"... awesome"

I was licking the airship a little. What? This is amazing.

The first to be guided was a perfectly multi-purpose hall that went inside through a passageway that existed just up the stairs from the Gondola section.

Honestly, what? What is this? I felt it.

I've never been on an airship before, so I don't know if the structure inside can go with this, but it's too broad no matter what I think.

If you're an original airship, you can't make a hall like this.

Even if it's a rigid airship, I think it's too wide for boulders.

No, given the size of this airship, you might be able to build a hall this size, but do you want to put more people in this and fly?

But whatever you think, it's the size of the dome stadium.

There is usually room for 10,000 units in this hall alone. Maybe if we just pack it, we'll go in 100,000 units. This.

"I thought I'd throw a banquet here. Hurry up and fix it, huh?

"No, it's not a matter of getting it fixed or anything, it's too broad for you to care what you think. This."

"Sister, did you really make this by yourself...?

"Was Bulbe's house as big or not as this ship?

No, because I have trouble comparing it to the king's house. Because it's strange that it's as big as a castle.

Speaking of which, Umr's castle was probably big too. Just a slow walk in the castle is big enough for the sun to tilt.

"Behind this multi-purpose hall, we also have a room to prepare for the event"

That's what Ena says and hands down. Mr. Inai, that sounds like fun. Great selfie.

"On the other side of the aisle that leaves the great hall is a large kitchen."

"What, the kitchen?

"Yeah, I have most of the stuff I should have at home. And of course, we have quite a few."

Oh, wait, maybe that, you know, normally makes you live here.

"Nevertheless, it's not like sewage is going through it, so I don't want to have to dispose of it later"

"You're flying."

Sigal snorts extremely naturally at Inai's words.

That's right. You can't throw waste out of the sky or anything, and you can't do it.

"Feels like you're taking quite a bit of that too?

"Right, you've become a flying gear of this size considering all the things around it. In the first idea, it was smaller, but when I was thinking about adding more, it got bigger.

Around the corner where it became harder to come up with additional proposals... I couldn't stand it. "

Inai shifts her gaze at patience. For some reason, Mr. Ena is also looking for the day after tomorrow.

"Well, it didn't take that long to assemble and tension the outside, but it took a little while to do the interior. Well, I had the ingredients, so I didn't have much of a problem."

"Hey, I think I need to know how many days it's gonna take just to put it together normally"

"Yeah, hey, I can't imagine the occasion to put this together, sister."

"Oh, yeah?

Inai is also, after all, a strange criterion for judgment when it comes to his area of expertise.

I'd like to say how that happens. I don't know how I really put this together.

"And, for now, shall we go next?"

"Okay, this way, please."

When Inai says next, Ina leads the way.

I'm in trouble because I'm about to laugh at that selfie.

Out into the aisle, down the stairs, towards the rear of the gondola section, and up the stairs again.

Gondola herself is big too.

If you're a regular airship I know, don't walk backwards in the first place.

At a time when there's an act of walking backwards, things aren't the same as the airship I know.

When I climbed out, I went out into a similar passage earlier, but now there was a passage along the outside so that I could see the outside through the window.

There are a number of doors lined inside the aisle.

"Wow, wow"

"You're really floating. No more..."

I don't think it's that expensive at this height.

Speak out a little touched by the view you see through the window.

To Cigal's funny sentiments, Haku also gives a return that he doesn't understand well.

But sure, you were higher when Haku flew.

"This is the passage leading to the rooms"

Ena opens one of several doors while explaining to us.

Were these doors lined up all the time in the room?

"Please, also see the rooms"

Encourage us with a beautiful gift. Earlier, while I was about to laugh at Ena's behavior, I was caught in this level difference in the exercise of magic.

If I hadn't listened, I'd have no idea if this was a magic body or something. Even the old dragon's slightly visible magic configuration is completely invisible.

It's all inside.

Ever since then, I've been wondering if there's any boredom somewhere - but there's never been a sign of it.

"What a shame, huh?

Look at me as Inai niggles.

"... were you found out?

"Of course."

"Mr. Tallow, I've been watching Ena a lot since just now. I'll find out."

