"Hey, which one do you think will win?

"Shit, you can't lose with your bare hands."

"No, but you use a man's sword called Tallow, right? That's what the Knight Captain said."

"But you look bareback."

"Captain Graness said he taught him moves, but..."

"I hear Mr. Tallow is a magician?

"What, you're not an alchemist?

"Wasn't that man Stell's fiancée and apprentice?

"He's also a stellar apprentice."

"I heard you're learning blacksmith techniques..."

"I hear I'm a swordsman who can meet with Lord Drienez."

"" "" "" "" "" "That's Not All" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Something amazing takes more galleries.

Why. Why did this happen?

And Mr. Lynn's sense of absolute strength is amazing. An immediate denial came in from a large crowd. Ma, you're right.

"I'm sorry, because he found me"

Mr. Fist sees the magician-like woman he was with the first time he met her.

That guy, he's smiling and waving at me.

"You've got too many spectators... shall we stop them this time?

"No, well, that's fine. I'm a little embarrassed, though. I doubt I'll be able to keep that promise if it comes to the next. If you can do it now, do it while you can."

Yeah, let's do what we can now.

I don't hate promises to see you one day. But there's always a chance that one day it won't come.

I know that, and I've been reminded since I got here.

What happened in that city would be like that chunk.

"Well, that would help if you said so. Thanks."

Mr Fist says in a relieved manner. This guy's a good guy.

Looks like someone who rolls into a comparison of skill, but the personality itself seems like a serene person.

"Speaking of which, weren't you named yet?

"Oh, right"

"I'm sorry, just being rude earlier. My name is Wagna Hegnis. Greetings."

Mr. Wagner, who names his name and laughs nicholly.

It feels more like a man than a handsome man.

I'm a blush, but that looks good on me like I don't care.

Well, I can't tell you about people.

"Well, let's get started"

"Yes, I hope so"

Mr. Wagner bows his head with pepper, and so do I.

And stand with each other.

I'm the usual half-body.

The other side is just a little diagonal, with his left hand in front of him and a positive-fisted posture.

About five meters? It's the people of this world, and the distance you can pack in one breath.

When we set up, it became quiet with Singh as if he had been lying to us earlier.

The moment I set it up, I feel that the person in front of me has changed, and I feel the illusion that invisible intimidation wraps me up.

This guy, he's strong.

But there are no signs of using magic enhancements, etc. Is it someone who does it purely with physical abilities only?

The captain of the knight was also an amazing move without enhancement, so it's not an impossible story.

Sharpen your mind, take a good look at your opponent's behavior, take a good look at breathing, and try to feel the air.

To identify the origin of the operation.

But he doesn't move at all. No rhythm or anything on the spot, no weight movement.

It's like I'm not moving.

I guess you mean intercept. So, this way...


The moment this one tried to move, Mr. Wagner instantly entered my pocket and released his positive fist.

It was like there was no spare motion. I didn't know anything about the moment to step in.

Most importantly, the speed itself shouldn't be that fast, but it's impotently fast.

Shit, I'll take it. This is inevitable.

I fortify it with immortality just before I eat it and try to force the body I was about to go before to move back.


Eat a positive fist in your ribs, blow it behind you lavishly, roll, and fall down.

They managed to get the effect that they were trying to move back a little bit. It was because of that that it blew up flashy.


Ouch. But I tried to move my weight back a little bit, so I can manage.

I was willing to go before, so it was dangerous.

Sneak healing magic heals the painful areas and sees him immobilized in a fist-released position.

What, now? I had no idea what moment it was coming.

It doesn't feel like the speed was that fast. Yet it was inevitable.

The moment I stepped in, I had no idea. Instead, I couldn't help but take it.

"Oh, my God, is that it"

"You blew it up normally."

"Something out of expectation"

"No, you're not going to be a decent match for that guy and his bare hands"

"I thought you weren't unscrupulous in your duties?


"Well, we all expect too much from rumors,"

"Is he okay?

Look at what I'm like, and they all say what they think.

Um, well, that's what they say about this.

Listen to what the gallery has to say and try to get up.

"Now, okay?

Before I got up and hung up, I heard that voice.

When I looked at the voice, with a serious face, Mr. Wagner was looking at this one.

"I showed you this one. Do you really deserve to fight?

Very seriously, there's no sign of insulting me, I'm looking at this one.

Straight. Very straight.

Oh, well, I did something very rude to this guy.

This guy was serious, he wanted to get his hands together.

Yet at the time I set it up, I didn't strengthen it, and I looked at it. So he showed his power first.

That's all. That's all that matters to him now.

"... I'm sorry"

I get up shaky and apologize to him.

He looked a little strange but looked at my face and put it back together.

"From here on out, I'm going serious. Excuse me for earlier."

That's what I say, while I take my usual half-body stance.

He looks at me like that and laughs happily. With an innocent smile like a child.

"Thank you for acknowledging my power. Okay, let's borrow your breasts."

Shall I borrow your breasts? I don't even know which one to borrow.

Either that or I think that's my word.

Yes, don't be complacent.

I may have gotten stronger. But that was after I ran out of everything I had.

The person in front of you is real. He's a real strong man. You can't beat a vegetarian like that.

"Use this body, all the possibilities"

The chant I once did when I did it with the captain of the knight.

Dare to chant and strengthen your body. Pull up your powers until you have as much control as you can.

At the same time, I will use the immortal enhancement and re-create myself so that I can get the highest speed at any time.

"Heh, heh, it's still, it's the captain's admitted person. Mr. Bulph admitted it."

The enhancement is over, look at me looking at him, he groans like that.

I can also hear exclamation from around me. Mostly from magician-like people.

"After all, isn't that kid's main business a magician?

"Awesome magic manipulation. In a flash, I cut the fortified magic."

"That, maybe, was made of no chant... no, no way"

"But you're still a bareback."

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I can hear all sorts of voices. But neither I nor he would pass it by.

The people we see now are each other, and each and every one of us is everything we see.

He breathes a little.

And now it's time to start a real battle. From now on, this is the real deal.

"Fighters, lieutenant. Wagna Dog Hegnis. Come."

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