Sigal and the knights since Inai returned to the country.

The subsequent exchange with kings and princesses.

About Galabagh in the union.

That I'm staying at this inn.

My actions and those of Sigal from the beginning of the subdragon case.

Meet Mr. Geena and reunite with Mr. Mirka.

Work with Mr. Caglue.

We talked about everything we remember, including the details of recent times.


"Oh, yes."

Haku calls me in Jen-royalty. It remains a child dragon, by the way. Lovely.

"The next time you make Sigal cry like that, I'll beat you up!

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry"

I was pissed off by some amazing sword screen. Mr. Haku, you didn't care that much when we met again - did you?

But well, let's keep in mind the liver.

Never let something like this put Sigal in the wrong eye.

"Yeah, then, one shot, please"

"I'll take care of it in a bunch of rounds!

I'm dying, so one shot, please.

"Hahaha! Huck, I'm like your father."

'Mm, terrible. I'm a woman. "

Haku persists a little in the words Sigal laughed and said.

I don't think I want to hope Haku is a man.

"Sorry, sorry, that's not what I meant. Thanks Huck. I love it."


Huck smiles quickly at Sigal's words. I think it's a little too simple, okay?

You said something with Cigal earlier while Cigal was alive, and I figured this was it, you're here about Cigal.

It's not me, is it, why you're following me?

"But right. That's the kind of interaction you had, Your Highness."

"You weren't listening?

"That's just the general content. I haven't heard any details about Cigal about the pills you put on him or the things you let him do. Well, if that's what happened, I can't help it if you don't like it.

I liked the split. She's a liver sitting woman. "

"Hmm, I don't feel as bad about the liver sitting as I did about the princess right now... but I figured I'd really have my first impression and a word with Sigal.

As for Inai, does the princess want you to accept?

"You did it. His Royal Highness said so. Your feelings matter the most.

Speaking of which, when you left, you agreed with Inai's words.

... hmm.

"You know, Inai."


"Princess, with this flow, you'll be queen one of these days."

"I guess."

"Doesn't it matter if you don't have someone? Succession or something."

"Don't be, one of these days"


I don't know the world by boulders, but I do.

Home disturbances are common even in modern times.

"You better tell the princess that you better find someone other than me, if you're not willing to respond to her"

"I told you. That's what you're asking me, huh?


"The bloodline is not about me being the last, so I heard you told Bulbe that if Tallow doesn't respond, he's going to be single for the rest of his life and take full responsibility, and raise someone from the bloodline as his successor.

I wasn't going to say this to a woman who was giving her thoughts to one of you, including when I was ready.

I purposefully proclaimed it to King Umr. I'm not half ready for that. His Royal Highness must uphold the proclamation. I think I'll forgive you for not having to protect me, but... "

Seriously? I didn't think I was ready to go that far on the boulder. I now know how much it was to give everything on that occasion.

That princess, are you going to be alone all the time?

... it's, like, very, very lonely.

Alone, I miss you, Princess.

I'm happy with your feelings, and I respect your readiness to do so.

If my feelings move on her, that readiness pays off too.

But if she doesn't move, she'll spend the rest of her life alone. That's too lonely.

"Can you do something for her?"

"... I told you, you did. Whether it's sympathy, affection, friendship, whatever.

For Your Highness, anything is fine if you point good feelings at yourself. Even if it's desire. "

"Oh well..."

she said. He said it would be nice to just remind me.

The weight of the word was very different from what I had in mind.

She's still a girl. Isn't it too soon for such a child to decide?

It's too early to make up your mind about the long life ahead, living alone.

"Don't look like that. Your Highness didn't decide to make you look like that."

"Yeah, I guess so."

I'm sure she responded to my words.

I did everything I could to respond to what I said.

Too much effort. Heavy. Her earnestness, stabbing her hard in the heart.

Still, even so, I have a self who doesn't think of her like the Cigals.

I can't respond to her thoughts in the way she wants me to.

