"Uh, and it's a good time for now, and you want to have lunch?

"... oops"

Suggest lunch in an attempt to change the air.

Inai seems to have read my intentions, too, and I respond honestly.

"Going somewhere to eat? Or make something?

Cigal gets on with it, too, and he suggests.

"Let's go hunting"

Haku rarely put forward a proposal for action. It's unusual to wait so long to come to a conclusion at a time like this.

"From now on?

"From now on"

Are you going hunting now? Well, that's all right. I'm not even that big of a catcher.

'You hunt, you take it to the orphanage, we all eat it. I haven't taken it yet today, and it's just fine.'

"Oh, you know what?"

I see, you said you'd come hunting.

I mean, how does it feel right now, you really take it every day?

"Is that the orphanage we were talking about earlier? Then don't make enough there."

"Right. We'll make it together in a while."

"Hey, corner, I'll do it."

Inai says with a laugh of fun. Well, I'll take care of it.

"Sigal, we're going to go buy it out!


'Then the tallow is this way!

"Yes, sir."

Therefore, it was divided into a buyout group and a hunting group.

Well, I hunted for it and took it to the orphanage, so the cigars were supposed to come later.

A hunting struggle? There's no way Haku would struggle with wildlife opponents around there. You're done with your neck all the time.

When I gave them the meat I had treated at the orphanage and told them I would make lunch, they welcomed me comfortably.

Only the dean seemed a little sorry, but you don't have to worry so much about it.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't expect you to come every day. You can't give me back anything if you do this to me, can you?

'I don't mind. I don't want anything. "

"Thanks, Haku"

Sarah is concerned about something she can't give back, but Unella accepts it quietly.

Well, it's nothing. It's just while I'm here, and it's not all the time, so you can have it while you can.

"Haku-sister, Asabou!

Fly again.


'Oh, that's good!

Huck is invited by the kids to go hang out with the kids.

Now that the hunt is done, it seems that his work is done. Think about eating only after that.

"Tallow, you want me to set you up?

"Right, are you free?

"Hey, right, you don't work?

"Are you okay playing in here at noon?

Why are you saying these words to me, you guys?

Besides, Haku is your sister, and I'm still a caller. Why.

Because of this, Sigal is also known as Sigal's sister to the younger child.

Inai was also accepted by Inai's sister.

I can't solve it.

"" "" Here you go!

All hands together, loud and overlapping. I don't have this kind of practice in this country, but they all imitated it when I was doing it, so I let them do it because of it.

I use Sigal and Inai, but they don't hold hands together like I do.

But everyone in the orphanage will join hands for dinner today.

Something's a little fun.

Inai bought a lot of ingredients, so I have salad, soup, stir-fry and fried food. That's a good amount, too.

Though there are many children in the orphanage, I wonder if I can eat them.

"Don't eat it, please. I make lots of replacements."

Inai bakes everyone's care like her lunch aunt Gehun Gehun, her sister.

"Tallow, have you thought about anything weird right now?

Inai sharp. No, would I have just been on my face again?



Inai was surprised and convinced for now.

Well, it's been a long time since Inai's dinner. I'll eat, too!

"Yum -!"

"Inai, your sister is amazing!

"No, this is delicious"


"Oh, wow."

"It's good!

Both the children and the Dean seem satisfied with the taste of Inai's swinging dishes.

Especially with the boys hanging out. Taste and eat properly.

Eat fun and noisy with Wye. They might say you're behaving badly, but I think it would be better if you had fun.

Although Inai seems to be having some difficult conversations with the Dean.

Huck's been called something by the kids. Normally the other way around, right?

Sigal is eating while taking care of the little ones. Same goes for Sarah and Unella.

For some reason, I'm eating while they take what I took to eat myself.

It's fun. I have Inai, but I really like this kind of air.

"Come again, Inai sister"

"Sigal, sister, not again!

"Haku, sister, play again."

"You can come and talk to Tallow."

After the meal, I'll help out a little bit about the hospital, hang out with the kids, and say goodbye.

Everyone tells their different opponents, but I still seem to be the last one.

I have no regrets.

"Okay, Dean, I'll take care of it"

"Dear Inai, thank you"

"No, I just do my job. Instead, I apologize for being on the side of the exchangers."

"Hehe, it won't be your fault... thank you so much"

Yeah, Inai, maybe I was right to bring you here.

The situation in the orphanage is not that bad, but it will be easier now with a little assistance from the state.

There were things around here that I thought would be good for Haku's suggestion.

I thought it would be better for Inai to do this than for me to say this to the princess, who knows what's going on around here.

We leave the orphanage and walk back to the inn.

"The kids are fun!

"Haku is a child."

"Right. I guess some wavelength fits."

Even in the previous city, the children were awesome.

I know I was like this over there, but I'm sure it's my fault.

"Speaking of which, Haku, aren't you going to ask your sister for that?

"Oh, yeah, I was."

Sigal tells Haku. Wishes?

Oh, yeah, I thought you said you wanted me to talk to you about getting you on the airship.

"What's up? Haku."

"Uh... I was flying in that... ride... like"

Huck says as he tries to missay something. I don't understand this difference in values between Huk well.

Not bad, I want to ride, so much so that I can honestly ask.

But both the princess and Mr. Bulbe said it was a state secret, and maybe I can't.

"Oh, that's good. You want to go now?


"Wow, good for you, Huck"

Is that a good idea?

"Inai, are you okay? Isn't it a national secret for once?

"Enough to get you on something else. And I'm not gonna find out what I showed you guys."

Yeah, maybe it does. Even if you show it to Huck in particular, you won't know how to make it.

"Well, if you put it in the luggage parlor, go"

"Come on! I'll be home soon!

"Haha, Huck, you don't have to rush"

To Inai's words, Huck rushes home with Sigal's hand behind his back.

Looks like he was looking forward to it.

"Speaking of which, was there such a huge thing that you could bring down nearby?

"No, there isn't. It's going down as far as I can get down, but it's left floating."

I see, is it floating all the time? Is it anchored near the ground with an anchor or something?

"So I'll explain the same thing to you about me earlier. Don't be there."

"Oh, I forgot."


No, I've heard too much about what I want to say and what I have to say.

Well, even if I forget, Sigal's going to ask.

"Hehe, don't feel like you're back, really. I'm losing my mind."

"Uh, you're welcome?

"Kuku, Bhaka"

They called me an idiot. But Inai seems to enjoy it. No.

We returned to the inn soothingly and Huk rushed us to visit the airship.

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