Apparently it was too much to look at. It's a little embarrassing that Cigal even found out.

"Oh, it's fuzzy!

Haku was diving into bed while we were talking like that.

Yeah, this kid's really free.

"Are you comfortable sleeping?


"Oh, well. Not enough, but we'll be there by the ceremony."

"Oh, it's not in every room."

"To the boulder."

Was it not possible to prepare bedding in all rooms? No, but I think it's pretty good just to have that hall ready.

There are only beds, tables and sofas in the rooms, but they're big enough to make it easier.

The bedroom on the airship I know was like the only place to sleep, so I knew it wasn't too big.

"We have a room for four at a time. You just don't have a thousand rooms. I was wondering if there wouldn't have to be so many rooms on the boulder."

"I'm surprised there's nearly a thousand of them, isn't there? I think there's usually a lot of them, right?

"Inai, I don't understand your standards"

"Oh, that? How about this one?

I can only speak baffled by Inai's remarks.

No, who thinks there are so many rooms on the airship?

Even if it does, there are a lot of smaller bunk beds.

Because of that, there's a passageway that leads to the kitchen earlier.

"Can you even go from here?

"Yeah, but this one's enough for two people to get through."

"Room-to-application aisle."

Some people will want to eat in the guestrooms, maybe good.

"Well, next up is the steering room. There's a cargo bay... but you're just making sure you can put things away, okay?"

As Inai tells you, walk to the front of the gondola and reach the front of the steering room.

There were several soldiers there, kneeling at the same time confirming Inai's appearance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't care about us."


The soldier follows Inai's words honestly and returns to work. Is this common?

"What do you say, Tallow? From Your Eyes."

Hey, look in my eye?

Uh, what would it be?


"Wow, that's all I'm saying."

I've never seen such a big deal before, and I've never seen a steering room or anything.

Something seems to be on, but I'm not sure what's connected to what.


I don't know what you did with my words, Inai.

I'm sorry about that. I think maybe they were expecting a more attentive word.

"Would you also like to go check out the airbag storage area?

"Oh, I think I want to see"


Sigal tilts her neck at the word airbag.

"It's like a bag containing something to float in."


"You fly in bags?

"No, you fly with the gas inside"

Speaking of which, I didn't explain to the two of them why the airship flies in the first place.

"Well, go and you'll see."

That's what Inai said, leaving the steering room and going up the stairs he had a while ago.

"This is, well, the cargo bay. It's just big, but I was wondering if it could be used for evacuation at times of need. And the other room and the aisle."

"Sure, it might be good for evacuation"

Broad means that's all people can get in.

"Hmm, there's an airbag on this ladder."

Upon ascending the ladder, the other side exits into a space so wide that it is not properly visible. Just because there are skeletons at equal intervals that would be the reinforcement of the hull, it doesn't just feel like the space is expanding.

It seems to consist only of a martial bone frame.

"That's the airbag."

Inai points up, pointing to the air sac that is swelling to float the hull even at the moment.

Several airbags are attached to the top to float a huge hull.

From the front to the back of the hull, the upper part seems to have almost all the airbags positioned. Wouldn't a big thing like this float if it weren't for that?

The gases you're putting inside. Maybe you've already been taught at the tree sea, but it's something different. Well, would you like to hear this personally later?

The soldiers are doing a lot of research on the upper scaffolding, but is it an inspection or something?

"The air in it floats the hull."


"Do you float in the air?

"Air, I mean, well, air lighter than the air we have here right now, does it go through with?

"Hmm, I don't know."


"Well, you can think of something inside that floats this."

But it's amazing. Is a real airship this big and wearing such a large amount of airbags?

This sight is too big, just overwhelming.

"Here's the thing. How'd it go?

"No, thank you. I've always been surprised."

"Yeah, I think I can see it in my whole life"

"It was bed fluffy!

Mr. Haku, you said you wanted to ride this because you fly, but is that what you think?

No, that's fine.

"Ha, more than anything if you surprised me"

Inai said happily.

What if I'm surprised?

One way or another, I'm satisfied to see you're surprised, though.

I've been watching this sight for a while and chewing up Inai's awesomeness.

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