But in some ways, I'd like to respond to you.

"Well, you're still here for a while, aren't you? Give him an answer in the meantime. I need your answer now. That's good for now.

It wouldn't be so hard for you to come to this country right now, would it?

"Right. Thanks."

Yeah, I can come with a metastasis, and it's not that hard.

Right, for now, before we leave, we have to give the "answer for now".

"Okay, so now we're talking about this one"

Tell Inai to switch the air.

I accept that very much and snort.

"Uh, before you do, don't give me this"

Inai gets three letters out of her bracelet and gives them to us.

"... Invitations... Mr. Lynn and Mr. Sells' wedding!

The invitation says four names.

Is it Mr Lynn and Mr Boulbe, Mr Celes and his husband?

"Whoa, they've been planning on keeping quiet about all those guys and giving them ceremonies together. I don't like that lynn with the noose. I didn't like it. I thought you were being polite with me.

Looks like he ran away a couple of times, so it took him a while. "

"Oh, that's funny."

"Oh, uh, sister, am I supposed to be at the ceremony, too? A seat at a city parade, not a banquet, a ceremony?

"It's obvious, right? There's a banquet."

"Uh... I'm just a civilian."

Inai sneezes the head of Sigal, who looks troubled with his hands as if he is having fun.

"Well, don't worry about it. It's like a ceremony in my body. You think Cigal's inside of us, too?

"Ugh, really?

"Whoa, I think Mirka's response was totally that in her body, huh?

"Ugh, Inai, your sister's position has finally become less of a concern lately... and regardless of where her seat is, she's definitely coming from another country's royalty or something, right?

"Whoa, don't come"

"I don't know."

"Haha, good luck"

"Ugh, yes, good luck"

Sigal responds powerlessly with her hands up.

"Well, that's why they're talking about what's going to be the highlight of the parade. Build that flying gear to get rid of the royalties of other countries coming to the country and the local lords.

So, just in time for the flight test, I had to come to this country, and then I came to show people who didn't know our country very well what Umr technology was. "

"Well, then if you came all the way here, you wouldn't be surprised, would you? At least whoever sees it on the road knows it exists."

"That's what I was after, too. Because knowing means you're looking into our country very closely. Besides, it's not what you hear or actually see."

Inai laughs with an evil looking face.

I'm pretty surprised I've never seen the real thing.

Actually, I'm a little surprised I'm too big. There's also a reason I've never seen a real airship.

"Oh, so you're late to come home because you were making that one."

"No, you know what, there's something going on around here."

Inai has her cheeks pounding like it's hard to say anything.

"Actually, the flying gear. It was almost finished..."

"Oh, is that good to go home and talk about it?

"... no, well, I just didn't put it together before the departure of the country, and I put it in a state where I could once I crept it up"

"Oh, sister, that's no way"

Inai doesn't look at me and Sigal and opens her mouth at first sight.

"... I was making it without permission. The cost of purchasing the materials was delayed in order to handle the various items. Burbe pissed me off tremendously."


"So, but you didn't even finish it yet, did you?

I put it together, added the finishing mechanism and the structure that I came up with when I talked to Tallow, and it took me a little while.

But Bulbe told me to show you the book of material cost purchases because it's too soon to... "

"Most of what I could have done originally."

Yeah, I don't know, Inai can't even tell you about Mr. Aroness and the others in these places, either.

So is my sword, but there's a spinal reflex circuit called making it if you want to.

"Because I made it out of personal property, I didn't use anything other than the forehead I used when finishing it, and I was terribly pissed off by the blubber. Then you won't be able to operate as a national property."

"What are you doing, sister..."

"'Cause I wanted to make it... and when I made it, I was willing to give it to you... and I didn't care about the money..."

Inai replies a little obstinately to the open cigar.

Yeah, I don't know. They're all alike. They're just the same type with different directions, guys.

I look at the rare side of Inai and feel relieved inside.

Because this guy has too few flaws.

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