
"Oh, that's big."

'... I can be bigger. Probably.'

Mr. Huck, you're a little weak. You don't have to stick around.

But well, the old dragon was pretty big too, so maybe there's nothing I can't do.

But as far as I can tell, it's much bigger than an old dragon. It's a big deal to say you're going to put hundreds on it.

Now we're directly under the entrance to the airship. The area around the entrance looked small, but it just seemed small because the top side was too big, that part alone is big.

I mean, dark. In the evening, the sun is leaning and the sun is slightly shining, but it is too big to make a shadow.

I'm going down the ladder now. Stay put.

That's what Inai says and looks up. Did you even send him a signal?

I mean, do you climb on this ladder? Kind of tight, huh?

No, I'm fine, and Cigal can go, Haku deserves it.

But this height will be tough up and down on normal people. I don't know the exact height, but it's expensive enough to climb a little building.

"Wow. If it's true, I'd like to give you a ride from a lower position, but there's no problem with the hardness here, but we can't go around destroying forests in other countries."

Thinking about the ladder, Inai says so.

Right, would it normally descend? You're at this altitude because you can't descend now.

"You can metastasize... but there are others. And anyway, I want you to get on it."

"Oh, I see."

"I'm going to be fine this time, too!

"I can fly in the first place, right?

Yes, Mr. Haku could fly on his own.

"Then Haku will see to it that Sigal doesn't fall"


"Ugh, I'm not falling"

"Haha, well, it's not a bad thing to think about just in case. Huck, please."

"He asked me to!

Haku took on with great pleasure, but Sigal has a slightly obstinate face.

After a while, the ladder will come down. Probably a long time.

Looking up, people are peeking through the entrance and exit. Did that guy put it down for you?

"I thought there was no such thing as a big square, so I made a long rope."

"I mean, I'm surprised there's a place where you can hide something this big."

"No, well, that's, yeah. Our country, if we do it, it's huge, right? No one lives here, there's nothing around here. There's a few lands, and you gave me permission to use them, right?

I wanted to be able to make something new, experiment with something big and nothing. I got my clearance for the place.

It's just, it's big enough to put this away. Well, if you're a little nervous, you know?

Inai says as he brings his hand together. It's cute because I don't really have these findings.

"Well, there's no point in blaming me, so don't worry about it."

"Oh, oh."

"You saw your sister's fun side!

"Ugh, Sigal, what did you just do?"


Sigal tells Inai with her lips pointed. Oh, it's been a while since I saw these two twisted.

Sigal was also quite nervous at first, but now we're close enough to be able to say this.

I'm not really talking to each other. We're both smiling at that evidence now.

Yeah, okay, I knew it was good. This air. Comfortable.

"Tallow, what's up? Let's go?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm going now."

If I had closed my eyes and immersed myself in my present comfort, they would have left me.

I hurry back and climb the ladder myself.

Climb up for quite a while and get into the airship. There wasn't much wind, so I didn't shake that much, but I still think it's usually tight to climb on a rope that isn't fixed.

"Inai, wouldn't it be better if there was something a small group could ride easier?

"Uh, I knew it. Well, I'll think about it later."

And the reply came back. But it's strange.

I told Inai next door, but I heard voices coming from the opposite direction.

Turning in that direction stands an Inai-like woman who was a castle.

"Welcome to the interior of the flight gear owned by the Kingdom of Umr. You're welcome."

The woman, who looks like Inai, says with her hands wide open. Inai, you sound just like Inai, in a way that speaks like Inai.

'I knew it. Inai, I can use it now. "

"Oops, it's not what I originally planned, but it's convenient to use."

"I didn't know we could use this far. It's a boulder. I can't move so freely. At least you can't move while you're moving."

"I'm used to that neighborhood. It's surprising if you're used to multiple simultaneous tasks. Besides, I can't do the detailed work either."

Haku and Inai are figuring something out. The woman in front of me laughs when she shows her teeth. It's like Inai.

"Maybe this, the dragon's"

"Ouch. I did it to you!

"After all, your sister is amazing. I can't be perfect here."

"That's not perfect. As I was saying, I can't do the detailed work yet."

Looks like Sigal figured something out, too. A dragon?

... Ah, maybe the body magic for what the old dragon used!

Oh, well, maybe.

"Is this Inai's magic body?

"" Ooh. What do you say, pretty good, huh?

The woman in front of you and Inai's voice overlap.


Actually, I tried to imitate that one, too. But I couldn't control my magic body, and I couldn't sustain it for long.

In the first place, it was impossible to put it together so beautifully without divulging so much magic.

I don't think I made it out of magic, a body with a solid entity.

Besides, isn't that how Mr. Bulbe said it, Inai kept this body all the time while he was involved with us?

"That's outrageous."

Mr. Celes thought the standard was strange as a magician. But Inai is probably too.

"It's a little accomplished to see your face like that."

"Haha, Inai is amazing, true..."

"It's too awesome..."

When I say honest, that's all I have, Sigal says the same thing.

Yeah, that's too awesome.

"This magic body is probably combatable."

"Oh, did you get Haku's ink?"

Inai laughs happily at Haku's words. But Haku looked at Inai's body for a little bit of regret.

I don't know what you mean? You think you can fight with this body?

So you're saying you're gonna be two Inai-class people? What are you scared of?

"I can't beat Inai originally, but I can't beat him any more"

"Ha, Haku will still live a long time. I'm gonna fix something."

"The dragon's majesty is nothing. Inai lightly transcends the dragon '

"No, no, I wouldn't be able to use it if I didn't have an example. Thanks to Huck, too."

'Mm-hmm. I'll be able to use it, too!

Haku creates a powerful fist and declares it big. Then someone ran a few times.

He's a soldier because of his outfit. They all have spears.

"Dear S, Stell, what's wrong? Is there a problem?

"No, I invited them to this ship. Sorry to disturb you."

"Yes, no, but are you sure?

A soldier who looks at us for a moment and says: Horror, I thought you had a problem.

"They're fine. Your Majesty knows about them."

"Oh, really? I told you something."

The soldiers kneel and bow their heads to Inai.

I'm sorry about that. These people just came to do their job right, and I think it's rather this way.

"No, you just did your job. You don't need to bow your head. I will continue to rely on you."

"Dear Stell...! Ha!"

The soldiers respond with a feeling of emotion and return to their places of possession.

Yeah, I don't know, half the way Inai's been trusted.

"Well, from here on out, call me Ena."

Inai's body is carefully named Ena.


"It's because it's not me. He's my direct subordinate, and he's no better than me, but he's a very good engineer."

"Oh, yeah. Okay, I'll be careful. You're Ena."

Well, whatever you call her Inai, from someone who knows Inai, what are you talking about? I think it's gonna be this guy.

But Ena. I think I'll mix it up with Mr. Geena.

And the name is very simple. I guess I didn't think of that, I'm sure.

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